"Københavns herskabeliggørelse – Gentrificeringsfortællinger i dansk samtidslitteratur";"Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab";"2024-04-05";"13:00";"";"16:00";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 23.0.49 ";"Ph.d.-forsvar ved Christian Steentofte Andersen";"Ph.d.-forsvar ved Christian Steentofte Andersen Resumé Denne afhandling undersøger, hvordan Københavns nylige forvandling fra arbejderby til postindustrialiseret storby og sideløbende gentrificering (det fænomen, at historiske arbejderklassekvarterer eller tomme områder af byen omdannes til middelklassekvarterer eller bruges til erhverv) beskrives i samtidslitteraturen. Gentrificeringsfænomenet har i mange år været et nedtonet emne i debatten om København. Udover at aktualisere og introducere begrebet i en dansk sammenhæng samt beskrive et nyt kapitel i Københavns litteraturhistorie søger afhandlingen at illustrere og diskutere, hvordan litteraturens blik på storbyen kan bidrage med nye erkendelser af, hvordan gentrificering kunne opleves af forskellige individer på tværs af kategorier som køn, alder, etnicitet, socialklasse og seksualitet – og hvordan litteraturen kan synliggøre erfaringer, der normalt negligeres eller overses i debatten om byen. Med teoretisk og metodisk inspiration fra gentrificeringsteori, kulturgeografi, urban sociologi og det gryende tværfaglige forskningsfelt literary urban studies undersøges der i gennem fire artikler og tre mindre analytiske kapitler, hvordan hovedstadens gentrificering og dens mangefacetterede konsekvenser skildres socialt, kulturelt, rumligt og ”levet” i værker af bl.a. Jan Sonnergaard, Lone Aburas, Mads Ananda Lodahl, Tomas Lagermand Lundme, Thomas Korsgaard, Laura Ringo og Jonas Suchanek. Det siger sig selv, at Københavns forvandling opleves forskellig alt efter om man ankommer til byen som ung, eller om man har boet i byen længe og set den forandre sig. Derfor skelnes der i afhandlingens analytiske dele også mellem, hvad der kaldes ankomst- og forandringsperspektiver. I afhandlingens udgang konkluderes bl.a., at tidens gentrificeringsfortællinger er kendetegnet ved en stemning af, hvad man med den britiske kulturkritiker Mark Fisher kan kalde ”kapitalistisk realisme” og ved en interesse for, gennem f.eks. fortælleupålidelighed, at skildre manglende sociologisk refleksivitet hos en middelklasse, der ikke genkender sig selv som gentrificeringsaktører. Til sidst i afhandlingen diskuteres det, om de samtidsværker, der anlægger en kritik af gentrificeringens sociale konsekvenser, har et stærkere kritisk potentiale i kontrast til de værker, der behandler gentrificeringens æstetiske, nostalgiske og kulturelle dimensioner. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Sophie Wennerscheid, Københavns Universitet Lektor Elisabeth Friis, Lunds Universitet Lektor, cand.mag., ph.d. Jon Helt Haarder, Syddansk Universitet Leder af forsvaret Lektor Jens Bjerring-Hansen, Københavns Universitet Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn inden forsvaret på Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, Søndre Campus og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamantensamt på Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab (NoRS), Emil Holms Kanal 2, 2300 København S." "Touches of Nature: Explorations of Distant Touch in German and British Romanticism";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2024-04-04";"14:00";"";"";"South Campus. Auditorium 23.0.49";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Martin Fog Arndal.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Martin Fog Arndal. Abstract Touches of Nature examines the emergence and possibility of a form of distant touch in writings from the German and British Romantic periods. Focusing on the works of Mary Wollstonecraft, Friedrich von Hardenberg (Novalis), Karoline von Günderrode, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, this dissertation explores how the terms touch and Berührung are used in order to develop an idea of touch that transgresses its meanings as either actual-physical contact or emotional change. In particular, this dissertation aims to explore instances of nature’s distant touches as experiences in which these authors communicate a sensation of being touched by nature, a sensation that is felt both on and below the skin. It is, in other words, tactile, emotional, and distant. These authors, as this study argues, explore the possibilities of these touches within the emerging notion of an organic conception of nature, in which natural forces are thought of as inherently active, partly material, and able to exert effects that potentially could be felt. In combination with discourses of natural philosophy (Naturphilosophie), physiology, aesthetics, and physics, Wollstonecraft, Novalis, Günderrode, and Coleridge expand upon the powers of touch, making it effective in the natural world. Following this, this dissertation finds that in certain touching moments, the subject is led beyond a connection with material reality and comes into contact, though briefly, with a set of deeper connections that tie everything together into a larger whole. What these Romantics feel in nature’s distant touch is, hence, both a bond to the world as well as the very bond that structures that world. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Anna Lena Sandberg, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Kristin Gjesdal (Temple University, USA) Professor Felix Sprang (Universität Siegen, Germany) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Martyn Bone (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At KUB South Campus (Humanities, Law, and ITU), Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6 " "Reconfigurations of Human-AI Companionship";"Department of Art and Cultural Studies";"2024-03-15";"13:00";"";"";"Sonuth Campus, Auditorium 23-0-50";"PhD defence by Semahat Ece Elbeyi.";"A Multiperspective Approach to the Confluence of Technoscience, Culture and Care PhD defence by Semahat Ece Elbeyi. Abstract This thesis focuses on a new class of technology, companion AI taking one of its early and most popular applications Replika as a case. Drawing on feminist Science and Technology Studies, critical algorithm, and AI studies, and posthumanism and feminist new materialism, this thesis aims to uncover intricate dynamics between technology and culture focusing specifically on the figure companion AI. In the first part of this thesis, I adopt the notion of ‘figure’ to illuminate the underlying cultural dynamics of companion AI. To do so, I provide a critical cartography of the figure of companion AI, based on three foundational tenets, namely, utilizing the concepts of intelligence, emotion, and learning. The second part of the thesis focuses on interactions between human and companion AI. In this part I provide the theoretical framework for conceptualization of the interaction between humans and companion AI through a relational lens, taking interaction itself as my primary unit of analysis. Subsequently, I present my methodological framework which combines computational studies and qualitative analysis to examine humans’ lived experiences with their companion AI. I provide the result of the analysis of users’ folk theories regarding the operational mechanisms of Replika as they generate through their interaction. Overall, this thesis offers a holistic and in-depth understanding of both how a technoscientific entity, companion AI, has been figured with attendant cultural imprints and how it is under constant reconfiguration through ongoing interactions. Assessment committee Associate Professor Nanna Bonde Thylstrup, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Anna Vallgårda (IT University Copenhagen) Professor Olof Sundin (Lund University) Head of Defence Assistant Professor Tanya Ravn Ag (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the dissertation will be available for review At Copenhagen University Library South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 At the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 " "Metacognition in attention control and skilled action – mindfulness and flow";"Department of Communications";"2024-03-15";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 21.0.54";"Public defence of PhD thesis by Victor Lange.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Victor Lange. Assessment Committee Professor Klemens Kappel (University of Copenhagen) Professor Sebastian Watzl (University of Oslo) Research Professor Joshua Shepherd (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona) Moderator of the defence Professor Nete Nørgaard Kristensen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: at the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus in Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) at the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Picture the Sky: Cosmic Code, Images, and Imaginaries";"Department of Art and Cultural Studies";"2024-02-23";"13:00";"";"";"Kunsthal Århus, J. M. Mørks Gade 13, 8000 Aarhus C";"PhD defence by Nanna Debois Buhl.";"PhD defence by Nanna Debois Buhl. Abstract This practice-based artistic research project Picture the Sky: Cosmic Code, Images, and Imaginaries explores depictions and investigations of space in the overlap of scientific, aesthetic, and speculative realms, in order to rethink well known histories of space travel, computation, art, and astronomy to nurture more complex historical and material textures. A central strand of the project is to consider the image as a tool to map and to speculate with. Via scientific solar photographs, historical spectrograms, speculative artistic celestographs, and computer-generated astronomical models, I investigate how visual perceptions of the cosmos have influenced our worldviews over the past centuries. I address how art and science function as categories and knowledge systems, but I operate in a space where the borders between art, science, and speculation overlap in fuzzy ways. Theoretically, the project combines new materialist thinking (Bennett, Marks, Monteiro, Plant), with theories of media ecology and media archeology (Fuller, Parikka, Galloway, Rahm and Skågeby), feminist science and technology studies (Haraway, Hayles, Barad, van der Tuin, Le Guin, Zylinska) and glitch feminism (Laboria Cuboniks, Russel, Menkman). Through making and reflecting upon images, I set the following questions in orbit: How can we become more attentive to the complexities of history if we look at the work and people that were omitted from traditional narratives of astronomy and space travel? How can we, through studies of their photography, coding, and weaving, conceive of new ways of thinking about relationships between art, craft, and science; between the analog and the digital? And how can we, through these images and objects that make the world visible in new ways, imagine different futures? The project culminates in an artist’s book, a solo exhibition at Kunsthal Aarhus which contains photographs, films, weavings, installations, and algorithm-based works, as well as a public commission at the Steno Diabetes Center, Aarhus University Hospital. The project thus combines a production of artworks, a thinking through them, and a meta-reflection on what their materials and technologies signify (at different times). The PhD project was developed at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, University of Copenhagen and Massachusetts Institute of Technology and financed by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Resumé Dette praksisbaserede kunstneriske forskningsprojekt Picture the Sky: Cosmic Code, Images, and Imaginaries udforsker afbildninger og undersøgelser af himmelrummet i skæringspunktet mellem videnskabelige, æstetiske og spekulative sfærer med det formål at genoverveje velkendte historier om rumrejse, computerteknologi, kunst og astronomi for at kultivere mere komplekse historiske og materielle teksturer. En central dimension i projektet er at betragte billedet som et værktøj til kortlægning og spekulation. Via videnskabelige solfotografier, historiske spektrogrammer, spekulative kunstneriske celestografier og computergenererede astronomiske modeller undersøger jeg hvordan visuelle opfattelser af kosmos har påvirket vores verdenssyn gennem de seneste århundreder. Jeg adresserer hvordan kunst og videnskab fungerer som kategorier og videns-systemer, men jeg opererer i et rum hvor grænserne mellem kunst, videnskab og spekulation er slørede. Teoretisk trækker projektet på nymaterialistisk tænkning (Bennett, Marks, Monteiro, Plant), teorier om medieøkologi og mediearkæologi (Fuller, Parikka, Galloway, Rahm and Skågeby), feministiske teknologi- og videnskabsstudier (Haraway, Hayles, Barad, van der Tuin, Le Guin, Zylinska) og glitch-feminisme (Laboria Cuboniks, Russel, Menkman). Gennem en skabning af og en refleksion over billeder sender jeg følgende spørgsmål i kredsløb: Hvordan kan vi blive mere opmærksomme på historiske kompleksiteter, hvis vi ser på det arbejde og de mennesker der ofte udelades i traditionelle fortællinger om astronomi og rumrejse? Hvordan kan vi gennem studier af deres fotografi, programmering og vævning finde nye forståelser af forhold mellem kunst, håndarbejde og videnskab; mellem det analoge og det digitale? Og hvordan kan vi, gennem disse billeder og objekter som gør verden synlig på nye måder, forestille os andre fremtider? Projektet kulminerer i en kunstnerbog, en soloudstilling på Kunsthal Aarhus der indeholder fotografier, film, vævninger, installationer og algoritme-baserede værker, samt en offentlig udsmykning på Steno Diabetes Centeret, Aarhus Universitetshospital. Således kombinerer projektet en produktion af kunstværker, en tænkning der udspringer heraf og en metarefleksion over hvilke betydninger værkernes materialer og teknologier rummer (på forskellige tidspunkter). Ph.d.-projektet er udviklet på Det Kgl. Danske Kunstakademi, Københavns Universitet og Massachusetts Institute of Technology og finansieret af Novo Nordisk Fonden. Assessment committee Associate Professor Kristin Veel, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Curator and Head of Arts Monica Bello (CERN) Senior Curator Tominga Hope O'Donell (Munch Museum in Oslo) Head of Defence Professor Mette Sandbye (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available at: Copenhagen University Library, KUB South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 The Black Diamond, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 " "Art Tactics Transforming Public Spaces in Commercial Environments: A Comparative Study in China and Denmark";"Department of Art and Cultural Studies";"2024-02-23";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 21.1.21";"PhD defence by Shuang Fei.";"PhD defence by Shuang Fei. Abstract The impetus for this study arose from self-reflection on a growing demand for architectural designs that provide novel and appealing experiences in Chinese cities. This demand represents the recent clients’ expectations, social needs, and the inner aspiration of architects, which has been included in an strategic perspective in the contemporary urban development. Moving beyond traditional architectural boundaries, this study reconsiders the roles of art in the transformation of aestheticized public spaces, a perspective cannot be fully explained by an overarching strategic approach. This study investigates how art transforms urban public space by deconstructing the normalized relationship between architectural function and aesthetic form created in the everyday life. It becomes evident that art’s effects cannot be comprehensively discovered by observing it operating independently in architectural design and everyday life. In this study, the role of art is not only the subject of research but also serves as an intermediary, facilitating discussions on the relationship between public space and everyday life beyond dualistic perspectives. Public space is not mechanistically organized by its aesthetic functions, symbolizing urban lifestyles, but undergoes continual transformation through the emerging aesthetic forms in everyday life. This does not mean the aesthetic forms of public space are determined by everyday life, as it is affected by the ever-changing environments. Therefore, discussing the art’s effects on public space calls for the establishment of a new philosophical foundation to transcend the traditional dualism between the public space and everyday life. Deleuze’s assemblage thinking offers a potent tool for this study. First, it expands the Foucauldian mechanism of governmentality through the folding of time represented in the living, activating the transformative potential of space. Second, it synthesizes Foucault and Certeau’s distinct approaches to inquiry into the resistance of the mechanism of space, implying the resistance of subject – the urban life – relies on integrating itself into the mechanism. Lastly, the assemblage thinking itself contributes to synthesizing the transcendental emphasized in Deleuze’s philosophy and Certeau’s practical theory, introducing a research methodology that transcends empirical work. Through using assemblage thinking to synthesize the three thinkers’ universal points at stake and their different approaches, a toolbox for analyzing assemblages in the case study was framed. This framework contributes to comparing aesthetic forms of public space across time periods and cultural settings, where multiple power relations emerged. The comparative case study focuses on how the transformative potentials of art in everyday life in Danish and Chinese societies can open and transform the territory in which aesthetic function operates as a mechanism of political and capital power. Despite significant differences in political-economic relations between Chinese and Danish social contexts, both integrated into the universal global order in each era and emerged as local force relations in the multiple synthesis and divisions from the global order. This study examines the cases in the three eras: 1960s-1970s, dominated by socialism-capitalism tension; 1980s-2000s, characterized by neoliberal political-economic relations driven by market demands; and 2000s to the present, marked by cooperative political-economic relations in the experience economy. The comparative case study offer insights into the diverse conditions of environments where art plays a tactical role in forming and transforming the aesthetic forms of everyday life in Chinese and Danish social contexts. Moreover, it manifests the indivisibility of analyzing the cases in the two different cultural settings, as art tactics have expressive effects within global relationships. Finally, despite the exploration of differentiations in the comparative study, this study identifies a significant similarity in the conditions fostering the expressiveness of art tactics. The similarity is seen in the different social consensus of recognizing the diversity and multiplicity of public space, which partly depends on how we engage in redefining these concepts for a future public space in our lives. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Henrik Reeh, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Kirsten Marie Raahauge (Royal Danish Academy) Professor Andong Lu (Nanjing University) Head of Defence Associate Professor Gunhild Borggreen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available at: Copenhagen University Library, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 Royal Danish Library, The Black Diamond, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 " "Madness and Its Double";"Department of Communication";"2024-02-12";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 4A-0-69";"Public defence of PhD thesis by Helene Borregaard Stephensen.";"An empirical-phenomenological investigation of double bookkeeping as a rupture within reality in schizophrenia Public defence of PhD thesis by Helene Borregaard Stephensen. Assessment committee Professor Dan Zahavi (University of Copenhagen) Professor Luna Dolezal (University of Exeter) Professor Jasper Feyaerts (Ghent University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Mads Gram Henriksen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "The Mundane Face of Europeanization: Norm Implementation through Expert lnteractions in Georgia 2012-2020";"Malmö University";"2024-01-19";"10:15";"";"14:00";"Niagara, auditorium C (NI:C0E11), Nordenskiöldsgatan 1, Malmö";"Dissertation defense of CEMES researcher Michel Anderlini.";"Dissertation defense of CEMES researcher Michel Anderlini." "Beyond the Grave – Danish Causes of Death 1829-1930";"Saxo Institute";"2024-01-18";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Louise Villefrance Perner.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Louise Villefrance Perner. Assessment Committee Professor Stuart Ward, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Alice Reid (Cambridge University) Senior Researcher Elisabeth Engberg (Umeå University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Bo Fritzbøger (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, SAXO/ToRS Libraries, South Campus, room 10-2-47, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "My mistake! Production and perception of grammar anomalies";"Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics";"2024-01-12";"13:00";"";"16:00";"South Campus, Auditorium 22.0.11";"PhD defence by Katrine Falcon.";"PhD defence by Katrine Falcon. The defence will take place in Danish. Resumé (DK) Denne afhandling omhandler produktion og perception af naturligt forekommende grammatikafvigelser med fokus på V3-ordstilling i skriftligt dansk (og norsk). I V2-sprog som disse foreskriver normen, at det finitte verbal skal stå på andenpladsen i deklarative sætninger. Sætninger med V3-ordstilling følger ikke denne norm, da de har det finitte verbal på tredjepladsen, fx *Nu han spiser for Nu spiser han. V3 forekommer sjældent hos L1-brugere af dansk, men findes hyppigere i dansk som andetsprog (DSA). Afhandlingen er baseret på tre forskningsartikler. Den første omhandler learneres produktion af V2 og V3, mens de to andre omhandler L1-brugeres opmærksomhed på V3 (og andre typer afvigelser) samt deres processering af V3. I modsætning til tidligere forskning i DSA, som primært har været kvalitativ, bygger denne afhandling på kvantitative studier og undersøger som noget nyt, hvilke faktorer der især har indflydelse på produktion af V3, inkl. tværsproglig indflydelse. I forhold til perception bidrager den med viden om L1-brugeres processering af afvigelser, som er produceret af learnere, og om opmærksomhedstildeling ift. forskellige typer af grammatikafvigelser. Artikel 1 bygger på et tværsnitsstudie af tekster fra 217 learnere med DSA (A2-B1). Studiet undersøgte effekterne af learnernes sproglige baggrund (V2 over for ikke-V2), deres CEFR-niveau og kompleksiteten af de første tre sætningsled målt på korrekt V2-produktion. Undersøgelsen viste, at V2 ikke er vanskeligt for alle learnere, eftersom learnere med et andet V2-sprog som L1 havde signifikant højere andele af V2. For ikke-V2-learnerne steg andelen af V2 signifikant med CEFR-niveau. Endelig er V2 ikke lige vanskeligt i alle kontekster. Andelen af V2 er lavere for komplekse subjekter og komplekse led i forfeltet (begge signifikant). Artikel 2 er baseret på et fejlfindingsstudie, hvor 211 danske gymnasieelever læste tekster, der indeholdt forskellige typer fejl: syntaktiske fejl (V3), morfologiske fejl (verbalbøjninger; genusafvigelser i nominalsyntagmer) og ortografiske fejl. Undersøgelsen viste, at forskellige typer af fejl ikke tiltrækker sig lige meget opmærksomhed, og at V3 er en fremtrædende afvigelse. Generelt viste studiet, at fejlrater i et L1-korpus kunne bruges i hypoteserne til at forudsige fejlfindingsraterne for forskellige undertyper af grammatikfejl. Dog udgjorde fejlenes frekvens ikke den eneste mulige forklaring på mønstrene. Endelig viste undersøgelsen, at høje scorer i en grammatikquiz – og høje scorer, når eleverne angav deres irritation over sprogfejl i et spørgeskema – begge påvirkede fejlfindingsraterne positivt. Artikel 3 bygger på et eyetrackingstudie af L1-taleres online processering af V3-afvigelser i norsk. Deltagerne læste sætninger med sætningsinitiale adverbialer fulgt af enten V2- eller V3-ordstilling. Studiet viste, at deltagerne reagerede hurtigt på V3-ordstilling, målt i form af længere fikseringer på subjektet og verbalet samt flere regressioner væk fra subjektet og verbalet. Effekterne forsvandt dog hurtigt igen, allerede på det efterfølgende ord. Afhandlingen kan informere fremtidige eyetracking- og sprogprocesseringsmodeller om opmærksomhedstildeling og processering ift. forskellige typer grammatikafvigelser. I afhandlingen præsenteres både en foreløbig model over faktorer, der kan påvirke opmærksomhedstildelingen, og en foreløbig model for, hvordan perceptionsmønstre kan påvirkes af, hvad der er udbredt i L1-produktion (inspireret af prediction theory). Dette kan forhåbentlig føre til mere robuste modeller, som kan rumme naturligt forekommende sproglig variation, herunder grammatikafvigelser. Fra et didaktisk perspektiv kan viden om, hvilke afvigelser der især tiltrækker opmærksomhed eller kræver øgede processeringsomkostninger, være til nytte for undervisere i dansk og DSA ift. at prioritere grammatiske fokusområder i undervisningen. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Torben Juel Jensen (University of Copenhagen) Professor Anne Golden (University of Oslo) Senior Researcher Fabio Trecca (Aarhus Universitet) Moderator of the defence Associate professor Kasper Boye (University of Copenhagen) Katrine Falcon is enrolled at both the University of Copenhagen and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU. This means that upon approval of the defence of her thesis, she obtains a so-called ‘joint degree’. Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Emil Holms Kanal 2 " "Sproglig opmærksomhed via en flersprogethedsdidaktik";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2024-01-05";"13:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Natascha Drachmann forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Et læreplans- og multicasestudie på tværs af sprogfag og klassetrin i grundskolen Natascha Drachmann forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Læs afhandling (PDF) Bedømmelsesudvalget Professor Anne Holmen, forperson (Københavns Universitet) Lektor Kristine Kabel (Aarhus Universitet) Professor Heike Speitz (Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge) Leder af forsvaret Lektor Jan Juhl Lindschouw (Københavns Universitet) Kopi af afhandlingen kan læses: Ved informationsskranken på KUB Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 I læsesalen (øst) på Det Kongelige Bibliotek (Den Sorte Diamant), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 På Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Emil Holms Kanal 6 " "Sproglig opmærksomhed via en flersprogethedsdidaktik";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2024-01-05";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 22.0.11";"Public defence of PhD thesis by Natascha Drachmann";"Et læreplans- og multicasestudie på tværs af sprogfag og klassetrin i grundskolen Public defence of PhD thesis by Natascha Drachmann. Read thesis (Read-only PDF) Assessment committee Professor Anne Holmen (Chair)University of Copenhagen Associate professor Kristine KabelAarhus University Professor Heike SpeitzUniversitetet i Sørøst-Norge, Norway Moderator of the defence Associate professor Jan Juhl LindschouwUniversity of Copenhagen Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: at the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities; in Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), and at Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies Emil Holms Kanal 6, DK-2300 Copenhagen S." "Organising, Exhibiting and Curating (in) Solidarity";"Department of Art and Cultural Studies";"2024-01-05";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 21.0.54 (Multisalen)";"Public defence of PhD thesis by Line Ellegaard";"Organising, Exhibiting and Curating (in) Solidarity ‘Kvindeudstillingen’, 1975, ‘Art contre/against Apartheid’ 1983-1984, and ‘Rethinking Nordic Colonialism’ 2006 Public defence of PhD thesis by Line Ellegaard. Abstract In recent years there has been an increased focus on solidarity in discourses on art exhibitions. However, within the arts the concept of solidarity remains both understudied and under analysed. Moreover, the relations between the very idea of art and ideas of solidarity, still needs to be further understood. This thesis focuses on the complex and diverse legaciesof art exhibitions and solidarity in a Nordic context. Through three case studies, it examines how artists, cultural workers, and curators in the past have used art’s infrastructure to organise, exhibit, or curate in solidarity with a cause or in relation to a specific concern. This thesis thus engages the interrelated issues of the meaning and practice of political solidarity in collective exhibition making; and exhibitions as platforms for solidarity practices that challenge exhibition organising norms. Through a performative understanding of solidarity, unbound from established boundaries of identification and belonging, and an expanded conceptualisation of exhibitions, the examination is twofold: on one level, the thesis analyses how solidarity impacts the organisation principle of exhibitions and to what effects. On another level the thesis analyses how people, and things, are assembled in exhibitions to negotiate, practice, and respond to articulations and calls of solidarity. The thesis is structured around the analyses of the following exhibitions, ‘Kvindeudstillingen’ (1975), ‘Art contre/against Apartheid’ (1983 1984), and ‘Rethinking Nordic Colonialism: A Postcolonial Exhibition Project in Five Acts’ (2006). Through the example of ‘Kvindeudstillingen’, the main part of this thesis examines how feminist practices of solidarity were translated into exhibition forms to confront the 1970s art system. The central argument is that ‘Kvindeudstillingen’ was not simply conceived as a medium for art, but as a forum for transdisciplinary practices, collective experimentation, transnational engagement, and public debate, devised through practices of solidarity informed by feminist politics. This case is contrasted by the two other exhibitions from different periods to exemplify the varied, collective, and ambiguous character o f solidarity work in exhibition form. This thesis’ central argument is that the meeting of art and solidarity through exhibition is imbued with tensions, while also suggesting certain affinities between them. It suggests that a focus on solidarity and collective action, eschew art historical conventions that stress individual production and consumption, and thus emphasises the inherent social and collective dimension of the production, presentation, and reception of art in exhibitions. Assessment committee Associate Professor Laura Luise Schulz, Chair (University of Copenhagen) CEO Lars Bang Larsen (Art Hub Copenhagen) Professor Katar ina Macleod (Södertörns Högskola) Head of Defence Professor Frederik Tygstrup, (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available at: Copenhagen University Library, KUB South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 The Royal Danish Library (The Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 " "Contested Identities";"Department of Communication";"2024-01-05";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 4A-0-69";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Anne-Sophie Sørup Wandall.";"Challenging Discourses on Female Intellectuality Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Anne-Sophie Sørup Wandall. Assessment Committee Professor Nils Holtug (University of Copenhagen) Professor Lisa Shapiro (McGill University, Canada) Professor Andrew Janiak (Duke University, North Carolina) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Morten Ebbe Juul Nielsen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Autonomy’s double bind";"Department of Communication";"2023-12-15";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus. auditorium 4A-0-69";"Public defence of PhD Thesis by Turið Nolsøe.";"The rhetorical intersection of geopolitics and biopolitics in Danish media coverage of Faroese abortion rights Public defence of PhD Thesis by Turið Nolsøe. Assessment committee Associate professor Kristine Marie Berg, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Nathan Stormer (University of Maine) Associate professor Rasmus Rønlev (University of Southern Denmark) Moderator of the defence Associate professor Jack Andersen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Beyond Climate Skepticism";"Department of Communication";"2023-12-14";"10:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 4A.0.69";"Public defence of PhD Thesis by Andrea Veggerby Lind.";"An exploration of climate attitudes and political orientation in Denmark Public defence of PhD Thesis by Andrea Veggerby Lind. Assessment committee Associate Professor Thor Grünbaum (University of Copenhagen) Professor Matthew Hornsey (Queensland University) Professor Gisela Böhm (University of Bergen) Moderator of the defence: Professor Mette Mortensen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8. " "Greenlandic Frames";"Department of Communication";"2023-12-13";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"Public defence of PhD Thesis by Anders Grønlund.";"Screen Production in and about Greenland Public defence of PhD Thesis by Anders Grønlund. The defence will be held in Danish. Assessment committee Associate professor Birger Langkjær (University of Copenhagen) Professor Stine Agnete Sand (UiT The Arctic University of Norway) Associate professor Kim Toft Hansen (Aalborg University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Casper Tybjerg (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus, Karen Blixen Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Anthropocene Conjunctions";"Department of Communication";"2023-12-01";"15:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 4A-0-69 and zoom";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Frederik Appel Olsen.";"Scientist Activism and Ethos in the Climate and Ecological Emergency Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Frederik Appel Olsen. Assessment Committee Professor Lisa Storm Villadsen, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate professor Andreas Malm (Lund University) Independent (previous professor) Dana Cloud (Syracuse University) Moderator of the defence Associate professor Jack Andersen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk at the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Breaking and Creating";"Department of Arts and Cultural Studies";"2023-11-24";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 21.0.54 (""Multisalen"")";"Public defence of PhD thesis by Terne Thorsen.";"The Contemporary Iconoclasm of the Islamic State Public defence of PhD thesis by Terne Thorsen. Summary The dissertation explores, what it means to destroy images today. By studying the destruction of cultural heritage by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria from 2014 and 2016 and the images they have produced depicting their actions, this dissertation examines the iconoclastic practices of the Islamic State and places them within the history of iconoclasm. The dissertation proposes that contemporary iconoclasm is more focused on the images it creates through destruction rather than the images it destroys. The dissertation further suggests that iconoclasm should be seen as a process of sign transformation and a struggle over symbolic meaning rather than simply the breaking of objects. In turn, the dissertation argues that the Islamic State's attacks on and transformations of objects and sites proclaimed as cultural heritage by shifting powers of imperialism, colonialism, nationalism, and globalism, should be viewed as a contestation of the differing meanings and purposes that over time have been projected onto such objects and sites. In this way, the study contends that the very elevation of an object to the status of “cultural heritage” can indeed make it a target of iconoclasm. The dissertation is divided into three main parts. The first part consists of three chapters, which presents the historical, methodological, and theoretical background for the dissertation’ study of the Islamic State’s iconoclasm. The second part consists of five analytical chapters, which provide close readings of a sample of the Islamic State’s depiction of their deliberate destruction of cultural heritage. Each chapter focuses on specific aspects of the group’s iconoclasm and together they provide a picture of the development of the group’s use of iconoclasm. Consisting of two chapters and a conclusion, the third part zooms out and discusses what the actions of the Islamic State can tell us about contemporary iconoclasm. The dissertation’s analyses suggests that the images created by the Islamic State should be understood as a key part of their iconoclastic actions and not a documentation of them. Departing from the hypothesis that contemporary iconoclasm is more focused on the images it creates than the images it destroys, the dissertation evidences that the image-making aspect of the Islamic State’s iconoclastic practice have affected the ways in which the group have damaged and destroyed their targets. However, throughout the dissertation it also become clear that this is not something that defines contemporary iconoclasm specifically as iconoclasts’ communication of their own actions has always been a part of iconoclastic practice. Through these studies, the dissertation contributes to both the understanding of the Islamic State’s destruction of cultural heritage and the way that iconoclasm is performed today. Furthermore, it contributes to current academic discussions on topics such as the use of cultural heritage in wars and conflict, the effect of global heritage politics, and the legitimacy of iconoclasm as political expression and protest. Assessment committee Associate professor Solveig Gade, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate professor Jacob Lund (Aarhus University) Associate professor Stacy Boldrick (University of Leicester) Head of defence Assistant professor Amalie Skovmøller (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available at: Copenhagen University Library, KUB South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 The Royal Danish Library (""The Black Diamond""), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 " "The polyfunctional subjunctive: A functional-cognitive approach to the Italian subjunctive";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2023-11-09";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.50";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Anders Andersen.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Anders Andersen. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Kirsten Jeppesen Kragh, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Mario Squartini (University of Turin, Italy) Professor Verner Egerland (University of Lund, Sweden) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Mirjam Schmuck (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library (KUB) South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6 " "Transkulturelle forbindelser";"Institut for Tværkulturelle Studier";"2023-11-03";"13:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Tijana Mišković forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Diaspora, migration og erindring belyst gennem værker af danske kunstnere fra det tidligere Jugoslavien Tijana Mišković forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé Danske kunstnere fra det tidligere Jugoslavien har siden 00’erne sat deres præg på den danske samtidskunstscene. De er uddannede på landets kunstakademier og flere af dem er repræsenteret i danske kunstmuseers samlinger med værker, der omhandler emner som krig og migration. Dog er der endnu ikke lavet en indgående analyse af deres praksis, hvor både kunstnernes diasporiske position mellem den danske og jugoslaviske kultur såvel som deres værkers beskaffenhed er i fokus. Denne afhandling er en undersøgelse af de transkulturelle forbindelser, som danske kunstnere fra det tidligere Jugoslavien udtrykker i deres værker. Kunstnernes diasporiske position og deres fælles jugoslaviske kulturarv indgår som vigtige elementer i afhandlingens analyser, der grundlæggende forsøger at besvare følgende to spørgsmål: Hvad karakteriserer disse kunstneriske praksisser? og Hvordan vil man kunne kontekstualisere disse værker på en måde, der både tilgodeser den kultur, kunstnerne kommer fra og den, de nu er en del af? Afhandlingen er struktureret i fire dele. Fokus for afhandlingens første og anden del er henholdsvis de teoretiske begreber (diaspora, det transkulturelle og erindring) og de kulturhistoriske kontekster, som kunstnerne indskrives i (den jugoslaviske baggrund og migrationshistorien i Danmark). Afhandlingens tredje og fjerde del fokuserer på værk- og udstillingsanalyser med udgangspunkt i udstillingen Forbindelser, som blev vist på SMK og udgør ph.d.-projektets praktiske del. Det er et af afhandlingens hovedargumenter, at værker af danske kunstnere fra det tidligere Jugoslavien er med til at belyse vigtige transkulturelle forbindelser, der dannes mellem forskellige tider, steder og kulturer, som er blevet adskilt på grund af krig og migration. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Kirsten Thisted, forperson (Københavns Universitet) Lektor Katarina Stenbeck (Kunstakademiet København) Lektor Stijn Vervaet (Oslo Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Viceinstitutleder for uddannelse Jesper Nielsen (Københavns Universitet) Kopier af afhandlingen kan ses på følgende 3 steder: I læsesal Øst på Det Kongelige Bibliotek (Den Sorte Diamant), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 I informationen på Københavns Universitetsbibliotek Søndre Campus (KUB Syd), Karen Blixens Plads 7 I biblioteket på Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Keeping Up With the Moravians";"Saxo Institute";"2023-11-03";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 9A-1-01 (Nanna Berg Auditorium)";"Public Defence of a PhD Thesis by Rasmus Rask Poulsen.";"Heritage-Making of Three Protestant Communities and their Eighteenth-Century Settlements Public Defence of a PhD Thesis by Rasmus Rask Poulsen. Assessment Committee Associate professor Anne Folke Henningsen, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate professor Mads Daugbjerg (Aarhus University) Senior Researcher Cristina Sánchez-Carretero (Spanish National Research Council) Moderator of the defence Professor Mikkel Bille (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Saxo Institute, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Museums and the Securitization of Cultural Heritage";"Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies";"2023-10-27";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 4A-0-69";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Marie Elisabeth Berg Christensen.";"The role of the museum sector in protecting cultural heritage in armed conflict Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Marie Elisabeth Berg Christensen. Read the thesis (PDF) Abstract The overall aim of this PhD thesis is to address how the use of cultural heritage in modern armed conflicts and the subsequent securitization of cultural heritage has created new roles and challenges for the global museum sector. Over the last two decades cultural heritage has become a growing issue in human security, and the protection of it a transnational cross-sectoral topic. Current literature has explored the securitization of cultural heritage and how cultural heritage now is recognised as part of military strategy and hybrid warfare by state and non-state actors in order to spread propaganda, to manipulate, escalate conflicts, gain international attention, and erase unity or national identity. This has established a politically platform with agreement on the need for protection of cultural heritage during conflict, yet institutionalized strategies for who is going to implement this protection lag behind. This PhD thesis contributes with knowledge about the identification of the linkage between cultural heritage and security threats and the recognition of it as a new research field. The thesis argues that a re-politicization of cultural heritage is expressed in how cultural heritage is becoming an inherent concept of human security. A clear expression of this development is in the increasing shift from protecting cultural heritage for its own sake to viewing its protection as connected to broader agendas of peace and security. This is a novel development and have a major impact on the museum sector - when cultural heritage is securitized, it expands the museum sector's place and role in society causing museum actors to act outside their traditional institutional field of work. Through an extensive collection of semi-structured interviews with museum actors as well as other professionals affiliated with the museum sector, the thesis generates important knowledge on the museum actors´ experiences and perspectives on the process of securitization of cultural heritage and subsequently the new roles and challenges for the global museum sector. The thesis shows how the museum sector’s new role in human security is not institutionalized and how it largely depends on individual interest and political agendas. Especially state-funded or partly state-funded museums need to tick-off the right boxes in terms of interests in order to gain attention and attract donors be they governments or private foundations. Thus, the sector is dependent on public and political awareness dictated by the geopolitical setting around the destruction of cultural heritage. In consequence, the sector cannot always select the most sustainable solutions or get involved in all places of need around the world. Furthermore, the PhD thesis demonstrates how the museum actors’ involvement in heritage protection is influenced by a mixture of agencies, and how this weakens the manageability for the actors involved. Thus, the actors’ involvement is influenced by a lack of material resources, lack of policies, quest for publicity, political trends, diplomacy, personal relationships, personal engagement and concern, career opportunities, and the sense of a lack of action by officials. This entails the risk of disparity in the allocation of heritage protection responses and funding. The thesis emphasizes how the lack of systematic approaches to heritage protection causes heritage protection initiatives to be characterised by short-term planning and a low level of actual interventions. The thesis underlines how the general understanding and performance of the museum sector’s role within the nexus of cultural heritage and human security in armed conflict is still underway, with the major Euro-American museums as frontrunners being aware of this new role while the museum sector as a whole lacks an international institutionalised system. Lastly, the thesis contributes essential knowledge concerning the potentials and barriers for researchers, museum professionals and policymakers to collaborate on incorporating cultural heritage protection in a broader international humanitarian operational strategy. The thesis advocate for structural changes to promote more independent and reliable funding for the protection of heritage in conflict. Overall, this thesis reveals the multifaceted complexities the museum sector faces when organizing and carrying out the protection of cultural heritage in armed conflict. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Tobias Richter, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Associate professor Vinnie Nørskov (Aarhus University) Professor Håkon Roland (University of Oslo) Moderator of defence Deputy Head of Department for Research Trine Brox (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the dissertation can be seen in the following three places: The information desk at the Copenhagen University Library South (CUL South), Karen Blixens Plads 7 Reading Room East at The Royal Library (The Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 The library at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Museums and the Securitization of Cultural Heritage";"Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies";"2023-10-27";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 4A-0-69";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Marie Elisabeth Berg Christensen.";"The role of the museum sector in protecting cultural heritage in armed conflict Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Marie Elisabeth Berg Christensen. Read the thesis (PDF) Abstract The overall aim of this PhD thesis is to address how the use of cultural heritage in modern armed conflicts and the subsequent securitization of cultural heritage has created new roles and challenges for the global museum sector. Over the last two decades cultural heritage has become a growing issue in human security, and the protection of it a transnational cross-sectoral topic. Current literature has explored the securitization of cultural heritage and how cultural heritage now is recognised as part of military strategy and hybrid warfare by state and non-state actors in order to spread propaganda, to manipulate, escalate conflicts, gain international attention, and erase unity or national identity. This has established a politically platform with agreement on the need for protection of cultural heritage during conflict, yet institutionalized strategies for who is going to implement this protection lag behind. This PhD thesis contributes with knowledge about the identification of the linkage between cultural heritage and security threats and the recognition of it as a new research field. The thesis argues that a re-politicization of cultural heritage is expressed in how cultural heritage is becoming an inherent concept of human security. A clear expression of this development is in the increasing shift from protecting cultural heritage for its own sake to viewing its protection as connected to broader agendas of peace and security. This is a novel development and have a major impact on the museum sector - when cultural heritage is securitized, it expands the museum sector's place and role in society causing museum actors to act outside their traditional institutional field of work. Through an extensive collection of semi-structured interviews with museum actors as well as other professionals affiliated with the museum sector, the thesis generates important knowledge on the museum actors´ experiences and perspectives on the process of securitization of cultural heritage and subsequently the new roles and challenges for the global museum sector. The thesis shows how the museum sector’s new role in human security is not institutionalized and how it largely depends on individual interest and political agendas. Especially state-funded or partly state-funded museums need to tick-off the right boxes in terms of interests in order to gain attention and attract donors be they governments or private foundations. Thus, the sector is dependent on public and political awareness dictated by the geopolitical setting around the destruction of cultural heritage. In consequence, the sector cannot always select the most sustainable solutions or get involved in all places of need around the world. Furthermore, the PhD thesis demonstrates how the museum actors’ involvement in heritage protection is influenced by a mixture of agencies, and how this weakens the manageability for the actors involved. Thus, the actors’ involvement is influenced by a lack of material resources, lack of policies, quest for publicity, political trends, diplomacy, personal relationships, personal engagement and concern, career opportunities, and the sense of a lack of action by officials. This entails the risk of disparity in the allocation of heritage protection responses and funding. The thesis emphasizes how the lack of systematic approaches to heritage protection causes heritage protection initiatives to be characterised by short-term planning and a low level of actual interventions. The thesis underlines how the general understanding and performance of the museum sector’s role within the nexus of cultural heritage and human security in armed conflict is still underway, with the major Euro-American museums as frontrunners being aware of this new role while the museum sector as a whole lacks an international institutionalised system. Lastly, the thesis contributes essential knowledge concerning the potentials and barriers for researchers, museum professionals and policymakers to collaborate on incorporating cultural heritage protection in a broader international humanitarian operational strategy. The thesis advocate for structural changes to promote more independent and reliable funding for the protection of heritage in conflict. Overall, this thesis reveals the multifaceted complexities the museum sector faces when organizing and carrying out the protection of cultural heritage in armed conflict. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Tobias Richter, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Associate professor Vinnie Nørskov (Aarhus University) Professor Håkon Roland (University of Oslo) Moderator of defence Deputy Head of Department for Research Trine Brox (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the dissertation can be seen in the following three places: The information desk at the Copenhagen University Library South (CUL South), Karen Blixens Plads 7 Reading Room East at The Royal Library (The Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 The library at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Epistemic Logic Models of Awareness, Attention, and Implicit Reasoning";"Department of Communication";"2023-10-02";"14:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"Public defence of PhD thesis by Gaia Belardinelli";"Public defence of PhD thesis by Gaia Belardinelli Assessment committee Professor Per Hasle (Chair), University of Copenhagen Professor Sonja Smets, University of Amsterdam Associate professor Nina Gierasimczuk, Technical University of Denmark Moderator of the defence Associate professor Jack Andersen, University of Copenhagen Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: at the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus in Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) at the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8. " "Filer, forvaltning, forhandling";"Saxo-Instituttet";"2023-09-29";"14:30";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"Emilie Paaske Drachmann forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"En materiel-semiotisk undersøgelse af det danske arbejde med UNESCOs konvention om immateriel kulturarv Emilie Paaske Drachmann forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Hvis man ønsker at få afhandlingen tilsendt pr. mail/som pdf, bedes man kontakte Emilie Paaske Drachmann på epdr@hum.ku.dk. Resumé Denne afhandling omhandler det danske arbejde med UNESCOs 2003-konvention i perioden 2018-2021. 2003-konventionen med det officielle navn Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage omhandler sikringen af immateriel kulturarv i modsætning til UNESCOs Verdensarvskonvention fra 1972, der beskæftiger sig med materiel kultur- og naturarv. Danmark tilsluttede sig konventionen i 2010, og i 2017 annoncerede den daværende kulturminister den første danske frist for ansøgninger til konventionens internationale lister over kulturarv. Med teoretisk afsæt i Science and Technology Studies (STS) og aktør-netværksteori (ANT) går undersøgelsen helt tæt på de konkrete processer og praksisser, hvormed immateriel kulturarv skabes som et fænomen, både i arbejdet hos den danske forvaltningsinstitution, Dansk Folkemindesamling ved Det Kgl. Bibliotek, og i personers, organisationers og foreningers bestræbelser på at få deres kulturelle praksisser anerkendt og indskrevet på konventionens lister. Empirisk bygger afhandlingen på langvarigt feltarbejde på Dansk Folkemindesamling samt blandt relevante ansøgergrupper. I afhandlingen vises det, hvordan arbejdet med 2003-konventionen i høj grad er et papirarbejde, der handler om at lave oversættelser og med et begreb fra Bruno Latour inskriptioner. Dette gælder både oversættelse af den internationale konventionen, dens overordnede retningslinjer og begreb om immateriel kulturarv, der skal oversættes til danske forhold og forståelser i skabelsen af et dansk immateriel kulturarvsregime. Det gælder også oversættelsen og inskriptionen af levende kulturelle praksisser som ansøgningsfiler, der dermed bliver mobile og potentielt mobiliserende på vej mod bedømmelsen hos UNESCO. Afhandlingen bidrager til den eksisterende forskning i 2003-konventionen ved at foretage den første samlede analyse af det danske arbejde med 2003-konventionen, som hidtil kun er blevet sparsomt undersøgt og beskrevet. Derudover bidrager afhandlingen til den bredere forskning i forvaltningen og skabelsen af kulturarv gennem et fokus på hvordan kulturelle praksisser kulturarvsliggøres i arbejdet med papirer, dokumenter, skemaer m.m. Abstract This dissertation examines the Danish work with UNESCO’s 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. As opposed to UNESCO’s other big heritage convention, the 1972 Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage dealing with material heritage sites, the 2003 Convention concerns living or intangible cultural practices and traditions. Denmark became a party to the Convention in 2010. In 2017, the then Danish Minister of Culture announced the first round of applications for cultural practices and traditions from Denmark to be inscribed on the international lists of the Convention. Beginning in the fall of 2018 this dissertation follows practitioners of cultural practices in Denmark in their endeavours to have their practices and traditions recognised as intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO. Based on ethnographic fieldwork combined with empirical study of documents and document processes, the thesis also examines the implementation and management of the Convention as it takes place at the Danish Folklore Archives, the body responsible for the implementation of the Convention in Denmark. A key insight is how working with intangible cultural heritage means working with documents. Drawing on insights from Science and Technology Studies as well as actor-network theory the study offers a close look at the processes and practices whereby cultural practices are translated and inscribed as intangible cultural heritage. The analyses also point to how the Danish implementation and management of the Convention is mediated through document work with both intended and unintended consequences for the interpretation and understanding of intangible cultural heritage in Denmark. Both human and nonhuman actors such as files, lists, forms etc. take part in the making and management of intangible cultural heritage in heterogeneous and relational networks. Taken together the analyses of the dissertation contribute to the interdisciplinary and international field of studies of the 2003 Convention by offering the first comprehensive examination of the Danish intangible cultural heritage regime in its unfolding. It also contributes to the wider field of cultural heritage studies in examining how heritagisation of cultural traditions take place in concrete practices and processes of working with documents, translations, classsifications etc. Bedømmelsesudvalg Professor Tine Damsholt, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor Kristin Asdal (Universitetet i Oslo) Professor Valdimar Hafstein (Islands Universitet) Leder af forsvaret Lektor Niels Jul Nielsen (Københavns Universitet) Kopier af afhandlingen kan læses: ved informationsskranken i KUB Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 i Læsesal Øst på Det Kongelige Bibliotek (Den Sorte Diamant), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 " "Forandringer i ledsætningens topologiske struktur i middeldansk";"Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab";"2023-09-29";"14:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Line Dalberg forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"En undersøgelse af det første trin i udviklingen af en ny ledsætningsledstilling Line Dalberg forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Bedømmelsesudvalg Professor Tanya Karoli Christensen,forperson (Københavns Universitet) Professor Henrik Rosenkvist (Göteborgs Universitet) Seniorforsker Eva Skafte Jensen (Dansk Sprognævn) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Line Burholt Kristensen (Københavns Universitet) Efter sit ph.d.-forsvar, omkring kl. 17:00, afholder Line Dalberg reception på administrationsgangen på 2. sal i Bygning 22. Alle er velkomne." "A we without us – Collective disoccupation in late 20th century French poetry";"Department of Art and Cultural Studies";"2023-09-15";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 21.0.54 (Multisalen)";"Public defence of PhD thesis by Morten Chemnitz Gråbøl.";"Public defence of PhD thesis by Morten Chemnitz Gråbøl. Abstract The PhD thesis analyses forms of non-affirmative collectivity in late 20th century French poetry through four chapters on four different poets: Edmond Jabès, Andrés du Bouchet, Claude Royet- Journoud and Anne-Marie Albiach. The main analytic focus of the PhD is the use of the first person plural pronoun, the nous (we/us) in selected works of the four poets. Collective positions which in the works examined here most often appear in negative or passive constructions; forms of collectivity that are non-affirmative, directionless and unanchored. On the basis of the function of this nous, I discuss the problem guiding this PhD: what does the demise of the lyrical subject, which marks French poetry of the period, imply for notions of collectivity and communality. I argue that it is possible to discern in French poetry of the 1960s and 1970s what I call a poetics of collective disoccupation; an evasion of the position of enunciation which gives rise to a rethinking of non-identitarian forms of collectivity. Throughout the thesis, the non-affirmative forms of collectivity that I analyse in the poetry are set in critical dialogue with reflections on an inoperative community as elaborated by Jean-Luc Nancy, Maurice Blanchot and Giorgio Agamben. The aim of the PhD is thus both historical and theoretical. On the one hand, through the four chapters on four poets, I draw attention to a line in the history of French poetry that is largely neglected in the critical literature. On the other hand, the PhD aims to provide a poetological and theoretical contribution to the reflections upon a community based not on identification, figuration and self- affirmation, but upon inoperativity, disoccupation and non-unitarian forms of relation. The main methodological ambition of the thesis is the co-thinking of textuality and communality, of poetic connectivity and social collectivity; an exploration of what it means to read the form of the poem as communal form; to read the fragile, open, non-affirmative linkage of its disparate parts, its literal precariousness, as a rethinking of how togetherness, solidarity and collectivity might be articulated. Assessment committee Professor Isak Winkel Holm, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Abigail Lang (UFR Etudes anglophones Université) Docent Elisabeth Friis (Lunds Universitet) Head of Defence Associate Professor Lilian Munk Rösing (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available at: Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Karen Blixens Vej 1 Copenhagen University Library, KUB South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 The Black Diamond, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 " "Communication between rehabilitation staff and people with traumatic brain injury";"Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics";"2023-07-04";"13:00";"";"16:00";"South Campus, Auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Iben Christensen.";"Communication between rehabilitation staff and people with traumatic brain injury: Barriers, facilitators, and implications for the development of communication partner training intervention Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Iben Christensen. Abstract (UK) This dissertation aims to identify challenges and supportive strategies in the communication between rehabilitation staff and people with cognitive-communication disorders following traumatic brain injury (TBI) and to analyze the implication of the identified challenges and strategies for the development of communication partner training (CPT) interventions. The dissertation consists of four studies. Study I was a systematic review of 31 papers reporting on the communication between rehabilitation staff and people with TBI. The main finding of the review was that the extent to which the cognitive-communicative disorders of people with TBI caused challenges in the communicative interaction, was closely related to staff’s communicative approach. Thus, in interactions where staff took an acknowledging approach and used supportive communication strategies, fewer communicative challenges were identified. In Study II, 22 rehabilitation staff members and 4 managers were interviewed to explore their experiences of communication with people with TBI. Staff experienced socially inappropriate communicative behaviors in people with TBI (e.g. verbosity) as challenging the communicative interaction and causing negative emotional reactions in staff, e.g. powerlessness and frustration. However, these challenges were perceived differently depending on staff’s discipline, tasks, and work setting, and staff, who did not adapt their own communication found the interaction with people with TBI notably more demanding. In Study III, nine individuals with TBI were interviewed to explore their experiences when communicating with rehabilitation staff. The main finding of this study was that people with TBI experienced a lack of participation in communication regarding their rehabilitation (e.g. daily planning and goal setting) and a lack of recognition of their individual communication needs and interests. However, staff’s use of acknowledging and supportive communication strategies was perceived to reduce these challenges. Study IV was a content analysis synthesizing the findings from Study I, II, and III and identifying the communicative behaviors of staff that may either challenge or support communication. Furthermore, the study mapped the identified behaviors and the behaviors targeted in exiting CPT programs to underlying theoretical domains and compared these behaviors. The main finding of this study was that the communicative behaviors targeted by existing CPT programs did not fully cover the specific behaviors identified in the content analysis. Overall, this dissertation concludes that the cognitive-communication disorders in people with TBI challenge the interaction between rehabilitation staff and people with TBI. However, challenges also arise due to problems in the communicative collaboration when the behavior of staff becomes a barrier to successful interaction, e.g. when staff do not use supportive communication strategies. Staff’s communicative behavior may be changed trough CPT, but for the intervention to be effective as well as successfully implemented, it must be tailored to the specific communication challenges taking place between staff and people with TBI in the rehabilitation context. Resumé (DK) Nærværende afhandling har til formål at identificere udfordringer og understøttende strategier i kommunikationen mellem rehabiliteringspersonale og personer med kognitive kommunikationsforstyrrelser som følge af traumatisk hjerneskade (TBI) og at analysere de identificerede udfordringer og strategiers betydning for udviklingen af samtalepartnertræning (CPT). Afhandlingen består af fire studier. Studie I var et systematisk review af 31 artikler, der omhandlede kommunikationen mellem rehabiliteringspersonale og personer med TBI. Studiets primære fund var, at det omfang, hvormed de kognitive kommunikationsforstyrrelser hos personer med TBI forårsagede udfordringer i den kommunikative interaktion, var tæt forbundet med personalets kommunikative tilgang. I interaktioner, hvor personalet havde en anerkendende tilgang og anvendte understøttende kommunikationsstrategier, var der således færre kommunikative udfordringer. I Studie II blev 22 personaler og 4 ledere interviewet for at undersøge deres oplevelser af kommunikationen med personer med TBI. Personalet oplevede, at socialt uhensigtsmæssig kommunikativ adfærd hos personer med TBI (fx overdreven talestrøm) var en udfordring i interaktionen og en årsag til negative følelsesmæssige reaktioner hos personalet fx afmagt og frustration. Udfordringerne blev imidlertid oplevet forskelligt afhængigt af bl.a. profession og opgaver, og personale, der ikke tilpassede deres egen kommunikation, fandt interaktionen med personer med TBI betydeligt mere krævende. I Studie III blev ni personer med TBI interviewet for at undersøge deres oplevelser af kommunikationen med personale. Deltagerne oplevede dels manglende deltagelse i kommunikationen med personalet om eksempelvis daglig planlægning og målsætning og dels en manglende anerkendelse fra personalet af deres individuelle kommunikationsbehov og interesser. Disse udfordringer kunne reduceres ved, at personalet anvendte bestemte typer af kommunikations-strategier. Studie IV var en indholdsanalyse med en syntese af resultaterne fra studie I, II og III og en identifikation af personalets kommunikative adfærd som henholdsvis udfordrende eller støttende for kommunikationen. Desuden kategoriserede studiet den identificerede adfærd og måladfærden i allerede eksisterende CPT-programmer i forhold til underliggende teoretiske domæner for at sammenligne de to typer af adfærd. Studiet fandt, at den kommunikative måladfærd i eksisterende CPT-programmer, ikke fuldt ud dækkede den specifikke adfærd, der blev identificeret i analysen. Overordnet konkluderer denne afhandling, at de kognitive kommunikationsforstyrrelser hos personer med TBI udfordrer interaktionen mellem disse personer og rehabiliteringspersonale. Der opstår dog også udfordringer grundet problemer i det kommunikative samarbejde, hvor personalets adfærd kan blive en barriere for vellykket interaktion, fx når de ikke anvender understøttende kommunikationsstrategier. For at et CPT-program har potentiale til at ændre personalets adfærd effektivt og samtidig blive vellykket implementeret, skal det skræddersyes til de specifikke kommunikative udfordringer, der finder sted i kommunikationen mellem personale og personer med TBI i rehabiliteringen. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Rikke Vang Christensen, Chair (University of Copenhagen Lecturer Nicholas Behn (University of London) Associate Professor Jytte Kjærgaard Isaksen University of Southern Denmark Moderator of the defence Professor Carsten Elbro (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Emil Holms Kanal 2 " "Engaging mindfulness: A phenomenological investigation and critique";"Department of Communication";"2023-06-29";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 4A-0-69";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Odysseus Stone.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Odysseus Stone. Resume (dansk) Denne ph.d.-afhandling er et filosofisk studie af mindfulness meditation. I de sidste to årtier har mindfulness indtaget en iøjnefaldende position i det mainstream kulturelle liv i Danmark samt i andre europæiske lande og resten af verden. Faktisk er det svært at overdrive, hvor meget mindfulness i dag gennemsyrer næsten alle aspekter af det moderne samfund i både den private og offentlige sfære. Parallelt med denne slående udvikling har der blandt filosoffer og psykologer, som arbejder med emnet bevidsthed, været en langvarig og udbredt tendens til at argumentere for, at der er vigtige ligheder mellem mindfulness og den filosofiske tradition kaldet fænomenologi. I denne afhandling argumenterer jeg imod forskellige forsøg på at ligestille og sammenblande fænomenologi og mindfulness. Jeg foreslår at vende opmærksomheden væk fra det smalle fokus på spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt de to er lignende ""første-persons metoder"" til at studere bevidsthed. I stedet vil jeg forsøge at bruge fænomenologien til at forstå mindfulness, om end som del af en bredere filosofisk samtale som inkluderer stemmer fra nabodiscipliner som bevidsthedsfilosofi, Buddhistisk filosofi og en aktivisme. Artikel 1 er en kritik af mange nylige forsøg på at betragte fænomenologien som en type af(mindfulness) meditation, forstået som en slags ikke-dømmende, åben og modtagelig opmærksomhed mod bevidstheden i nuet med det formål at kunne lave en detaljeret beskrivelse af bevidstheden selv. Min medforfatter Dan Zahavi og jeg fokuserer hovedsageligt på Husserls metodiske værktøjer epoke og reduktion, da vi mener, at sammenligninger mellem fænomenologi og mindfulness ofte misforstår disse centrale metodiske koncepter. Artikel 2 er en kritisk diskussion af centrale påstande i litteraturen om mindfulness og selvbevidsthed. Ifølge nogle buddhistiske tænkere og filosoffer, samt flere moderne fænomenologiske filosoffer, er mindfulness ikke en form for introspektion, refleksion eller meta­kognition (tænke på at tænke). Mindfulness involverer snarere en intensiveret form af, hvad fænomenologer kalder præreflekterende selvbevidsthed, og buddhistiske filosoffer kalder refleksiv bevidsthed (svasemvedana). Jeg gør nogle indsigelser mod denne ide. Derefter argumenterer jeg for, at udover de to former for bevidsthed der typisk diskuteres i litteraturen, som er reflekterende og præ-reflekterende selvbevidsthed, er der er en ekstra form for selvbevidsthed, som er tæt forbundet til det faktum, at opmærksomhed er en aktiv proces. Jeg mener, at det ville være et positivt bidrag til det teoretiske studie af mindfulness at fokusere på denne ekstra form for selvbevidsthed. Jeg udvikler disse ideer fra et fænomenologisk perspektiv. I artikel 3 arbejder min medforfatter Jelle Bruineberg og jeg videre med nogle af de centrale temaer, som blev diskuteret i artikel 2: opmærksomhed og mental handling. Mange filosoffer mener, at bevidsthed ikke blot er en passiv handling, men selv er (eller kan være) aktiv. Disse filosoffer afviser den såkaldte sandwichmodel for bevidsthed, hvor kognition ses som 'fyldet' mellem på den ene side opfattelse og på den anden side handling. Ifølge en populær måde at opdele intellektet er der to muligheder for dem, som afviser sandwichmodellen: enten er selve det at opfatte en aktivitet, som involverer kropslig handling, eller det er en aktivitet, fordi det involverer den mentale handling at give opmærksomhed. Vi mener dette er en falsk dikotomi og argumenterer for, at opfattelse gennem sanserne er det vi kalder 'embodied mental action'. I artikel 4 rejser min medforfatter Dan Zahavi og jeg en kritik af nogle af de centrale teoretiske ideer og antagelser, som florerer i den globale mindfulness movement, eksemplificeret i teksterne af populærpsykologer, terapeuter og meditationsundervisere som Jon Kabat-Zinn (grundlægger af Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction) og Mark Williams, John Teasdale, og Zindel Segal (grundlæggere af Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy). De temaer vi særligt tager op er forholdet mellem bevidsthedsoplevelse og vurdering, intentionalitet (eller bevidsthed-verden relationen) og temporalitet – temaer som er dominerende i litteraturen om mindfulness og som fænomenologien har meget at sige om. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Søren Overgaard, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir (University of Iceland) Professor Christian Coseru (College of Charleston) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Jack Andersen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the University of Copenhagen, Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Virtue in Fourth-Century Athens";"Saxo Institute";"2023-06-27";"13:00";"";"16:00";"South Campus, Auditorium 23.0.49";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Emil Skaarup.";"Occasion for Moral Recognition Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Emil Skaarup. Abstract This thesis investigates practices of virtue in the Athens of Platon and Aristoteles. Thanks to the legacy of these philosophers, fourth-century BCE Athens looms large in current research and public debate on ethics and politics. The present thesis examines the other fourth-century Athenian: the woman, foreigner, slave or male citizen who may not have left us systematic accounts of their ethical beliefs but nonetheless cared about being and being seen as a good person. It contributes to ancient Greek history by examining how the desire to be morally recognised shaped fourth-century Athenian society and how the structure of that society, in turn, affected its inhabitants’ prospects of achieving virtue in the eyes of others. It contributes to the field of ethics by showing how a philosophical concept, virtue, was lived by ordinary people of a concrete historical society. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Anders Holm Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Claire Taylor (University of Wisconsin Madison) Professor Mirko Canevaro (Edinburgh University) Moderator of the Defence Associate Professor Karen Vallgårda (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: The Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Saxo-Institute, Karen Blixens Plads 8, room 12-3-40 " "Balancing Integration";"Saxo Institute";"2023-06-23";"13:00";"";"16:00";"South Campus, Auditorium 23.0.49";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Maja Rechendorff Møller";"Balancing Integration Measures of Inclusion and Exclusion in Metic Membership of Ancient Greek Societies Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Maja Rechendorff Møller. Abstract Integration of immigrants presented ancient democracies with a balancing act of opposing interests of the state in relation to the incorporation of migrants into society. On one hand, the principles of equal participation rights of citizens in democratic governing made it advantageous to concede as few privileges as possible to newcomers leading to very limited efforts of inclusion. On the other hand, the benefits economically and politically of trade and allies in surrounding poleis were clear incentives for the polis to create attractive conditions for migrants, as the benefits rested on movement and opportunities to cultivate relationships with foreigners. Thus, it was necessary for the polis to be both including and excluding towards migrants simultaneously. It is the aim of this dissertation to investigate the framework and conditions of migrant integration, which resulted from a process of negotiation of the interests of both polis and migrant. Assessment Committee Professor Emeritus Vincent Gabrielsen (University of Copenhagen) Professor Denise Demetriou (University of California San Diego) Senior Lecturer, Benjamin Gray (University of London) Moderator of the Defence Associate Professor Juliane Engelhardt, University of Copenhagen Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: The Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Saxo Institute, Karen Blixens Plads 8, room 12-3-40 " "Acting by Writing";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2023-06-16";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Jytte Lyngvig.";"Voltaire's critical texts and the emerging intellectual field Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Jytte Lyngvig. Assessment Committee Professor Charles Lock, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Anne Beate Maurseth (University of Bergen) Professor Glenn Roe (Sorbonne Université) Moderator of the defence Head of Department Lisbeth Verstraete-Hansen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, KUB South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6 " "Curbing Amplification Online";"Department of Communication";"2023-06-02";"14:30";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Laura Jahn.";"Towards Improving the Quality of Information Spread on Social Media Using Agent-Based Models and Twitter Data Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Laura Jahn. Assessment Committee Professor Irina Shlovski (University of Copenhagen) Professor Olivier Roy (Universität Bayreuth) Associate Professor Yong-Yeol “YY” Ahn (Indiana University Bloomington) Moderator of the defence Professor Nils Holtug (University of Copenhagen Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Unchanged Foodways";"Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies";"2023-05-08";"12:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 21.0.54 (Multisalen)";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Anne Jörgensen-Lindahl.";"A micro-wear perspective on the Epipalaeolithic-Neolithic transition in Northeastern Jordan Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Anne Jörgensen-Lindahl. Abstract The transition from hunting-gathering to agriculture in southwest Asia, which took place between 15, 000 – 8, 000 years ago during the Epipalaeolithic-Neolithic transition, marks a shift in most aspects of human lifeways. In particular, diet and the change in subsistence strategy from food gathering to food production following the domestication of crop plants and certain animals has been the focus of many studies. Similarly, the origins of agriculture, both in terms of geographical location and chronology has been researched extensively, together with the question of why this new way of life was adopted. Several hypotheses have been put forward and a multitude of methods has been applied for their investigation. Apart from detailed studies of faunal and botanical remains, various analyses of chipped stone tools have been used for relative dating, the tracing of different technocomplexes and the documentation of the chronological and geographical spread of agriculture. Being omnipresent in most prehistoric assemblages, chipped stone tools constitute a constant record of human behaviour throughout prehistory. Particularly the way they were used can inform on patterns of different activities and changes, which in turn may add extensive information about past human behaviour and adaptations. In applying micro-wear analysis to the chipped stone assemblages of Shubayqa 1 and 6, this thesis aim to add to the body of literature on the transition from hunting-gathering to agriculture. Together the sites span the Epipalaeolithic-Neolithic transition, covering almost 4, 000 years (14, 600 – 10, 500 cal. BP) of occupation of the Ḥarrat al-Shām in northeastern Jordan. As such, they provide excellent case studies for the investigation of the transition to agriculture in a region with less ideal prerequisites for human occupation and agriculture than other, more well-studied, parts of the Levant including the Mediterranean zone. Using micro-wear analysis of chipped stone tools, the primary aims are to identify behavioural patterns in activity and material exploitation and how, if at all, they relate to the changing foodways taking place during this period. The results of the analysis will further be used to address the impact of the Younger Dryas climatic event (c. 12, 900 – 11, 600 cal. BP) on the adoption of agriculture. In so doing, the ability of micro-wear analysis to address broader discussions that go beyond the functional aspects of tool use is illustrated. Finally, it is argued that the Neolithisation process in northeastern Jordan is characterized more by gradual social and cultural transformations such as pan-Levantine social networks and local adaptations to changing environments rather than by rapid changes in subsistence. Resumé Overgangen fra jæger-samler til agerbrugssamfund i Mellemøsten fandt sted mellem 15000-8,000 år siden i løbet af de såkaldte epipalæolitiske-neolitiske perioder og markererede et markant skifte i menneskers levevis. Hovedfokus i mange studier har hidtil været hvordan folks madvaner ændrede sig fra at samle til at producere mad efter at bestemte typer planter og dyr blev domesticeret. Lignende studier af agerbrugets fremkomst har også fokuseret på den kronologiske og geografiske oprindelse samt forsøgt at afklare hvorfor denne nye levemåde blev så udbredt. Flere hypoteser har været fremsat og mange metoder er blevet afprøvet som forklaringsmodeller. Ud over detaljerede studier af botanisk materiale og fauna er flintmateriale også blevet brugt til relativ datering, til at følge de forskellige teknokomplekser og til at spore den geografiske og kronologiske udbredelse af agerbrug. Da stenredskaber er den væsentligste del af forhistoriske samlinger udgør de en konstant notat over menneskers aktiviteter. Især måden hvorpå de redskaber blev brugt kan fortælle os om forandringer i aktivitetsmønstre og derved give os information om hvordan mennesker strukturerede opgaver, aktiviteter og inkorporerede nye ideer. Det er denne afhandlings hensigt at bruge slidsporsanalyse af flintmaterialet fra to bopladser, Shubayqa 1 og 6, til at tilføje ny viden om overgangen mellem jæger-samler og agerbrugssamfund i Mellemøsten. Shubayqa 1 og 6 er lokaliseret i Harrat as-Shams ørkenen i det nordøstlige Jordan. Sammen spænder de over knap 4000 års beboelse i den sene epipalæolitiske og den tidligste neolitiske periode (14,600-10,500 kal. BP). Materialet herfra er derfor særdeles velegnet til at afsøge hvordan denne overgang så ud i et område der havde mindre favorable omgivelser end i mere velstuderede områder af Levanten som for eksempel middelhavsregionen. Resultatet af analysen bliver brugt til at fortælle os om hvilke aktiviteter der fandt sted, hvilke materialer folk bearbejdede og forsøger at skildre hvordan forandringer af folks madvaner reflekteres i stenredskaber. Resultaterne vil derudover blive brugt til at vurdere hvilken indflydelse klimaet i løbet af Yngre Dryas (ca. 12, 900 – 11, 600 kal. BP) havde på udbredelsen af agerbrug i regionen. Derved indgår studien også i en bredere diskussion og illustrerer hvor man kan bruge slidsporsanalyse udover mere traditionel funktionsbestemmelse af redskaber. Slutteligt argumenterer afhandlinger for at neolitiserings-processen i det nordøstlige Jordan er karakteriseret af gradvise sociale og kulturelle ændringer, såsom interaktioner med panlevantiske socialnetværk og lokale innovationer til et miljø i forandring i langt højere grad end et resultat af pludselige forandringer af folks levevilkår. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Susanne Kerner, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Stuart Campbell (University of Manchester) Associate Professor Danielle Macdonald (University of Tulsa) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Jesper Nielsen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Public Intellectualism in the Digital Age: The Case of the Intellectual Dark Web on YouTube";"Department of Communication";"2023-04-14";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Mikkel Bækby Johansen.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Mikkel Bækby Johansen. Summary in Danish (pdf) Assessment Committee Professor Anne Jerslev (University of Copenhagen) Professor Marc Verboord (Erasmus University Rotterdam) Senior Lecturer John Postill (RMIT University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Jack Andersen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "What’s The Matter with Privacy?";"Department of Communication";"2023-03-10";"15:00";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 23.0.49";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Johan Lau Munkholm.";"Power and Politics in the Age of Platforms Public defence of PhD thesis by Johan Lau Munkholm. Read the Danish abstract (pdf) Assessment committee Associate Professor Laura Skouvig (University of Copenhagen) Professor Jodie Dean (Hobart and William Smith Colleges, USA) Professor MSO Mikkel Flyverbom (Copenhagen Business School) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Lars Konzack (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library KUB Syd, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "German Muslims on the International Theology Programme in Turkey";"Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies";"2023-03-10";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 21.0.54 (“Multisalen”)";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Maximilian Lasa.";"Temporalities, Spatialities, and Contingency Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Maximilian Lasa. Abstract This dissertation investigates the educational trajectories of young German Muslim students and alumni of the International Theology Programme (Uluslararası İlahiyat Programı) in Turkey. It unfolds the temporal, spatial, and contingent character of their educational stories and self-making by analysing their motivations for studying theology in Turkey, their experiences on the programme, and the ways in which their studies shaped their understanding of who they are. The analysis is based on 27 educational biographies produced through interviews with students and alumni of the International Theology Programme during fieldwork in Germany and Turkey between September 2019 and December 2021. These are supplemented by interviews with professors of Islamic theology at Turkish universities and representatives of the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DİTİB) in Germany. Established in 2006, the International Theology Programme is embedded in the distinct scientific field of Islamic theology at Turkish universities. Although it has become a central institution of transnational Islamic higher education, the programme remains understudied. Within research on Islamic higher education more generally, there are relatively few studies that capture the perspectives of European students. By focusing on the International Theology Programme and placing the experiences and lifeworlds of German students and alumni at the centre of its analytical focus, this study contributes to both the broader research field of Islamic higher education and research on Muslim self-making. I argue that Islamic educational engagement is more than a project of pious self-formation for German students. For the individuals in this study, going abroad to study Islamic theology was a way to learn about both Islam and oneself. Both before and during their studies, they were exploring piety as a facet of their self-making, but also relating to other ‘grand schemes’, including scientism, national belonging, and cosmopolitanism, as well as specific understandings of youth and the particularities of their generation. I also demonstrate that the International Theology Programme is a space of contingency, rather than a space where uniform approaches and understandings are shaped. Students and alumni had different, sometimes changing ways of doing theology, which were shaped by their life experiences and expectations. These ways of doing theology were not only ways of making sense of Islam, but were entangled with how they related to themselves, others, and the world around them. Furthermore, the meanings and value that my interlocutors ascribed to their studies suggest that studying Islamic theology, as well as experiencing life in Turkey, provided them with an orientation for the future that extended beyond their relation to a ‘religious’ self. Resumé Denne afhandling undersøger, hvordan uddannelsesbanen for unge tyske muslimske studerendes og alumner fra den Internationale Teologi-uddannelse (Uluslararası İlahiyat Programı) i Tyrkiet udfolder sig. Den udfolder de temporale, spatiale og kontingente aspekter af sådanne baner og selv-skabelses-processer gennem en analyse af de unges motivationer for at studere teologi i Tyrkiet, deres oplevelser i løbet af uddannelsen, og hvordan uddannelsen former de studerendes ideer om, hvem de er. Analysen baserer sig på 27 uddannelsesbiografier formidlet via interviews med studerende og alumner fra den Internationale Teologi-uddannelse, og er indsamlet under feltarbejde i Tyskland og Tyrkiet i perioden sep. 2019 til dec. 2021. I øvrigt inkluderes interviews med professorer i islamisk teologi fra tyrkiske universiteter og repræsentanter for den Tyrkisk-islamiske forening for religion (DİTİB) i Tyskland. Den Internationale Teologi-uddannelse blev etableret i 2006 som en del af den akademiske scene for islamisk teologi på tyrkiske universiteter. Selvom denne uddannelse er blevet en central institution i det transnationale felt af højere islamisk uddannelse, er den ikke blevet undersøgt nærmere i forskningen. Forskning i højere islamisk uddannelse byder også kun på ganske få studier, der fremhæver europæiske studerendes perspektiv. Ved at tage udgangspunkt i den Internationale Teologi-uddannelse i Tyrkiet og specifikt fokusere på de studerendes erfaringer og livsverdener bidrager denne afhandling både til det bredere felt af forskning i højere islamisk uddannelse og til forskning i muslimsk selv-skabelse. Jeg viser, at islamiske uddannelses-engagement for de tyske studerende ikke kun handler om en from selv-skabelse. For disse studerende handler det at studere islamisk teologi i udlandet både om at lære islam og sig selv at kende. Både før og under deres studier var fromhed et betydningsfuldt aspekt af deres selv-skabelse. Men andre ’grand schemes’ såsom videnskabelighed, nationale tilhørsforhold og kosmopolitisme er også væsentlige, ligesom bestemte forståelser af ungdom og deres særlige generations-træk er det. Jeg viser også, at den Internationale Teologi-uddannelse er et kontingent rum, snarere end det er et sted for enstrengede ideer og forståelse. Den måde, de studerende gjorde teologi, havde ikke kun at gøre med at finde mening i islam, men også med den måde, de relaterede sig til sig selv, til andre, og til verden omkring dem på. Ydermere viser jeg, at betydningen af at studere islamisk teologi såvel som det at flytte til og leve i Tyrkiet havde indflydelse på de studerendes perspektiv på fremtiden bredt set og ikke kun i relation til deres ’religiøse’ selv. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Birgitte Schepelern Johansen, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Bekim Agai (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main) Lecturer Giulia Liberatore (University of Edinburgh) Moderator of the defence Head of Department Annika Hvithamar (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library (KUB South Campus), Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Exhibition as Psycho-Aesthetic Form and Backdrop as Character";"Department of Arts and Cultural Studies";"2023-03-08";"15:00";"";"";"Zoom";"Public defence of PhD thesis by Charlotte Born Sprogøe Petersen.";"Public defence of PhD thesis by Charlotte Born Sprogøe Petersen. Assessment committee Professor Frederik Tygstrup, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Artist-Researcher Lea Porsager (Malmö Art Academy) Curator and Lecturer Mathieu Copeland (Head Geneva) Head of Defence Associate professor Laura Louise Schulz (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available from 1 March at: Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Karen Blixens Vej 1, Building 21, 3rd floor, room 21.3.17 Copenhagen University Library, KUB South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 The Black Diamond, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 Summary This curatorial practice-based PhD project examines the curatorial practice behind conceptually based exhibitions that come into formation as hosts of mental states, variations of intensities, and theatres of energies, becoming “autonomous” but “anti-objectivistic” forms. Off-site exhibitions relating to their lifeworld framework as an extension, living backdrop, and psycho-aesthetic display structure. Exhibitions that each come into their variation of artificial life, and lucid dream state – as choreographed, algorithmic “game of life” realms where the living seems to be “lurking in the background” or waiting to happen. These exhibitions hold a blurry line between display, framing, backdrop, architecture, artwork and exhibition as form, each element sliding into each other, crossing thresholds in a process where shifting occurs between what element is activated and made present in the exhibition. As elements are turned on and turned off, intensified, or just exhibited. The dissertation comprises a series of three exhibitions curated as three different mental states of affect – Desire, Hurt, and Tension – exploring intensity, negativity, attitude, tonality and lifeforce as forces evolving the exhibitions as aesthetic forms (in motion). " "Convergence And Cultural Encounters: The Calendar Wheels of Early Colonial Central Mexico (16th century)";"Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies";"2023-03-03";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Public defence of PhD thesis by Mikkel Bøg Clemmensen.";"Public defence of PhD thesis by Mikkel Bøg Clemmensen. Assessment committee Head of Department Annika Hvithamar, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Justyna Olko (Faculty of Liberal Arts, Warsaw University) Professor John F. Chuchiak IV (Missouri State University) Moderator of the defence Associate professor Trine Brox (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8 Summary A concern of recent scholarship on early colonial Mexico (16th century) has been to move away from a previous dominating focus on the European perspective, and towards representing the voices of colonised and colonisers in a more equal manner. These efforts have led to a revision of previous interpretations of the sources, and to new methodological approaches and theoretical models for the cultural encounter. Especially important in this process has been the recent advances in bringing together knowledge of the two cultural realms, Mesoamerica and Europe, prior to contact, and the effect that cultural overlaps, or ‘convergences’, had on the formation of a hybrid colonial culture. Following up on these issues, this study zooms in on a well-known, although understudied, group of circular calendar diagrams from early colonial Central Mexico. These ‘calendar wheels’ visualise the complex Mesoamerican calendar cycles of 260 and 365 days and relate them to the Christian calendar. In a modern context, the calendar wheels have often been included both in popular scientific and academic literature as illustrations of Mesoamerican conceptions of time. Recently, however, the calendar wheels have been subjected to more critical academic scrutiny, and the dominating interpretation today is that the wheels were mainly the result of a European intrusion into the Mesoamerican modes of expression, and thus not authentic examples of Mesoamerican calendars. In this study, I reassess the entire existing corpus of colonial calendar wheels and propose a new way of viewing them that is less deterministic in ascribing them to either a Mesoamerican or a European origin. By understanding the calendar wheels within the broader theoretical and methodological paradigm of colonial art, I argue that it is possible to view these artefacts not as markers of one single cultural adherence, but as a format in which colonial authors, looking to fulfil their personal political and religious agendas, saw an opportunity for bridging the cultural gap. I debunk the current idea that circular calendars did not exist in Precolumbian Mesoamerica, and I show how colonial authors, friars and indigenous scribes alike, carefully managed to integrate two similar traditions of circular calendars into ‘renewed’ colonial designs. Doing so, these authors exploited the double heritage of the format and invented a mode of communication that could appeal broadly within the bi-cultural colonial discourse. Considering the calendar wheel-format as a particularly apt example of a cultural element shared by Mesoamerica and Europe prior to contact, this study offers some final reflections upon the importance of convergence as a fundamental cultural dynamic in the colonial encounter. " "Individual Differences in Syntactic Comprehension";"Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics";"2023-02-24";"13:00";"";"16:00";"South Campus, Auditorium 22.0.11";"PhD defence by Jessie Leigh Nielsen.";"Individual Differences in Syntactic Comprehension: Assessment, Construct Dimensionality, and the Relation to Reading Comprehension Among Middle School Children PhD defence by Jessie Leigh Nielsen. Assessment committee Line Burholt Kristensen, Chairperson (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Ethan Weed (Aarhus University) Professor Kate Cain (Lancaster University) Leader of defence Associate Professor Kasper Boye (University of Copenhagen) After the defence, a reception will be held outside the auditorium. Abstract This dissertation examines the relationship between syntactic comprehension and reading comprehension among middle school-aged children and methodological issues related to this domain of study. The dissertation consists of four articles. The first two articles examine the dimensionality of syntactic comprehension and vocabulary and the relationship between syntactic comprehension and reading comprehension. Both articles find that syntactic comprehension and vocabulary constitute separate sources of individual differences in language comprehension and that syntactic comprehension explains unique variance in reading comprehension after controls of decoding skill, vocabulary, and working memory. These results indicate that syntactic comprehension skills and vocabulary size vary partially independently of each other across individuals and that some children may have problems comprehending texts because they have problems using syntactic cues to combine the meaning of individual words into meaningful propositions. The last two articles of the dissertation take a more methodological approach and focus on the role of test format in the assessment of individual differences in syntactic comprehension. One article focuses on the fact that syntactic comprehension measures test the comprehension of sentences that are different from the sentences children need to comprehend in practice, especially in the sense that they often contain several discursively new lexical noun phrases, potentially placing high demands on lexical retrieval efficiency. The article finds that while the discourse status of lexical noun phrases significantly affects children’s comprehension accuracy, the effect is so small that is unlikely to have any practical consequences. Furthermore, syntactic comprehension tests seem to tap into the same individual differences regardless of the discourse status of noun phrases. The second methodological article compares three different formats of syntactic comprehension tests: the TROG-2, a sentence repetition test, and a whodunnit test. The article finds that these three tests only partially tap into the same individual differences despite purporting to measure the same thing. Most importantly, the sentence repetition test appears to be more of a general language measure than a specific syntactic comprehension measure, and in contrast to the TROG-2 and the whodunnit, the sentence repetition test does not explain significant variance in reading comprehension after controls. To a large extent, this difference between tests explains why some studies do not find a unique contribution from syntactic comprehension to reading comprehension. Overall, the dissertation finds convincing evidence that individual differences in syntactic comprehension constitute a source of individual differences in reading comprehension. The next step for future studies is to examine if and how it is possible to improve children’s reading comprehension through syntactic comprehension instruction. Resumé Denne afhandling undersøger gennem fire artikler forholdet mellem syntaksforståelse og læseforståelse blandt elever på mellemtrinnet og metodiske problemstillinger forbundet med dette undersøgelsesfelt. Afhandlingen består af fire artikler. De første to artikler undersøger dimensionaliteten af syntaksforståelse og ordforråd og forholdet mellem syntaksforståelse og læseforståelse. Begge artikler finder at syntaksforståelse og ordforråd udgør separate kilder til individuelle forskelle i sprogforståelse, og at syntaksforståelse forklarer unik variation i læseforståelse efter at have kontrolleret for ordafkodning, ordforråd og arbejdshukommelse. Disse resultater indikerer at syntaksforståelsesevne og ordforrådsstørrelse varierer delvist uafhængigt af hinanden, og at nogle børn har vanskeligheder med at forstå tekster fordi de har svært ved at bruge syntaktiske signaler til at sætte betydningen af individuelle ord sammen til propositioner. De sidste to artikler i afhandlingen har en mere metodisk tilgang og undersøger hvordan testformat påvirker hvad syntaksforståelsestest måler. En af artiklerne fokuserer på det at syntaksforståelsestest tester forståelsen af sætninger som adskiller sig fra den slags sætninger børn har brug for at forstå i praksis. Mere specifikt indeholder testsætninger ofte flere diskursivt nye leksikalske nominalfraser, hvilket muligvis stiller store krav til leksikalsk adgangseffektivitet. Artiklen finder at selvom børns forståelsespræcision bliver signifikant påvirket af tilstedeværelsen af nye leksikalske nominalfraser, så er effekterne så små at de sandsynligvis ikke har praktiske konsekvenser. Ydermere synes syntaksforståelsestest at måle de samme individuelle forskelle uanset om nominalfraserne er diskursivt nye eller ej. Den anden metodiske artikel sammenligner tre forskellige formater af syntaksforståelsestest: TROG-2, sætningsgentagelse og whodunnit. Artiklen finder at de tre test kun delvist måler det samme konstrukt på trods af at de beskrives som mål for det samme. Som det nok vigtigste resultat viser sætningsgentagelse sig at være mere et generelt sprogforståelsesmål end et mål for specifik syntaksforståelse, og i modsætning til TROG-2 og whodunnit-testen forklarer sætningsgentagelse ikke signifikant variation i læseforståelse efter kontrolmål. Denne forskel mellem testformater kan i nogen grad forklare hvorfor nogen studier ikke finder et unikt bidrag fra syntaksforståelse til læseforståelse. Samlet set finder afhandlingen belæg for at individuelle forskelle i syntaksforståelseudgør en kilde til individuelle forskelle i læseforståelse. Det næste skridt for fremtidige studier er at undersøge om og hvordan man kan forbedre børns læseforståelsesfærdigheder ved at instruere i syntaksforståelse. " "The populist turn: a comparative study of three decades of populism in Italy";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2023-02-24";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 23.0.49";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Simon Cecchin Birk.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Simon Cecchin Birk. Assessment Committee Professor Morten Rievers Heiberg, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Daniele Albertazzi (University of Surrey) Associate Professor Susi Meret (Aalborg University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Georg Wink (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies Emil Holms Kanal 6 Preface On a late September evening in 2019, I had an aperitivo with two long-time friends of my family at an outdoor bar table in Verona’s historical marketplace, Piazza delle Erbe. While sipping his Spritz, Chiara’s husband Ivano lamented the state of journalism in Italy. As he stressed, one could no longer trust the leading newspapers as they were all in the hands of the same powerful people. The only newspaper that he occasionally found worth reading was Il Fatto Quotidiano. It covered corruption and other abuses of public office in the mainstream parties such as Partito Democratico, which traditional newspapers, including la Repubblica, tended to downplay or ignore, he explained. I remember thinking that it was no coincidence that the newspaper led by the notorious Marco Travaglio also happened to be the newspaper closest to the protest party that Ivano had voted on in 2013 and 2018. I also concluded that it was no accident when he used la Repubblica and Partito Democratico as examples. After all, he had loyally read the former progressive and now more centrist newspaper and supported the centre-left party and its predecessor for years. As a middle-class public servant, he had always leaned left, and he still had a “peace” rainbow flag hanging from the window above the front door of his house. Like many Italians, Ivano had also always been highly sceptical of his country’s political class. Over the last decades, he had become deeply disenchanted. “Nothing changes”, as he put it that evening, “you understand, we keep electing politicians that are all the same, politicians that are only thinking about their career”. Conversations such as the one I had with Ivano have helped shape my view on populism. They have left me unconvinced by descriptions of the phenomenon as nothing more than superficial rhetoric or strategy adopted by demagogues in pursuit of power. Instead, they have made me gravitate toward explanations that start by viewing populism as a set of ideas. To be sure, these can be appropriated. However, they can also be part of a coherent political outlook wherein elites conspire against the people, depriving them of their voice and status. While it has a great capacity to mobilize the masses, it could also have a more profound imprint on political action. Thus, this dissertation will follow the logic of populism and examine its most important manifestations during the last three decades of Italian politics. " "The role of UNESCO";"Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies";"2023-01-27";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Joanne Dingwall McCafferty.";"The role of UNESCO in the protection of cultural heritage during armed conflict in Yemen, Syria and Iraq Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Joanne Dingwall McCafferty. Abstract (English) This thesis aims to determine UNESCO’s capability to facilitate heritage protection measures pre-conflict, emergency response measures during conflict and reconstruction efforts post- conflict. Current literature has neglected to address how UNESCO’s ability to engage with a country, which is currently experiencing, or has recently experienced, conflict, changes depending on the political standpoints of other Member States, and the consequent effect such standpoints have on UNESCO’s facilitation of remote or on-the-ground heritage safeguarding initiatives. This thesis employs document analysis to ascertain UNESCO’s legal obligations when it comes to facilitating cultural heritage protection in its Member States’ territories in the condition of armed conflict, while drawing comparisons with the reality of the organisation’s presence and involvement in Yemen, Syria and Iraq. This study maps shifts in UNESCO’s level of communication with each country’s respective government and civil authorities; allocation of financial, human and material resources; and implementation of heritage safeguarding and reconstruction initiatives. Both quantitative and qualitative data collected during this study shows UNESCO to exhibit great inequity in engagement across Yemen, Syria and Iraq, with the organisation, at times, closing communications entirely with Syria, due to the political standpoints of other UNESCO Member States. This political gridlock, which is evidenced to paralyse UNESCO, is often shown to result in the organisation overstating its ability to safeguard or restore heritage, with promises not being followed up with action. Since 2015, UNESCO has expressed a stronger intent to be a key player in heritage protection during armed conflict, however as long as cultural heritage protection is not considered a humanitarian concern, UNESCO will not be able to circumvent much of the political and bureaucratic barriers facing intergovernmental organisations during conflict, which prevent emergency action from being implemented. In order to ensure heritage safeguarding is permitted during periods of significant unrest, regardless of political discord, it is crucial that UNESCO promote a people-centred approach to its cultural heritage protection initiatives. This thesis evidences that focusing on livelihoods and meaningful and practical connections between populations and their local heritage to be UNESCO’s optimal methodological approach for justifying cultural heritage protection as a humanitarian necessity. Resumé (dansk) Denne afhandling har til formål at klarlægge UNESCO’s evne til at fremme kulturarvsbeskyttende foranstaltninger før konfliktudbrud, nødberedskabsforanstaltninger under konflikter, såvel som genopbygningsindsatser i post-konfliktfasen. Den aktuelle faglitteratur har indtil nu forsømt at behandle, hvordan UNESCO’s evne til at engagere sig i et land, som i øjeblikket gennemgår, eller for nylig har oplevet, en konflikt, ændrer sig afhængigt af de politiske holdninger i andre medlemsstater, og den deraf følgende effekt sådanne holdninger har på UNESCO’s facilitering af kulturarvsbeskyttelse via direkte og fjernbetjente initiativer. Denne afhandling anvender dokumentanalyse til at fastslå UNESCO’s juridiske forpligtelser, når det kommer til at fremme beskyttelsen af kulturarv i dets medlemslandes territorier under væbnede konflikter, samtidig med at der drages sammenligninger til organisationens faktiske tilstedeværelse og involvering i Yemen, Syrien og Irak. Denne undersøgelse kortlægger skift i UNESCO’s kommunikationsniveau med hvert lands respektive regeringer og civile myndigheder; allokering af finansielle, menneskelige og materielle ressourcer; og implementering af initiativer til sikring af kulturarv og genopbygning. Både kvantitative og kvalitative data indsamlet i løbet af denne undersøgelse viser, at UNESCO udviser stor ulighed i sit engagement på tværs af Yemen, Syrien og Irak, hvor organisationen til tider stopper al kommunikation med Syrien på grund af andre UNESCO-medlemsstaters politiske holdninger. Denne politiske krise, som bevisligt lammer UNESCO, viser sig ofte at resultere i, at organisationen overvurderer sin egen evne til at beskytte eller genoprette kulturarv, med løfter, der ikke bliver efterfulgt af handling. Siden 2015 har UNESCO udtrykt en stærkere hensigt om at være en hovedaktør i kulturarvsbeskyttelse under væbnede konflikter, men så længe kulturarvsbeskyttelse ikke betragtes som en humanitær bekymring, vil UNESCO ikke være i stand til at omgå mange af de politiske og bureaukratiske barrierer, som mellemstatslige organisationer står overfor under en konflikt, hvilket forhindrer en nødaktion i at blive iværksat. For at sikre at kulturarvsbeskyttelse er tilladt i perioder med betydelig uro, uanset politisk uenighed, er det afgørende, at UNESCO fremmer en menneskecentreret tilgang til sine initiativer til beskyttelse af kulturarven. Denne afhandling konkluderer, at fokus på levevilkår og meningsfulde og praktiske forbindelser mellem befolkninger og deres lokale kulturarv er den optimale metodiske tilgang for UNESCO til at retfærdiggøre kulturarvsbeskyttelse som en humanitær nødvendighed. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Ingolf Thuesen, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Ruth Young (University of Leicester) Associate Professor Gertjan Plets (Utrecht University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Trine Brox (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8. " "Engaged Subjects";"Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies";"2022-12-16";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 21.0.54 (Multisalen)";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Maria Lindebæk Lyngsøe.";"Danish Muslim Women’s Islamic Educational Activities Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Maria Lindebæk Lyngsøe. Assessment Committee Professor Catharina Raudvere, chair (University of Copenhagen) Senior Researcher David Kloos (Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies, Leiden) Professor Christian Suhr (University of Aarhus) Moderator of the defence Head of Department Annika Hvithamar (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8, DK-2300 Copenhagen S. Abstract This thesis examines the engagement of pious Danish Muslim women in Islamic educational activities, exploring both the local field of Islamic education in Denmark and the broader question of what it means to be and become a (Muslim) subject. Drawing on empirical materials collected primarily through participant observations of educational activities in the Greater Copenhagen area, and interviews with women engaging in such activities, I ask how and why Danish Muslim women engage in Islamic education as students and/or teachers, and what this engagement means for their formation as pious subjects. I show that women’s engagement in Islamic education through both learning and sharing knowledge is a crucial aspect of their commitment to Islam, which they continuously seek to develop using a variety of local and international resources. Problematizing the idea that knowledge engagement among contemporary Muslims is an individualized project, I emphasize its relational dimensions, showing that educational activities are spaces of pious sociality where women’s connection to each other and to God are cultivated. Through their participation as teachers and students in both formal and informal educational activities, such as mosque classes or study groups, women also establish ideas about Islam and reach an understanding of the world. It is in such local contexts that Islamic knowledge is shaped and made meaningful. This thesis takes women’s engagement in Islamic education to have productive potential. One of its main arguments is that this engagement is a way for Danish Muslim women to become pious subjects. This becoming, I argue, is motivated by and reliant on the women’s entanglement with the particular world they inhabit and their embeddedness in a web of relations. This includes a relation to God or ‘the otherworldly’, which shapes women as individuals and influences their engagement in Islamic education. At the same time, everyday commitments, social relations, and temporal realities also influence the unfolding of women’s engagement and how they make sense of it. Through in-depth empirical descriptions of the daily educational activities of pious Danish Muslim women, this thesis contributes important insights to research on Islam in Denmark and to Muslim women’s religious practice internationally. Its development of an understanding of the subject as embedded in a web of relations, including to the otherworldly, is of relevance to the broader field of religious studies but also points more specifically to potentially fruitful new directions in scholarship on Islam in European contexts, which has often focused on Muslims’ minority positionality. Resumé I denne afhandling undersøger jeg danske, fromme muslimske kvinders engagement i islamisk undervisning. Afhandlingen handler både om islamisk uddannelse i Danmark og om, hvad det vil sige at være og blive et (muslimsk) subjekt. Den baserer sig på empirisk materiale primært indsamlet gennem deltagerobservationer af undervisningsaktiviteter samt interviews med kvinder, der engagerer sig i sådanne. Med afsæt heri søger jeg at svare på, hvordan og hvorfor danske, fromme muslimske kvinder engagerer sig i islamisk undervisning som lærere og/eller elever, og hvilken betydning dette engagement har for deres tilblivelse som fromme subjekter. Gennem afhandlingen viser jeg, at kvindernes engagement i islamisk undervisning er et helt centralt aspekt af deres religiøse praksis, som de fortløbende søger at udvikle ved at trække på viden fra en række forskellige både lokale og internationale ressourcer. Jeg problematiserer ideen om, at nutidige muslimers søgen efter islamisk viden foregår som en individuel eller individualiseret proces og fremhæver relationelle aspekter af kvindernes engagement, idet jeg viser, at undervisningsaktiviteter også må beskrives som fromheds-fællesskaber i hvilke, relationer både mellem kvinderne og til Gud kultiveres. Videre viser jeg, at kvinderne som lærere og elever i formelle og uformelle aktiviteter skaber fælles forståelser af, hvad islam og verden er. Det er en central pointe, at det er i lokale kontekster som de, denne afhandling beskriver, at islamisk viden etableres og får mening.Det er afhandlingens grundlæggende antagelse, at engagementet i islamiske undervisningsaktiviteter har et produktivt potentiale og fungerer skabende for kvinderne som fromme subjekter. Denne skabelse er motiveret af og baserer sig på deres indlejring i et net af relationer til verden omkring dem, inklusive Gud eller ’det hinsides’, der påvirker deres tilblivelse som individer og deres engagement i islamisk undervisning. Samtidig fremhæves også hverdagslige forpligtelser, sociale relationer og temporale virkeligheder som betydningsfulde for, hvordan engagementet udfolder sig og for deres forståelse af dette. Med grundige empiriske beskrivelser af danske, fromme muslimske kvinders hverdagslige islamiske undervisningsaktiviteter bidrager afhandlingen med ny viden til international forskning i muslimske kvinders religiøse praksis og til forskning i islam i Danmark. Med den foreslåede forståelse af subjekter som indlejret i et net af relationer, inkluderende Gud eller det hinsidige, er afhandlingen af relevans for den bredere religionsvidenskab og udpeger mere specifikt nye retninger for forskning i europæiske muslimer, som ofte har betonet disses minoritetsposition frem for deres gudsrelation. " "Come along and sing. Translating the songs of Greek tragedy";"Saxo-Instituttet";"2022-12-14";"13:00";"";"16:00";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Kristoffer Maribo Engell Larsen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";" Kristoffer Maribo Engell Larsen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Forsvaret bliver afholdt på dansk. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Thomas Heine Nielsen, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor Thea Selliaas Thorsen (Norges teknisk-naturvidenskabelige Universitet) Lektor George Hinge (Aarhus Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Studielektor Susanne Bramming Hansen (Københavns Universitet) Kopi af afhandlingen vil være tilgængelig på: Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, KUB Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 Den Sorte Diamant, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 Saxo-Instituttet, Karen Blixens Plads 8, lokale 12-3-40 " "Being Muslim, Performing Mexicanness: Religious Identity Negotiations among Muslim Immigrants in Mexico";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies";"2022-12-07";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Nik Mohammad Hasif bin Mat.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Nik Mohammad Hasif bin Mat. Assessment Committee Associated Professor Jan Gustafsson, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Susanne Klengel (Freie Universität Berlin) Professor Shamsul Amri Baharuddin (National University of Malaysia) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Robert Rix (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6. " "The Medium in the Middle";"Department of Communication / Faculty of Humanities";"2022-11-28";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 15A-0-13";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Christoffer Bagger.";"Workplace from Meta, Enterprise Social Media, and The Intersection of the Personal and the Professional Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Christoffer Bagger. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Jun Liu (University of Copenhagen) Associace Professor Alessandro Gandini (University of Milan) Docent Salla-Maria Laaksonen (University of Helsinki) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Andreas Lindegaard Gregersen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8 Abstract This PhD dissertation consist of an introductory framing text (da. ”kappe”) and five research articles. The topic of this dissertation is the boundary and intersection between work and non-work, the personal and the professional. The focus of this dissertation is social media, and more specifically enterprise social media. The empirical subject is the enterprise social medium Workplace from Meta (née Workplace from Facebook). The research question underlying this dissertation is how the uses and interpretations of enterprise social media complicate the boundary between the personal and the professional, or work and non- work. The framing text consists of five chapters preceded by a short overture. In the overture, I hint at the themes of the dissertation through the analysis of a personal anecdote. In the first proper chapter, I introduce the problem area (the boundary between work and non-work and the role media has in shaping this boundary), the research case (the Enterprise social medium Workplace from Meta) and the research questions. In the second chapter, I provide an overview of both work and social media as contexts unto themselves. In this same chapter, I outline how the thus-far mutual disinterest of media studies and studies of working life leave enterprise social media in a middle area between disciplines. In the third chapter, I outline the research methods which underlies the empirical research articles of this project. This method is inspired by media reception studies and seeks to understand how a selection of empirical users (n=28) interpret and use Workplace from Meta through qualitative interviews. In the fourth chapter of the framing text, I discuss the findings of this research project, highlighting how Workplace from Meta occupies a middle space between work and non-work, in that it is a medium for the professional context which is heavily reliant upon familiarity with social media from personal life. I end this chapter by suggesting how this should inform future research. In the fifth and final chapter, I summarize the conclusions of the overall research project. In the first research article, titled ”Social Media and Work: A Framework of Eight Intersections” (published in the International Journal of Communication) I present a review of areas in the existing research where social media and work intersect. After delineating the two terms “social media” and “work,” I outline 8 conceptualizations describing different types of intersection between these two domains: (1) social media before work, (2) social media instead of work, (3) social media for work, (4) social media about work, (5) social media as work, (6) social media under work, (7) 194 work for social media, and (8) social media after work. I proceed to discuss how these different conceptualizations might give rise to (empirical) differences in how individuals experience social media and work, and how the two themes provide different analytical foci. I end with a conclusion on how research should be sensitized to a world of post-social media work. In the second research article, titled” Digital Disconnection Research in Review: What, How and Who?” (Submitted for review), I review how the backlash against digital media has manifested in everyday practices of digital disconnection, or deliberate non-use of media. This article seeks to create an overview of the last decade of empirical disconnection research, tracing both its overarching tendencies and its boundaries. This is done through an analysis of 346 empirical studies on digital disconnection. For the purposes of this article, digital disconnection research is defined by a research ethos which does not see the act of media non-use or restricted media use as something to be remedied. In review, the typical interest of the research has been in studying relatively young and individualized agents’ disconnection from social media, a disconnection which is often temporary or partial. Therefore, the discussion portion of the article considers the opportunity for the openness of digital disconnection studies to extend even further, with particular emphasis on structures and contexts where disconnection may not only be problematized by the imperatives of “always on” communication, specifically in working life. In the third research article, titled ”Professional, Transmedia Selves: Finding a Place for Enterprise Social Media” (submitted for review), I proceed from an expanded view of transmedia theory to argue how enterprise social media (ESM), and especially Workplace from Meta, present an opportunity for digital self-presentation. The argument is that ordinary users are now cast in the role of transmedia producers, who must figure out what unique contribution ESM can provide. The chapter then proceeds to outline three individual case studies of how integration of the ESM Workplace from Facebook may unfold. The cases illustrate how considerations of both selfpromotion, citizenship in the workplace or using the playful functionalities of ESM may both encourage use and ultimately marginalize the medium in worker’s personal transmedia ecology. In the fourth research article, titled “Overcoming Forced Disconnection: Disentangling the Professional and the Personal in Pandemic Times” (published in the anthology Reckoning with Social Media, eds. Aleena Chia, Ana Jorge and Tero Karppi), co-authored with Stine Lomborg, I turn to the question of what role Workplace plays when the lowercase-w workplace disappears. Analysing the interviews conducted during the first peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, we examine which role Workplace is understood to play during the, at the time, extraordinary circumstances brough about by the lockdown. Here, the evidence suggests that the phatic communicative affordances of Workplace were secondary to more “live” forms of 195 communication. Additionally, the COVID-19 lockdowns represented a clear example of work migrating into the domain of the personal, potentially eroding temporal, spatial and social boundaries along the way. Under these circumstances, not only was Workplace a medium which had “migrated” from the personal into professional life, professional life had now plunked itself unavoidably into the personal. In addition to providing more examples of the negotiations about what kind of communication Workplace is supposed to promote, this article also illustrates the difficulty of relying on this medium for community at work, especially under circumstances where working life became particularly reliant upon digital media. In the fifth and final research article, titled ”An organisational cultivation of digital resignation? Enterprise social media, privacy, and autonomy” (published in Nordicom Review 42(s4)), I discuss how Enterprise social media (ESM) have largely gone ignored in discussions of the datafication practices of social media platforms. I presents an initial step towards filling this research gap. My research question in this article regards how employees of companies using the ESM Workplace from Facebook feel that the implementation of this particular platform relates to their potential struggles for digital privacy and work–life segmentation. Methodologically, I explore this through a qualitative interview study of 21 Danish knowledge workers in different organisations using the ESM. The central analytical proposal of the article is that the interviewees express a “digital resignation” towards the implementation of the ESM. In contrast to previous discussions, this resignation cannot only be thought of as “corporately cultivated” by third parties but must also be considered as “organisationally cultivated” by the organisations people work for. The study suggests that datafication-oriented media studies should consider organisational contexts. " "Mediatisation of a revolution: (De)mobilisation among diasporic Syrian dissidents in Europe";"Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies / Faculty of Humanities";"2022-11-18";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.50";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Zenia Bredmose Henriksen Ab Yonus.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Zenia Bredmose Henriksen Ab Yonus. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Lisa Wedeen (University of Chicago) Senior Lecturer Erin Cory (University of Malmö) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Jesper Nielsen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8. Abstract There is little known about the role of diaspora activists in the aftermath of the Arab uprisings, which began in 2011. News about Syria has been propagated widely, making it one of the most socially-mediated conflicts in history, but knowledge about how Syrians themselves evaluate the role of media is scarce. This thesis is an investigation into the media practices of Syrian diasporas in order to understand how they navigate the newly-emerged mediascape with different constraints and opportunities for transnational and oppositional political activism. The media have functioned as a virtual battlefield, both locally and globally, to mobilise support for narratives or to direct military, political, or financial measures. Taking both the materiality and attributes of media into consideration, the focal point is the representation of the Syrian conflict, and how the nature of mediated spaces both enables and disables political activism in diaspora. I look at the concepts of diaspora, media, and political mobilisation encompassing everyday politics, both socially mediated practices and diasporic networks, in order to understand the cultures of information in which the interlocutors of this study have engaged. I apply the theoretical concept of mediatisation from below, a bottom-up approach, and I simultaneously include a holistic understanding of the various intersecting social forces at work. I primarily use a methodology of semi-structured interviews carried out in 2019 with 37 Syrians residing in Denmark, Sweden, and Germany. I have transcribed and coded using NVivo software in order to make a grounded theory analysis of the narratives presented. I have combined the interviews with digital ethnography to get an insight into the discussions mentioned in the interviews. The mixed methods approach make it possible to look at the relational dynamics within the media environment. The main conclusion to the question of political activism is that mediated and lived experiences affect how people are able to fight for freedom, democracy, and (transitional) justice. What I call ‘demobilisation’ - not to confuse it with ‘depoliticisation’ - is witnessed, but there is a vast decrease in the diaspora-based activities. This is not to say that activists are not still fighting or no longer believe in the revolution, but there is a despair and a sense of meaninglessness prevailing. I uncover the key factors for this development by not neglecting the happenings on the ground in Syria, but also focusing on lives of Syrians in diaspora. I have found four main socio-political constraints for activism: Transnational repression through digital authoritarianism carried out by regime and regime- supporting agents; Saturation and overload of mediated information and violence; Challenges from life in diaspora; and Fragmentation within the oppositional movements The overall argument is that political activism has declined due to a combination of these four constraints. Transnational ties that are, in many ways, transmitted through various kinds of media shape these dynamics. The thesis thus connects the structures of political action formation among Syrian diaspora groups in Denmark, Sweden, and Germany with everyday media practices. " "Inferensdragning i fagtekstlæsning på førstesprog og andetsprog ";"";"2022-11-11";"13:00";"";"16:00";"Søndre Campus, Auditorium 4A.0.69";"Ph.d. forsvar af Henrik Balle Nielsen.";"Inferensdragning i fagtekstlæsning på førstesprog og andetsprog - forsøg med inferensundervisning i flersprogede 4. klasser Henrik Balle Nielsen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Holger Juul (forperson), Københavns Universitet Professor Åse Kari Hansen Wagner, Universitetet i Stavanger, Norge Tidl. lektor Dorthe Klint Petersen, Aarhus Universitet Leder af forsvaret Lektor Mads Poulsen, Københavns Universitet Resumé Afhandlingen rapporterer fra en effektundersøgelse af eksplicit undervisning i at drage inferenser i fagtekstlæsning i flersprogede 4. klasser; inferenser baseret på sprogforståelse og baggrundsviden. Den eksisterende viden om at drage inferens i læsning gav anledning til at antage, at en sådan forsøgsundervisning ville føre til effekt, udtrykt i såvel forbedrede færdigheder i at drage inferenser som i forbedret tekstforståelse i førstesprogslæsning. Litteraturen savnede imidlertid viden om det tilsvarende for andetsprogslæsning. Undersøgelsens design omfattede en eksperimentgruppe og en kontrolgruppe, bestående af henholdsvis otte og ti 4. klasser. Undervisningen i forsøgsgruppen mellem prætest og posttest blev udført af elevernes daglige lærere gennem 12 lektioner. ANOVA’er af fremgangene i inferensfærdigheder henholdsvis generel læseforståelse viste hovedeffekt af betingelse, ingen hovedeffekt af sprogstatus og ingen interaktionseffekt af betingelse x sprogstatus. Hovedeffekten af betingelse var i begge tilfælde i forsøgsgruppens favør. Udtrykt med Cohens d var effekterne 0,37 på inferensfærdigheder og 0,53 på generel læseforståelse. Fraværet af interaktionseffekter viste, at fremgangene var uafhængige af sprogstatus. Forsøget havde desuden effekt på læsepræcision, men ikke på -hastighed. Desuden viste yderligere analyser mindre, men signifikante associationer mellem fremgang i færdigheder i at drage inferenser og ordkendskab hhv. monitorering af egen læseforståelse. Designet af forsøgsundervisningen talte for at antage, at tilsvarende 4. klasser i praksis ville opnå tilsvarende effekter. " "Algorithms in Everyday Media Use";"Department of Communication";"2022-11-04";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 27.0.17";"PhD defence by Patrick Heiberg Kapsch.";"A user-centred approach to studying the significance of algorithms in digital media PhD defence by Patrick Heiberg Kapsch. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Gitte Balling, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Brita Ytre-Arne (University of Bergen) Associate Professor David Mathieu (Roskilde University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Jeppe Nicolaisen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "The Shadow Sides of Positive Psychology and the Turn to Resilience";"Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies";"2022-10-31";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 5B-2-08";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Mille Kirstine Bygballe Keis.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Mille Kirstine Bygballe Keis. Read thesis (read-only pdf) Assessment Committee Associate Professor Andreas Bandak, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Steven Brown (Nottingham Trent University) Professor Paula Reavey (London South Bank University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Trine Brox (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8 Abstract (UK) Since the formal launch of the field of positive psychology in the late 1990s, this new science of human happiness and well-being has found many niches in which to flourish. Over the past 20 years, positive psychological interventions have proliferated in various spheres such as education, management, self-help, professional counseling, and, more recently, in the U.S. Army. This dissertation examines the central promises and potential pitfalls of positive psychology and its approach to building resilience through an analysis of the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program (CSF), a resilience-training program developed for the U.S. Army based on the principles from positive psychology. In 2008, the suicide rates of American soldiers had reached a 28-years high, and around one in five U.S. veterans, who had returned from the prolonged wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or depression. To deal with this mental health crisis, the U.S. Army turned to Martin Seligman, one of the founding fathers and leading figures in the field of positive psychology, who helped design the CSF program, which was launched in 2009. This program was intended to decrease rates of PTSD, depression, and anxiety and improve performance by enhancing the resilience and well-being of soldiers and other army personnel by teaching them how to cope with adversity and grow from both minor setbacks and major trauma. Taking the resilience training program designed for the U.S. Army as my central case and empirical starting point, I focus on the way in which positive psychological theories and techniques have been promoted as an antidote to the problems of trauma, and how the notions of strengths and resilience found in the CSF program affect how the problems of trauma are viewed and treated, thus making the science of positive psychology and the central assumptions about resilience and trauma underlying the CSF program my central objects of investigation. I am not trying to refine a general theory about trauma and resilience. Instead, I attend to the ways in which notions of trauma and resilience are articulated in my case and I explore how these conceptions are situated within a broader field of questions and discussions about trauma and resilience. Thus, this dissertation contributes to ongoing discussions about the increasing focus on resilience and the use of positive psychology, and in it, I raise several critical questions and concerns of general relevance, as this program was not only created for the U.S. Army, but also intended as a general model for civilian use. Based on my discussions about the wider sociopolitical implications of the growing use of psychological interventions and expertise in Western societies (chapter 3 and 7), my analysis of the scientific foundation of positive psychology (chapter 4), how positive psychologists have articulated the promise of resilience and the central theories and techniques used in the CSF program (chapter 5), and the assumptions about trauma and PTSD underlying this program (chapter 6), I argue that, while it is tempting to embrace the promises of positive psychology, we should not do so uncritically, as my analyses show how both the CSF program and the science of positive psychology are based on several promises, which they have yet to live up to. I demonstrate that rather than delivering on their promise to create positive psychological interventions based on hard, scientific evidence, the positive psychologists involved with the creation of the CSF program have made several unsubstantiated claims about the usefulness and effectiveness of positive psychological techniques as an antidote to PTSD. This dissertation also suggests that there are several shadow sides to this resilience-training. E.g., by portraying traumatic conditions like PTSD as rooted in bad habits of the mind, the CSF program largely represents traumatic disorders as an individual failure to properly manage one’s own thoughts, feelings, and actions, rather than as resulting from one’s exposure to traumatic stressors. It is tempting to conclude that the CSF program have failed as an antidote to the problems of trauma, but to do so, we risk overlooking how the program also works to individualize, decontextualize, and depoliticize both the problems of trauma and the notion of resilience. Resumé (DK) Siden lanceringen af den positive psykologi i slutningen af 1990erne har denne nye videnskab om menneskets lykke og trivsel opnået en stadigt større udbredelse. I løbet af de sidste 20 år har interventioner baseret på den positive psykologi vundet indpas på forskellige områder såsom uddannelse, ledelse, selvhjælp, professionel terapi og rådgivning, samt i den amerikanske hær. Denne afhandling undersøger de centrale løfter og mulige skyggesider af den positive psykologi og dens tilgang til at opbygge resiliens gennem en analyse af programmet ”Comprehensive Soldier Fitness” (CSF), et resilienstræningsprogram udviklet til det amerikanske militær baseret på principper fra den positive psykologi. I 2008 var selvmordsraten blandt amerikanske soldater den højeste i 28 år, og cirka hver femte veteran fra krigene i Irak og Afghanistan led af PTSD eller depression. For at dæmme op for det stigende antal soldater med psykiske problemer kontaktede den amerikanske hær Martin Seligman, som er en af grundlæggerne af den positive psykologi, og sammen skabte de CSF-programmet, som blev lanceret i 2009. Formålet med dette forebyggende program var at mindske forekomsten af PTSD, depression og angst, samt at forbedre soldaternes ydeevne og styrke deres generelle velbefindende ved at lære dem forskellige teknikker til at håndtere stress og traumer. Afhandlingen tager CSF-programmet som sin centrale case og empiriske genstand. I min analyse af CSF-programmet fokuserer jeg især på hvordan den positive psykologi er blevet promoveret som en modgift mod traumatisering, og jeg undersøger hvordan programmets ideer omkring styrker og resiliens påvirker forståelsen af traumer. Dermed gør jeg også programmets videnskabelige fundament, altså den positive psykologi og dens underliggende antagelser om traumer og resiliens, til en central genstand i mine analyser. Afhandlingens ærinde er ikke at fremstille en generel teori om traumer eller resiliens. I stedet fokuserer jeg på hvordan disse fremtræder i min case, og jeg udforsker hvordan programmets centrale antagelser er placeret i et bredere felt af spørgsmål og diskussioner omkring traumer og resiliens. Afhandlingen bidrager med en diskussion af resilienstænkningen og brugen af den positive psykologi og jeg rejser en række kritiske spørgsmål, som har bredere relevans end blot det amerikanske militær, idet CSF-programmet ikke kun var skabt til det amerikanske militær, det er også tiltænkt som en mere generel model for, hvordan man kan øge individers resiliens i civile kontekster. På baggrund af afhandlingens analyser og diskussion af de bredere sociopolitiske effekter af den stigende brug af psykologiske interventioner og ekspertise i den vestlige verden (kapitel 3+7), den positive psykologis videnskabelige fundament (kapitel 4), resilienstænkningens og CSF-programmets underliggende løfter, teorier og teknikker (kapitel 5), samt programmets underliggende antagelser om traumer og PTSD (kapitel 6) argumenterer jeg for, at selvom det er fristende at omfavne den positive psykologis centrale løfter og antagelser, så bør dette ikke gøres ukritisk. Afhandlingens kapitler viser, hvordan både CSF-programmet og den positive psykologi er baseret på en række løfter, som de endnu ikke lever op til. Den positive psykologi blev f.eks. lanceret på et løfte om at levere psykologiske interventioner med veldokumenteret effekt, men samtidig er CSF-programmet baseret på udokumenterede påstande omkring anvendeligheden og effekten af teknikkerne fra den positive psykologi som en modgift til PTSD. Afhandlingen belyser også hvordan resilienstræningen i CSF-programmet rummer en række mulige skyggesider. Programmet fremstiller bl.a. traumatiske lidelser som værende funderet i bestemte dårlige vaner og karakteristiske tænkemåder, og promoverer dermed en forståelse af traumatiske lidelser som et resultat af individers manglende evne til at styre og regulere deres egne tanker, følelser og handlinger, snarere end værende et resultat af deres eksponering for traumatiske stressfaktorer. Det er fristende at konkludere at CSF-programmet har fejlet og ikke virker som en modgift til traumatisering, men så risikerer vi at overse, hvordan programmet også virker på andre måder, bl.a. hvordan programmet individualiserer, dekontekstualiserer og afpolitiserer forståelsen af både traumer og resiliens. " "Kulturbegreber og interkulturalitet i franskfagets begynderundervisning";"Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk";"2022-10-28";"13:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, lokale15A-0-13";"Stephanie Kim Löbl forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"En mixed methods-undersøgelse af samspillet mellem lærer, læremiddel og styredokument Stephanie Kim Löbl forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Bedømmelsesudvalg Professor Anne Holmen, forperson (Københavns Universitet) Professor Susana Silvia Fernández (Aarhus Universitet) Professor Eva Thue Vold (Universitetet i Oslo) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Anita Berit Hansen (Københavns Universitet) Kopier af afhandlingen kan læses ved: Informationsskranken på Københavns Universitetsbibliotek (KUB Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 Det Kongelige Bibliotek (Den Sorte Diamant), læsesalen (øst) Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Emil Holms Kanal 6 " "Feeling sick of home?";"Department of Art and Cultural Studies / Faculty of Humanities";"2022-10-14";"13:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, room 4A-0-69";"PhD defence by Anna Meera Gaonkar.";"A Cultural Study of Postmigrant Homesickness in Contemporary Denmark PhD defence by Anna Meera Gaonkar. Assessment committee Associate professor Laura Louise Schultz, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Elahe Haschemi Yekani (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) Professor Stefan Jonsson (Linköping University) Head of Defence Associate professor Karen Arnfred Vedel (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available at: Copenhagen University Library Søndre Campus - Humanities and Law, Karen Blixens Plads 7 The Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 Abstract Feeling Sick of Home? is a cultural study of expressions of post-migrant homesickness in contemporary Denmark. The dissertation stimulates a twofold meaning of homesickness as feeling sick for home and feeling sick of home. Addressing effect as a property of the social, the study analyses a range of artistic, cultural, and parliamentary political expressions of homesickness in Danish society. Within the realm of art and culture, the study addresses homesickness from the perspective of racialised members of society who are born or primarily raised in Denmark. Does a question thus arise of how we can account for homesickness when the homesick subject is not away from home? Within the realm of parliamentary politics – more specifically within deliberations on the management of the social housing sector and its populations – the dissertation submits that homesickness manifests as nativist longings for national pasts and futures with fewer migrants from outside Europe. This antagonistic variant of homesickness partly results in affective evictions of racialised and migrated residents of social housing estates. Combining affect theory and a post-migrant analytic, the dissertation creates a conceptual framework around post-migrant homesickness, which considers society’s discursive obsession with migrants and negotiations of the configuration of the national homebody. In addition to providing a new vocabulary for the cultural study of homesickness, the study contributes to an understanding of Danish society as a post-migrant society in which migration-related effects are in intense circulation. The dissertation is organised in two parts: Part I carves out the conceptual European history of homesickness and points to its limitations for contemporary analytical purposes; Part II is a cultural analysis of post-migrant homesickness as affective inheritances of migration within the family unit, feelings of unhomeliness impelled by societal forces, and affective evictions in parliamentary politics." "Convolutional Aesthetics";"Department of Art and Cultural Studies / Faculty of Humanities";"2022-10-13";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 21.0.54 (Multisalen)";"PhD defence by Naja le Fevre Grundtmann.";"A cultural and philosophical analysis of the perceptual logic of machine learning systems PhD defence by Naja le Fevre Grundtmann. Assessment committee Associate professor Bjarkí Váltysson, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Celia Lury (University of Warwick) Associate professor Winnie Soon (Aarhus University) Head of Defence Associate professor Ulrik Ekman (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available at: The Copenhagen University Library South Campus (KUB Syd), Karen Blixens Plads 7 The Royal Library at Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 (the Black Diamond) Abstract Machine learning systems have reached a performance level comparable to humans in certain recognition tasks, such as object recognition in images. This thesis analyses these historically unprecedented and contemporarily influential technologies via the proposition that their perceptual logic constitutes aesthetics. Focusing on current theorisations and practices of state-of-the-art computer vision, the thesis examines how the use of visual material in the field of computer science informs the understanding of the perceptual logic of machine learning systems. Computer scientists often use artistic material or other kinds of images as resources to provide evidence for various kinds of hypotheses regarding the inner workings of artificial neural networks. Drawing on several disciplines, this study assesses the aesthetic and technical premisses of these claims by a close reading of high-level descriptions of machine learning systems together with cultural, philosophical and aesthetic theory. It demonstrates that there is a discrepancy between how some computer scientists mobilise art to theorise machine learning and the actual functioning of the processes they engineer. Theorising the perceptual logic of artificial networks in terms closer to their technical description, this thesis contends that machine learning systems foster a generative environment in interaction with data. By engaging with the processes performed by convolutional neural networks, this thesis claims that the particular ways in which input data is folded into the architecture of these systems constitute part of this new and idiomatic mode of aesthetics, which it proposes to be a “convolutional aesthetics.” In identifying these convolutional aesthetics, this project makes claims toward understanding the expanded ways in which vision is inhabited and operates in machine learning systems and their wider contexts." "Fy og Bi: Et transnationalt filmfænomen";"Institut for Kommunikation / Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2022-09-28";"13:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, lokale 4A-0-69";"Jannie Dahl Astrup forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"En undersøgelse af grænsekrydsende entanglements i produktions-, distributions- og modtagerperspektiv Jannie Dahl Astrup forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Eva Jørholt (Københavns Universitet) Professor Mats Jönsson (Göteborg Universitet) Lektor Joel Frykholm (Lunds Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Johannes Riis (Københavns Universitet) Kopier af afhandlingen vil være fremlagt til gennemsyn på: Københavns Universitetsbibliotek (KUB), Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 Læsesal Øst i Det Kongelige Bibliotek (Den Sorte Diamant), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 Institut for Kommunikation, Karen Blixens Plads 8. Resumé af afhandlingen Afhandlingen undersøger det danske filmkomikerpar Fy og Bi som et transnationalt filmfænomen i 1920’erne og 1930’ernes filmkultur. Fra 1921 til 1940 blev der produceret 48 film med Fy og Bi; størstedelen af disse af produktionsselskabet Palladium, hvor instruktøren Lau Lauritzen i 1921 etablerede duoen. Sideløbende blev de to skuespillere bag, Carl Schenstrøm og Harald Madsen, udlånt til udenlandske filmselskaber, der også iscenesatte Fy og Bi-film. Filmene nød stor og bred international succes, men nogen større akademisk forskningsindsats i dette kapitel af dansk stum- og tidlig tonefilm har ikke tidligere været foretaget. Den overordnede filmhistoriske tilgang tager afsæt i New Cinema History, hvor sociokulturelle forhold omkring distribution og filmfremvisning søges afdækket empirisk og kildenært. Denne metodologiske praksis centrerer sig i særlig grad omkring kilder som aviser og branchepublikationer. Gennem en detaljeret undersøgelse af kildemateriale som dette, udforskes og kortlægges produktions- og distributionsforhold, samarbejdspartnere og fremvisningspraksis i relation til Fy og Bis grænsekrydsende aktiviteter. I analysen af, hvorledes filmene med Fy og Bi nåede så langt ud over de danske grænser, inddrages en række anskuelsesvinkler i afhandlingen. Først indskrives etableringen af Palladium – dette oprindeligt som et svensk selskab på dansk grund – i relation til den øvrige, danske filmbranche omkring 1920. Da Palladium i 1923 indgik samarbejde med en engelsk filmagent, Arthur G. Gregory, og en tysk distributør og producent, Lothar Stark, tog selskabets udenlandske succes fart. Gennem afdækningen af disse hidtil oversete aktørers roller; både i relation til Palladium og Fy og Bi samt den øvrige filmbranche, bidrager afhandlingen med ny viden og filmhistorien nuanceres. Derefter kortlægges de i alt tretten udenlandske filmproduktioner, som Schenstrøm og Madsen medvirkede i som Fy og Bi for selskaber i Sverige, Østrig, England, Tyskland og Ungarn i årene mellem 1925 og 1937. Palladiums forhandlinger med det pan-europæiske filmkonsortium Westi-Film, hvor Gregory i en periode også var ansat, afdækkes i detaljen. Her var det planlagt, at Fy og Bi skulle tilknyttes, men Starks mellemkomst og Westis kollaps i 1925 satte en stopper for dette. Distributions- og fremvisningsmønstret af film med Fy og Bi i München er det case-baserede omdrejningspunkt for afhandlingens følgende kapitel, hvor duoens udbredelse analyseres gennem en kortlægning af biografernes repertoire i årene mellem 1924-1934. Her opnåede mindst 36 ud af de i alt 41 Fy og Bi-film, der blev produceret i perioden, fremvisning i München. Fy og Bi var faste og genkommende skikkelser på byens biograflærreder. Ikke bare i München, men også i det øvrige Tyskland, hvor deres film blev stemt ind blandt biografejernes største kassesucceser i årlige rundspørger i sidste halvdel af 1920’erne. Endelig afdækkes forhold knyttet til den vidtforgrenede promoveringsindsats af Fy og Bi i form af personlige optrædener, reklamer, facadeudsmykning, merchandise og tie-ins, mens retssager om duoens tyske navneophav og omrejsende Fy og Bi-falsknere understreger, hvordan fænomenet Fy og Bi også blev forsøgt udnyttet i kommercielt øjemed af flere forskellige aktører. På baggrund af ovenstående undersøgelser af Palladiums vigtigste samarbejdspartnere og disses sammenfiltrede forretningsforhold, udenlandske Fy og Bi-produktioner, den case-baserede udforskning af filmenes distribution og fremvisningsmønster i München, forskelligartede udtryk for markedsføringspraksis og afledte effekter af denne, tydeliggør afhandlingen årsagen til Fy og Bis succes, idet den peger på den danske filmduo som et udpræget transnationalt filmfænomen. Nøgleord: filmhistorie, Palladium, Fy og Bi, New Cinema History, filmhistoriografi, stumfilm, transnational film, entangled history" "On Black poetics and the renunciation of categorical distinction in multimodal music video analysis";"Department of Art and Cultural Studies / Faculty of Humanities";"2022-09-23";"15:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 4A.0.69";"PhD defence by Anders Aktor Liljedahl.";"PhD defence by Anders Aktor Liljedahl. Assessment committee Associate Professor Tore Tvarnø Lind, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Shana Redmond (Columbia University) Professor John Richardson (University of Turku) Head of Defence Assistant Professor (tenure track) Jessica Holmes (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available at: The Royal Library (The Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 Copenhagen University Library (KUB South Campus), Karen Blixens Plads 7 " "Making in Libraries";"Department of Communication";"2022-08-26";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Árni Már Einarsson.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Árni Már Einarsson. Assessment Committee Associate professor Trine Louise Schreiber, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Ole Seier Iversen (Aarhus University) Professor Netta Iivari (University of Oulu) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8 Abstract Digitization has afforded new possibilities to access, store, and share information that has affected libraries. Libraries have developed from central information warehouses towards being public places for activity, learning, and community building. This PhD dissertation is about library makerspaces – a type of performative library spaces inviting users to create, learn, and take part in a community around tools and materials. The dissertation asks the ostensibly simple thematic question “How are makerspaces practiced in libraries?” that is relevant for two reasons: First because makerspaces associate with expectations of empowerment, democratization, and community while outcomes depend on local conditions. Second, makerspaces in library symbolize change and involve practices not traditionally associated with libraries. That underscores the relevance of understanding the ways makerspace activities unfold in practice and integrate with existing values and practices of the library. Library makerspace practices are further deconstructed into three questions covering users’ and staffs’ practices. These include (1) “how do library makerspaces arrange activities?,” (2) “how do material activities connect to makers’ everyday lives?,” and (3) “how do library makerspaces mediate social relations?”. The questions are addressed in six articles relying on data gathered in four complementary empirical studies. The studies include interview studies involving staff and users, an observational study of a communal library makerspace, and a video interaction analysis of father-child interaction in semi-structured non-formal activities. Together, these studies contribute to a nuanced understanding of practices in library makerspaces. Based on practice theory, human-computer Interaction, and library information sciences, this dissertation discusses library makerspaces in relation to the organization of activities, information behavior, learning, meaning-making, community, and institutional embeddedness. This dissertation contributes an everyday perspective on library makerspaces enlightening both the new potentials makerspaces offer for libraries and the ongoing challenges of integrating new practices into institutionalized values and practices." "I konflikt med det sædvanlige";"Saxo-Instituttet / Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2022-06-15";"13:00";"";"16:00";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Mathias Christiansen Broch forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Social kompleksitet i Vestjyllands hav- og fjordlandskab i perioden mellem 1-1200 e.Kr. Mathias Christiansen Broch forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Rune Iversen (Københavns Universitet) Lektor Mette Løvschal (Aarhus Universitet og Moesgaard Museum) Dr. Martin Segschneider (Lower Saxony Institute, Wilhelmshaven) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Mikkel Sørensen (Københavns Universitet) Kopi af afhandlingen vil være tilgængelig på: Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, KUB Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 Den Sorte Diamant, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 Saxo-Instituttet, Søndre Campus, sekretariatet 3. sal, lokale 12-3-40 " "Freedom in Uncertainty";"Department of Communication / Faculty of Humanities";"2022-06-10";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Filippos Stamatiou.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Filippos Stamatiou. Assessment Committee Professor Klemens Kappel (University of Copenhagen) Professor Elisabeth Pacherie (Ecole Normale Supérieure) Professor Alfred Mele (Florida State University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Leo Catana (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8 Abstract We live, think, and act in an environment of subjective uncertainty and limited information. As a result, our actions are influenced by factors beyond our control, such as luck. With our freedom severely limited, can we justify holding each other responsible? Through three articles, I develop a philosophically credible and psychologically realisable account of control necessary for moral responsibility. The thesis provides a naturalistic theory of action, as a process of error minimisation that extends over time. Thus conceived, control serves to minimise the influence of luck on action and enables freedom in uncertainty. In Article 1, Thor Grünbaum and I argue for a psychologically plausible account of the kind of control necessary for moral responsibility. We begin by establishing the relationship between agentive contribution and responsibility-level control. One way to determine whether one has the right kind and degree of control to be morally responsible is to track one’s degree of contribution to the action. However, a psychologically plausible account of control in terms of agentive contribution may seem to contradict the types of functional-mechanistic explanations used in cognitive science. In cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience, personal-level capacities are explained by a set of sub-personal mechanisms. Often, such explanations leave no room for a contribution by the agent. By integrating insights from theories of cognitive control and incorporating them into a philosophical account of intentions, we propose a way of thinking about the distribution of cognitive control resources as something the agent does. Article 2 argues that a classic argument concerning luck, originally aimed at libertarianism, generalises beyond any specific theory of free will, and regardless of whether determinism or indeterminism is true. I call this mental luck. Because we all make decisions under conditions of relative uncertainty and limited information, it is possible for an agent to make decisions that are contrary to their own motivation. In such situations, it may be a matter of luck whether the agent makes the right decision. Attitudes within the agent's perspective do not rationally govern mentally lucky decisions, and thus, may be indistinguishable from unlucky ones. From the agent's perspective, such decisions may resemble the outcome of a lottery. Therefore, mental luck poses a challenge to the most prominent theories of free action and moral responsibility. Finally, article 3 engages with the issue of resultant luck, namely luck in how things turn out. Resultant luck raises a challenge for theories of moral responsibility because its existence suggests that one may be responsible for factors beyond one’s control. Prominent responses to resultant luck led to a choice between internalism and scepticism. I argue that familiar cases of resultant luck are based on the assumption that actions are events. Instead, I propose an alternative ontology of action as an ongoing goal-directed process with a many-shots structure. Described this way, cases of resultant luck are not representative of ordinary action. The proposal of action as a many-shots process is consistent with predictive coding, a cognitive architecture which centres around error minimisation. Under this framework, cases of resultant more luck are no longer failures of action, but rather anticipated errors to be settled within the normal process of action." "Women and Gendered Mosque Organisations";"Faculty of Humanities / Department of Cross Cultural and Regional Studies";"2022-06-03";"14:00";"";"";"NB: new location: South Campus, auditorium 23.0.49 ";"PhD defence by Pernille Friis Jensen.";"An examination of mosques in Denmark as gendered organisation and women's participation from the perspective of 'lived institutions' PhD defence by Pernille Friis Jensen. Abstract Over the past 15 years there has been an increase in women participating in mosque organisations in Denmark. However, far too little attention has been paid to the experiences of women within these organisations. As recent research has tended to focus on lived experiences of individuals outside of religious institutions – consequently leaving the embeddedness of these individuals unnoticed – little is known about the gendered structures of mosque organisations in Denmark and how they impact women’s participation and vice versa. Based on qualitative methods and an quantitative element the thesis pays attention to the gendered structure of these organisations to see how such produce gendered belongings and how those structures are changed and maintained. The thesis demonstrates how organisations – despite general structural gender inequality in the form of women’s inability to occupy central leadership and religious functions as well as limiting physical structures – in different ways and by other means allow for women’s involvement. With this focus, the thesis shows how gendered structures are reproduced and changed as a result of both internal norm shifts and external pressure. The dissertation contributes to the sociology religion and more specifically studies in religion, gender and institutions by examining mosques in Denmark as gendered organisations. The dissertation thus contributes not only empirically to the field in the form of a typology of gendered mosques, but also theoretically in the form of the presentation of the perspective lived institution which is the result of a conversation across the theoretical paradigms New Institutionalism from organisational studies and lived religion from studies of religion. One aim of the dissertation is thus to show how norms in religious organisations are changed and maintained as lived institutions illuminated through the example of women’s involvement in mosque organisations. Through this, the dissertation also shows an example of how gender and religion intersect in complex ways and how it emphasises the significance of the context of this intersection. Assessment committee Professor Emerita Margit Warburg (front person) Professor, Dr. Phil. Garbi Schmidt (Roskilde University) Professor, Göran Larsson (University of Göteborg) Head of the defence Head of department Annika Hvithamar (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the dissertation are available at the following three locations: The information desk at Copenhagen University Library South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading room East at the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the library of the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "The Legacy of the Past in Brexit Britain";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Faculty of Humanities";"2022-06-03";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 21.0.54";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Tóra Djurhuus.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Tóra Djurhuus. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Peter Leese, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Mark Eaton (Aarhus University) Professor Elizabeth Buettner (University of Amsterdam) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Robert Rix (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6. Abstract “Although the British Empire came to a rapid conclusion in the decades following the Second World War, the memory of empire has continued to influence ideas of national identity and purpose and has certainly also shaped Britain’s approach to European cooperation. This thesis brings together ideas from memory studies and British Euroscepticism, as it examines how the cultural memory of empire has been used in political and cultural debates in Britain to create a narrative of national identity, especially in relation to the European Union, and, in turn, what this means for Britain’s ability to carve out a future role for itself outside the EU. In terms of memory theory, I rely on the terms ‘pre’ and ‘remediation’ which describe the process through which cultural memory is generated, maintained, and, yet, constantly reconstructed according to contemporary times and challenges. The thesis takes its point of departure in written material produced by key political players in the Eurosceptic/Brexit debate such as Boris Johnson and Daniel Hannan and texts from the editorial and comment sections of the Daily Telegraph, the Sunday Telegraph, and the Daily Mail. Based on an analysis of recurring tropes in the primary source material (from 1995-2017), my argument is twofold: Firstly, I argue that references to the British Empire were common in the debate on Europe in the early 1960s, yet that these disappeared following the 1975 referendum, only to be resurrected – in a completely different and reimagined form – in the immediate years leading up to the Brexit referendum. Secondly, I argue that pro-Brexit actors mobilised the cultural memory of empire when making their respective arguments against membership of the European Union. Yet this mobilisation occurred in coded form. In other words, what I refer to as the ‘imperial dimension’ of British Eurosceptic rhetoric manifested itself largely in the way in which Eurosceptics talked about Britain’s global connections and free trade. In this sense, in British Eurosceptic debate, ‘the imperial dimension’ functioned as a readymade rhetorical resource through which an alternative, better future for Britain outside the EU could be articulated”." "Ved du, hvad du har brug for?";"Center for Internationalisering og Parallelsproglighed (CIP) / Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2022-06-03";"13:00";"";"16:00";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Den 3. juni 2022 forsvarede Martin Carlshollt Unger fra CIP sin ph.d.-afhandling med titlen ""Ved du hvad du har brug for?"" - et studie om behov i arbejdsmarkedsrettede danskkurser.";"Et studie om behov i arbejdsmarkedsrettede danskkurser Martin Carlshollt Unger forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Læs afhandling (pdf) Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor, Georg Walter Wink, forperson (Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk) Professor Beate Hildegaard Lindemann (UIT, Norges arktiske universitet) Docent Line Møller Dausgaard (Via University College) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Centerleder, professor Anne Holmen (CIP) Afhandlingen ligger til gennemsyn i informationsskranken på Københavns Universitetsbibliotek (KUB), Søndre Campus samt i CIPs sekretariat, bygning 23, 4. sal, Søndre Campus. Bemærk, at dørene lukkes præcis kl. 13.00 CIP inviterer til reception efter ph.d.-forsvaret. Vi glæder os til at se så mange som muligt." "Animated Reality: Inuit Architecture and Landscape";"Saxo Institute / Faculty of Humanities";"2022-06-03";"13:00";"";"16:00";"South Campus, room 9A-0-01 (Kierkegaard Auditorium)";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Asta Mønsted.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Asta Mønsted. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Tim Flohr Sørensen (University of Copenhagen) Professor Charlotte Damm, UiT (The Arctic University of Norway) Professor Peter Whitridge (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada) Moderator of the Defence Associate Professor Kristina Winther-Jacobsen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Saxo-Institute, Karen Blixens Plads 8 Abstract As oral history has played a crucial role among the Inuit for generations, rich stories collected in Greenland between 1735 and 1981 still find their relevance today, when we as field archaeologists and excavators aim to uncover and understand the prehistoric and historical cultural remains found in the Greenlandic landscape. This thesis explores a new, extracting approach that may challenge our archaeological practices of house excavation and reconnaissance. The approach re-activates ancient indigenous voices, which may even resonate with the architectural future of Greenland’s housing and urban landscape." "Being Muslim, Becoming Citizen: Religious Identity negotiations among Muslim Immigrants in Mexico";"Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies / Faculty of Humanities";"2022-05-30";"09:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 24.0.07";"Pre-defence of PhD Thesis by Nik Hasif.";"Pre-defence of PhD Thesis by Nik Hasif. Assessment Committee Dr Ken Chitwood (University of Southern California). Supervisor Associate Professor Georg Walter Wink (University of Copenhagen)" "Computational Modelling of Language Change";"Faculty of Humanities / Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics";"2022-05-04";"13:00";"";"16:00";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"Public defence of PhD Thesis by Sidsel Boldsen.";"Applying Character Models to Date Estimation and Sound Change Detection Using Diachronic Text Corpora Public defence of PhD Thesis by Sidsel Boldsen. Assessment committee Professor Bolette S. Pedersen, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Lars Borin (University of Gothenburg) Professor Lilja Øvrelid (University of Oslo) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Anne Mette Hansen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Emil Holms Kanal 2, DK-2300 Copenhagen S Reception After the defence, a reception will be held in the area outside of the auditorium. " "Approaching Past and Changing Foodways Through Ground Stone";"Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies / Faculty of Humanities";"2022-04-20";"14:00";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 23.0.49";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Patrick Nørskov Pedersen.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Patrick Nørskov Pedersen. Read Thesis (pdf) Assessment Committee Associate Professor Susanne Kerner (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Laure Dubreuil (Trent University) Professor Bill Finlayson (EAMENA, University of Oxford) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Ingolf Thuesen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library South Campus (KUB South Campus), Karen Blixens Plads 7 In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 At the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Hidden Flow: Artistic Research on the Frontlines of Extraction";"Department of Art and Cultural Studies & Faculty of Humanities";"2022-04-08";"13:00";"";"16:00";"Kunstakademiet, Peder Skramsgade 2, Opg. A, 3. sal (Auditoriet Hirschsprung)";"Public defence of ph.d.-thesis by Christian Danielewitz.";"Public defence of ph.d.-thesis by Christian Danielewitz. Read dissertation (pdf) Summary This dissertation discusses two different art projects and the theory, methodology, and fieldwork that have shaped and informed them. Both projects revolve around the socio-environmental damage caused by the extraction of some of the minerals which are most essential to contemporary society: rare earth elements (used in electronics) and phosphate (primarily used in agricultural fertilizers). The mining of these minerals is a notoriously toxic enterprise. Thus, the extraction predominantly takes place in locations populated by marginalized groups and ethnic minorities – far from the affluent Global North. Taking both material witness (such as irradiated photographic negatives) and environmental discourses/activism as strategies, the dissertation discusses how fieldwork-based artistic research can materialize and articulate elusive and pervasive forms of toxic pollution in key mining zones. The primary sites in question are the radioactive mineral waste deposit Weikuang Dam in Inner Mongolia, China, and the contaminated village Gad Gomene in western Senegal. The dissertation’s main proposition is that the primacy of fieldwork as an artistic research methodology is the shift in perspective from an external and somewhat detached vantage point to an internal position that engenders a much more intimate knowledge and connection with ecologies, agencies, and people. Fieldwork is thus driven by a hands-on investigation of the hidden flow (i.e. toxic drifts) from within the damaged environments of extraction and waste. However, the dissertation also makes the case that fieldwork is to a large degree informed and shaped by local knowledge and observations. Thus, undertaking fieldwork means to share agency with those who live in toxic environments and to include in our deliberations and institutions the voices of people whose perspectives are too often excluded. Moreover, the dissertation discusses how my fieldwork is engaged with various philosophical and theoretical ideas in a continuous dialogue, which produces both operative and discursive terms with which to think through the entanglement of materialities: the mineral-machine feedback loop and the map-territory assemblage are two key terms developed during this PhD research project, which are applied in both my fieldwork and my exhibition-making. Assessment committee Professor Holger Schulze, Chair (Copenhagen University) Professor Eleanor Carpenter (Umeå University) Associate professor Jacob Lund (Aarhus University) Copies of the dissertation will be available at: Copenhagen University Library, KUB South Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 The Black Diamond, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 Head of defence Professor Isak Winkel Holm (Copenhagen University) " "The Concealment of Mental Maladies: A History of Experience";"Faculty of Humanities / Saxo Institute";"2022-04-08";"10:00";"";"13:00";"South Campus, Auditorium 23.0.50";"PhD defence by Marie Meier.";"PhD defence by Marie Meier. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Søren Rud, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Lasse Horne Kjældgaard (University of Southern Denmark) Dr Ashley Barnwell (University of Melbourne) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Anne Folke Henningsen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Saxo-Institute, Karen Blixens Plads 8 Abstract The dissertation The Concealment of Mental Maladies: A History of Experience explores the historically contingent experiences of mental illness in relation to the developing Danish welfare state in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Drawing on ecological approaches to mental afflictions, and employing different kinds of empirical sources, conceptualized as ‘cultural testimonies’ – patient records, oral history interviews and fiction – it specifically focuses on how the shifting dynamics of secrecy and disclosure have shaped the situated, individual and collective experiences of mental illness. Three articles examine the intertwining of family history, mental illness, secrecy and welfare state development. Together with a fourth article on the ethical dilemmas of historical inquiry, the study contributes by developing a new ‘history of experience’ approach to the phenomenon of mental illness." "Nordiske økofiktioner og økonarrativ forestillingsevne: romanen i den antropocæne tidsalder";"Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab & Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2022-03-18";"13:00";"";"16:00";"Søndre Campus, auditorium KUA3 4A-0-69";"Jens Kramshøj Flinker forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Jens Kramshøj Flinker forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Sune Auken, forperson (Københavns Universitet) Lektor Louise Mønster (Aalborg Universitet) Professor Reinhard Hennig (Universitetet i Agder) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Sophie Wennerscheid (Københavns Universitet) Om afhandlingen Resumé Det forskningsspørgsmål, som denne Ph.d.-afhandling omhandler og undersøger, tager udgangspunkt i følgende: Hvordan har nordiske økofiktioner potentiale til at påvirke læserens økonarrative forestillingsevne? Økonarrativ forestillingsevne handler om, hvordan økofiktioner kan skabe indre mentale verdener i læseren, og hvordan læseren bruger disse verdener til at komme på hold af en kompleks, antropocæn virkelighed. Hvad enten man taler om ”environmental imagination” (Lawrence Buell), om ”ecological imagination” (”Nicole Seymour”) eller, som Jens Kramshøj Flinker, om økonarrativ forestillingsevne, indikerer disse forskellige termer følgende: at megen økokritisk forskning baserer sig på præmissen om, at især fiktionsnarrativer spiller en essentiel og innovativ rolle i forhold til at ændre læserens forestillinger om natur, miljø- og klimaforandringer. Dette til trods, har kun få økokritiske undersøgelser vovet sig ud i at undersøge, hvad der er på færde i relationen økofiktion-læser-verden. Derfor er afhandlingens fokus rettet mod dette komplekse forhold; derfor opdyrker og undersøger den det, Jens Kramshøj Flinker kalder økonarrativ forestillingsevne. Med henblik på for Jens Kramshøj Flinker at svare på forskningsspørgsmålet udvikler han en økonarratologisk kommunikationsmodel. I sit arbejde med denne teoretiske rammesætning, tager Jens Kramshøj Flinker udgangspunkt i den del af økokritikken, der kaldes økonarratologi – mere specifikt ved at koble økokritik sammen med kognitiv narratologi. Økokritik og kognitiv narratologi har som udgangspunkt ikke noget med hinanden at gøre. Når disse væves sammen, hænger det sammen med, at kognitiv narratologi har en del at sige om, hvad narrativer er, og hvordan de kan påvirke læsere, lyttere eller seere. Jens Kramshøj Flinkers arbejde med nordiske økofiktioner – dvs. norske, svenske og danske klimafiktioner og det, han kalder for sære økofiktioner – er særligt rettet mod, hvordan økofiktioner tager udgangspunkt i, hvordan nogen eller noget oplever, strukturerer og organiserer sine forestillinger, følelser og refleksioner i forhold til natur, miljø- og klimaforandringer. I takt med, at læseren rekonstruerer eller udfylder disse strukturer af forestillinger, følelser og refleksioner, får læseren mulighed for at gen-forestille, re-strukturere og re-organisere sine kognitive modeller af verden, dvs. sine forestillinger, følelser og refleksioner i relation til en kompleks antropocæn verden uden for teksten." "Digital Threats to Democracy - Studies in Digital Politics and Digitalization Policy-Making";"Faculty of Humanities / Department of Communication";"2022-02-25";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 4A-0-69";"PhD defence by Mads Vestergaard.";"PhD defence by Mads Vestergaard. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Morten Ebbe Juul Nielsen, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Linnet Taylor (Tilburg Institute for Law) Professor David Budtz Pedersen (Aalborg University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Søren Overgaard (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8 Abstract The thesis examines threats posed to democracy by digitalization. The first part addresses political misinformation and its potential impact on democracy. It illustrates how misinformation, increasingly afforded technologically and incentivized economically in the novel media environment, may pose a threat to democracy. Post-factual democracy is defined and connected to the digitalized and networked media environment in which polarizing populist narratives of us and them are highly successful at the expense of sound factual information. It introduces a notion and ideal of factual democracy in which a division of labour between citizens and their political representatives on the one hand and experts on the other is in place ensuring that the citizens hold political authority, thus avoiding technocratic governance, while the experts hold the epistemic authority, thus avoiding post-factual disregard for facts and evidence. The second part explores the digital transformation of the attention economy of political communication. Its baseline is George Franck’s attention economic framework according to which attention plays the part of both currency and capital. In this economy, the media plays the role of the financial institutions granting (attention) credits while speculating in maximizing attracted attention. This structural analogy between finance and political communication, suggested by Franck, is updated to the current data-driven media environment. It is also extended to include notions of speculative bubbles of attention introducing and defining news bubbles and political bubbles - both of which may work as distractions undermining the ability to politically address what really matters. The structural analysis suggests that the digital transformation of the attention economy of political communication may incentivize and increase news and politics produced and supplied according to (consumer) demand potentially undermining the ability to address and mitigate pressing societal problems politically. The final part turns from digital politics and communication to digitalization policy-making and the question of technological determinism. It empirically investigates recent official Danish policy papers pertaining to digitalization. It examines and discusses inherent assumptions and narratives of digitalization as an inevitable accelerating technological development to which democratic polities can only adapt, but not influence. Such inevitabilist narratives, it is argued, may undermine the prospect of collective democratic agency vis-a-vis technological development - thus potentially contributing ideologically to political apathy." "Through the Screen Door: Virtual Reality Experiences";"Faculty of Humanities / Department of Communication";"2022-02-21";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 15A-1-11";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Dooley Murphy.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Dooley Murphy. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Birger Langkjær, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Kristine Jørgensen (Universitetet i Bergen) Professor Stefania Serafin (Aalborg University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Jack Andersen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8 Abstract Virtual reality (VR) art and entertainment are flourishing. Between the extremes of ‘film-like’ and ‘game-like,’ VR lies the catch-all category ‘VR experiences’: A loose-knit grouping that spans all manner of narrative and non-narrative content. Discussions of VR experiences typically privilege immersion and agency. It’s said that immersion is best induced by offering the participant opportunities to perform virtual actions (i.e., exercise virtual agency) and shape a story’s course. Looking to develop this line of thinking, the thesis first asks, ‘how are participants guided in VR experiences?’, and argues that while agency is indeed important, a neglected, corresponding phenomenon is agency’s opposite number: Patiency, or the embodied feeling of being acted upon. Sensations of patiency in VR can be just as engrossing as exercises of agency. Consider vertigo, ‘butterflies’, startles, or the weird feeling of having your personal space invaded by lifelike virtual humans. The thesis employs formal, conceptual, and textual analyses in working towards an account of how patiency, like agency, can be used to guide and beguile VR participants. Part one, FORM, first addresses some design considerations (what is a VR experience? how do they ‘position’ the participant relative to the action? how do they convey narratives or otherwise represent events?) before turning towards VR experiences’ psychological functions. Part two, FUNCTION, extrudes cross-disciplinary definitions of presence and immersion, suggesting that the latter, attention, emotion, agency, and patiency are all deeply entangled. Immersion, construed as a fragile state of enthrallment, is argued as easily engendered in VR by leveraging self-reflexive concerns at the nexus of attention and emotion. That is, by eliciting feelings of patiency. The thesis concludes that VR participants are most amenable to designers’ attempts at guidance when ‘hot’, affect-laden cognition leads them to engage with aspects of a virtual environment pre-reflectively. Patiency—both a design strategy and a force or a dynamic akin to agency—is thus framed as an indispensable way of sustaining immersion and guiding the VR participant that far surpasses ‘mere’ spectacle." "The Museum of Discomfort";"Department of Art and Cultural Studies / Faculty of Humanities";"2022-02-04";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 23.0.49";"Anna Vestergaard Jørgensen is defending her PhD thesis.";"Exhibiting Colonial Histories at the Statens Museum for Kunst Anna Vestergaard Jørgensen is defending her PhD thesis. Dansk resume Der har i de seneste år været en stigende interesse for kritiske undersøgelser af den koloniale fortid i kunstudstillinger. Der er dog stadig brug for nærmere at forstå kolonialismens betydning for kunstbegrebet, for kunsthistorien som fag og for kunstens institutioner. Denne afhandling er en undersøgelse af sammenhængene mellem kunstmuseer og kolonialisme med særligt fokus på SMK – Statens Museum for Kunst. Afhandlingen præsenterer dels en analyse af, hvordan kolonihistorie er kommet til syne i både historiske og nutidige udstillinger, dels en diskussion af hvordan man kan analysere og arbejde i krydsfeltet mellem kunsthistorie, museologi og kolonihistoriske studier: Hvordan tilgår man dette arbejde, hvad ser man efter, og hvordan gør man rede for de skiftende historiske betingelser for, hvordan kolonihistorien er kommet til syne? Afhandlingen er struktureret omkring analyserne af tre udstillinger på SMK: Jakob Danielsen (1941), Ufortalte historier (2017) og Kirchner og Nolde – til diskussion (2021). Fokus for afhandlingens første del er, hvordan og hvorfor kolonihistorie er forsvundet fra det fysiske museumsrum – ikke mindst gennem de historiske samlingsudskillelser, der har adskilt ”kunst” fra ”etnografi”. Som Jakob Danielsen udstillingen viser, så blev denne grønlandske kunstners værker set som ”primitiv kunst” og som noget, der ikke selvfølgeligt hørte til på museet. Afhandlingens anden del fokuserer primært på idéen om det ubehagelige. Med fokus på de to nylige udstillinger på SMK undersøges kolonihistoriens affektive strukturer i forhold til kunstmuseer. Det er et af afhandlingens hovedargumenter, at kolonihistorie kommer til syne som noget ubehageligt i udstillinger og i museumsrummet, og at denne tilsynekomst både baserer sig på det ”affektive arbejde”, der udføres af eksterne samarbejdspartnere, og på det praktiske arbejde i de kuratoriske processer. English Abstract In recent years there has been an increased focus on critical interrogations of colonial history within art exhibitions. However, the importance of colonialism for the very idea of art, for the discipline of art history, and for its institutions still needs to be further understood. This thesis is an examination of interlinkages between art museums and colonialism with a particular focus on the SMK – the National Gallery of Denmark. On one level, the thesis analyses how colonial history has appeared in both historical and contemporary exhibitions. On another level, the thesis discusses how to analyse and work within the intersecting fields of art history, museology, and studies of colonial history: how should one approach it, what should one look for, and how should one account for the changing historical foundations for how colonial history has appeared? The thesis is structured around the analyses of three exhibitions at the SMK: Jakob Danielsen (1941), What Lies Unspoken (2017), and Kirchner and Nolde – Up for discussion (2021). The focus of the first part of the thesis is how and why colonial history has disappeared from the physical museum space, not least through the historical formations of the collection that separated “art” from “ethnography”. As Jakob Danielsen shows, this Greenlandic artist’s works were considered within tropes of primitivism as something that did not fit easily within the art museum. The second part of the thesis takes the notion of discomfort as its main focus. With a focus on two recent exhibitions at the SMK, the thesis examines the affective structures of colonial history in art museums. In particular, the thesis’ central argument is that colonial history appears as something uncomfortable within exhibitions and the museum space: both in terms of the “affective work” done by external collaborators and in terms of the practical work and decision-making in curatorial processes. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Anne Folke Henningsen, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Chiara de Cesari (University of Amsterdam) Professor Mårten Snickare (Stockholm University) Leader of the defence Associate Professor Rune Gade (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the dissertation will be available at: Copenhagen University Library, KUB Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 The Black Diamond, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 " "Enargeia – Energeia: The Heavenly Sounding Image in the Italian Renaissance";"Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab og Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2022-01-21";"14:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 22.0.11 og online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 630 8687 5110
";"Lise Hindsberg forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Lise Hindsberg forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé (in English) The PhD thesis deals with the representation of heavenly musicians in the naturalistic image of the Renaissance on the assumption that the relationship between image and music is more significant and more complex than has previously been assumed. The naturalistic representation was part of the change in pictorial style that marked the transition between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. In this change, which occurred during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, altarpieces that encompassed the lifelike representation of heavenly musicians are examples of a new way of rendering the absent present. The thesis analyses the representation of music-making angels in Italian Renaissance altarpieces from the point of the ancient term enargeia (tr. vividness). Vividness is a conspicuous and recurrent topos in the history of art, but what happened in the Renaissance when the idea of vividness synthesised with a new naturalistic style? Not least, what was the effect of this synthesis when taking into consideration that the altarpiece is a devotional object? By taking an anthropological and phenomenological approach to the image, the thesis presents a new interpretation of the lifelike representation of heavenly musicians. As part of the analysis, the thesis examines the prevalence of the concept of enargeia in the image theory, image practice and image effect of the Italian Renaissance. By taking into consideration a diverse range of textual sources from both Antiquity and the Renaissance, it is shown how the experience of vividness gained new relevance during the Renaissance in combination with the naturalistic image. From these sources, the thesis attempts to clarify how the naturalistic image was meant to be perceived, especially by calling attention to the instances where the illusion of the “sounding” image was described as the height of vividness. The thesis argues that the lifelike representation of heavenly musicians in Italian Renaissance altarpieces operated as the silent potentiality for a “sounding” experience of vividness. It shows how the “heavenly sounding” image emerged as a fluidity of boundary between the constructed space of the painting and the real space of the beholder. From the point of “visual” music and the role of real music and its performers in conjuring up the experience of vividness, the thesis reveals a new side to the animated image. Intended for the sacred space of the church, the altarpiece is a devotional object, and it is from this context that the thesis sheds new light upon the devotional use of visually produced enargeia. From the intersection between the vivid representation of the celestial musicians, the music that filled the church space and the memory and imagination of the beholder, the thesis shows how the “heavenly sounding” image was a means of tuning the soul of the beholder towards spiritual contemplation. The thesis is structured around the analyses of three exhibitions at the SMK: Jakob Danielsen (1941), What Lies Unspoken (2017), and Kirchner and Nolde – Up for discussion (2021). The focus of the first part of the thesis is how and why colonial history has disappeared from the physical museum space, not least through the historical formations of the collection that separated “art” from “ethnography”. As Jakob Danielsen shows, this Greenlandic artist’s works were considered within tropes of primitivism as something that did not fit easily within the art museum. The second part of the thesis takes the notion of discomfort as its main focus. With a focus on two recent exhibitions at the SMK, the thesis examines the affective structures of colonial history in art museums. In particular, the thesis’ central argument is that colonial history appears as something uncomfortable within exhibitions and the museum space: both in terms of the “affective work” done by external collaborators and in terms of the practical work and decision-making in curatorial processes. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Mathias Danbolt, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor Ruth Webb (Université de Lille) Professor Megan Holmes University of Michigan) Leder af forsvaret Professor Michael Fjeldsøe (Københavns Universitet) Kopier af afhandlingen vil være tilgængelig på: Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, KUB Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 Den Sorte Diamant, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 " "Enargeia – Energeia: The Heavenly Sounding Image in the Italian Renaissance";"Department of Art and Cultural Studies / Faculty of Humanities";"2022-01-21";"14:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11 and online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 630 8687 5110
";"PhD defence by Lise Hindsberg";"PhD defence by Lise Hindsberg Abstract The PhD thesis deals with the representation of heavenly musicians in the naturalistic image of the Renaissance on the assumption that the relationship between image and music is more significant and more complex than has previously been assumed. The naturalistic representation was part of the change in pictorial style that marked the transition between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. In this change, which occurred during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, altarpieces that encompassed the lifelike representation of heavenly musicians are examples of a new way of rendering the absent present. The thesis analyses the representation of music-making angels in Italian Renaissance altarpieces from the point of the ancient term enargeia (tr. vividness). Vividness is a conspicuous and recurrent topos in the history of art, but what happened in the Renaissance when the idea of vividness synthesised with a new naturalistic style? Not least, what was the effect of this synthesis when taking into consideration that the altarpiece is a devotional object? By taking an anthropological and phenomenological approach to the image, the thesis presents a new interpretation of the lifelike representation of heavenly musicians. As part of the analysis, the thesis examines the prevalence of the concept of enargeia in the image theory, image practice and image effect of the Italian Renaissance. By taking into consideration a diverse range of textual sources from both Antiquity and the Renaissance, it is shown how the experience of vividness gained new relevance during the Renaissance in combination with the naturalistic image. From these sources, the thesis attempts to clarify how the naturalistic image was meant to be perceived, especially by calling attention to the instances where the illusion of the “sounding” image was described as the height of vividness. The thesis argues that the lifelike representation of heavenly musicians in Italian Renaissance altarpieces operated as the silent potentiality for a “sounding” experience of vividness. It shows how the “heavenly sounding” image emerged as a fluidity of boundary between the constructed space of the painting and the real space of the beholder. From the point of “visual” music and the role of real music and its performers in conjuring up the experience of vividness, the thesis reveals a new side to the animated image. Intended for the sacred space of the church, the altarpiece is a devotional object, and it is from this context that the thesis sheds new light upon the devotional use of visually produced enargeia. From the intersection between the vivid representation of the celestial musicians, the music that filled the church space and the memory and imagination of the beholder, the thesis shows how the “heavenly sounding” image was a means of tuning the soul of the beholder towards spiritual contemplation. The thesis is structured around the analyses of three exhibitions at the SMK: Jakob Danielsen (1941), What Lies Unspoken (2017), and Kirchner and Nolde – Up for discussion (2021). The focus of the first part of the thesis is how and why colonial history has disappeared from the physical museum space, not least through the historical formations of the collection that separated “art” from “ethnography”. As Jakob Danielsen shows, this Greenlandic artist’s works were considered within tropes of primitivism as something that did not fit easily within the art museum. The second part of the thesis takes the notion of discomfort as its main focus. With a focus on two recent exhibitions at the SMK, the thesis examines the affective structures of colonial history in art museums. In particular, the thesis’ central argument is that colonial history appears as something uncomfortable within exhibitions and the museum space: both in terms of the “affective work” done by external collaborators and in terms of the practical work and decision-making in curatorial processes. Assessment committee Associate professor Mathias Danbolt, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Ruth Webb (Université de Lille) Professor Megan Holmes (University of Michigan) Leader of the defence Professor Michael Fjeldsøe (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the dissertation will be available at Copenhagen University Library, KUB Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 The Black Diamond, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 " "Carl Nielsen og århundredeskiftekulturen i København";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet / Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab";"2022-01-07";"13:00";"";"";"Online via Zoom
Meeting ID: 699 3689 8923
Passcode: 203104";"Katarina Smitt Engberg forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Forsvaret er offentligt.";"Katarina Smitt Engberg forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Forsvaret er offentligt. Dansk resumé af afhandlingen (pdf) Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Jens Hesselager, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor Signe Rotter-Broman (Universität der Künste Berlin) Lektor Emerita Ansa Lønstrup (Aarhus Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Tenure track adjunkt Kristine Ringsager (Københavns Universitet) Kopi af afhandlingen vil være tilgængelig på: Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, KUB Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 Den Sorte Diamant, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 " "Autentiske kopier";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet / Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab";"2022-01-04";"13:00";"";"";"Forsvaret afholdes via Zoom
Meeting ID: 637 2753 7747
Passcode: 089119";"Birgitte Thorsen Vilslev forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Forsvaret er offentligt.";"Birgitte Thorsen Vilslev forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Forsvaret er offentligt. Resumé Hensigten med afhandlingen ”Autentiske kopier. Reproducerbarhed og intermediale eksperimenter i danske avantgardefilm 1942-1972” er at beskrive og diskutere avantgardefilmens æstetiske og politiske betydning i dansk kunsthistorie i midten af det 20. århundrede. I afhandlingen tjener Erika Balsoms modsætningsfyldte begreb autentiske kopier polemisk til at diskutere filmens oversete betydning og cirkulation i dansk avantgardehistorie på tværs af den mekaniske og digitale tidsalder. Afhandlingen beror på omfattende grundforskning i det Danske Filminstitut og Statens Museum for Kunst. Igennem afhandlingens analyser kortlægges eksperimenterende filmmiljøer omkring kunstnergrupperinger som Linien II, den Anden Skandinaviske Situationistiske Internationale, Fluxus, Eksskolen, filmkollektivet ABCinema, Husfilm og endvidere en feministisk filmbevægelse i begyndelsen af 1970’erne. Den skæve periodiske afgrænsning fra 1942-1972 indrammes af Albert Mertz’ og Jørgen Roos’ Flugten fra 1942, der anses som den første danske eksperimentalfilm, og Ursula Reuter Christiansens Skarpretteren fra 1972, der blev vist i en stor totalinstallation på Statens Museum for Kunst i 2018. Herimellem beskrives et heterogent felt af eksperimenterende filmpraksisser gennem diskussioner af bl.a. montage, konkret film, situationist-film, Fluxus-film, kollektivfilm, dagbogsfilm, expanded cinema, paracinema, strukturel film og projektionen som begivenhed. På baggrund heraf argumenterer afhandlingen for nødvendigheden af interdisciplinær forskning i forhold til at forstå ikke blot avantgardefilmene, men også udviklingen af nye intermediale kunstformer i efterkrigstidens avantgardebevægelser. Det er afhandlingens tese, at filmens reproducerbarhed spillede en central rolle i disse intermediale udviklinger i det 20. århundredes billedkunst. I samspil med disse teoretiske aspekter bidrager afhandlingens komparative analyser til en pågående transnational og nordisk revision af avantgardehistorien og foreslår en avantgardefilmhistorie om kopier, gentagelse, montage, forsinkede begyndelser, genopdagelser og cirkulation. Diskussionerne om avantgardefilmene i den mekaniske reproducerbarheds tidsalder føres videre i den digitale reproducerbarheds tidsalder, hvor filmens levende billeder er blevet en integreret del af samtidskunsten i hybride former. Derfor argumenterer afhandlingen for at genindskrive film af i dansk avantgardehistorie og påpeger i den forbindelse på kunstmuseernes ansvar i forhold til indsamling, bevaring, distribution, cirkulation og formidling af disse film. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor emerita Tania Ørum, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor John Sundholm (Stockholm Universitet) Museumsinspektør Jens Tang Kristensen (Museum Sønderjylland) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Professor Mikkel Bolt (Københavns Universitet) Kopi af afhandlingen vil være tilgængelig på: Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, KUB Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 7 Den Sorte Diamant, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1 " "The illicit genre of threatening communications";"Faculty of Humanities / Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics";"2021-12-15";"15:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Marie Bojsen-Møller.";"A combined Rhetorical Genre Studies and Forensic Linguistic analysis of Danish threatening communications Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Marie Bojsen-Møller. Assessment Committee Professor Emeritus Frans Gregersen, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Tammy Gales (Hofstra University, New York) Professor Mary Jo Reiff (University of Kansas) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Martha Karrebæk (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk at Copenhagen University Library South Campus - Humanities and Law, Karen Blixens Plads 7, 2300 Copenhagen S In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1, 1221 Copenhagen K At the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Emil Holms Kanal 2, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Frækhedens Evangelium";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2021-11-05";"13:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus – lokale 23.0.50";"PhD defence by Dennis Meyhoff Brink.";"Ph.d.-forsvar af Dennis Meyhoff Brink. Summary (in English) The thesis charts the main currents of the history of religious satire in Europe from the twelfth to the nineteenth centuries with special attention to its historical and cultural context. It investigates more than one hundred works of religious satire from this period, mainly literary and graphic works from England, France, and Germany. Rather than investigating these works in their entirety, however, the thesis focuses on some of the most prevailing themes, motifs, characters and devices in them, and on the traditions, they have established and the reactions, they have provoked. Furthermore, the thesis documents the globally unique production and circulation of religious satire in Europe in this period and suggest that the extraordinarily encompassing and critical tradition of religious satire in Europe has had a formative influence on modern European imagination, parlance, conception of authority, perception of self, affectivity, normativity and politics. For instance, the thesis argues that religious satire has helped weaken traditional Christian perceptions of oneself as a sheep under the guidance of a pastoral shepherd, or a child in need of the care of a spiritual father. The thesis consists of an introduction, a prologue, four historical chapters, and an epilogue. The introduction unfolds the research questions of thesis and specifies its boundaries, concepts, method, and theory. The prologue describes the rise of religious satire in antiquity and its fall in the early Middle Ages. The first chapter describes the resurrection of religious satire from the spirit of critique of greed in the twelfth century. The second chapter describes how religious satire ridiculed clerical inventions such as inquisition, purgatory and celibacy in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. The third chapter describes the extraordinary growth of religious satire in the aftermath of the spread of the printing press and the outbreak of the reformation. The fourth chapter describes how the religious satirists of the enlightenment tried to undermine old Christian cultures of fear and humility with laughter. The epilogue concludes and draws consequences. Resumé (in Danish) Afhandlingen kortlægger hovedstrømningerne i religionssatirens historie i Europa fra det 12. til det 19. århundrede med særlig opmærksomhed overfor dens historiske og kulturelle kontekst. Den undersøger mere end hundred religionssatiriske værker fra denne periode, fortrinsvis litterære satirer og billedsatirer fra England, Frankrig og Tyskland. Frem for at undersøger disse værker i deres helhed fokuserer afhandlingen på en række særlig fremtrædende temaer, motiver, karakterer og metoder i dem, samt på de traditioner de har etableret og de reaktioner de har udløst. Derudover dokumenterer afhandlingen den globalt set enestående produktion og cirkulation af religionssatire i Europa i denne periode og argumenter på denne baggrund for, at den ualmindeligt omfattende og offensive tradition for religionssatire i Europa har haft en formativ indflydelse på moderne europæisk imagination, sprogbrug, autoritetsopfattelse, selvforståelse, affektivitet, normativitet og politik. Eksempelvis argumenterer afhandlingen for, at religionssatiren har bidraget til at svække traditionelle kristne opfattelser af sig selv som et får under en klerikal hyrdes ledelse, eller som et barn der har brug for en gejstlig faders omsorg. Afhandlingen består af en indledning, en prolog, fire historiske kapitler og en epilog. Indledningen udfolder afhandlingens forskningsspørgsmål og præciserer dens afgrænsninger, centrale begreber, metode og teori. Prologen beskriver religionssatirens opblomstring i antikken og forfald i den tidlige middelalder. Det første kapitel beskriver religionssatirens genopstandelse ud af grådighedskritikkens ånd i det 12. århundrede. Det andet kapitel beskriver, hvorledes religionssatiren latterliggjorde klerikale opfindelser såsom inkvisitionen, skærsilden og cølibatet i det 13. og 14. århundrede. Det tredje kapitel beskriver religionssatiren enorme vækst efter trykkekulturens udbredelse og reformationens udbrud. Det fjerde kapitel beskriver, hvordan oplysningstidens satirikeres forsøgte af underminere gammelkristne frygt- og ydmyghedskulturer med latteren som middel. Epilogen samler op og drager konsekvenser. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Anne Fastrup (formand), Københavns Universitet Professor John Ødemark, Universitetet i Oslo Lektor Alexander Maurits, Lunds Universitet Leder af forsvaret Lektor Christian Dahl, Københavns Universitet " "The Abandonment and Relocation of Old Sikyon in 303 BCE";"Faculty of Humanities / Saxo Institute";"2021-11-03";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"PhD defence by Nadia Maria Kristensen.";"An Analysis of Formation Processes and Ceramics PhD defence by Nadia Maria Kristensen. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Henriette Lyngstrøm, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Yannis Lolos (University of Thessaly) Associate Professor Søren Handberg (University of Oslo) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Rune Iversen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: The Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities The Reading Room East of the Royal Library (The Black Diamond) The Saxo-Institute, Karen Blixens Vej 8, room 12-3-40 " "Resourceful and socially connected";"Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies";"2021-10-29";"10:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 27.0.49";"Public PhD defence by Peter Roy Harmsen.";"Resourceful and socially connected The business biography of Danish tobacco entrepreneur Laurits Andersen in treaty-port China, 1890-1922 Public PhD defence by Peter Roy Harmsen. Read thesis (secured pdf) - (including English and Danish abstracts) Abstract (in English) The Danish entrepreneur Laurits Andersen (1849-1928) lived most of his life in China, where he became one of the leading figures in the establishment of the country’s modern tobacco industry. This thesis presents a chronological account of his life while also challenging existing constraints on the historical business biography and proposing new ways to expand the genre’s methodologies. Social network analysis is one such methodology. While this methodology has been in use for decades and has developed a set of sophisticated tools made accessible through modern software programs, the methods have mostly been used on contemporary cases, whether in entrepreneur studies or outside. This thesis proposes to apply it more actively on historical cases as well. The thesis proposes ways to make data of a sufficient detail and granularity available through new means of mining existing historical sources for useful information. It advocates using traditional sources such as letters and newspapers in combination to tease out new data in sufficient amounts to enable quantitative methods to reach new insights. At the same time, the thesis argues that a mixed methodology will provide the fullest account of historical matters. The methodology is mixed not only in combining qualitative and quantitative research but also by mixing historical and social science theories and approaches in analyses of past periods and people. Based on these methodologies, this thesis concludes that Andersen was successful in China through his skillful, strategic operation of the various social networks he was part of, as he leveraged an ever-evolving set of skills to deploy a variety of resources, especially of a technological nature, at the same time as he positioned himself centrally to control information flows within his networks. The thesis proposes that, partly due to the quantitative nature of much of the methodology adopted, the insights gained about Andersen’s life and career can be generalized to the level of the class of western entrepreneurs in China at the turn of the 20th century, thus enriching the genre of historical biography. Resumé (in Danish) Den danske entreprenør Laurits Andersen (1849-1928) boede i Kina det meste af sit liv, og han blev en af de ledende skikkelser i etableringen af landets moderne tobaksindustri. Denne afhandling udgør en kronologisk beretning om hans liv, men udfordrer samtidig også eksisterende begrænsninger, som den historiske erhvervsbiografi lider under, og foreslår nye måder at udvide og berige genrens metoder på. Social netværksanalyse er en sådan metode. Mens denne metode har været anvendt i årtier, og dens udøvere har udviklet sofistikerede redskaber, som er blevet gjort tilgængelige gennem moderne softwareprogrammer, anvendes social netværksanalyse hovedsagelig på moderne cases, hvad enten det gælder entreprenørstudier eller andre forskningsfelter. Denne afhandling er et forsøg på at anvende metoden mere aktivt også på historiske emner. Afhandlingen udvikler metoder til at akkumulere data af den nødvendige detaljegrad gennem afsøgning af eksisterede historiske kilder med henblik på at uddrage nyttig information. Den slår til lyd for at benytte traditionelle kilder som breve og aviser i kombination for at indsamle data i tilstrækkelig store mængder til, at kvantitative metoder kan bringes i anvendelse og ny viden produceres. Samtidig argumenteres der i afhandlingen for, at en metode, der kombinerer forskellige tilgange, vil føre til den mest dækkende beskrivelse af historiske emner. Det er en metode, der ikke bare kombinerer kvalitative og kvantitative elementer, men også teorier og metoder fra historievidenskaben og samfundsvidenskaberne for at opnå en dybere indsigt i fortiden og dens mennesker. Med udgangspunkt i disse metoder konkluderer denne afhandling, at Andersen havde succes i Kina gennem behændig, strategisk navigering af de forskellige sociale netværk, som han var en del af, idet han konstant udviklede og anvendte sine evner og ressourcer, specielt på det teknologiske område, og samtidig positionerede sig selv centralt i sine netværk, så han kunne kontrollere de informationsstrømme, der passerede mellem netværkenes medlemmer. Det er desuden afhandlingens konklusion, at det som følge af nogle af de anvendte metoders udpræget kvantitative karakter er muligt at generalisere den indsigt i Andersens liv og karriere, som er opnået, og dermed nå til en bredere erkendelse af den virkelighed, som vestlige entreprenører i Kina befandt sig i omkring forrige århundredskifte. Resultatet bidrager i videre forstand til en metodologisk berigelse af den historiske biografi som genre. Assessment committee Associate professor Margaret Mehl, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Klaus Mühlhahn (Zeppelin Universität) Professor Robert Bickers (University of Bristol) Moderator of the defence Associate professor Jesper Nielsen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: The Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) The Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8, building 10 " "Jord og landskab. Relationelle landskabsforandringer i det 20. århundrede";"Saxo-Instituttet";"2021-10-15";"13:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Nina Toudal Jessen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Nina Toudal Jessen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Bedømmelsesudvalg Professor Bo Poulsen (Aalborg Universitet) Professor Tomas Germundsson (Lunds Universitet) Lektor Frida Hastrup (Københavns Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Anne Folke Henningsen (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån inden forsvaret på Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, Søndre Campus og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Saxo-Instituttet (Saxo), Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 København S." "Research methodology for respecifying and operationalizing theoretical social concepts as empirical phenomena in social interac";"Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics";"2021-10-13";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 9A-3-01";"PhD defence by Ann Merrit Rikke Nielsen.";"Research methodology for respecifying and operationalizing theoretical social concepts as empirical phenomena in social interaction An exploration using trust and trustworthiness as exemplary cases PhD defence by Ann Merrit Rikke Nielsen. Abstract (UK) This dissertation is concerned with research methodology and the empirical respecification of theoretical phenomena as social, interactional phenomena and how this affects methodological choices. Using trust and trustworthiness as exemplary cases, it explores current trust research methodology as well as the process of conceptualizing, defining, and operationalizing complex, abstract social phenomena as empirical interactional phenomena. It investigates ethnomethodologically (EM) and conversation analytically (CA) informed measurement of social phenomena more generally. The dissertation consists of three books which are presented below. The first book, Challenging Methodology in Trust Research, is concerned with methodology in empirical trust research. It presents 10 different views of trust and trusting found in the social sciences and psychology, and it discusses their knowledge interests in relation to their use of data. Drawing on EM founded premises for the utilization of different empirical data, Garfinkel’s trust conditions (Garfinkel, 1963), and Mead’s theories of the self, it challenges the use of some widely applied methods in trust research. The book points to a range of underestimated errors and offers EM/CA-based methodological solutions. It argues for a new understanding of the usability of self-reported data in trust research, proposes that the study of trust as empirical object at work in the social world is both essential and understudied, and suggests extended use of video-ethnographic data for exploring understudied aspects. The second, book Revisiting Trustworthiness as a Sensorially Observable Phenomenon in Social Interaction, picks up on this latter issue and dives into the molecular structure of realized trust in social interaction. Bringing together trust research, rhetoric, and ethnomethodology, the book conceptualizes, respecifies, and operationalizes trustworthiness as a research object in mundane and professional social interaction. It formulates an EM/CA-based analytical program for trustworthiness as a relational and dynamic interactional phenomenon achieved in social interaction and coins the term character-bound displays, as observed as clusters of indicators. It identifies four participant orientations of trustworthiness that may be foregrounded in participants’ dynamic identity projects: orientation to truth and honesty, to stake and interest, to ability and knowledge, and to consistency and predictability. Turning the theoretical concept of trustworthiness into an empirical object of CA-informed interaction analysis—allowing for the exploration of whether and how interactants display, test, and negotiate their mutual trustworthiness in an encounter—it identifies codable interactional phenomena indicative of participants’ orientation to one or more components of trustworthiness. It analyses exemplary cases from each of the four orientations using ethnomethodological multimodal conversation analysis. The third book, Measurement in Social Interaction: A Conversation Analytic Approach to the Measurement of Social Phenomena, picks up the challenge of identifying and measuring different types of social phenomena in an EM/CA frame. It initially introduces both CA’s transition from a radical novel discipline to a well-established method for interaction research and how this has influenced CA’s approach to formal quantification. It explores the difference between CA-informed operationalization of social phenomena and the formal approach found broadly in sociology and linguistics. It provides an overview of the discussion on quantification in CA before respecifying and defining measurement in an EM/CA context. It presents a taxonomy of CA studies applying formal quantification over the past 40 years. Finally, it addresses the subject of practical measurement, demonstrating how to identify relevant measurement objects and their “environments of relevant possible occurrence” (Schegloff, 1993:103). It provides guidelines for how to proceed with measurement in CA research without succumbing to reification or oversimplification and points to perspectives and possibilities for measuring both countable objects and uncountable phenomena by combining CA methodology and formal quantification. Resumé (DK) Denne afhandling beskæftiger sig med forskningsmetodologi, med den empiriske respecificering af teoretiske sociale fænomener og med hvilke konsekvenser denne respecificering har for de metodologiske valg en forsker træffer. Med tillid og troværdighed som eksempler udforsker den samtidig metodologi i samfundsvidenskabelig tillidsforskning, samt konceptualisering, definition og operationalisering af komplekse, sociale fænomener som empiriske interaktionelle fænomener. Den udforsker desuden måling af sociale fænomener mere generelt indenfor etnometodologien (EM) og samtaleanalysen (CA). Afhandlingen består af tre bøger, som præsenteres en for en nedenfor. Den første bog Challenging methodology in trust research beskæftiger sig med metodologiske valg bredt i tillidsforskning’en. Den præsenterer ti syn på, eller konceptualiseringer af, tillid identificeret i samfundsvidenskaberne og psykologi og diskuterer deres erkendelsesinteresser relativt til deres valg af empirisk data. Med udgangspunkt i en EM-baserede forståelse af hvilken viden forskellige empiriske datatyper kan generere, Garfinkel’s forståelse af tillid (Garfinkel, 1963) og Mead’s teorier om selvet, udfordrer bogen den måde en række bredt anvendte metoder i tillidsforskning analyseres på. Bogen peger desuden på en række underpåviste fejlkilder og anbefaler EM/CA-baserede metodologiske løsninger på disse. Den argumenterer for en ny forståelse af hvordan selvrapporterede data bedst anvendes i tillidsforskning. Yderligere foreslår den at studiet af tillid som empirisk fænomen der aktivt påvirker den sociale verden, er væsentligt og bør udvides, og anbefaler brug af video-etnografiske data og EM/CA- metoder til at udforske disse understuderede aspekter af tillid. Den anden bog Revisiting trustworthiness as a sensorially observable phenomenon in social interaction tager det sidstnævnte spørgsmål fra ovenstående bog op. Med afsæt i tillidsforskning, retorik og etnometodologi konceptualiserer, respecificerer og operationaliserer bogen troværdighed som forskningsobjekt social interaktion. Bogen formulerer et EM/CA-baseret analytisk program for troværdighed som relationelt og dynamisk interaktionelt fænomen, der bliver til i social interaktion og peger på udtrykket ‘karakterbundne displays’ der kan observeres som klynger af indikatorer. Den identificerer fire deltagerorienteringer mod troværdighed, som deltagerne kan fremhæve i deres dynamiske identitetsprojekter: orientering mod sandhed og ærlighed; mod ‘stake’ og interesse, mod evner og viden, og mod konsistens og forudsigelighed. Denne transformation of troværdighed fra teoretisk koncept til et empirisk objekt giver mulighed for, via CA-analyse, at udforske hvordan medlemmer af samfundet viser, tester og forhandler troværdighed i mødet med hinanden. Via CA-analyse identificerer bogen interaktionsfænomener, der kan kodes som indikatorer på deltagernes orientering mod en eller flere komponenter af troværdighed og analyserer eksempler på dette ved hjælp af etnometodologisk multimodal samtaleanalyse. Den tredje bog Measurement in Social Interaction. A Conversation Analytic Approach to the Measurement of Social Phenomena adresserer identifikation og måling af forskellige sociale fænomener fra et EM/CA- perspektiv. Den udforsker, hvordan CA-informeret operationalisering af sociale fænomener adskiller sig fra formel top-down måling bredt inden for sociologi og lingvistik. Den præsenterer CA’s udvikling fra radikal ny disciplin til veletableret metode indenfor interaktions-forskning og CA’s tilgang til formel kvantificering. Den giver et h overblik over den metodologiske diskussion om kvantificering i CA, og respecificerer og definerer måling i en EM/CA-sammenhæng. Den præsenterer en taksonomi for CA-studier, der i løbet af de sidste 40 år har anvendt kvantificering. Endelig demonstrerer den via eksempler, hvordan man identificerer måleobjekter og deres ""miljøer for relevant mulig forekomst"" (Schegloff, 1993: 103) i video- og audioetnografiske data. Den udstikker desuden retningslinjer for, hvordan måling indenfor CA-forskning kan udforskes uden at risikere reifikation eller overforenkling af de fænomener der ønskes målt, og den peger på perspektiver for at måle både tælbare objekter og utællelige fænomener ved at kombinere CA med formel kvantificering. Assessment committee Associate Professor Brian Lystgaard Due, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Geoffrey Raymond (University of California, Santa Barbara) Professor Ruth Parry (University of Loughborough) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Kasper Boye (University of Copenhagen) " "On the Exploitation of Host Communities in International Clinical Research";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-09-30";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 24.4.01";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Katla Heðinsdóttir.";"Public defence of PhD thesis by Katla Heðinsdóttir. The doors will be closed at exactly 13:00. Assessment committee Associate professor Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (Chair), University of Copenhagen Associate professor Ruth Sample, University of New Hampshire Professor Jan Helge Solbak, Oslo University Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Thor Grünbaum, University of Copenhagen Copies of the thesis Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following places: The information desk of the Copenhagen University Library (KUB), University of Copenhagen South Campus The Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) The Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen South Campus " "Al Zubarah and Freiha";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-09-03";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-56";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Agnieszka Bystron.";"Formation of Modern Qatar: a Socioeconomic Study Drawn from Recently Discovered Ceramic Evidence Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Agnieszka Bystron. Read thesis (pdf) Assessment Committee Associate Professor Ingolf Thuesen (University of Copenhagen) Professor Joanita A. C. Vroom (Leiden University) Professor Robert Carter (University College London) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Trine Brox (University of Copenhagen) " "Structured Agencies of Paramilitaries in the Kurdish-Turkish Conflict";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-07-01";"18:00";"";"";"Zoom";"Public defence of PhD Thesis by Özlem Has.";"The JITEM Case Public defence of PhD Thesis by Özlem Has Assessment committee Associate professor Tea Sindbæk Andersen (Chair), University of Copenhagen Professor Uğur Ümit Üngör, University of Amsterdam Professor Ryan Gingeras, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey Moderator of the defence Associate professor Annika Hvithamar, University of Copenhagen Registration Registration is required to receive Zoom link. Please contact Anni Christensen nhj@hum.ku.dk no later than 30 June at 12." "Algorithmic Intimacies";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-06-18";"13:00";"";"";"Online via Zoom";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Tanja Anna Wiehn.";"A Cultural Analysis of Ubiquitous Proximities in Data Assessment Committee Associate Professor Kristin Veel, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Louise Amoore (Durham University) Associate Professor Søren Pold (Aarhus University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Gunhild Borggreen (University of Copenhagen) " "Repræsentationer af mangfoldighed";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2021-06-04";"13:00";"";"";"Online via Zoom. Tilmelding til forsvarshandlingen sker ved henvendelse til Anni Christensen senest den 3/6 2021 kl. 12.00";"Sabrina Vitting-Seerup forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Kulturinstitutioners arbejde med kulturelle repræsentationer i den postmigrantiske tilstand Sabrina Vitting-Seerup forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Mathias Danbolt (Københavns Universitet) Lektor Randi Marselis (Roskilde Universitet) Professor Lene Myong (Universitetet i Stavanger) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Devika Sharma (Københavns Universitet) Forsvaret afvikles online via Zoom. Tilmelding til forsvarshandlingen sker ved henvendelse til Anni Christensen senest den 3/6 2021 kl. 12.00." "Land, Technology and the Rise of Experimental Art in Post-Home Rule Greenland";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-05-28";"15:00";"";"";"Online via Zoom

Passcode: 768391";"PhD defence by David Winfield Norman.";"PhD defence by David Winfield Norman. Assessment Committee Professor Mikkel Bolt, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Jessica L. Horton (University of Delaware) Erik Gant, PhD Moderator of the defence Professor Mette Sandbye (University of Copenhagen) To obtain a copy of the thesis, please contact David W. Norman" "Pop Processing - The Digitalization of Musical Time and Space";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-05-07";"13:00";"";"";"Online via Zoom";"Public defence of PhD thesis by Anders Reuter";"Public defence of PhD thesis by Anders Reuter Assessment committee Professor Holger Schulze, University of Copenhagen Associate Professor Ragnhild Brøvig-Hanssen, University of Oslo Associate Professor Mads Krogh, Aarhus University Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Inger Vinther Damsholt, University of Copenhagen " "Atmospheres of Surveillance";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-05-07";"13:00";"";"";"Online via Zoom";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Karen Louise Grova Søilen.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Karen Louise Grova Søilen. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Nanna Kann-Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Anders Albrechtslund (Aarhus University) Associate Professor Annie Ring (University College London) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Rasmus Helles (University of Copenhagen) " "Truslen mod Demokratiet";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-04-23";"13:00";"";"";"Online via Zoom";"Public defence of PhD thesis by Jacob Vrist Nielsen";"Teleovervågning i Danmark 1916 - 1945 Public defence of PhD thesis by Jacob Vrist Nielsen. Assessment committee Associate Professor Regin Schmidt, University of Copenhagen Associate Professor Karen Gram-Skjoldager, Aarhus University Associate Professor Magnus Linnarsson, Stockholm University Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Bo Fritzbøger, University of Copenhagen " "Justify My Love: The affective governing of the attachment requirement";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-04-16";"14:00";"";"";"Online via Zoom";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Sofie Jeholm.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Sofie Jeholm. Assessment Committee Associate professor Pia Quist, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate professor Anne-Marie D’Aoust (Université du Québec à Montréal) Associate professor Leila Brännström (Lund University) Moderator of the defence Associate professor Michael Nebeling Petersen (University of Copenhagen) " "Sensuous Society";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-04-16";"13:00";"";"";"Online via Zoom";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Gry Worre Hallberg.";" Carving the path towards a sustainable future through aesthetic inhabitation stimulating ecologic connectedness Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Gry Worre Hallberg. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Gunhild Ravn Borggreen, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Max Liljefors (Lund University) Professor Peter M. Boenisch (Aarhus University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Michael Eigtved (University of Copenhagen) Resume I denne PhD undersøger jeg hvordan det sanselige potentielt kan understøtte en overgang til en mere bæredygtig fremtid ved at anvende æstetisk og økologisk teori i analysen og diskussionen af min kunstneriske praksis i projekterne Dome of Visions316 og Sisters Academy317 (af Sisters Hope318). Begge responderer på Sensuous Society Manifesto319, som fremmaner en potentiel fremtidig verden med afsæt i æstetiske præmisser, skrevet som en reaktion på den finansielle krise i 2008 og den vedvarende økologiske krise. Over det sidste årti har jeg gennem min praksis interesseret mig for måder at ‘demokratisere det æstetiske’ på (jf. Sensuous Society Manifesto), hvormed jeg mener at åbne og tilgå et sanseligt og poetisk værensmodus i verden. Begge projekter deler således denne intention og sigter mod at åbne dette på forskellig vis. Overordnet stiller den dome-formede, midlertidige konstruktion Dome of Visions et sanseligt og poetisk rum til rådighed for den brede befolkning til at skabe og bidrage æstetisk med udgangspunkt i dens inviterende kuratoriske profil, og i Sisters Academy arbejdes der med en performance-metode, som åbner de sanselige. Resumé in Danish 479 og poetiske aspekter af vores væsen inden for rammen af et stærkt immersivt performance-installatorisk rum. Idet jeg har forstået begge projekter som værende forskningsbaserede fra begyndelsen, er der genereret omfattende refleksiv in situ materiale af projekternes deltagere. Subtraktioner af dette materiale er inkluderet som empirisk data og læst gennem den tredelte rituelle proces (van Gennep [1909] 2013; Turner 1974; [1969] 2008; [1967] 2014; Fischer-Lichte 2008; Fischer-Lichte and Wihstutz 2018) og de tre økologier (Guattari [1989] 2008) som operationelle analytiske rammer. Æstetik: I forlængelse af Baumgarten ([1735] 1954; [1750–1758] 1961) og den æstetiske filosofi der fulgte ham, forstår jeg den æstetiske oplevelse, perception og kognition som værende oplevelse, perception og kognition gennem sanserne. Som blandt andre Thyssen (2005) argumenterer for, er den æstetiske dimension altid til stede, idet vi altid sanser verden. Dog kultiverer vi denne dimension i kunsten. Æstetik forstås således som sanselig erfaring, perception og kognition. Kunst forstås som kultivering af det æstetiske og således som et rum for intensiveret sanselig erfaring, perception og kognition. Den sanselige oplevelse og opfattelse af verden åbner ydermere det poetiske værensmodus, karakteriseret af åbenhed, mere specifikt til noget andet og mere end blot det fysiske og empirisk målbare (D. Jørgensen 2003; 2014; 2018). Økologi: Centralt for økologisk teori er erkendelsen af altings forbundenhed. En tråd kan spores fra Bateson ([1972] 2000; [1979] 1984) gennem Guattari ([1989] 2008; [1992] 1995), herunder hans tre økologier (Guattari [1989] 2008; [1992] 1995) til blandt andre Latour (2011; [2015] 2017; [2017] 2018), Braidotti (2013; 2019), Stengers (2005; 2010), Neimanis (2016) og Haraway (2015; 2016). Bateson argumenterer for, at den mest sandsynlige vej ud af den økologiske krise er at træne den mentale økologi320 i mennesket, hvis primære funktion er at forstå altings dybe forbundenhed. I analysen af nævnte in situ data, som genereres mens deltagerne er i et sanseligt og poetiske værensmodus, forholder jeg mig til problemformuleringen: Hvad er virkningen af Dome of Visions og Sisters Academys aktivering af det æstetiske på deltagerne? Og hvad fortæller det os om, hvordan det æstetiske, og dermed det sanselige, kan understøtte overgangen til en mere bæredygtig fremtid? 316 www.domeofvisions.dk (accessed 11.12.2020).317 www.sistersacademy.dk (accessed 11.12.2020).318 www.sistershope.dk (accessed 11.12.2020).319 www.sensuoussociety.org (accessed 11.12.2020). " "Concrete Aesthetics";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-04-16";"10:00";"";"";"Online via Zoom";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Rikke Luther.";"From Universal Rights to Financial Post-Democracy Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Rikke Luther. Please contact rikke.luther@gmail.com for thesis. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Solveig Gade, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Esther Leslie (Birkbeck, University of London) Independent Scholar Kim West (Agentur, Sweden) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Maria Fabricius Hansen (University of Copenhagen) Resume Beton er det mest anvendte byggemateriale i verden. Dets produktion er imidlertid negativt knyttet til klimaændringer og dens æstetisk bundet til finansspekulation samt ulighed i, hvad Colin Crouch definerer som den ‘post-demokratiske’ æra. Engang stod beton-æstetikkens sprog for fremskridt, universelle rettigheder og et bedre samfund. I dag kræver denne forstyrrede politiske æstetik en kulturel analyse, såvel som klimaaftryk og betons teknofossiler kræver videnskabelig opmærksomhed. Hvad betyder betonens æstetik i en globaliseret verden, der konstant befinder sig på kanten af en finansiel krise og udfordrer miljøkrisen? Målet med dette projekt er at analysere den historiske bevægelse fra den moderne æra med universelle rettigheder og demokrati, overfor en ny æra der er domineret af den globale cirkulation af finansiering, og effekten, den har på æstetisk sprog og betydning. Dette vil blive undersøgt ved at belyse kontrasten mellem betonens historie inden for kunst og kulturel praksis i den umiddelbare efterkrigstid efter 2. verdenskrig i Europa og den æstetiske og ideologiske betydning af beton i nutidens globaliserede økonomi. Dette kapløb om økonomiske ressourcer vil delvist blive kortlagt i zoner under ‘Global Commons’ – zoner uden for nationalstaternes grænser, såsom ‘Internationalt Farvand og Dybhavsbunden’. Disse områder er i høj grad påvirket af ‘ressourcekrige’, herunder om sand, der bruges til betonproduktion. Hvad betyder en sådan udvinding for økonomi, politisk liv og i alt væsentlighed for miljøet? Projektet er teoretisk og praktisk. Det teoretiske aspekt af forskningen fokuserer på den sociale og ideologiske overbevisning, der dominerede hver æra for at opbygge et billede af, hvordan den kulturelle betydning af beton har ændret sig. Historier, der adskiller en plads, eller et sted fra et andet, er afgørende. Den demokratiske kontekst, der engang gav modernistisk beton betydning i Skandinavien, står i skarp kontrast til det post-demokratiske miljø i nutidens ‘Special Economic Zones’. Den praktiske del af denne forskning vil anvende forskningsorienteret kreativ praksis for at udforske potentialet i kunst og arkitektoniske indgreb for at skabe ny, materielt indbygget forståelse af denne udvikling " "Data Ethics of Power";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-04-13";"18:30";"";"";"Online via Zoom";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Gry Hasselbalch.";"A Human Approach to Big Data and AI Public defence of PhD thesis by Gry Hasselbalch. Assessment Committee Professor Klaus Bruhn Jensen (University of Copenhagen) Professor Simone van der Hof (Leiden University) Associate Professor Safiya Umoja Noble (UCLA) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Laura Skouvig (University of Copenhagen) " "Second-Person Relations and the We. Perspectives from Phenomenology and Dialogical Philosophy";"CFS";"2021-04-09";"16:00";"";"";"Zoom";"Public defence of Patricia Meindl's PhD thesis.";"Public defence of Patricia Meindl's PhD thesis Join the Zoom meetingMeeting ID: 645 8305 2070 Assessment committee Associate Professor Sabrina Ebbersmeyer, University of CopenhagenVice-Dean Anne Marie Kragh Pahuus, Faculty of Arts, Aarhus UniversityProfessor Dermot Moran, Philosophy Department, Boston College Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Leo Catana, University of Copenhagen" "Second-Person Relations and the We";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-04-09";"16:00";"";"";"Online via Zoom";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Patricia Meindl.";"Perspectives from Phenomenology and Dialogical Philosophy Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Patricia Meindl. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (University of Copenhagen) Vice-Dean Anne Marie Kragh Pahuus (Aarhus University) Professor Dermot Moran Philosophy (Boston College) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Leo Catana (University of Copenhagen) " "Programs as Ideas and Practice. A Story of Public Library Programming Activity";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-03-15";"13:00";"";"";"Online via Zoom, Meeting ID: 643 1538 4759";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Mia Høj Mathiasson.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Mia Høj Mathiasson. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Laura Skouvig, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Joacim Hansson Linnaeus University, Växjö (Sweeden) Professor Anne Scott Sørensen (University of Southern Denmark) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Nanna Kann-Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen) " "Medical Science in Ancient Egypt: A translation and interpretation of Papyrus Louvre-Carlsberg (PLouvre E 32847 + PCarlsberg 917)";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-02-08";"14:00";"";"";"Online via Zoom";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Sofie Schiødt.";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Sofie Schiødt. Please contact PhD student Sofie Schiødt for a copy of the thesis. Abstract This dissertation presents the first true text edition of Papyrus Louvre-Carlsberg, a medical text fromancient Egypt dating to c. 1450 BCE. pLouvre-Carlsberg, which is inscribed on both recto and verso,measures just over 6 meters in length and constitutes the second-longest medical papyrus preservedfrom ancient Egypt. The medical genre is relatively poorly represented in the extant source material,and the addition of this papyrus adds greatly to our knowledge of the Egyptian medical practice andits theoretical framework. This includes details of disease etiologies through numerous mythologicalnarratives that transpose disease into the divine realm in order to offer explanatory models of illnessand treatment. As such, the myths present an extraordinary emic insight into Egyptian medicine. Morespecifically, the papyrus contains the earliest-known herbal treatise, which provides descriptions ofthe appearance, habitat, uses, and religious significance of a divine plant and its seed. In addition, themanuscript contains a lengthy treatise on swellings of the skin, which are conceptualized as illnessessent forth by the formidable lunar god Khonsu. The treatise demonstrates that many of the treatmentsare devised as a reflection of Khonsu’s celestial character, for instance by invoking other gods of thenight sky to fight against the lunar god or by invoking gods or objects connected to fire, heat, and/orsunlight, all elements that are deemed opposites of the nightly realm of Khonsu. Finally, the papyruscontains the earliest and one of the only known embalming manuals, which outlines various practicalaspects of the mummification process. pLouvre-Carlsberg thus enables a more holistic and in-depthunderstanding of ancient Egyptian medicine. Resumé (DK) Denne afhandling præsenterer den første egentlige tekstudgave af Papyrus Louvre-Carlsberg, en medicinsk tekst fra det gamle Ægypten, som er dateret til ca. 1450 f.v.t. pLouvre-Carlsberg, som er indskrevet på både recto og verso, måler lidt over 6 meter i længden og udgør den næstlængste medicinske papyrus bevaret fra det gamle Ægypten. Den medicinske genre er generelt dårligt repræsenteret i det bevarede kildemateriale, og tilføjelsen af denne papyrus bidrager betydeligt til vores viden om den medicinske praksis i Ægypten samt dens teoretiske grundlag. Dette inkluderer detaljer om sygdomsætiologi beskrevet i talrige mytologiske narrativer, som overflytter sygdom til den guddommelige sfære for at fremlægge forklaringsmodeller for sygdom og behandling. Som sådan giver myterne et ekstraordinært emisk indblik i oldægyptisk medicin. Mere specifikt indeholder papyrussen den tidligst kendte urtebog, som forsyner os med beskrivelser af en guddommelig plante og dens frø ift. deres udseende, levested, brug og religiøse betydning. Ydermere indeholder manuskriptet en lang afhandling om hævelser på huden, der opfattes som sygdomme sendt af den frygtindgydende månegud Khonsu. Afhandlingen demonstrerer at mange af behandlingerne er udarbejdet som en refleksion af Khonsu’s himmelske karakter, for eksempel ved at hidkalde andre guder på nattehimlen for at kæmpe imod måneguden eller ved at hidkalde guder eller objekter forbundet med ild, varme og/eller sollys, da alle disse elementer anses som modsætninger til Khonsu’s natlige tilholdssted. Endelig indeholder papyrussen den tidligste og én af de eneste balsameringsmanualer, som beskriver diverse praktiske aspekter af mummificeringsprocessen. pLouvre-Carlsberg muliggør dermed en mere holistisk og indgående forståelse af oldægyptisk medicin. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Nicole Brisch, chair (University of Copenhagen) Dr. Susanne Töpfer (Fondazione Museo delle Antichità Egizie di Torino, Italy) Professor Christian Leitz (Universität Tübingen) Moderator of the defence Associate professor Jesper Nielsen (University of Copenhagen) " "Where Do We Go From Here?";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-02-05";"13:00";"";"";"Online via Zoom";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Erik Sporon Fiedler.";"A Religio-philosophical Reading of Peter Sloterdijk's and Giorgio Agamben's Affirmative Critiques of the Present Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Erik Sporon Fiedler. Abstract (UK) In the first decades of the 21th century the notion of crisis has been dominant, and it has been claimed that we live in a time of crisis. Traditionally, religion has been evoked when the uncertainties of existence and the instability of the world was to be reconciled with. But although there are widespread claims of a return of religion it needs to be addressed how this might be understood. The usual question raised in philosophical diagnoses of the present is how did we get here? and subsequently the critical question what went wrong? But in order for the critique not just to be negative and instead take an affirmative guise a further question needs to be raised: where do we go from here? Two of the most complex and innovative contemporary attempts to understand our present situation are found in the writings of the philosophers Giorgio Agamben and Peter Sloterdijk. It characterizes both of their philosophical authorships that although critical they also try to formulate a positive project and in doing so both take recourse in the history of religion and investigate and utilize a religious heritage that they deem still to be of importance. This dissertation investigates the philosophical trajectories of Agamben and Sloterdijk and attempt to assess the role of religion within their entire philosophical projects. This is done through a religiophilosophical reading and mapping of their work on religion situated within the wider scopes of their philosophies. I focus on the positive projects that they both try to formulate, and I claim that their work on religion is intimately linked to exactly these attempts at engaging constructively with our present situation. Sloterdijk and Agamben are two very different philosophers that are not normally read within the same traditions of reception, although they share a common intellectual historical heritage. In order to identify the affinities between their works I construct an affirmative perspective through a reading of Michel Foucault’sgenealogy of critique. I usethis as a steppingstone for identifying a certain type of critical philosopher engaged in the present of whom I see Agamben and Sloterdijk as various examples. The dissertation thus comprise of a religio-philosophical and present-focused intellectual historical investigation of the role of religion in Agamben’s and Sloterdijk’s philosophies and thereby attempt to address the question where do we go from here. Resumé (DK) I de første årtier af det 21. århundrede har idéen om krise været dominerende og det hævdes at vi lever i en krisetid. Traditionelt har religionen spillet en rolle, når eksistensens usikkerhed og verdens ustabilitet skulle håndteres. Men med udbredte antagelser om religionens genkomst, er det nødvendigt at undersøge, hvordan dette skal forstås. De vanlige spørgsmål, der rejses i filosofiske samtidsdiagnoser, er, hvordan kom vi hertil? Og det kritiske, hvad gik galt? For at kritikken ikke blot er negativ, men i stedet tager en affirmativ udformning og peger videre, er det afgørende at rejse det opfølgende spørgsmål: Hvordan kommer vi videre herfra? To af de mest komplekse og innovative samtidige forsøg på at forstå vores samtidige situation findes i filosofferne Giorgio Agambens og Peter Sloterdijks tekster. Det er karakteriserende for begges filosofiske forfatterskaber, at selvom de er kritiske, forsøger de også at formulere et positivt projekt. Her griber de begge til religionshistorien og gør brug af en religiøs arv, som de begge vurderer stadig har væsentlig betydning. Afhandlingen undersøger Agambens og Sloterdijks filosofiske bane og vurderer religionens rolle indenfor deres samlede filosofiske projekter. Dette gør jeg gennem en religionsfilosofisk læsning og kortlægning af deres arbejde med religion, hvor jeg fokuserer på de positive projekter, som de begge prøver at formulere. Jeg argumenterer for, at deres arbejde med religion er intimt forbundet med disse forsøg på konstruktivt at konfrontere vores nuværende situation. Sloterdijk og Agamben er to meget forskellige tænkere, der ikke normalt læses indenfor den samme receptionstradition på trods af, at de deler en fælles idéhistorisk arv. For at identificere affiniteterne mellem deres arbejde etablerer jeg et affirmativt perspektiv gennem en læsning af Michel Foucaults kritik-genealogi. Med afsæt heri identificerer jeg en særlig type af den samtidsengagerede kritiske filosof, hvoraf jeg ser Agamben og Sloterdijk som to eksempler. Afhandlingen udgør således en religionsfilosofisk og samtids-idéhistorisk undersøgelse af religionens rolle i Agambens og Sloterdijk tænkning og forsøger derigennem at besvare spørgsmålet om hvordan vi kommer videre herfra. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Thomas Brudholm (University of Copenhagen) Professor Jayne Svenungsson (Lund University) Professor Hans Jørgen Lundager Jensen (Aarhus University) Moderator of defence Head of Department, Associate Professor Annika Hvithamar (University of Copenhagen) " "Sigmatic Verbal Formations in Anatolian and Indo-European";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-02-05";"13:00";"";"";"Online via Zoom";"Public defense of PhD thesis by Tobias Mosbæk Søborg.";"A Cladistic Study Public defense of PhD thesis by Tobias Mosbæk Søborg. Abstract (UK) The present dissertation examines the plethora of Indo-European verbal formations characterized by an element *‑s-, such as the s-aorist and various subjunctives, futures and desideratives. A fundamental premise of the study is the consistent consideration of the internal subgrouping of the language family, in particular the primary split between Anatolian and the remaining ‘Indo- Tocharian’ branches, next between Tocharian and the remaining ‘Indo-Celtic’ branches. The basic framework and terminology of the internal subgrouping incorporated in the study is presented in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 investigates the sigmatic formations in Indo-Celtic, recapitulated by a reconstruction of the sigmatic formations in Proto-Indo-Celtic. Chapters 3 and 4 follow with treatments of Tocharian and Anatolian, respectively, culminating in a comparative assessment (Chapter 5) and a conclusion (Chapter 6). A major result of the study is that none of the classical sigmatic verbal formations can be reconstructed for Proto-Indo-European. This notably includes the s-aorist which could not be demonstrated in Anatolian. Rather, the group of Anatolian verbs with an element *‑s- do not show the characteristic *ḗ- grade but a few have Schwebeablaut, which is irreconcilable with any stem formation in Indo-European. This radical behaviour reveals their identity as actual roots with an extension *‑s‑, with several indisputable examples showing Schwebeablaut and a clear telic and transitivizing function. This extension was reanalyzed as a suffix and employed in the nascent imperfective-aorist opposition in pre-Proto-Indo-Tocharian as a high-transitive aorist. The s-aorist achieved its characteristic *ḗ-grade only then, as the normal *é~∅-ablauting root stem was lengthened in monosyllabic forms caused by the *‑s‑: *CéCs(t) > *CḗCs(t). The resulting *ḗ~∅-ablaut is reflected in the Tocharian s-averbo formations, which descend exclusively from the Proto-Indo-Tocharian s-aorist. In Proto-Indo-Celtic, the ablaut of the s-aorist was innovated to *ḗ~é in analogy with Narten-formations. The future-desiderative complex is entirely derived from the s-aorist and not reconstructible for Proto-Indo-European. The s-aorist subjunctive and its side- form, the *si-imperative, can be reconstructed for Proto-Indo-Tocharian where it is already emancipated from the s-aorist, probably due to the alienation of the full-grade subjunctive with the lengthening in the indicative. The remaining future-desiderative formations are Indo-Celtic innovations. Lastly, it is argued that a set of sigmatic personal endings can be reconstructed for Proto-Indo-European: 3sg. *‑s, 2pl. *‑sé and 3pl. *‑r̥s~*‑ḗr. These seem to alternate within the perfect system with the classical endings *‑e, *‑é and *‑r̥~*‑ér, respectively. A pattern is determined between these perfect endings and the eventive endings *‑t, *‑té, *‑nt, namely eventive *‑t‑ : perfect *‑∅‑ : “s-perfect” *‑s‑ and several hypotheses are presented for the analysis of this new set of endings, presenting new routes for future research. Resumé (DK) Foreliggende afhandling udforsker virvaret af indoeuropæiske verbaldannelser kendetegnet ved et element *‑s‑, såsom s-aoristen og diverse sigmatiske konjunktiver, futura og desiderativer. Det er en grundlæggende præmis for undersøgelsen konsekvent at indtænke de interne grupperinger i sprogfamilien, i særdeleshed den primære opsplitning i først anatolisk og de resterende ‘indotokhariske’ grene, dernæst mellem tokharisk og de ‘indokeltiske’ grene. I kapitel 1 afgrænses og defineres de anvendte principper og sproggrupperinger. Kapitel 2 gennemgår de sigmatiske verbaldannelser i indokeltisk og munder ud i en rekonstruktion af formerne på urindokeltisk. I kapitel 3 og 4 følger behandlingen af hhv. tokharisk og anatolisk, og afhandlingen afrundes af en komparativ diskussion (kapitel 5) og en konklusion (kapitel 6). Et vigtigt resultat er erkendelsen af, at ingen af de klassiske sigmatiske verbaldannelser kan rekonstrueres for urindoeuropæisk. Dette omfatter også s- aoristen, som ikke kan påvises i anatolisk. De anatoliske verber, der har et element *‑s‑, viser ikke den for s-aoristen karakteristiske *ḗ-vokalisme, men nogle af dem udviser i stedet såkaldt svæveaflyd, som er uforligneligt med nogen som helst stammedannelse på indoeuropæisk. Denne radikale adfærd afslører verbernes identitet som faktiske rødder med en rodudvidelse *‑s‑, som allerede er veletableret og har adskillige anerkendte eksempler med svæveaflyd og en telisk og transitiviserende funktion. Denne rodudvidelse blev omtolket som et suffiks og anvendt som markøren af en transitiviserende aorist. Det karakteristiske langtrin fik s-aoristen i løbet af denne proces, da *s’et blev forlænget i enstavelsesformer: *CéCs(t) > *CḗCs(t). Det resulterede i en aflyd *ḗ~∅, som afspejles i det tokhariske s-averbosystem, hvis stammedannelser udelukkende udvikledes fra den indotokhariske s-aorist. På urindokeltisk havde en analogi til Narten-dannelserne ændret aflydsvekslen i s-aoristen til *ḗ~*é. Futurum-desiderativ-komplekset er afledt af s-aoristen og kan derfor heller ikke rekonstrueres for urindoeuropæisk. Konjunktiven af s-aoristen og dens sideform, *si-imperativen, kan med sikkerhed rekonstrueres for urindotokharisk, hvor den allerede har løsrevet sig fra s-aoristen og frit kan dannes til verber uden s-aorist, formentlig fordi forlængelsen i s-aoristens indikativ førte til en fremmedgørelse mellem denne og konjunktiven. Resten af futurum- og desiderativdannelserne er indokeltiske nydannelser. Til sidst argumenteres der for ansættelsen af et nyt sæt urindoeuropæiske personendelser inden for perfektumsystemet: 3.sg. *‑s, 2.pl. *‑sé og 3.pl. *‑r̥s~*‑ḗr. Disse endelser konkurrerer tilsyneladende med de klassiske perfektumendelser, hhv. *‑e, *‑é og *‑r̥~*‑ér, og der konstateres et potentielt mønster mellem disse endelser og eventivendelserne *‑t, *‑té, *‑nt, nemlig et forhold eventiv *‑t‑ : perfektum *‑∅‑ : “s-perfektum” *‑s‑. Adskillige hypotetiske fortolkninger fremsættes for dette nye endelsessæt, som udstikker nye veje for fremtidig udforskning. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Anders Richardt Jørgensen, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Melanie Malzahn (Universität Wien) Professor Andreas Willi (University of Oxford) Moderator of the defense Associate Professor Thomas Olander (University of Copenhagen) " "Narrating the Defeat";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-01-22";"14:00";"";"";"Online via Zoom";"PhD defense by Katrine Funding Højgaard.";"The Loss of Jerusalem in Western Historical Writing, 1187–1229 PhD defense by Katrine Funding Højgaard. Abstract (UK) When Jerusalem fell to the Saracens in October 1187, it created a news flow in the West. Letters streamed from the Christian Crusader States in the East to the Latin West. The papacy responded by issuing letters and legates, and the news gradually spread to annals and chronicles in the West. It is generally recognised that Jerusalem’s fall caused widespread reactions, ultimately resulting in the Third Crusade (1189–92), but the spread of the news and the Western narrative of the loss have not yet been thoroughly investigated. This dissertation examines the dissemination of news and the literary tradition that emerged in contemporary historiography between 1187–1229. The analysis is based on 20 narrative accounts from the papal West. Theoretically, the dissertation is based on the history of emotions, collective memory, new media studies, and theories of temporal discontinuity in an analysis of the interplay between emotional language, uses of the past, and memory creation. The dissertation identifies a Western emotional and mnemonic community that arises and is strengthened after the loss of Jerusalem. An expressive and to some extent performative emotional language is used to emphasise a sense of belonging in a defeat narrative. At the same time, it is clear that memory and emotions are inseparable and interdependent. Repetitive recognisable emotional expressions and practices are used to describe the loss and support the memory, while active memory strategies and reproductions of the defeat narrative keep the grief current and serve as a reminder that Jerusalem remains lost. Furthermore, the dissertation considers the discontinuity of time and argues that Jerusalem’s fall cannot be studied as an isolated event. Past destructions of Jerusalem must be seen as part of the contemporary narrative, especially the Old Testament destruction of Jerusalem and the subsequent Babylonian exile. Through biblical typology, the chroniclers of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries use the Old Testament as a model, where the prophets and the Book of Lamentations convey a language with which the historians after 1187 can express the grief for their contemporary loss. But it is more than just reusing language. The dissertation argues for a transfer of presence, where both language and emotional practices travel over spatial and temporal distances. Different pasts and narratives flow together in a cross-temporal memory site for the narrative of the loss of Jerusalem. This way, the twelfth- and early thirteenth-century historians, together with the prophets of the Old Testament, can weep over the universal loss of Jerusalem, a city destroyed across several temporal layers. Resumé (DK) Da Jerusalem faldt til saracenerne i oktober 1187, skabte det en nyhedsstrøm fra de kristne korsfarerstater i Mellemøsten til det pavelige Europa. Pavemagten reagerede ved at udsende breve og legater og nyheden spredtes gradvist til annaler og krøniker i Vesten. Det er alment anerkendt at Jerusalems fald medførte omfattende reaktioner, deriblandt det Tredje Korstog (1189–92), men nyhedsspredningen og den vestlige fortælling om tabet er ikke hidtil blevet undersøgt til grunds. Denne afhandling undersøger nyhedsspredningen og den literære tradition, der opstod i den samtidige historieskrivning mellem 1187–1229. Analysen hviler på 20 vestlige beretninger. Teoretisk tager afhandlingen afsæt i følelseshistorie, kollektiv erindring, new media studies og teorier om temporal diskontinuitet i en analyse af samspillet mellem følelsessprog, fortidsbrug og erindringsskabelse. Afhandlingen identificerer et vestligt følelses- og erindringsfællesskab, der opstår og forstærkes efter tabet af Jerusalem. Et udtryksfuldt og til dels performativt følelsessprog bruges til at fremhæve et tilhørsforhold i et nederlagsnarrativ. Samtidig står det klart at erindring og følelser ikke kan skilles ad, men er afhængige af hinanden. Gentagne genkendelige følelsesytringer og -praksisser bruges til at beskrive tabet og understøtte erindringen, mens aktive erindringsstrategier og genfortællinger af nederlagshistorien holder sorgen aktuel og tjener som en påmindelse om at Jerusalem forbliver tabt. Ydermere tager afhandlingen tidens diskontinuitet i betragtning og argumenterer for at Jerusalems fald ikke kan studeres i ental. Tidligere tiders ødelæggelser af Jerusalem må ses som en del af den samtidige fortælling, særligt det gammeltestamentlige Jerusalems ødelæggelse og det efterfølgende babylonske eksil. Gennem bibelsk typologi bruger 1100- og 1200-tallets kronikører det Gamle Testamente som model, hvor profeterne og Klagesangene viderebringer et sprog, hvormed historikerne efter 1187 kan udtrykke sorgen over deres samtidige tab. Men det er mere end blot genbrug af sprog. Afhandlingen argumenterer for at der sker en overførsel af nærværelse, hvor både sprog og følelsespraksisser rejser over spatiale og temporale afstande. Forskellige fortider og narrativer flyder sammen i et tværtemporalt erindringssted for fortællingen om tabet af Jerusalem. På den måde kan 1100- og 1200-tallets historikere sammen med det Gamle Testamentes profeter græde over det universelle tab af Jerusalem, en by der ødelægges gennem flere temporale lag. Assessment Committee Professor Gunner Lind, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Jonathan Phillips (Royal Holloway, University of London) Dr. Helen Birkett (University of Exeter) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Jes Fabricius Møller (University of Copenhagen) " "Noble Women's Prayer Books";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-01-15";"13:00";"";"";"Online via Zoom";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Marie Møller Christensen.";"From the Reformation period to the middle of the 17th Century Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Marie Møller Christensen. Abstract (UK) In Denmark, several prayer books from the 16th and 17th century written or owned by women have been handed down in both manuscript and printed form, but only a few of these have been studied so far. The dissertation studies how noblewomen’s engagement in the books developed from the period of the Danish Reformation until the middle of the 17th century, and primarily addresses how women could use these books to express themselves religiously and to shape their own devotional life and that of others. For this reason, I focus on books where women’s agency through time appears most distinctly. Also, the handwritten prayer books have a central position in the dissertation, given the fact that for a longer period of time, women are more visible in these sources than in the printed books. In addition to these aims I have intended to collect and characterize the preserved handwritten prayer books from both male and female owners and writers in Denmark during the Reformation and Post-Reformation. In one chapter, I demonstrate the emergence of a manuscript culture upon which mostly the nobility and people of princely rank have left a stamp. The manuscript culture was partly characterized by its luxury books and partly by personal and collective writing, suggesting that many of the participants in this culture wanted to include writing as an element of their devotional practice. In three main chapters, divided chronologically, I examine the development of the noblewomen’s books: The first chapter describes the period from the 1530s until the 1560s. Here, the material is scarce, but bear witness to women’s continued interest in possessing prayer books with a comprehensive selection of prayers. I offer an explanation as to how these books are in keeping with the Reformation and the general development of the devotional literature. The following chapter examines the timeframe from around 1575-1610. This period is characterized by two new tendencies, one being noblewomen’s own handwriting and personally reflective writing, the other being a new sort of collective writing, which among other things shares some of the characteristics of the “Stammbuch” or album amicorum tradition. In the last chapter, I investigate how noblewomen around the 1610s to the 1650s begin to produce printed prayer books and argue in their favour. The manuscripts from this period strikingly resemble the printed books. The development in these books shows that the noblewomen gradually felt more secure in their writing and in their certainty that this had some relevance to other people. Also, my studies of the collective writing show that women and men sought to co-operate in creating the religious expression of the books. A central purpose of this dissertation is to relocate the prayer books of noblewomen from the margins of history to the centre of it, and regard them as sources to lay people’s religious life and their participation in the creation of the devotional culture. Resumé (DK) Fra 1500- og 1600-tallets Danmark er der overleveret en del bønnebøger i håndskrift og på tryk, som adelskvinder har ejet og skrevet, men kun få af disse bøger har fået opmærksomhed i forskningen. Afhandlingen er en undersøgelse af, hvordan adelskvinders engagement i bøgerne udviklede sig fra reformationstiden til midten af 1600-tallet, først og fremmest med henblik på, hvordan disse kvinder igennem bøgerne kunne udtrykke sig religiøst, og hvordan de med bøgerne kunne forme deres eget og andres fromhedsliv. Derfor sætter jeg fokus på de bøger, hvor kvinderne igennem tiden træder tydeligst frem som aktører i fromhedslivet. Af samme grund optager de håndskrevne bønnebøger en central plads i afhandlingen, i og med at kvinderne længe er synligere i disse kilder end i de trykte bøger. Ud over denne hovedproblemstilling er det min hensigt med afhandlingen at samle og karakterisere bevarede håndskrevne bønnebøger fra både mænd og kvinder i Danmark, idet dette hidtil ikke er blevet gjort for den pågældende periode. I et kapitel viser jeg, at der kommer en håndskriftkultur til syne, som flest adelsfolk og fyrstelige personer har sat præg på. Denne hånd-skriftkultur er dels kendetegnet ved sine luksusbøger og dels af personlig og kollektiv skrivning, der tyder på, at mange ønskede at gøre skriftligheden til et element i deres fromhedspraksis. I tre kronologisk inddelte hovedkapitler undersøger jeg udviklingen i adels-kvindernes bøger: Første kapitel beskriver tiden fra 1530’erne til 1560’erne. Overleveringen fra denne tid er sparsom, men viser kvinders fortsatte interesse i at eje bønnebøger med et bredt udvalg af bønner. Jeg afdækker, hvordan bøgerne står i forhold til reformationen og andagtslitteraturens generelle udvikling. Næste kapitel undersøger tiden fra omkring 1575-1610. Denne periode er kendetegnet ved to nye tendenser: Den ene viser adelskvinders egenhændige og personligt reflekterende skrivning, og den anden viser en ny form for kollektiv skrivning, der blandt andet har lighedspunkter med stambøgerne. I sidste kapitel om tiden fra 1610’erne til og med 1650’erne undersøger jeg, hvordan adelskvinder argumenterer for og former de trykte bønnebøger, som de begyndte at producere i denne periode. Håndskrifterne fra samme tid er kendetegnet ved, at deres kvindelige skrivere bevægede sig tættere på noget, der kunne ligne de trykte bøger. Udviklingen i adelskvindernes bønnebøger viser, at kvinderne gradvist blev sikrere i deres bønnebogsskrivning og i deres forvisning om, at denne skrivning havde relevans for andre. Desuden viser mine analyser af bønnebøgernes kollektive skrivning, at man også søgte at være fælles om at skabe udtrykket i bøgerne. Et centralt formål med denne afhandling er at flytte adelskvinders bønnebøger, især håndskrifterne, væk fra den marginaliserede plads, de indtil videre er blevet tildelt af forskningen, og ind som centrale kilder til, hvordan nogle lægfolk levede med deres tro og kunne være medskabere af tidens fromhedskultur. Assessment Committee Associate professor Avner Shamir, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate professor Charlotte Appel (Aarhus University) Professor Otfried Czaika (Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society) Moderator of the defence Associate professor Christian Ammitzbøll Thomsen (University of Copenhagen) " "Human capabilities in a datafied society";"Faculty of Humanities";"2021-01-15";"13:00";"";"";"Online via Zoom";"Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Signe Sophus Lai.";"Empirical approaches to studying the interplay between digital communication and internet infrastructures Public Defence of PhD Thesis by Signe Sophus Lai. Abstract (UK) This dissertation is about the relationship between individuals and technological systems. It contributes to emerging understandings of the impact of digital infrastructures on individuals’ abilities to live the lives they value and to make their own futures. The dissertation deals with a three-fold problem of understanding: what individuals are capable of in and through digital communication; how this communication is enabled, constrained, and negotiated in a datafied society; and, in turn, the implications for individuals’ everyday lives, the choices they (do not) have, and the inequalities they live with. To approach this problem, I introduce, in the first part of the dissertation, a perspective on communication as capability. The capabilities perspective (the Capability Approach, Sen 1980) offers a conceptual and normative lens through which to approach and understand what individuals can and cannot do, why, and with what implications, and it sets the agenda for the articles of the dissertation and for future research. Part II comprise a total of seven articles, and follow a trajectory that moves from the micro level of engaging with individuals’ capabilities – what they are and what they do – in and through digital communication; to the macro level of large technological systems that these beings and doings are embedded in; and back to the implications of these systems for individuals’ everyday life. Article 1 offers a research design for qualitative comparative studies of digital communication in everyday life. Article 2 and article 3 focus on the infrastructural, economic, and political conditions that frame everyday communications in different societal contexts. The first develops a comparative framework for mapping digital communication systems, and the second applies that framework in a comparative, historical analysis of the evolution of the internet infrastructure in Denmark. Article 4 and article 5 approach the political economy of surveillance infrastructures by analyzing the use of third-party services on the web and in apps. And article 6 and article 7 return to the fieldwork data introduced in article 1 and look into the implications of digital infrastructures and datafication for individuals’ abilities to make their own future and to counter digital infrastructures and datafication for individuals’ abilities to make their own future and to counter persistent and exacerbating inequalities. Finally, Part III features the dissertations’ conclusion. The dissertation makes three key contributions: a theoretical, a methodological, and an empirical one. First, it develops theoretical frameworks that combine critical data studies, infrastructure studies, and political economy of communication, and by offering a systematic way of understanding connections between digital communication and capabilities. Second, it contributes with developing new tools and methodological frameworks for analysing and monitoring nascent and fast-moving phenomena like datafication and digital business models in comprehensive ways and at macro, meso, and micro levels of inquiry. And third, the dissertation adds to existing research through empirical and systematic studies that uncover central mechanisms of big data, make otherwise invisible surveillance infrastructures visible, and interrogatethe tenets of infrastructural power. Resumé (DK) Afhandlingen ’Human Capabilities in a Datafied Society: empirical approaches to studying the interplay between digital communication and internet infrastructures’ er en undersøgelse af forholdet mellem individer og teknologiske systemer. Gennem en række teoretiske, metodiske og empiriske analyser belyser afhandlingen, hvordan digitale infrastrukturer rammesætter individers muligheder for at leve et værdifuldt liv og øve indflydelse på de måder, deres data høstes, distribueres og anvendes. Undersøgelserne kredser dermed om et overordnet problem, der består i at forstå: hvilke handlemuligheder individer har for at kommunikere digitalt; hvordan deres kommunikation muliggøres, begrænses, og forhandles i et dataficeret samfund; og med hvilke implikationer. Del I etablerer en fælles teoretisk ramme for afhandlingens artikler ved at introducere et perspektiv på kommunikation som ’capability’. Capabilities perspektivet (the Capability Approach, Sen 1980) udgør en konceptuel og normativ optik til at undersøge og forstå, hvad individer kan og ikke kan, hvorfor, og med hvilke konsekvenser. Del II indeholder i alt syv artikler, der bevæger sig fra et mikro-niveau, der fokuserer på individers handlemuligheder, når det kommer til digital kommunikation; et makro-niveau, der beskæftiger sig med de teknologiske systemer som disse handlemuligheder er indlejret i; og tilbage til implikationerne af disse systemer for individers hverdagsliv. Artikel 1 udvikler et forskningsdesign til kvalitative og komparative feltstudier af digital kommunikation i hverdagen. Artikel 2 og artikel 3 fokuserer på de infrastrukturelle, økonomiske, og politiske forhold, der rammesætter digital kommunikation ved dels at opstille en komparativ systematik til at kortlægge digitale kommunikation systemer i forskellige nationale kontekster, og dels at applicere denne i et komparativt, historisk studie af internettets udvikling i Danmark. Artikel 4 og artikel 5 undersøger overvågningsinfrastrukturer og digital politisk økonomi gennem analyser af tredjepartstjenester i web- og app-baseret tracking. Artikel 6 og artikel 7 vender tilbage til data fra feltarbejdet, introduceret i artikel 1, og undersøger implikationerne af digital infrastrukturer og dataficering, med fokus på mobilkommunikation og samfundsmæssige uligheder. Endelig præsenterer Del III afhandlingens konklusion. Afhandlingen har dermed tre nøglebidrag – et teoretisk, et metodologisk, og et empirisk. For det første bidrager afhandlingen med teoretiske perspektiver, der kombinerer og udvikler forskningen indenfor kritiske datastudier, internet infrastrukturstudier og digital politisk økonomi. For det andet udvikles nye metoder og værktøjer til at undersøge og forstå fænomener som dataficering, digitale forretningsmodeller og infrastrukturel magt på tværs af makro- , meso- og mikroskopiske undersøgelsesniveauer. Endelig bidrager afhandlingen med en række empiriske og systematiske analyser, der afdækker centrale mekanismer i Big data, synliggør ellers usynlige overvågningsinfrastrukturer, og muliggår fremtidig monitorering og regulering af digitale infrastrukturer og markedsaktører. og regulering af digitale infrastrukturer og markedsaktører. Assessment Committee Associate professor Anne Mette Thorhauge, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Hallvard Moe (University of Bergen) Faculty associate Fernando Bermejo (Harvard University) Moderator of defence Associate professor Andreas Lindegaard Gregersen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) " "Community of Parting: Negotiating Borders and Translation Otherwise as Artistic Research";"Faculty of Humanities";"2020-12-18";"17:00";"";"";"South Campus, On Zoom";"Public PhD Defence by Jane Jin Kaisen.";"Public PhD Defence by Jane Jin Kaisen. Abstract What would it mean to approach translation and borders otherwise as artistic research? What is at stake in this proposition and what aesthetic forms might it take? These questions have not only been my motivation, but they have also served as an engine, continuously fueling and pushing the scope and depth of my PhD project in artistic research. The aim of this dissertation has been to explore how translation and borders otherwise as artistic research can manifest as resistance but also as a site for mutual recognition, dialogue, and collective emergence. Furthermore, it has been to explore how, as a mode of artistic research the notion of translation and borders otherwise, while being firmly invested in art, it exceeds the discourse of art and other disciplinary boundaries in its commitment, relevance, and legitimacy. I consider form and content to be inseparable within artistic research and my art projects that form the core of this PhD project are at once aesthetic and discursive interventions, propositions for other ways of seeing and knowing, ways of translating and mediating borders otherwise. In an effort to contest and destabilize normative visual representations and narratives, they have revolved around configuring alternative genealogies and modes of storytelling through experimental aesthetic forms. Thus, in negotiating translation and borders otherwise, the artistic projects that compose this dissertation are in of themselves full-blown articulations of the questions that have propelled this research project. Each in their own right, they embody and mediate artistic research as a methodology and form of unruly knowledge at the thresholds. The objective of this PhD has been to synthesize practice and theory and advance an approach to artistic research that is inherently interdisciplinary and boundary-crossing but where aesthetic mediation is crucial. It therefore seems fitting that this dissertation primarily manifests through artistic outputs rather than being translated and thus confined within the standard format of a conventional academic dissertation. The body of the dissertation is expressed through 3 interrelated artistic components that each carry the title Community of Parting: an artwork composed of a 72:13 minutes film and a 2:58 minutes performative video; an exhibition encompassing eleven artworks completed over the course of my PhD; and a 472-page physical publication that documents the artworks, the exhibition, and further expands on my artistic inquiries through the inclusion of research material and writings by me in the form of an essay, a film script, and two co-authored conversations. Each of these 3 components, artwork, exhibition, and publication, employs the Korean shamanic myth of the Abandoned Princess Bari as a figuration. Doing so, Bari is engaged not as a literal myth, but becomes both a metaphor, an artistic research methodology, as well as a theoretical lens through which translation and borders are negotiated otherwise from the threshold where those othered by logics of borders operate. The artwork Community of Parting is central to the articulation of this PhD project, while the exhibition and the publication retranslate and remediate its aesthetic and theoretical propositions, thereby offering new entryways and modes of engagement. The synthesis of this is materialized as a cyclically evolving endeavor that manifests as a non-linear, multi-layered, multi-faceted, dialogical, and collectively informed interweaving around questions of borders and translation that I have engaged throughout this PhD. The writing that follows here should thus be regarded mainly as an introduction and framing. It offers some entry-points and considerations around process, and provides some further clarifications, but the artwork, the exhibition, and the publication are to be assessed on their own terms as the main body of the dissertation with their inherent propositions for negotiating translation and borders otherwise as artistic research. Resumé Hvad vil det sige at nærme sig oversættelse og grænser på anden vis som kunstnerisk forskning? Hvad er på spil i denne proposition og hvilke æstetiske former kan den antage? Disse spørgsmål har ikke blot været min motivation, de har også fungeret som en motor, der til stadighed har drevet og udvidet omfanget og dybden af mit ph.d.-projekt i kunstnerisk forskning. Formålet med denne afhandling har været at undersøge, hvordan oversættelse og grænser på anden vis som kunstnerisk forskning kan manifestere sig som modstand, men også som et rum for gensidig anerkendelse, dialog og kollektiv fremkomst. Desuden har det været at undersøge, hvordan begrebet oversættelse og grænser på anden vis som en kunstnerisk forskningsmodalitet, mens det er dybt investeret i kunst, så overskrider det samtidig kunstneriske diskurser og disciplinære grænser i dets engagement, relevans og legitimitet. Form og indhold er uadskillelige inden for kunstnerisk forskning og mine kunstprojekter, der udgør kernen i denne ph.d. er på én gang æstetiske og diskursive interventioner, forslag til andre måder at se og erkende, måder at oversætte og formidle grænser på anden vis. I forsøget på at anfægte og destabilisere normative visuelle repræsentationer og narrativer har omdrejningspunktet været at konfigurere alternative slægtskaber og fortælleformer gennem eksperimentelle æstetiske former. I forhandlingen af oversættelse og grænser på anden vis, er kunstprojekterne der udgør denne afhandling i sig selv fuldbyrdede artikulationer af ph.d.-projektet. Hver især indlejrer og formidler de kunstnerisk forskning som metode og som en form for uregerlig viden på tærsklerne. Formålet med denne ph.d. har været at forene praksis og teori og fremme en tilgang til kunstnerisk forskning, hvor interdisciplinaritet og grænseoverskridelse er immanente størrelser, men hvor æstetisk mediering er afgørende. Det synes derfor passende at afhandlingen primært manifesterer sig gennem kunstneriske outputs snarere end at blive oversat og dermed begrænset til standardformatet for en konventionel akademisk afhandling. Afhandlingens krop udtrykkes gennem 3 sammenhængende kunstneriske komponenter, som alle bærer titlen Community of Parting: et kunstværk bestående af en 72:13 minutters film og en 2:58 minutters performativ video; en udstilling, der omfatter elleve kunstværker, der er færdiggjort i løbet af min ph.d.; og en 472-siders fysisk publikation, der dokumenterer kunstværkerne, udstillingen samt yderligere udvider mine kunstneriske undersøgelser gennem inklusionen af researchmateriale og tekster skrevet af mig i form af et essay, et filmmanuskript og to medforfattede samtaler. Hver af disse 3 komponenter, kunstværk, udstilling og publikation, anvender den koreanske shamanistiske myte om den forladte prinsesse Bari som en figur. Bari er således ikke engageret som en bogstavelig myte, men som en metafor, en kunstnerisk forskningsmetodologi, såvel som en teoretisk linse, hvorigennem oversættelse og grænser forhandles på anden vis fra tærsklen hvor de, der er andetgjort af grænselogikker, opererer. Kunstværket Community of Parting er centralt for artikulationen af ph.d.-projektet, mens udstillingen og publikationen genoversætter og remedierer dets æstetiske og teoretiske propositioner og derved tilbyder nye indgange og former for engagement. Syntesen af dette er materialiseret som en cyklisk udviklende handling, der manifesterer sig som en ikke-lineær, mangelaget, multifacetteret, dialogisk og kollektivt informeret sammenvævning af spørgsmål vedrørende grænser og oversættelse, som jeg har engageret gennem hele denne ph.d. Teksten der følger her skal således hovedsageligt betragtes som en introduktion og indramning. Den præciserer og leverer nogle indgange og overvejelser omkring processen, men kunstværket, udstillingen og publikationen skal vurderes på deres egne vilkår som afhandlingens hoveddel med deres iboende propositioner for forhandlingen af oversættelse og grænser på anden vis som kunstnerisk forskning. Assessment Committee Professor Frederik Tygstrup, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Crystal Mun-Hye Baik (University of California Riverside) Research and Program Director Dalida Maria Benfield (Center for Arts, Design and Social Research) Moderator of defence Professor Mette Sandbye (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department Arts and Cultural Studies, Karen Blixens Vej 1, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Can Design Rationale Help?";"Faculty of Humanities";"2020-12-14";"13:00";"";"";" on Zoom (Meeting ID: 675 5398 3272)";"PhD defence by Yu-Tzu Lin.";"An Exploration of Service Designers’ Information Behaviour and Design Support Tools PhD defence by Yu-Tzu Lin. Abstract Can Design Rationale Help? An Exploration of Service Designers’ Information Behaviour and Design Support Tools builds on and adds to previous studies that suggest integrating design rationale to produce several benefits for service designers in managing complicated design processes. This article-based thesis explores how mapping the information behaviour of service designers and the current digital service design support tools developed in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) might assist service design in theory and in practice. In her defence, Yu-Tzu will introduce the study background and study design, present the four sub-studies that contribute to this PhD thesis, and discuss the findings of this work. Assessment Committee Professor Per Hasle, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Mette Skov (Aalborg University) Associate Professor Jose Abdelnour Nocera (University of West London) Moderator of the defense Associate Professor Haakon Lund (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: The Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "The Meanings of the People in Turkish Politics: A Genealogy";"Faculty of Humanities";"2020-12-07";"13:00";"";"";"Only on Zoom";"PhD defence by Spyros Sofos.";"PhD defence by Spyros Sofos. Abstract This thesis is intended to make a contribution to ongoing efforts to enhance our understanding of the “popular” in the study of politics through a critical examination of the uses and constructions of the people in Turkish politics since the establishment of the Turkish Republic in 1923, to the present in order to distinguish between different modalities of appeals to the “people” and their implications. The choice of Turkey is by no means accidental. The notion of the “people” has been central in the political discourse of the republic, and even in the late Ottoman era. The new nation state of Turkey declared that it was a “populist” state, with a strong anti-elitist and emancipatory emphasis and a promise of radical equality in its founding principles. The “people” has adorned the names of some of the key parties and many of the peripheral ones in the history of the republic, including some of the ones that sprang out of the Kurdish national movements. And, finally, the politics of the past twenty years have been described by researchers and the media as “populist”, so much so that Turkey has become for many a textbook case of populist politics. It is therefore interesting and potentially theoretically fruitful to explore the way the notion of the “people”, and the allied notions of the “national” and the “vernacular” have been shaped by the history of the republic, and, in turn, have informed ways of visualising society and politics and framed the parameters and repertoires of political action. Appeals to the people (often conflated with the nation as the words halk - people. and millet – nation, have frequently been used interchangeably) have been central in Turkish political discourse both left and right, secular, nationalist and Islamist and have been used both as a pretext for legitimizing curtailments of the democratic process and for the perpetration of human rights abuses on the one hand, and as a means of democratic political mobilization on the other, yet the term people has been used to refer to diverse parts of the population and to denote diverse political values and cultures in time and space. Stemming out of the belief that research such as the one presented in this thesis needs to be grounded on social historical analysis, and draw on genealogical research that allows us to situate the processes of “the constitution of knowledges, discourses, domains of objects” (Foucault 2003:306), especially those that we tend to consider that are without history, in the context of particular power configurations over time (Foucault 1977: 139). The thesis thus, seeks to offer a nuanced and historicised understanding of the notion of the “people”, its career and permutations, to suggest ways of demarcating the vernacular, the “popular” and the “populist” during this period and mapping the ways these have intersected and interacted with each other. To this end, the thesis explores the ways that “the people” have been interpellated as well as “labelled” since the outbreak of the Turkish war of liberation and will follow the intellectual and political debates around it as well as the development of relevant policies. In this context, it will also examine the use of “contiguous” concepts such as “nation”, “peasantry” in order to establish distinctions or interrelations between them and situate the notion of “the people” in a broader conceptual field and in the context of a genealogy of the “ people” as a concept, a political subject, the object of policy and politics over the past century. It will propose novel ways of reading and making sense of its insertion and operationalization in Turkish politics, and political culture. The thesis engages with approaches that allow a nuanced understanding of the “popular” in politics such as the study of plebeian culture, and the making of plebeian and popular subjectivities Thompson (1971; 1974 and 1978) as well as perspectives within the contemporary debate on populism that can throw light in developments in Turkish politics. In terms of methodology, this project seeks to contribute to a genealogical research that will reconstruct the social historical and power contexts in which the “people” and “discourses about the people” emerge and change over time and will attempt to make sense of them from sociological, cultural and social psychological perspectives. As such, this project has a trans- and inter-disciplinary dimension, as it attempts to translate, use and integrate concepts and modes of analysis from a diverse body of scholarship such as sociology, cultural studies, psychosocial studies, political science and political theory into the genealogical narrative. The analysis of the material examined relies on a what J.B. Thompson (1984) has termed a “depth hermeneutical procedure”, attempting to reconstruct the social historical conditions within which agents act and interact. Such a process pays attention to the power constellations, institutional and cultural features of the periods examined and situates in these the study of discourse and action bearing in mind the discursivity of action (the ability of action to generate and alter meaning) and the materiality of discourse (the ways in which discourses transform social reality, inform, enable and constrain action). To this end, I analyse aspects of political, cultural and, to a lesser extent, vernacular discourse, political and collective action and interaction and performance, policy and legal frameworks. Assessment Committee Professor Catharina Raudvere (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Bahar Baser Ozturk (Coventry University) Associate Professor Paul Levin (University of Stockholm) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Morten Warmind (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8, building 10, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark." "Imaging Inwardness";"";"2020-11-24";"14:30";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11 & on Zoom";"PhD defence by Rosanna Tindbæk.";"The Intimate Aesthetics of Early Netherlandish Painting PhD defence by Rosanna Tindbæk. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Lilian Munk Rösing, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor David Freedberg (Columbia University) Professor Jacob Wamberg (Aarhus University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Rune Gade (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the flollowing three places: The Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Art and Cultural Studies (IKK), Karen Blixens Vej 1, DK-2300 Copenhagen S " "The Ground of Legitimacy";"Faculty of Humanities";"2020-11-20";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11 or Join Zoom Meeting";"PhD defence by Joachim Schmidt Wiewiura.";"An Investigation of the Public Sphere as Political Semantics PhD defence by Joachim Schmidt Wiewiura. Abstract The central theme of this thesis is the concept of the public sphere. The thesis defends the claim that the public sphere constitutes the foundation for the creation of legitimacy throughout society. The argument for this claim is that the basic activity of the public sphere expresses political meanings (which I call ‘political semantics’) that produce notions of political order, which correspond to perceptions of legitimacy from the perspective of political realism. Chapter 1 introduces the argument, method, and structure of the thesis, while Chapters 2–5 comprise analyses of Kant, Habermas, Hegel, and deliberative democracy. I argue that, with the exception of Hegel, these theories understand the public sphere through a communicative framework of rational-political legitimacy. In contrast, I show that the Hegelian public sphere is an aspect of modern, rational freedom—which, however, is separated from legitimacy. Hegel is thus the basis from which I argue that the public sphere may produce public opinions without rational content. In Chapter 6 I suggest that the basic activity of public-making without rational presuppositions is ‘signalling’. I use this category to analyse the contemporary category of the networked public sphere, and I show how it differs from the earlier, mass-mediated public sphere by indicating new facets in three dimensions of signalling. I develop the last part of the argument in Chapter 7, showing that the production of public opinion (political semantics) also implies specific notions of political order that can be understood as forms of legitimisation. I defend a noninstitutionalist view of the public sphere, and analyse political realism with regard to both legitimacy and the public sphere. I then analyse three cases that demonstrate what I mean by political semantics, and I show how they generate particular notions of political order that foster strategies of legitimisation. Ultimately, I propose a new model of the public sphere as political semantics that creates a horizon of legitimacies and is thus the ground of legitimacy. Resumé Afhandlingens centrale tema er offentlighedsbegrebet. Den argumenterer for tesen, at offentligheden konstituerer grundvilkårene for legitimitetsskabelse i samfundet. Argumentet er, at den mest fundamentale offentlighedsskabende aktivitet udtrykker politiske meninger (som kaldes ‘politisk semantik’ i afhandlingen), der producerer opfattelser af politisk orden, som svarer til legitimitet set fra positionen politisk realisme. Kapitel 1 introducerer afhandlingens argument, metode og struktur, mens kapitlerne 2–5 hovedsageligt analyserer offentlighedsteorierne hos Kant, Habermas, Hegel og i deliberativt demokrati. Jeg argumenterer for, at disse teorier, med undtagelse af Hegels, fremlægger en forståelse af offentligheden set gennem en kommunikativ ramme af rationel-politisk legitimitet. Modsat viser jeg, at Hegels teori ser offentligheden som et aspekt af moderne, rationel frihed, samtidig med at den er adskilt fra legitimitet. Hegel danner derfor grundlaget for at argumentere for, at offentligheden kan producere offentlige meninger uden fornuftigt indhold. I Kapitel 6 foreslår jeg, at den fundamentale offentlighedsskabende aktivitet uden rationelle forudsætninger er ‘signallering’. Denne kategori bruges til at analysere den nuværende offentlighedskategori ‘den netværkede offentlighed’ og viser, hvordan den er forskellig fra den tidligere massemedierede offentlighed ved at påpege nye facetter i tre signaldimensioner. Kapitel 7 udvikler den sidste del af argumentet. Altså, hvordan produktionen af offentlige meninger (politisk semantik) også medfører specifikke opfattelser af politisk orden, der kan ses som legitimeringsformer. Jeg forsvarer en ikkeinstitutionel opfattelse af offentlighedsbegrebet og analyserer politisk realisme vedrørende både legitimitet og offentlighed. Derefter analyserer jeg tre eksempler, der redegør for, hvad jeg mener med politisk semantik, og viser, hvordan de danner forskellige opfattelser af politisk orden, der fostrer legitimitetsstrategier. Slutteligt fremsætter jeg en ny offentlighedsmodel, offentligheden som politisk semantik, der skaber en legitimitetshorisont og derfor kan siges at være grundlaget for legitimitetsdannelse. Assessment Committee Professor Dan Zahavi, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Erik J. Olsson (Lund University) Professor Judith Simon (participates online) (Universität Hamburg) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Thor Grünbaum (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis are available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Historieundervisning som erindringsarena. Brug af historie, sprog og religion til etnisk adskillelse og konstruktion af en umulighedsdiskurs i Bosnien-Hercegovina";"";"2020-11-20";"13:00";"";"";"4A.0.69 and web";"PhD defence (in Danish) with Selma Bukovica Gundersen.";"PhD defence (in Danish) with Selma Bukovica Gundersen. Abstract History Teaching as an Arena of Conflicting Memories. The Uses of History, Language and Religion for Ethnic Segregation and the Construction of a 'Discourse of Impossibility' in Post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina This thesis examines the consequences of the Dayton Peace Agreement from 1995 for the inter-ethnic relations today, by focusing on educational system in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This study deals with the one of the key issues related to reconciliation and reintegration processes following a internal conflict: how the violent past is taught in school, and how school institution with its socializing and disciplining practices, prepares the new generations to become citizens of a multicultural democratic society. The analysis is inspired by the concept of governmentality and builds upon policy documents and comprehensive empirical material, including classroom observation, and interviews with teachers and other actors in the educational field in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Additionally, essays written by elementary school pupils have been analysed in order to gain insight into young people's sense of belonging to the country and their attitudes towards the country’s violent past. As most studies on teaching history focus on educational documents and textbooks, this study attempts to gain the insights into power struggles of collective memories and identity formation that takes place in the field of education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Results from this study show how the school categorizes pupils in complex ways and with the use of language, history and religion, reduces their everyday social interactions. The study argues that the violent conflict of the 1990s has been transformed into a discursive war, and representatives of Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats, as well as religious communities, now with nonviolent tools, are maintaining the conflict and the system of separation, as well as their positions of power. The analysis shows how schoolteachers and pupils navigate the conflicting memory narratives and opposing expectations from international, ethno-political and religious actors, negotiate dominant narratives, and challenge the dominant patterns. Results indicate that a more inclusive teaching practice and democratization of the school's memory politics have the opportunity to develop in classrooms, and emphasizes the importance of increased awareness on teachers' roles in dealing with the violent past. Using a concept discourse of impossibility, the thesis challenges the assumptions and practices that, since the beginning of the war, have become increasingly accepted and normalized, not only by the local governments and the population, but also by the international community." "Historieundervisning som erindringsarena";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2020-11-20";"13.00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69 og på Zoom";"Selma Bukovica Gundersen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Brug af historie, sprog og religion til etnisk adskillelse og konstruktion af en umulighedsdiskurs i Bosnien-Hercegovina Selma Bukovica Gundersen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé Med et hovedfokus på historieundervisningen i grundskolerne i Bosnien-Hercegovina undersøger denne afhandling et af de centrale spørgsmål, der vedrører forsonings- og reintegrationsprocesser: Hvordan erindringer om krigen 1992-1995 konstrueres, institutionaliseres og formidles til nye generationer, samt hvordan skoleinstitutionen, hvori børn udsættes for dens socialiserende og disciplinerende praksisser, påvirker børnenes kollektive erindringer og forbereder dem til at blive samfundsmedlemmer. Analyserne er inspireret af begrebet governmentality og bygger på et omfattende empirisk materiale, der inkluderer observationer af undervisning, interviews med lærere og andre aktører inden for uddannelsesområdet samt essays om krigen 1992-1995 skrevet af elever fra Sarajevo, Mostar og Banja Luka. Med en analyse af spændingsfeltet mellem uddannelsespolitiske idealer og konkrete undervisnings- og læringspraksisser, er afhandlingens ambition at etablere en mere nuanceret viden om ideologiske og politiske magtkampe på uddannelsesområdet. Afhandlingen viser, hvordan historielærerne og eleverne navigerer i den komplekse erindringsarena – mellem modsatrettede forventninger fra de internationale, etnopolitiske og religiøse aktører. Med brug af begrebet umulighedsdiskurs udfordrer afhandlingen ekskluderende strategier, politikker og praksisser, der siden afslutningen af krigen er blevet mere og mere accepterede og normaliserede, ikke kun af de lokale regeringer og befolkninger, men også af det internationale samfund. Studiet argumenter for, at den voldelige konflikt i 1990’erne er blevet forvandlet til en diskursiv krig, hvor etnonationale repræsentanter for bosniakker, serbere og kroater nu med ikkevoldelige redskaber opretholder konflikten, deres adskillelsespolitik og magtpositioner. Abstract The thesis examines the consequences of the Dayton Peace Agreement from 1995 for the inter-ethnic relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina today, by focusing on educational system. The study deals with the one of the key issues related to reconciliation and reintegration processes following a internal conflict: How recollection about the war 1992–1995 is constructed, institutionalized and disseminated to new generations, and how the school institution with its socializing and disciplining practices, affects the children’s collective memories and prepare them to become members of a multicultural democratic society. The analysis is inspired by the concept of governmentality and builds upon policy documents and comprehensive empirical material, including classroom observations, interviews with teachers, and essays individually written by elementary school pupils in Mostar, Banja Luka and Sarajevo on the topic of the 1992–1995 war. By focusing on relationship between political ideals and concrete teaching and learning practices, the ambition was to establish a more nuanced knowledge about ideological and political power struggles within the field of education. The analysis shows how schoolteachers and pupils navigate the conflicting memory narratives and opposing expectations from international, ethno-political and religious actors. Using a concept discourse of impossibility, the thesis challenges the assumptions and exclusion strategies that, since the beginning of the war, have become increasingly accepted and normalized, not only by the local governments and the population, but also by the international community. The thesis argues that the violent conflict of the 1990s has been transformed into a discursive war, and that representatives of Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats, now with nonviolent tools, are maintaining the conflict and the system of separation, as well as their positions of power. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Simon Stjernholm, formand (Københavns Universitet) Docent Ivana Macek (Stocholms Universitet) Lektor Laura Gilliam (Aarhus Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Morten Warmind (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn inden forsvaret på Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, Søndre Campus og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier (ToRS), Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 København S." "Physical Disabilities: An Enactive Exploration of Normal Embodiment ";"";"2020-11-18";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus - Auditorium 4A.0.69";"Public defense of Juan Toro's PhD thesis.";"Public defense of Juan Toro's PhD thesis. Assessment committee Associate Professor Søren Overgaard (chair)University of Copenhagen Associate Professor Sarah Bro TrasmundiUniversity of Southern Denmark Senior Lecturer Joel KruegerUniversity of Exeter Moderator of the defense Associate Professor Sabrina EbbersmeyerUniversity of Copenhagen Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: The Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities; in Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), and at the Department of Communication." "Physical Disabilities: An Enactive Exploration of Normal Embodiment";"Faculty of Humanities";"2020-11-18";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69 & Zoom";"PhD defense by Juan Toro.";"PhD defense by Juan Toro. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Søren Overgaard, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Sarah Bro Trasmundi (University of Southern Denmark) Senior Lecturer Joel Krueger (University of Exeter) Moderator of the defense Associate Professor Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: The Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Communication, Faculty of Humanities, Karen Blixens Plads 8, DK-2300 Copenhagen S. " "Forms of Entanglement";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2020-11-13";"13.00";"";"16";"Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi i Auditoriet Hirschsprung, Peder Skrams Gade 2";"Katarina Stenbeck forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Omsorg og verdensskabelse i det antropocæne Katarina Stenbeck forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé Forms of Entanglement, omsorg og verdensskabelse i det antropocæne er et kuratorisk praksisbaseret forskningsprojekt, der gennem udstilling og tekst undersøger det antropocæne. Med udgangspunkt i en økofeministisk og postmarxistisk kritik af det antropocænes forudsætninger undersøger jeg forbindelserne mellem den europæiske kolonialisme, klimaforandringer og masseudryddelse og lokaliserer det antropocænes planetforandrende årsager i den kapitalistiske modernitet og europæiske kolonialisme og deres underliggende dominanslogikker. Projektet skaber en fortælling om det antropocæne som en historie om klimaforandringer, global forurening og udryddelse der omfatter slaveri, kolonisering og racialisering. Projektet er samtidigt en undersøgelse af hvilke sprog og udtryksformer, der kan fortælle disse historier om udbytning og udslettelse af mennesker og mere-end-menneskelige verdener, men også muliggøre en gentænkning af vores måde at være i verden på. Jeg benytter mig af udstillinger og tekst til at undersøge, hvordan kuratorisk praksis kan skabe fortællinger, der bevæger sig på tværs af rumlige skalaer, akademiske fagområder og teoretiske positioner. Projektet består af denne afhandling og tre foregående udstillinger samt en præsentation, i forbindelse med forsvaret. Disse elementer udgør forskellige momenter af en kuratorisk undersøgelse af forbindelserne mellem nedbrydningen af klodens livgivende systemer og den kapitalistiske modernitets praksisser. Projektet er således et forsøg på at benytte kuratoriske praksis til at tænke med og igennem kunsten og dermed bidrage med andre perspektiver på det antropocæne. Såvel udstillinger som afhandlingen er undersøgelsesrum, hvor det eksisterende underkastes kritisk analyse, men hvor der også peges på alternativer. Afhandlingen trækker veksler på og videreudvikler de tre udstillinger og de spørgsmål de rejser. På den måde fungerer afhandlingsteksten som en form for udstillingsrum, hvor materiale fra de tidligere undersøgelser bliver sat sammen i en ny form. Hensigten med projektet har været at skabe fysiske såvel som et tekstligt rum til at tænke med en række kunstnere, værker og teoretikere for herigennem at facilitere andre fortællinger og bidrage med andre perspektiver på de narrativer, der dominerer den antropocæne diskurs. Samtidig er projektet et bidrag til en undersøgelse af, hvordan kuratorisk forskning kan formulere forslag til andre måder at forstå de relationer, der betinger menneskelige og mere-end-menneskelige verdener. På den måde indskriver projektet i den del af humanistisk klimaforskning, der forsøger at skabe billeder af hvordan vi kan leve i kapitalismens ruiner. Abstract Forms of Entanglement: World-making and care in the anthropocene is a curatorial practice-based research project that seeks to analyze and rethink conceptions of the anthropocene. Via close readings of art works and drawing on insights from ecofeminist and post-Marxist critique of the anthropocene, I analyze the interlacing of European colonialism, climate change and mass extinction, localizing the causes of planetary change in the underlying logics of capitalist and colonial modernity. The project is an inquiry into the anthropocene as a history of climate change, global toxification and extinction interwoven with histories of colonialism, slavery and racialization. This unfolds through a study of the ways in which art can narrate histories of exploitation and the extinction of human and more-than-human worlds, as well as facilitate a radical rethinking of the ways in which we inhabit the world. In my research I use exhibitions and text to explore ways in which curatorial practice can present narrations that move across discursive spheres, academic fields and theoretical positions. The project consists of a dissertation and three exhibitions, plus a final presentation taking place in conjunction with the oral defense. These elements constitute different moments in a curatorial analysis of the connections between the destruction of the life-sustaining systems of the Earth and capitalist modernity. The project is thus an attempt to use curatorial practice to think with and through art, and thereby mediate a variety of perspectives on questions of the anthropocene. I consider both the exhibitions and the dissertation as niches of inquiry in which current logics of domination are subjected to critical analysis and possible alternatives sketched out. The dissertation has been conceived as a continuation of the exhibitions, it functions as a kind of textual spatialization, where the subjects and questions addressed in the exhibitions are reworked and take on new forms. The project thus seeks to produce textual and physical spaces that facilitate other perspectives on the anthropocene through a dialogue between artists, art works, ecofeminist and post-Marxist theories and indigenous thinking. At the same time, it contributes to the ongoing exploration of the ways in which curatorial research can propose other ways of thinking the interconnectedness of human and more-than-human worlds and thus inscribes itself in the field of environmental humanities that addresses questions of how to imagine life in the ruins of capitalism. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Laura Luise Schultz, forkvinde (Københavns Universitet) Professor Jacob Wamberg (Aarhus Universitet) Kurator Lars Bang Larsen Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Solveig Gade (Københavns Universitet) Da der kun er et begrænset antal tilhørerpladser, bedes interesserede på forhold tilmelde sig ved at skrive til tilmelding@kunstakademiet.dk Hvis du har spørgsmål, er du meget velkomne til at rette dem til HR Søndre City Phd." "Excentriske slægtsskaber";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2020-10-26";"13.00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, lokale 4A-0-69";"Emilie Boe Bierlich forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"En mobilitetsbevidst gentænkning af danske kvindelige kunstnere ca. 1880-1910 Emilie Boe Bierlich forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé Afhandlingen tager afsæt i en undersøgelse af begrebet ex-centrisk erfaring som overordnet perspektiv for kvindelige kunstnere fra perioden omkring forrige århundredeskifte, forstået som en måde at kortlægge eller samle de dynamikker i kunstnernes erfaring, som ligger uden for centrum af vores konventionelle narrativer indlejret i de samfundsstrukturer, der traditionelt favoriserer en maskulin-normativ homogenitet. Således foretager afhandlingen en intervention i de faglige praksisser, vi som kunsthistorikere anvender ved studiet af historiske kvindelige kunstnere. Ved at tage begrebslige elementer fra kønsforskning, migrationsstudier og nyere tænkning omkring identitet med ind som fornyende elementer i analysen af periodens kunstnere er det ikke hensigten at afdække en kunstscene - i stedet introduceres en række teoretisk informerede analytiske perspektiver, som vi kan bruge til at udvikle og diskutere positive, visionære og varige genopdagelsesstrategier for de kvindelige kunstnere omkring århundredeskiftet. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Lilian Munk Rösing, forperson (Københavns Universitet) Professor Bente Larsen (Universitetet i Oslo) Museumsinspektør Henrik Holm (Statens Museum for Kunst) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Maria Fabricius Hansen (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, Karen Blixens Vej 1." "Læsning og fordybelse";"";"2020-10-23";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69 & on Zoom";"Kristiane Hauer forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"En teoretisk og empirisk undersøgelse af fordybet skønlitterær læsning med særligt fokus på unge læseres romanlæsning i faget dansk Kristiane Hauer forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé Ph.d.-afhandlingen Læsning og fordybelse undersøger, hvad det vil sige at fordybe sig i læsning og i særdeleshed læsning af længere, sammenhængende skønlitterære tekster såsom romaner. Begrundelsen for en sådan undersøgelse er et behov for mere viden om, hvad det vil sige at fordybe sig i at læse skønlitteratur, samt i hvilken udstrækning fordybet læsning bliver både praktiseret og udfordret i dag. Afhandlingens undersøgelse former sig i to dele, en teoretisk og en empirisk. I den teoretiske del udvikles et begrebsapparat for, hvad det vil sige at fordybe sig i læsning af skønlitteratur – primært ud fra et fænomenologisk, kognitivt og receptionsæstetisk perspektiv. Den empiriske del består af et etnografisk studie af 70 unge danske 8.-klasseselevers læsning i og uden for skolen, med særligt fokus på to romanlæsningsforløb i dansk. I afhandlingens teoretiske del karakteriseres fordybelse som på én gang en særlig opmærksomhedsform kendetegnet ved fokus, koncentration og vedholdenhed, en særlig oplevelsesform kendetegnet ved indlevelse og opslugthed, og en særlig refleksionsform kendetegnet ved kontemplativ og sammenhængende tænkning (kap. 2). På den baggrund præsenteres og udvikles i kapitel 3 begrebet litterær dybdelæsning, der forstås som en opmærksom, indlevet og reflekteret læsepraksis og læseoplevelse. Den oplevelsesmæssige dimension er her central, fordi der er tale om læsning af skønlitteratur, mens den refleksive dimension især spiller en rolle i litteraturundervisningen i form af analyse og fortolkning. Afhandlingens anden del indleder med en metodologisk behandling af, hvordan man undersøger fordybet læsning empirisk (kap. 4). Derefter følger i kapitel 5 en undersøgelse af de unge informanters litterære læsepraksisser i og uden for skolen, i kapitel 6 et nærstudie af mulighedsbetingelserne for fordybet læsning under et typisk romanforløb i dansk, samt i kapitel 7 en undersøgelse af, hvordan fordybet læsning i dansk kan fremmes gennem didaktiske tiltag. Undersøgelsen i kapitel 5 viser, at ud over læserens (indre) opmærksomhedsmæssige indstilling synes også to ydre faktorer – tekstvalg og rammesætning af læsesituationen – at have afgørende betydning for, at fordybet læsning finder sted. I kapitel 6 belyses det, hvordan dette ligeledes gør sig gældende, når der læses romaner i skolen, og at litteraturdidaktikken her desuden er en væsentlig faktor. På baggrund af erfaringerne i kapitel 5 og 6 udvikles og afprøves i kapitel 7 romanforløbet Romanjagt – jagten på den gode læseoplevelse. Under dette forløb stilladseres eleverne i et selvstændigt tekstvalg, de arbejder metarefleksivt med læseopmærksomhed og rammesætning af læseakten og litteraturdidaktisk med at italesætte og reflektere over egen læseoplevelse, hvorimod traditionel analyse og fortolkning ikke indgår. Langt flere elever oplever at fordybe sig i læsning i dette romanforløb end i det forløb, der behandles i kapitel 6. Dette åbner for videre forsknings- og anvendelsesorienterede perspektiver på forståelsen af, hvad det vil sige at fordybe sig i læsning, samt hvordan man fremmer yngre læseres litterære dybdelæsningskompetence, læselyst og faglige fordybelse i forbindelse med frilæsnings- og værklæsningsforløb i dansk. Abstract This PhD dissertation – Reading in depth: A theoretical and empirical investigation of literary deep reading with focus on young readers reading novels in school – examines what it means to read in depth when it comes to longer continuous fictional texts such as novels. The reason for the study is that more knowledge is needed concerning in-depth reading of literature, how we read longer continuous fictional texts today and whether this kind of reading is in decline. The study is divided into two parts, the first theoretical and the second empirical. The theoretical part of the study develops a conceptual framework for what it means to read fiction in depth, primarily from a phenomenological, cognitive, reception aesthetical approach. The empirical part consists of an ethnographic study of 70 young Danish 8th grade students (13- to 15-year-olds) reading in and outside school, with special focus on two reading courses on the novel in the school subject Danish. The theoretical part of the dissertation identifies, in chapter 2, deep attention as a kind of attention characterized by focus, concentration and perseverance. Related to this is an experience of absorption and empathy and a particular kind of reflection characterized by contemplative and coherent thinking. Against this background, the dissertation presents and defines, in chapter 3, the concept of literary deep reading as an attentive, absorbed, and reflexive reading practice and reading experience. The experiential dimension is particularly central when it comes to literary reading, whereas the reflexive dimension – in terms of analysis and interpretation – plays an important role in literature pedagogy. The second part of the dissertation begins with a methodological investigation on how to study literary deep reading empirically (chapter 4). Then follows a study of the young readers’ literary reading practices in and outside school (chapter 5), a study of the possibilities of literary deep reading during a typical course on the novel in a Danish lower secondary school (chapter 6), and a study of how literary deep reading can be promoted through literary pedagogy (chapter 7). Chapter 5 shows that, in addition to the reader's (inner) attentional attitude, two external factors – text choice and framing of the reading situation – appear to be of crucial importance for the promotion of literary deep reading. Chapter 6 explores how these factors are also important when it comes to reading novels in school, and that literary pedagogy is significant here as well. Based on the results from chapter 5 and 6 a new approach is developed in chapter 7, exemplified by the course The Novel Hunt – In Pursuit of a Good Reading Experience. This course works with scaffolding the students’ independent choice of texts, their meta-reflections about reading attention and the framing of their reading practice, as well as their abilities to articulate and reflect on their own reading experience, without the students having to analyze and interpret the text more traditionally. Far more students experience literary deep reading during this course compared to the course studied in chapter 6. This opens further perspectives both regarding research and educational practice, when it comes to the understanding of what it means to read literature in depth as well as how to promote young readers’ literary deep reading competence, reading pleasure and deep learning in general in connection with literary reading in and out of the classroom. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Gitte Balling, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor Anne Mangen (Universitetet i Stavanger) Docent Thomas Illum Hansen (UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Mads Poulsen (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn inden forsvaret på Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, Søndre Campus og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab (NoRS), Emil Holms Kanal 2, 2300 København S. Link til forsvaretMeeting ID: 612 0812 0724Passcode: 979100" "Mindful Work";"Faculty of Humanities";"2020-10-22";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69 & on Zoom";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Marianne Viftrup Hedegaard.";"An Ethnography of Mindfulness and the Sociality of Feeling in Danish Workplaces Public Defence of PhD thesis by Marianne Viftrup Hedegaard. Abstract The dissertation deals with the influx of meditation and mindfulness programs at places of work in Denmark. The thesis posits mindfulness as a socio-cultural practice and a phenomenon best understood through situated analyses that take into consideration political, economic, and social concerns affecting the practice and its purpose. Mindfulness has gained increased popularity as a health intervention in Danish companies. Still, as of yet, the research documenting how employees experience meditating together at work through qualitative means has been sparse. This thesis is based on ethnographic fieldwork in two Danish workplaces, a public university, and a pharmaceutical company carried out primarily in 2017 and, as such, contributes with novel insights into how stress is experienced and worked within Danish workplaces. The fieldwork, along with 37 interviews with employees, managers, and mindfulness teachers as well as material from international and national conferences on mindfulness, provide the empirical ground for the thesis’ analytical engagements and conclusions. The increased interest in mindfulness in Demark reflects a global trend especially pronounced but not limited to the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Nordic Countries. Here, mindfulness is applied across a range of societal institutions as therapy and treatment of mental and physical maladies, and targeting work-related stress in particular. Mindfulness in Denmark is often inspired by the world-famous stress reduction program institutionalized by the American researcher Jon KabatZinn. In the late seventies, Kabat-Zinn developed, with the inspiration from Buddhist meditation practices and concepts, the eight-week-program Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction (MBSR) that includes meditation and exercises and yoga. Kabat-Zinn’s work prompted, along with a growing evidence base for the effect of mindfulness, a mindfulness movement, in which new schools and programmes are created continuously. A commonality among them is that they draw on Buddhists practices while identifying as non-religious and seeking legitimacy in neuroscience rather than religious texts. Recent scholarship on mindfulness has problematized contemporary iterations of mindfulness, especially in places of work, pointing to meditation practices as quick fixes and social opiates, exploiting employees, and adhering to an individualizing neoliberal logic. The thesis takes up this important thread of questioning the consequences of practicing mindfulness in a context where ‘being mindful’ is not only a personal pursuit but a professional accomplishment. Practicing mindfulness as part of a company-paid course does set out a particular and, at times, problematic framework for the participants. The thesis ponders the consequence of such frameworks inspired by work on emotional and affective labor in a post-industrial labor market. The thesis also complicates this narrative showing how care and optimization intertwines in mindfulness courses. While the thesis investigates why mindfulness courses are considered valuable in a workplace context, the biggest contribution is the detailed accounts of how employees work to become mindful and how mindfulness practices are felt, evaluated, and appreciated or potentially dismissed as pathways to a less stressed and more inhabitable body. The thesis proposes the concept of sociality of feeling to grasp the entanglement of individual embodied experience, socio-economic expectations and interests, and cultural norms and values at play when employees are invited to ‘feel how they feel’ at work. Resumé Denne afhandling undersøger den stigende brug af meditation og mindfulness på danske arbejdspladser. Afhandlingens udgangspunkt er, at mindfulness ikke alene kan forstås som en individuel tilstand, men bør tilgås som et mangetydigt og varierende socialt og kulturelt fænomen, hvis formål og udformning er påvirket af den specifikke sammenhæng, hvori det udfoldes og praktiseres. Mindfulness har opnået en stigende grad af popularitet som sundhedsintervention i danske virksomheder, men indtil nu forelægger der kun enkelte kvalitative undersøgelser af, hvordan medarbejdere oplever at skulle meditere sammen på arbejdspladsen. Denne afhandling er baseret på etnografisk feltarbejde udført i 2017, og skildrer to mindfulness-forløb i hhv. et medicinalfirma og på et universitet og bidrager således med ny viden om, hvordan stress opleves og arbejdes med gennem mindfulness på arbejdspladser i Danmark. Feltarbejdet inkluderer deltagelse i danske og internationale konferencer om mindfulness samt 37 dybdegående interviews med medarbejdere, ledere, og mindfulnesslærere. Dette materiale danner tilsammen basis for de analytiske indsigter og konklusioner der drages i afhandlingen. Den stigende interesse i mindfulness i Danmark afspejler en global tendens, som er særligt udtalt i, men ikke begrænset til, Nordamerika, England, og de nordiske lande. Her anvendes mindfulnessteknikker i diverse samfundsinstitutioner som terapi mod en række mentale og fysiske lidelser, særligt arbejdsrelateret stress. Mindfulness i Danmark er som oftest inspireret af det verdensberømte stressreduktionsprogram institutionaliseret af den amerikanske forsker Jon Kabat-Zinn. I slutningen af halvfjerdserne udviklede Kabat-Zinn med inspiration fra Buddhistiske meditationspraksisser og begreber et otte-ugers program kaldet Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction (MBSR), der inkluderer meditationsøvelser og yoga. Kabat-Zinn’s arbejde skabte sammen med en stigende evidensbase for mindfulness’ virkning en mindfulness-bevægelse, hvor nye mindfulness-skoler og programmer hele tiden kommer til. Disse programmer trækker typisk på buddhistiske praksisser samtidig med, at de erklærer sig for ikke-religiøse og søger legitimitet i neurovidenskab frem for religiøse skrifter. Introduktion af mindfulness på arbejdspladsen er blevet kritiseret for i bedste fald at være varm luft og i værste fald et socialt opium, som udnytter medarbejdere og understreger en neoliberal individualiserende logik. Afhandlingen bidrager til og nuancerer denne kritik ved at fokusere på, hvordan medarbejdere oplever at meditere på arbejdspladsen. Afhandlingen demonstrerer at det at blive mere ’mindful’ ikke blot er et personligt anliggende, men i en arbejdssammenhæng også bliver en måde at professionalisere sig på og at fastholde sin produktivitet som medarbejder i et stressende arbejdsmiljø. Mindfulness er ikke bare virksomt for det enkelte individ men også for virksomhedens økonomi idet målet er at skabe en medarbejder der både kan mærke sig selv og samtidig ikke lader sig mærke med det daglige pres. Samtidig gør afhandlingen klart, at mindfulness også kan blive en mulighed for at reflektere over, hvad et meningsfuldt arbejdsliv er, og blive en måde at passe på sig selv og være mere nærværende over for sine nærmeste. Afhandlingen viser ydermere, hvordan det kropslige arbejde i mindfulness kan skabe en større evne til at stå stærkere, lære at sige fra og sætte grænser i ens arbejdsliv. Udtrykket at mærke efter er et central element i mindfulnesskurser og afhandlingen undersøger, hvordan dette tilsyneladende indadvendte arbejde er rammesat af sociale normer og kulturelle ideer om ’gode’ følelser og det sunde arbejdsmiljø og begrebsliggør dette som følelsessocialitet. Gennem begrebet følelsessocialitet bidrager afhandlingen til nyere affektteori ogantropologiske arbejder om krop, følelser, og affekt. Assessment Committee Associate professor Birgitte Schepelern Johansen, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Dr. Michal Pagis (Bar-Ilan University, Israel) (online participant) Associate professor Jakob Krause-Jensen (Aarhus University) Moderator of the defence Associate professor Lars Højer (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis are available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "PRAXES WHAT YOU PREACH";"Faculty of Humanities";"2020-10-16";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69 & on Zoom";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Rhea Gaardboe Dall.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Rhea Gaardboe Dall. Abstract The practice-based PhD PRAXES WHAT YOU PREACH takes as its vantage point Rhea Dall’s curatorial practice in founding and running the art institution PRAXES Center for Contemporary Art in Berlin (www.praxes.de) from 2013 to 2015 in collaboration with Kristine Siegel. As an unconventional institutional proposition, PRAXES did not present new artistic positions in highpaced rotation. Instead it followed a different model: to work intensively with two, unassociated artists over a stretched temporality, mounting more consecutive exhibition modules of each individual practice over a half-year period—named a “Cycle.” Consistently mixing processual reflections, autobiographical investments, and theoretical discussions, the PhD thesis aims to analyse and churn into writing this site- and time-sensitive experiment. The text does this in two main parts. Firstly, the introductory section outlines “what” PRAXES was and further discusses “how” to and “why” write about such an institutional experiment. In the text’s second and main part, eight essays—each corresponding with one of the artists engaged at PRAXES—set out to consider both the particularities of the individual practice’s Cycle and how PRAXES, as an institutional experiment, shape-shifted its modus operandi (its timing, tone, architecture, and so on) accordingly. The chapters trace the processes of working with respectively: Jutta Koether, Gerard Byrne, Judith Hopf, Falke Pisano, Matt Mullican, Christina Mackie, Rimini Protokoll, and Chris Evans. In her introduction to the 2017 anthology The Artist as Curator, the American curator Elena Filipovic ascribes some of the changes happening in exhibition-making to “curators endeavoring to find an exhibition form that would respond to the nature of the work shown.” (p.13). This thesis considers exactly this problem: how the aesthetic and critical, temporary, political, and geographical questions posed in each artistic utterance morph, discuss, and push at the art institution as a mechanism. Resumé Den praksis-baserede ph.d.-afhandling PRAXES WHAT YOU PREACH beskriver Rhea Dalls kuratoriske arbejde med PRAXES Center for Contemporary Art (www.praxes.de) – en kunstinstitution, som hun grundlagde og drev sammen med Kristine Siegel i Berlin fra 2013 til 2015. PRAXES var en anderledes institutionel model. Fremfor hele tiden at vise nye kunstneriske positioner var institutionens fokus at arbejde intensivt med blot to, af hinanden uafhængige kunstnerskaber over længere tid, og således at vise flere udstillinger med samme kunstner over et (helt) halvt år – en såkaldt ”Cycle”. Afhandling analyserer dette steds- og tidsspecifikke eksperiment. Dette gøres gennem en blanding af processuelle refleksioner, personlige erfaringer og teoretiske diskussioner. Teksten falder i to dele: I første del – introduktionsafsnittet – diskuteres, “hvad” PRAXES var samt “hvordan” og “hvorfor” skrive om en sådan eksperimenterende kunstinstitution. Anden del – afhandlingens hoveddel – består af otte analytiske essays, som hver diskuterer samarbejdet med de involverede kunstnere, henholdsvis Jutta Koether, Gerard Byrne, Judith Hopf, Falke Pisano, Matt Mullican, Christina Mackie, Rimini Protokoll og Chris Evans. Hvert essay analyserer her både det konkrete kunstnerskab, og hvorledes selve kunstinstitutionen PRAXES ændrede sig, fik andre regler og en anden rytme (sproglig tone, udstillingsfrekvens- og arkitektur med mere), alt efter den enkelte kunstneriske praksis. I sin introduktion til antologien The Artist as Curator fra 2017 peger den amerikanske kurator Elena Filipovic på, hvordan nogle af de forskydninger og nybrud, der sker i udstillingspraksissen i dag, skyldes, at kuratorer forsøger at finde nye formater, der svarer på kunstværkets natur. Denne afhandling forsøger at reflektere over akkurat dette problem: hvordan kan de æstetiske og kritiske, politiske og geografiske spørgsmål – som er indlejret i den enkelte kunstners stemme og ytring – flytte, ændre og teste kunstinstitutionen som mekanisme? Assessment Committee Associate Professor Rune Gade, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Celine Condorelli (Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti) Professor Jan Verwoert (Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo) Manager of the Defence action Professor Mette Sandbye (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the dissertation will be submitted for review before the defence at: The University of Copenhagen Library, South Campus The Royal Library's reading room East at the Black Diamond (only copies for review) Department of Arts and Cultural Studies (IKK), Karen Blixens Vej 1. " "Video Mediation in Institutional Encounters: 4 studies from an applied ethnomethodological and conversation analytic project";"Faculty of Humanities";"2020-09-24";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Simon Bierring Lange.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Simon Bierring Lange. Abstract This dissertation presents four academic articles that were produced as part of a PhD project with the title “Better video-mediated encounters through multimodal interaction analysis?”. The project employed an ethnomethodological and multimodal conversation (EMCA) analytic approach and consisted of two main phases. The first phase investigated video-mediated interaction between professionals and clients by analysing the situated practices of participants and how their conduct is afforded and constrained by the ecologies they interact in. The second phase aimed to apply findings and use data from the first phase for the benefit of practitioners that use video mediating technology as part of their daily work. Articles 1 -3 in the dissertation are products of the first phase of the project, and the data used for the articles is drawn from a dataset of video-recorded video-mediated encounters collected in collaboration with researchers at the Centre for Interaction and Communication Design. Article 1 focuses on instructions on locating an object in video-mediated interaction. Through a single case analysis, the article shows how such instructions can be decomposed to make them more understandable, and that a central resource for doing this is using a designedly mimicable embodied demonstration. Article 2 focuses on instructions in the form of directives in the initiation of an institutionally relevant activity. Based on a collection of instances, the article tracks the observable differences in the recipient design of the directive sequences in face to face and video-mediated passport-ordering encounters. The article shows that the video-mediated directive sequences are prolonged and more linguistically complex compared to the co-present ones, partly due to the use of transitional directives in the video-mediated encounters. Article 3 zooms in on a common phenomenon in video-mediated interaction: when a participant moves a camera in the course of an interaction. Based on the analysis of a single case, the article shows how the movement of a camera in the specific sequential context of emergent trouble in understanding can be a crucial resource for restoring intersubjectivity. On this background, the article argues that this specific video reconfiguration practice can be termed a repair of the visual frame. Article 4 is a product of the second, applied phase of the project, and the data used for it is video recordings from three communication training workshops that were carried out as part of the project. The article focuses on workshop facilitation in educational settings. Drawing on a collection of instances, the article investigates a facilitator’s resources for managing turn transitions in a plenary setting. The analysis shows how the facilitator can actively mobilise response or suspend transition relevance by using various embodied resources (facial expressions, position in space, gaze direction). Based on these articles, the dissertation contributes to both studies of social interaction in video-mediated settings and the application of EMCA research in professional practice. Resumé I denne afhandling præsenterer jeg fire artikler, der blev produceret som del af ph.d.-projektet: “Bedre video-møder igennem multimodal interaktionsanalyse?”. Projektet var baseret på en etnometodologisk og multimodal samtaleanalytisk (EMCA) tilgang og bestod af to faser. Den første fase undersøgte videomedieret interaktion mellem professionelle og lægfolk ved at analysere deres situerede praksisser og hvordan deres handlinger gøres mulige og begrænses af de videomedierede økologier, de interagerer i. Den anden fases formål var at anvende resultater og data fra den første fase til fordel for praktikere, der bruger videomøder i deres daglige arbejde. Artikel 1 -3 i afhandlingen er blevet til på baggrund af projektets første fase, og de data, der bruges til artiklerne, er hentet fra en database af videooptagede videomedierede møder indsamlet i fællesskab med forskere fra Centre for Interaction Research and Communication Design. Artikel 1 fokuserer på instruktioner til lokalisering af materielle objekter i videomedieret interaktion. Gennem en singlecase-analyse viser artiklen, hvordan instruktioner kan dekomponeres i mindre dele for at gøre dem mere forståelige, og at en central ressource i dette er at bruge en “bevidst efterlignelig kropslig demonstration”(designedly mimicable embodied demonstration). Artikel 2 fokuserer på direktiver i initieringen af en institutionelt relevant aktivitet i pasbestillingsamtaler. Baseret på en kollektion af sekvenser, der foregår henholdsvis ansigt til ansigt og som videomøde, sammenligner artiklen de observerbare forskelle på modtagerdesign i initieringen af sådanne sekvenser. Artiklen viser at de videomedierede sekvenser i sammenligning bliver forlænget og er mere sprogligt komplekse, delvist på grund af brugen af “overgangsdirektiver”(transitional directives). Artikel 3 stiller skarpt på et almindeligt fænomen i videomedieret interaktion: når en deltager flytter et kamera i løbet af en samtale. Baseret på en singlecase-analyse viser artiklen, hvordan flytningen af et kamera i en lokal kontekst af forståelsesproblemer kan være en afgørende ressource for at genoprette forståelsen. På denne baggrund argumenterer artiklen for, at denne specifikke rekonfigureringspraksis kan ses som en ”reparatur af den visuelle ramme” (repair of the visual frame). Artikel 4 er blevet til på baggrund af den anden, anvendte fase af ph.d.-projektet og datagrundlaget er videooptagelser fra 3 kompetenceudviklingsworkshops, der blev afholdt som en del af projektet. Artiklen fokuserer på facilitering af workshops i uddannelsessammenhænge. Med udgangspunkt i en kollektion af eksempler undersøger artiklen facilitatorens ressourcer for at styre turovergange i plenum. Analysen viser hvordan facilitatoren aktivt kan mobilisere respons eller udskyde overgangsrelevans ved at bruge forskellige kropslige ressourcer (bl.a. ansigtsudtryk, kropslig position i rummet og blikretning). Baseret på disse fire artikler bidrager afhandlingen til både studier af social interaktion i videomedierede møder og anvendelsen af EMCA-forskning i professionel praksis. Assessment Committee Associate professor Gitte Gravengaard (Chair), University of Copenhagen, Denmark Associate professor Birte Asmuss (online participation), University of Aarhus, Denmark Professor Christian Licoppe (online participation) Telecom Paristech, France Moderator of the defence Associate professor Brian Lystgaard Due Copies of the thesis are available for consultation at the following three places At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "A Game of Three Halves";"Faculty of Humanities";"2020-09-18";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Casper Radil.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Casper Radil. Abstract In this dissertation I ask: Why do Danish football fans use the web and does the web change the way fandom culture works? In my analysis, I show that the web is used for many different purposes, but not primarily that with which it is often associated. First, the web enables the voice of the many, but it is actually mostly used in this way by those fans who are already the dominant voices of the community. I show that instead of enabling more people to broadcast their opinions, the web allows more people to follow those few who choose to broadcast in order to let the many feel part of the community. Second, I show that a new type of fan may be emerging who has little in common with the traditional supporter. This fan still supports a specific club, but takes a much more general interest in football and uses much more time to analyse the games and gain in-depth knowledge about game events, which is shared among friends and family rather than the traditional supporter community. Lastly, I also show that the web is not replacing TV as the dominant medium for following football matches, but rather works a supplement for enriching the understanding of the game and support existing social practices. This dissertation is empirical in its findings, but also contributes to the field of fandom theory. The dissertation is divided into three parts: In the first part of the dissertation (Chapter 1-4), I present the theoretical position from where I choose to analyse football culture and the web as a medium. I begin by arguing that communication and the related concept of metacommunication can be used as key concepts in understanding what we mean when we talk about fans and football fandom. I conclude the theoretical argument by presenting the idea that football culture is a symbolic activity that has produced its own distinct domain of reality through the particular ways it has been communicated by football fans in different media and within different social contexts. In the second part of the dissertation (Chapter 5), I present the and I present the techniques as well as the data used in my analysis. The data collected for the analysis consists in interviews with webmasters from Danish football websites (N=68), user tracking data from two selected websites (circa 3.6 billion visits) and a survey (N=804). In the third part of the dissertation (Chapter 6-8), I present my findings. First, I review the existing data on Danish football culture and present a reinterpretation of how Danish football culture works as a social field today. I then use my own data to analyse how the websites are actually used by Danish fans, and I present a typology of different types of fans, their social characteristics and what use each type of fans actually make of the web. Resumé I denne afhandling stiller jeg spørgsmålet: Hvorfor bruger danske fodboldfans internettet, og hvordan forandrer det fankulturen? I min analyse viser jeg, at internettet bliver anvendt til mange formål, men måske ikke så meget de formål, man normalt tænker er nyt ved nettet. Først og fremmest så tillader internettet alle at udtrykke sin mening, men det er faktisk kun de fans, som allerede har en klar stemme indenfor fanfællesskaberne, som benytter sig af denne mulighed. Jeg viser derimod, at i stedet for at skabe flere stemmer, så giver internettet mange flere mulighed for at lytte med på, hvad der sker i fanfællesskaberne og derved for at føle sig som en del af disse fællesskaber. Dernæst viser jeg, at internettet er med til at skabe betingelserne for en ny type fan, som ikke nødvendigvis har særlig meget til fælles med den traditionelle supporter. Selvom denne nye type fan stadig støtter en bestemt klub, så har denne en meget bredere fodboldinteresse, og bruger meget mere energi på at analysere spillet, og opnå dybdeviden omkring spilbegivenheder, som kommer til udtryk i deres interaktion med familie og venner snarere end i de traditionelle fanfællesskaber. Sidst så viser jeg, fungerer på sidelinjen, som et sted hvor man får information, der beriger ens forståelse af spillet og som derved understøtter eksisterende sociale praksisser. Denne afhandling tager udgangspunkt i en empirisk dataanalyse, men indeholder også en række vigtige pointer i forhold til fandom teorien. Afhandlingen er opdelt i tre dele: I den første del af afhandlingen (Kapitel 1-4) præsenterer jeg min teoretiske position, hvorfra jeg analyserer fodboldkultur og internettet som et medium. Jeg begynder med at argumentere for, at kommunikation, og det dertil hørende begreb meta-kommunikation, kan anvendes som nøglebegreber for at forstå, hvad vi mener, når vi taler om fans og fankultur. Jeg afslutter det teoretiske argument med at præsentere den ide, at fodboldkultur er en symbolsk aktivitet, som har produceret dens egen distinkte virkelighedsform gennem de specifikke måder, som denne kultur er blevet kommunikeret af fans gennem forskellige medier. I den anden del af afhandlingen (Kapitel 5) præsenterer jeg en metodologi for, hvordan man analyserer et socialt felt, og jeg præsenterer de teknikker og data, jeg har anvendt i min analyse. Dataene i afhandlingen består af interviews med webmastere for de danske fodboldsites (N=68), trackingdata for brugere på websites (cirka 3.6 milliarder besøg) og et survey (N=804). I den tredje del af afhandlingen (Kapitel 6-8) præsenterer jeg min analyse. Først analyserer jeg de eksisterende kilder omkring danskfodboldkultur,ogpræsenterer en genfortolkningafhvordan Danskfodboldkultur fungerersomet socialt felt. Derefter anvender jeg mine egne datakilder til at analysere, hvordan websites faktisk anvendes af danske fans, og jeg præsenterer efterfølgende en typologi for fodboldfantyper baseret på deres demografiske karakteristika og den måde, hvorpå de rent faktisk anvender internettet i deres fanpraksisser. Read PhD thesis (pdf) Assessment Committee Associate Professor Jun Liu, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Kirsten Frandsen (Aarhus University) Professor Cornel Sandvoss (University of Huddersfield) Leader of the defence Associate Professor Stine Lomborg (University of Copenhagen) " "Vocal Bodies: Performing Paralinguistic Stereotypes and Multivocalities in Art and Digital Media";"Faculty of Humanities";"2020-09-11";"17:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11 and follow it on Zoom";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Stina Marie Hasse Jørgensen.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Stina Marie Hasse Jørgensen. Abstract Voice is both a matter of expression and of being heard, and connects deeply to feelings of intimacy, identity and bodily practices and imaginaries. With this PhD project Vocal Bodies: Performing Paralinguistic Stereotypes and Multivocalities in Art and Digital Media, I investigate how vocal expressions are stressed and transformed through technological mediation, distribution, or synthesis. Through my methodological approach of listening to and through vocal expressions, I map out how technologies shape vocal stereotypes or multivocalities. Here I specifically focus on the paralinguistics, that is the auditive and bodily aspects of voice alongside linguistics. The discussion presented in the dissertation has been developed through an interplay between the theory and practice that has unfolded during the PhD project. Grounded in my analysis of different contemporary artworks and in the practice-led research conducted in relation to the collective vocal projects Collective Performative Reading and [multi’vocal], I argue that paralinguistic performances can be multivocal, moving experiences of vocal sonic performance away from associations with identity politics to that of structural critiques or imaginaries of alternative worlds and conditions – in an interplay with the listener. I present several different ways in which paralinguistic multivocality is performed in art and digital media as auditive bodies of transnational and transhistorical trauma, emigration, consumption, gendered oppression, and othering in the neoliberal consumer society. Finally, the discussion presented in the PhD dissertation also present new collective ways of designing paralinguistics in digital media. The studies on technological paralinguistics conducted in this dissertation contribute to the field of sound studies, connecting it to audio engineering and computer science. This is an important new field of study as the paralinguistics of voices whether real or imaginary, are part of shaping how we come to understand ourselves and others through a material relationality of vocal expressions. Resumé Stemmen er både et spørgsmål om udtryk og at blive hørt, og forbindes dybt med følelser af intimitet, identitet og kropslig praksis og forestillinger. Med dette ph.d.-projekt Vokale Kroppe: Performance af Paralingvistiske Stereotyper og Multivokaliteter i Kunst og Digitale Medier undersøger jeg, hvordan vokale udtryk understreges og transformeres gennem teknologisk mediering, distribution eller syntese. Diskussionen præsenteret i afhandlingen er udviklet gennem et samspil mellem teori og praksis, der er udfoldet i løbet af ph.d.-projektet. Min metodologiske tilgang om at lytte til og gennem vokale udtryk, bruger jeg til at kortlægge hvordan teknologier kan forme vokale stereotyper eller multivokaliteter. Her fokuserer jeg specifikt på paralingvistikken - de auditive og kropslige aspekter af stemmen. Baseret i min analyse af forskellige nutidige kunstværker og i den praksisledte forskning, der er foretaget i relation til de kollektive vokale projekter Collective Performative Reading og [multi'vocal], argumenterer jeg for, at performativ paralingvistik kan være multivokal, som noget der bevæger oplevelser af performative vokale kroppe væk fra identitetspolitik og i stedet til strukturelle kritikker eller forestillinger om alternative verdener - i et samspil med lytteren. Jeg præsenterer her adskillige forskellige måder, hvorpå paralinguistisk multivocalitet udføres i kunst og digitale medier som vokale kroppe for tværnationale og transhistoriske traumer, emigration, forbrug, undertrykkelse af kønnene og andethed i det nyliberale forbrugersamfund. Endelig præsenterer diskussionen i ph.d.-afhandlingen også nye kollektive måder at designe vokale kroppe i digitale medier. Undersøgelserne om performativ teknologisk paralingvistik, der er foretaget i denne afhandling, bidrager til området sound studies og forbinder det med felter som lydteknik og datalogi. Det er et vigtigt nyt felt, da studiet i vokale kroppe og stemmens performative paralingvistik, hvad enten den er virkelig eller imaginær, er en del af den måde hvorpå vi lærer os selv og andre at kende. You can either attend the defence on South Campus or follow it on Zoom Assessment Committee Associate Professor Laura Luise Schultz, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Brad Garton (Columbia University) Associate Professor Morten Søndergaard (Aalborg University) Moderator of defence Lektor Bjarki Valtýsson (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "White-collar workers’ social behaviour in Danish organizations";"Faculty of Humanities";"2020-09-04";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Thomas L. W. Toft.";"Five studies on unscheduled interaction in open desk clusters and common areas Public Defence of PhD thesis by Thomas L. W. Toft. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Tanya Karoli, chair (University of Copenhagen) Dr. Spencer Hazel (University of Newcastle) Sylvaine Tuncer (University of Stockholm) Moderator of the defence: Associate Professor Janus Spindler Møller (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis are available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Emil Holms Kanal 2, 2300 Copenhagen S " "I cannot go through a day without the Internet";"Faculty of Humanities";"2020-08-28";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 4A-0-56";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Fiona Huijie Zeng.";"“I cannot go through a day without the Internet”: Exploring the Dynamics of Everyday Uses of the Internet in China Public Defence of PhD thesis by Fiona Huijie Zeng. Abstract This dissertation examines how people in China make use of and make sense of the Internet in their everyday activities. It is based on the data collected in 7-month ethnographic fieldwork in China in the second half of 2017. In this people-centric ethnography, individual people are considered as contextualized entities whose Internet uses are conditioned in the cultural, political, and technological contexts. In this light, this dissertation presents four self-contained articles that are tied together by a shared framework, and this framework consists of three thematic chapters, covering the cultural traditions, political regulation, and technological infrastructure that condition Chinese people’s everyday uses of the Internet. The findings of this dissertation are presented in four articles: The first article, “Tracing Communicative Patterns. A Comparative Ethnography across Platforms, Media, and Contexts”, outlines an innovative methodological design applied in this study to capture individuals' mundane everyday uses of the Internet that move across platforms, media, and social contexts. The second article, ""Middletown 2.0: Exploring Everyday Uses of the Internet in Tibet"", explores Tibetan people’s everyday uses of the Internet in transforming Tibetan society by employing a combined theoretical framework of Middletown studies and activity theory. The third article, “Managing Communication with Strong, Weak, and Latent Ties via WeChat: Availability, Visibility, and Reciprocal Engagement”, specifically examines how Chinese people manage different types of social ties through WeChat, the leading social media platform in China. The last article, “A Good Way to Talk. A Comparative Social Ties Analysis of Communication Patterns in China, Denmark, and the US"", takes the discussion on social ties under a comparative framework, studying the criteria people have when considering how to communicate with social ties. This dissertation makes several empirical, methodological, and theoretical contributions. Empirically, this dissertation advances our knowledge concerning Chinese people’s localized usages of the Internet across various everyday contexts. The main methodological contribution of the dissertation is the coupling of diaries and interviews in studying intermediality, the interconnection and intersection of people’s daily uses of the Internet with other types of communications. Theoretically, the three analytical articles in the dissertation contribute to the existing body of literature on Middletown studies, activity theory, and social ties theory. Collectively, this dissertation also extends the triangular model proposed in The Peoples’ Internet project to a people-centric model. The new model is built around the notion of ""multiplexity of roles"": Individual people acts as a practitioner of the cultural traditions of a community, as a citizen participating in a regulatory process, and as a user of various Internet technologies offered by a given market. Here, the conception of “multiplexity” refers to the overlap of roles, motives, or activities in people’s everyday uses of the Internet. Resumé Denne afhandling undersøger hvordan mennesker I Kina bruger og forstår internettet i deres daglige aktiviteter. Den er baseret på data der er indsamlet gennem 7 måneders etnografisk feltarbejde i Kina i anden halvdel af 2017. I denne menneske-centriske etnografi forstås individuelle mennesker som kontekstualiserede enheder, hvis internetbrug er konditioneret i kulturelle, politiske, og teknologiske kontekster. Set i dette lys præsenterer afhandlingen fire uafhængige artikler som er forbundet af en fælles kappe som i sig selv består af tre tematiske kapitler der dækker over de kulturelle traditioner, den politiske regulering og den teknologiske infrastruktur der konditionerer kinesiske menneskers hverdagsbrug af internettet. Resultaterne af denne afhandling er præsenteret i fire artikler: den første artikel, ”Tracing Communicative Patterns. A Comparative Ethnography across Platforms, Media, and Contexts”, skitserer det innovative metodologiske design der blev anvendt i dette studie til at fange individers hverdagslige internetbrug på tværs af platforme, medier og sociale kontekster. Den anden artikel, ""Middletown 2.0: Exploring Everyday Uses of the Internet in Tibet"", undersøger, gennem en teoretisk rammesætning der kombinerer Middletown studierne med activity theory, hvordan hverdagsbrugen af internettet i Tibet medfører en transformation af det tibetanske samfund. Den tredje artikel, “Managing Communication with Strong, Weak, and Latent Ties via WeChat: Availability, Visibility, and Reciprocal Engagement”, undersøger specifikt hvordan mennesker fra Kina administrerer forskellige sociale relationer (social ties) på WeChat – den førende sociale medieplatform i Kina. Den sidste artikel, “A Good Way to Talk. A Comparative Social Ties Analysis of Communication Patterns in China, Denmark, and the US"", diskuterer sociale relationer i en komparativ kontekst, og undersøger hvilke kriterier folk har når de overvejer hvordan de vil kommunikere med deres sociale relationer. Afhandlingen kommer med flere empiriske, metodiske og teoretiske bidrag. Empirisk udvider afhandlingen vores forståelse for hvordan mennesker i Kina gør brug af internettet i forskellige hverdagslige kontekster. Det største metodiske bidrag er koblingen af dagbog med interviews i studier af intermedialitet, sammenkoblingen og skæringspunktet mellem menneskers daglige internetbrug og andre former for kommunikation. Teoretisk bidrager de tre analytiske artikler i afhandlingen til den aktuelle litteratur omhandlende Middletown studier, activity theory og social ties theory. Samlet set udvider afhandlingen også den trekantsmodel The Peoples’ Internet Project præsenterer til også at fungere som en menneske-centrisk model. Den nye model er konstrueret med reference til ideen om rollemultipleksitet (multiplexity of roles): individuelle mennesker agerer som udøvende af et fællesskabs kulturelle traditioner, som deltagende borger i en regulerende proces og som bruger af forskellige internetteknologier der stilles til rådighed på et givent marked. Her refererer ideen om multipleksitet til disse overlappende roller, motivationer eller aktiviteter i folks hverdagsbrug af internettet. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Jack Andersen, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Stine Liv Johansen (Aarhus University) Professor Jack Qiu (present online) (Chinese University of Hong Kong) Moderator of the defense Associate Professor Trine Schreiber (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis are available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Intensifying Growth";"Faculty of Humanities";"2020-06-12";"13:00";"";"";"The defense takes place via Zoom. Please follow this link";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Signe Skjoldborg Brieghel.";"Danish agro-food worlds at the scale of proteins Public Defence of PhD thesis by Signe Skjoldborg Brieghel. Assessment Committee Professor MSO Tine Damsholt, person (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Jamie Lorimer (University of Oxford) Professor Kristin Asdal (University of Oslo) Head of Defense Associate Professor Marie Riegels Melchior (University of Copenhagen) The defense takes place via Zoom. Please follow this link" "Incongruent images";"Faculty of Humanities";"2020-06-04";"13:00";"";"";"Due to COVID-19 lock-down of UCPH, the defense will be carried out online. Click here to join";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Alexandra McCrow-Young.";"Connective mourning rituals on Instagram following the 2017 Manchester Arena attack Public Defence of PhD thesis by Alexandra McCrow-Young. Abstract The bombing of the Manchester Arena by the so-called Isis in 2017 was the United Kingdom’s deadliest terror attack in decades. As the city of Manchester became a site of spontaneous memorial, so too did visual social media, where users created and shared thousands of images showing candles lit in their homes, flowers and handwritten tributes. By the following day, users had shared almost 100,000 images with the hashtag #PrayForManchester on Instagram alone. Conversely, an equal number of images similarly commemorating the attack depicted beauty products, dogs and food. With one billion monthly users, Instagram offers community and solidarity, but as a commercial space, it is also characterised by incongruities, with the potential for users to co-opt the global publicity of an event like Manchester. To examine the dynamics of these everyday images amidst extraordinary events such as terror attacks, this project proposes the concept connective mourning rituals. The concept extends existing notions of “mediatized mourning rituals” (Cottle, 2006, Pantti and Sumiala, 2009), combining it with “phatic culture” (Miller, 2008) and “platform vernacular” (Gibbs et al., 2014) to account for the altered dynamics of connective spaces. Connective mourning rituals embody the ambivalence of today’s online participatory spaces. In many ways, they reflect traditional mourning rituals, reproducing common tribute symbols and fostering communality. However, on Instagram they become modified, intersecting with platform-specific cultures that are anchored around the self, blending disparate topics and publics with expressions of mourning and tribute. This project analyses the images shared on Instagram in the immediate aftermath of the Manchester attack, by combining qualitative content analysis with the proposed method ‘connective visual mapping’, a platform-specific approach that employs a number of digital tools for collation and analysis. Existing research has overwhelmingly centred on text-driven platforms such as Twitter, which has allowed for the establishment of rigorous and diverse research methodologies. As methodological approaches to visual social media are currently in their infancy, this project offers a flexible method for analysing Instagram data, as well as responding to the challenges of the continually shifting policies of commercial platforms. This project contributes to emerging scholarship in two areas, both of which remain understudied: it expands research into online mourning rituals, and it adds to research on visual social media and mediatized disasters. The project illustrates the plurality of connective mourning rituals, which are simultaneously self-promotional, personally expressive, branded and collectively engaged. From fan art, to homemade shrines, to dog influencers, to travel photos, the empirical findings highlight the wide spectrum of intersecting online identities, interests and communities that are woven into individual and collective mourning following the Manchester attack. References Cottle, S. (2006). Mediatized rituals: beyond manufacturing consent. Media, Culture & Society, 28, 411-432. Gibbs, M., Meese, J., Arnold, M., Nansen, B. & Carter, M. (2014). #Funeral and Instagram: death, social media, and platform vernacular. Information, Communication & Society, 1-14. Miller, V. (2008). New Media, Networking and Phatic Culture. Convergence, 14, 387-400. Pantti, M. & Sumiala, J. (2009). Till death do us join: media, mourning rituals and the sacred centre of the society. Media, Culture & Society, 31, 119-135. Resumé Det var det blodigste terrorangreb i Storbritannien i årtier, da den såkaldte terrororganisation Isis i 2017 bombede Manchester Arena. Samtidig med at byen Manchester blev en arena for spontane mindehøjtideligheder, blev visuelle sociale medier det også. Her skabte og delte brugere tusindevis af billeder, som viste tændte stearinlys i hjemmet, blomster, håndskrevne hyldester osv. Dagen efter angrebet havde brugere alene på Instagram delt over 100.000 billeder med hashtagget #PrayForManchester. Ligeledes mindedes et tilsvarende antal billeder terrorangrebet ved at poste billeder af skønhedsprodukter, hunde og mad. Med en milliard månedlige brugere tilbyder Instagram fællesskab og solidaritet, men som et kommercielt forum er det også karakteriseret af selvmodsigelser, med et potentiale for brugerne til at overtage den globale omtale som en begivenhed som Manchester får. Med henblik på at undersøge dynamikkerne i disse hverdagsbilleder i en kontekst af ekstraordinære begivenheder såsom terrorangreb, foreslår dette projekt begrebet “connective mourning rituals”. Begrebet udvider eksisterende forståelser af “mediatized mourning rituals” (Cottle, 2006, Pantti and Sumiala, 2009) ved at kombinere dem med begreberne phatic culture” (Miller, 2008) og “platform vernacular” (Gibbs et al., 2014). Det kan således begrebsliggøre de ændrede dynamikker i connective rum. Termen “Connective mourning rituals” omfatter ambivalensen i dagens participatoriske online fora. På mange måder reflekterer disse ritualer traditionelle sørgeritualer ved at reproducere fælles hyldestsymboler og fremme fællesskaber. Men på Instagram bliver de modificeret, idet de kommer i forbindelse med platform-specifikke kulturer, som er forankret i ""selvet” og dermed blander de forskelligartede emner og offentligheder med udtryk for af sorg og hyldest. Dette projekt analyserer de billeder, som blev delt på Instagram umiddelbart efter Manchester angrebet, ved at kombinere kvalitative indholdsanalyser med metoden ’connective visual mapping’, som er en platform-specifik tilgang, der gør brug af en række digitale værktøjer til databehandling og analyse. Den eksisterende litteratur har altovervejende fokuseret på tekstbaserede platforme, såsom Twitter, hvilket har muliggjort etableringen af meget grundige og forskelligartede forskningsmetodologier. Idet metodiske tilgange til visuelle sociale medier på nuværende tidspunkt er i deres spæde begyndelse, tilbyder dette projekt en fleksibel metode til at analysere data fra Instagram, samtidig med at det adresserer de udfordringer, som kommercielle platformes konstante skiftende politikker afstedkommer. Dette projekt bidrager således til den fremvoksende forskning på to felter, som begge er underbelyste: det bidrager til forskningen i online sørgeritualer, og det styrker forskningen i visuelle sociale medier og medierede katastrofer. Projektet illustrerer mangfoldigheden af “connective mourning rituals”, som på en og samme tid er selvpromoverende, personligt ekspressive, brandende og kollektivt engagerende. Fra fan-kunst til hjemmelavede skrin, hunde-influencere og rejsebilleder: de empiriske fund fremhæver det brede spektrum af online identiteter, interesser og fællesskaber, der forbinder sig med hinanden, og som er flettet sammen i individuel og kollektiv sorg i kølevandet på Manchester angrebet. References Cottle, S. (2006). Mediatized rituals: beyond manufacturing consent. Media, Culture & Society, 28, 411-432. Gibbs, M., Meese, J., Arnold, M., Nansen, B. & Carter, M. (2014). #Funeral and Instagram: death, social media, and platform vernacular. Information, Communication & Society, 1-14. Miller, V. (2008). New Media, Networking and Phatic Culture. Convergence, 14, 387-400. Pantti, M. & Sumiala, J. (2009). Till death do us join: media, mourning rituals and the sacred centre of the society. Media, Culture & Society, 31, 119-135. Assessment Committee Professor Nete Nørgaard Kristensen (Chair) (Københavns Universitet) Professor Folker Hanusch (University of Vienna) Associate Professor Johanna Sumiala (University of Helsinki) Moderator of defence Professor Anne Jerslev (University of Copenhagen) Please notice that the microphone and camera on your computer must be switched off during the entire defense. In case you wish to pose questions, the moderator will instruct you about the procedure at the beginning of the defense. Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: The Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Vej 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Vikingeskattenes mennesker";"";"2020-06-04";"13:00";"";"";"Forsvaret foregår via Zoom. Link til forsvaret kan rekvireres ved at skrive til forperson for bedømmelsesudvalget Lasse Christian Arboe Sonne";"Gitte Tarnow Ingvardson forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Bornholmske sølvskatte som aktører i det økonomiske, sociale, kulturelle og symbolske felt fra ca. 850 - ca. 1150 Gitte Tarnow Ingvardson forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Lasse Christian Arboe Sonne, forperson (Københavns Universitet) Forskningsleder Jens Ulriksen (Museum Sydøstdanmark) Museumschef Cecilia von Heijne (Kungliga Myntkabinettet i Stockholm) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Adjunkt Rune Iversen (Københavns Universitet) " "Ally McGrow-Young defends her PhD-thesis";"";"2020-06-04";"";"";"";"";"Ally McGrow-Young defends her PhD-thesis, “Incongruent images: Connective mourning rituals on Instagram following the 2017 Manchester Arena attack”.";"Ally McGrow-Young defends her PhD-thesis, “Incongruent images: Connective mourning rituals on Instagram following the 2017 Manchester Arena attack”." "Migrating authoritarianism";"Faculty of Humanities";"2020-02-21";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11 ";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Birgitte Stampe Holst.";"An ethnography of differentiated political change among Syrians living in refuge in Lebanon and Turkey Public Defence of PhD thesis by Birgitte Stampe Holst. Abstract Early in 2011 thousands of Syrians took to the streets to demand change and dignity from the authoritarian Syrian regime. The regime responded harshly and soon a bloody conflict took hold of large parts of the country. Millions of Syrians fled the violence and sought refuge in neighbouring countries like Lebanon and Turkey. There they struggle to sustain meaningful lives, while they wait to return to Syria or to find another viable path. Based on 14 months of ethnographic fieldwork conducted in 2014 and 2015, the thesis “Migrating authoritarianism” investigates how Syrian authoritarianism, understood as both a form of government and a corresponding set of political logics among citizens, migrates, stands reproduced but is also reshaped among Syrians, who now live in refuge in Lebanon and Turkey. The thesis thus conceptualises authoritarianism as a specific kind of state-citizen relationship and examines how this relationship is reworked as Syrians migrate to neighbouring countries. The thesis shows that while Syrians in both Lebanon and Turkey are still to a large extent living within a shared political matrix in which Syrian authoritarianism is a vector in their lives, the routes through which Syrians migrate can significantly alter the shape of authoritarianism. While Syrian authoritarianism still structures social relationships among Syrians in Lebanon, Syrians in Turkey are more free to refashion themselves as political actors in relation to Syria. This argument contributes to debates on authoritarianism and the constitution of the state the notion that authoritarianism and the state are partially (re-)constituted by the diverse political terrains through which state-citizen relationships migrate. The thesis moreover argues that Syrian authoritarianism is reproduced also as a political logic among Syrian citizens in Lebanon and Turkey that posit the authoritarian regime and its apparatus of state as legitimate and/or a model for proper statecraft. These perceptions of the regime are founded in and simultaneously foundational of specific conceptualisations of the ‘good’ life. The thesis examines how the sense that the regime was instrumental in delivering forms of life that were desirable especially because they allowed Syrians to forge themselves as responsible family members makes intelligible both persistent perceptions of the regime as legitimate and the doubts some Syrians experience about their support for the uprising. Resumé I begyndelsen af 2011 gik tusindvis af syrere på gaden for at kræve, at det autoritære syriske regime skabte forandring og sikrede borgerne værdighed. Regimet slog hårdt ned på demonstranterne og opstanden forvandlede sig snart til en blodig konflikt, som sendte millioner af syrere på flugt ud af landet. Mange rejste til Libanon eller Tyrkiet, hvor de kæmper for at opretholde et meningsfuldt liv, mens de venter på at vende hjem til Syrien eller finde en anden farbar vej. Baseret på 14 måneders etnografisk feltarbejde i 2014-2015 undersøger afhandlingen ”Migrating authoritarianism”, hvordan syrisk autoritarisme, forstået som både en styreform og et sæt korresponderende politiske logikker blandt borgerne, migrerer, reproduceres blandt og også omformes af syrere, som nu lever i Libanon og Tyrkiet. Afhandlingen definerer således autoritarisme som et særligt forhold mellem staten og borgerne og undersøger hvordan det forhold omformes, når syrere migrerer til nabolande. Afhandlingen viser, at syrere i både Libanon og Tyrkiet fortsat lever i et fælles politisk matrix, hvori syrisk autoritarisme er en vektor i deres liv. Samtidig omformer de specifikke politiske terræner, syrere bevæger sig igennem, forholdet mellem stat og borgere i betydelig grad. Mens syrisk autoritarisme stadig strukturerer sociale relationer mellem syrere i Libanon, er syrere i Tyrkiet langt mere frit stillet til at genpositionere sig selv socialt og som politiske aktører. Afhandlingen bidrager til debatter om både autoritarisme og stat-borger forhold ved at vise, at begge dele delvist formes af de politiske terræner borgerne bevæger sig igennem. Derudover argumenterer afhandlingen for, at syrisk autoritarisme også reproduceres som en politisk logik blandt syriske borgere i Libanon og Tyrkiet, som opfatter regimet i Syrien og dets statsapparat som legitimt og/eller som en model for hensigtsmæssig statsførelse. Disse forståelser af regimet er funderet i og samtidig grundlæggende for specifikke opfattelser af ’det gode liv’. Afhandlingen undersøger, hvordan ideen om, at regimet var instrumentelt især i forhold til at muliggøre liv, hvor den enkelte kunne forme sig selv som et ansvarligt familiemedlem, hjælper os til at forstå både opfattelsen af regimet som legitimt og den tvivl nogle syrere føler angående deres støtte til oprøret. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Simon Turner, chair (University of Copenhagen) Senior Lecturer Paul Anderson (University of Cambridge) Professor Lisa Wedeen (The University of Chicago) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Birgitte Schepelern Johansen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Defining Wetlands";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2020-02-21";"13.00";"";"";"Søndre campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"Pernille Pantmann forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"New perspectives on wetland living with casestudies from early Iron Age in North Zealand, Denmark Pernille Pantmann forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé Vådområder forstås i dansk jernaldersammenhæng almindeligvis som kultsteder fjernt fra dagliglivet eller som markeringer af bopladsernes afgrænsning. På baggrund af de senere års udgravninger og de mangefacetterede resultater i Nordsjælland, præsenterer denne afhandling en anden tilgang til vådområder. Afhandlingen foreslår, at vådområder ikke skal behandles som noget særligt, ophøjet eller som marginaliserede. De skal i højere grad integreres i den almene arkæologiske praksis på linje med andre arkæologiske objekter. Forskellen er blot metode og bevaringsforhold. Sidstnævnte har i Nordsjælland bevist, at netop vådområdernes fundpotentiale kan opkvalificere vores viden om bl.a. dagligliv, levegrundlag og bopladsstruktur. Dette er dog ikke ensbetydende med, at vådområdernes sakrale betydning bliver nedgjort eller afskrevet. Det betyder snarere, at de sakrale og profane funktioner og betydninger bliver knyttet langt bedre sammen med en mere ligeværdig vægtning. Dermed genoptages en gammel diskussion om forholdet med sakral og profan. Denne diskussion har imidlertid ikke haft den store indflydelse på, hvordan vådområder almindeligvis anskues i dansk jernalderforskning. Dette er ét af flere dogmer, der er knyttet til vådområderne, men som i virkeligheden afspejler nogle mere udbredte, måske endda generelle, dogmer inden for den danske arkæologiske forskning, som dermed bliver adresseret og forsøgt udfordret. Abstract Wetlands in Danish Iron Age contexts are generally understood as remote cult places separated from everyday life, or they are considered as settlement boundaries. Based on the recent wetland excavations in North Zealand and the multifaceted results, this thesis introduces a different approach to wetlands. The thesis suggests that wetlands should not be treated as special, exalted or marginalized areas. Instead, they should be integrated into general archaeological practices like all other archaeological features. The only difference is the excavation method and preservation conditions. In North Zealand, the wetlands’ preservation conditions are considered as one of the wetlands’ potentials through which we can optimize our knowledge of everyday life, subsistence economy and settlements structure to mention a few. However, it does not rule out the significance of the sacred functions of the wetlands. Rather, it means that the sacred and profane functions and meanings are understood to be woven together and considered equally important. Thus, a previous discussion of the relationship between the sacred and the profane is renewed. Nevertheless, this discussion has only superficially influenced the traditional perception of wetland life in Danish Iron Age research. This is one of several dogmas attached to the wetlands, but these dogmas also reflect more general dogmas within Danish archaeology, which are consequently addressed and challenged by this thesis. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Mikkel Sørensen, formand (Københavns Universitet) Museumsdirektør Claus Kjeld Jensen (Vardemuseerne) Dr. Christina Fredengren (Stockholms Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Carsten Jahnke (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn inden forsvaret på Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, Søndre Campus Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten Saxo-Instituttet (Saxo), Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 København S " "Functional Relations Between Biological Systems";"Faculty of Humanities";"2020-02-05";"09:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 21.0.54 (Multisalen)";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Louisa Jane Holt.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Louisa Jane Holt. Abstract The parts of biological systems are different from the parts of physical and chemical systems – they are functional. For example, the sun might cause the effect of warming the earth, but we do not say that this is its function. This is just something that the sun does; it is not an explanation of why the sun exists. By contrast, the heart has the function of pumping blood. This is both an explanation of what the heart does and why it exists. In this dissertation, I explore the functional nature of biological systems by adopting the organisational account of functions. The organisational account claims that biological traits have a function in lieu of the contribution they make to maintain a system they are part of and on which their existence depends. Following this, I explore how the organisational account can accommodate the collaborative relations that arise between biological systems. Assessment Committee Professor Klemens Kappel, chair (University of Copenhagen) Senior Researcher Leonardo Bich (University of the Basque Country (EHU/UPV)) Senior Researcher Maureen O’Malley (University of Sydney) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Morten Ebbe Juul Nielsen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Vej 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "An Inquiry Into The Meaning of Energy";"Faculty of Humanities";"2020-01-21";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Peter Hjertholm.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Peter Hjertholm. Abstract How science borrowed the word ‘energy’ from culture. How culture borrowed the word back. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Niklas Olsen, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Barri J. Gold (Muhlenberg College) Professor Lina Taub (University of Cambridge) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Karen Vallgårda (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Saxo Institute, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Suverænitetens umulighed og det glemte folk i Grønland";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2020-01-13";"13:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Gry Søbye forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"En livsformsanalyse af selvstyreprocessen med udgangspunkt i fangst- og fiskerisektoren Gry Søbye forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé I 2009 fik Grønland selvstyre, og det grønlandske folk blev anerkendt som et nationalt selvbestemt folk. Meget blev efterfølgende sagt om Grønlands nye status i Arktis, mindre om hvad Selvstyret betød for det grønlandske folk og dets livsformer. Sidstnævnte undersøger denne ph.d.-afhandling med udgangspunkt i livsformsanalysen. Det empiriske undersøgelsesfelt er afgrænset til fangst- og fiskerisektoren. Der er med udgangspunkt heri tale om en diakron analyse af forholdet mellem statsdannelsesproces, produktionsmåder og livsformer på baggrund af historiske kilder fra kolonitid til selvstyretid, samt en synkron analyse på baggrund af et etnologisk feltarbejde i Grønland (2011-2013). Afhandlingen viser bl.a., hvordan Selvstyrets satsning på udenlandske investeringer inden for både fiskeri- og råstofsektoren kan anskues som et middel i kampen om at blive anerkendt som en national selvbestemt enhed og på sigt en stat. Denne strategi forandrer imidlertid vilkårene for de livsformer, som får mulighed for at reproducere deres eksistensform i Grønland. En overordnet pointe er derfor, at kampen for selvstændighed ændrer vilkårene for livsformerne. Afhandlingen undersøger både hvorfor og hvordan. Abstract In 2009, Greenland gained self-government, and the Greenlandic people became recognized as a national self-determined people. Much was subsequently said about Greenland's new status in the Arctic, less about what the Self-Government meant to the Greenlandic people and their life-modes. This PhD thesis examines the latter based on the life-mode analysis. The empirical field of study is limited to the catch and fisheries sector. The examination involves a diachronic analysis of the relationship between state formation process, modes of production and life-modes based on historical sources from colonial times to self-government, and a synchronous analysis based on an ethnological fieldwork in Greenland (2011-2013). The dissertation shows how the Self-Government's strategy of foreign investments in both the fisheries and mining sector can be viewed as a means in the struggle to be recognized as a national self-determined entity and in the long term a state. However, this strategy changes the conditions for the life-modes that are allowed to reproduce their forms of existence in Greenland. A general observation is therefore that the struggle for independence is changing the conditions for the life-modes. The dissertation examines both why and how. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Astrid Pernille Jespersen, formand (Københavns Universitet) Lektor Lill Rastad Bjørst (Aalborg Universitet) Professor Klaus Schriewer (Universidad de Murcia) Leder af forsvarshandlingen NN Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn inden forsvaret på Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, Søndre Campus og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Saxo-Instituttet (Saxo), Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 København S" "Emergence in a transient social configuration";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-12-13";"13:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Katherine Kappa.";"A linguistic ethnographic study of how strangers establish practices for working together within international development Public Defence of PhD thesis by Katherine Kappa. Abstract This linguistic ethnographic case study investigates how relative strangers from various social, cultural and professional backgrounds come together for a timelimited period and how they establish social practices over time for collaborating on joint tasks. The case study involves an 8-day ‘project visit’ as part of international development work. This visit is carried out by three new volunteers from a political solidarity organization who have not worked together with the three permanent staff members in their partner organization in Swaziland. All together they have to attend to various bureaucratic tasks such as monitoring an ongoing project and formulating a new development project. First, the study reveals the importance of building a shared body of knowledge for the participants to be able to carry out their tasks together. Second, the study shows how social practices developed in the moment do not arise out of nowhere, but are often informed by broader institutional structures and ideologies. Third, the study illuminates how the participants are constrained and enabled in different ways to actively participate in the collaboration. In other words, the participants’ degree of knowledge, position within international development, differential access to linguistic and material resources all influence whether a participant is able to shape the ongoing work. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Marie Maegaard, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Jo Angouri (University of Warwick) Associate Professor Dennis Day (University of Southern Denmark Moderator of defence Professor Anne Holmen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Emil Holms Kanal 2, 2300 Copenhagen S " "From Generalist to Specialist";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-12-06";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"Public PhD Defence by Susanne Krogh Jensen.";"The Professionalization of the Danish Museum Occupation 1958-2018 Public PhD Defence by Susanne Krogh Jensen. Abstract In 1958, the first Museum act for local and regional history museums was passed in Denmark establishing a subsidiary system and defining a set of criteria for what constituted professional museum work. Since then, Danish museums have developed from single-curator institutions to diverse professional workplaces with a number of cooperating specialists. Based on empirical studies, this project has tracked the changing definition of professionalism from 1958 until 2018 by examining the development of the Danish museum legislation, the description of professional museum work and the related skills as well as the training and education offered to museum professionals. Moreover, it explores museum mediation as a specialized field within museum work and the museum mediator as an emerging specialist throughout the period. Thus, the project offers an interpretation of the contemporary history of the Danish museum field and of professionalism in a significant part of the cultural sector in Denmark. Assessment committee Associate Professor Trine Schreiber, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Lise Skytte Jakobsen (Aarhus University) Associate Professor Björn Magnusson Staaf (Lund University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Nanna Kann-Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Everybody Counts: The Aesthetics of Production in Higher Artistic Education and Performance Art Collectives";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2019-12-06";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt. Abstract An economic rationality, dating back to the early days of capitalism in the 18th Century, has since the financial crisis 2007-08 reached new dimensions: across work and life, we are counting hours, optimising our profiles, investing in an uncertain future. In the arts, the production conditions have changed due to austerity policies, a thorough reform of artistic education – the Bologna Process – and an increasing number of professional artists in the field. The dissertation departs from an analysis of how, since the implementation of the Bologna Process, young artists in Denmark and its neighbouring countries are educated to become workers of the future. Based on a reading of assessments, schedules and documentation of ECTS-points given at higher artistic educations, the dissertation displays a rationality of self-accountancy and economisation of life, but also an expanded notion of what we can perceive as artistic work. Furthermore, the dissertation interprets the way performance artists currently organise in collectives as a form of response to increased economisation and individualisation. Artists restructure their everyday together: make schedules for freelance lives, include ‘private’ maintenance work or redistribute money beyond the nation state. These art workers are here understood as both living in precarity and on the same time being politically agile subjects - especially when signing ‘in concert’. By synthesizing theory from both historical materialism and feminist theory about unrecognised work, the dissertation contributes to Cultural Studies with its own theory on a materialist aesthetics of production; it proposes that the artwork is co-created by economical, temporal and social circumstances. On the same time, the dissertation affirms that production conditions within the arts are performative; that artists are powerful worker subjects who do have influence on their own conditions. Resumé En økonomisk opmærksomhed, der kan dateres tilbage til kapitalismen i det 18. århundrede, har siden finanskrisen i 2007-08 antaget nye dimensioner: på tværs af arbejde og privatliv tæller vi timer, optimerer profiler, investerer i en uvis fremtid. I kunsten har nedskæringspolitik, en gennemgribende reform på kunstuddannelser – Bologna-processen -, samt et stigende antal færdiguddannede kunstnere, skabt prekære produktionsforhold. Afhandlingen tager afsæt i en analyse af, hvordan unge kunstnere i Danmark og Tyskland siden implementeringen af Bologna Processen trænes til at blive fremtidens arbejdere. Gennem en læsning af eksaminer, skemaer og dokumentation af ECTS-point-givende aktivitet på kunstuddannelser, fremlægges en rationalitet baseret på opmåling af tid og økonomisering af liv, men også en udvidet forståelse for, hvad kunstnerisk arbejde er. Desuden belyser afhandlingen performancekunstneres kollektive organisationsformer som en reaktion på den stigende økonomisering og individualisering. Kunstnere omstrukturerer deres hverdag sammen: laver faste skemaer i freelancetilværelsen, inkluderer ’privat’ omsorgsarbejde eller fordeler penge uden for nationalstatens grænser. Disse kunstarbejdere bliver fortolket som på en gang udsatte og samtidig politisk forandrende subjekter – især når de signerer i flok. Afhandlingen trækker på historisk materialisme og feminismens begreb om usynligt arbejde. Den bidrager til kulturforskningen med en teori for en materialistisk produktionsæstetik: her co-produceres kunstværket af dets økonomiske, temporale og sociale omstændigheder. Samtidig foreslår afhandlingen at kunstens produktionsforhold er foranderlige; at kunstnere er magtfulde arbejdersubjekter, der har indflydelse på deres egne betingelser. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Laura Luise Schultz, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Paula Caspao (Lisbon University) Curator Lars Jakob Bang Larsen (Modern Art Museum in Stockholm) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Michael Eigtved (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Karen Blixens Vej 1, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Flow or Stop?";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-12-03";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public defence of PhD thesis by Katrine Wallevik.";"Culture Matters in P3’s Music Radio Production Public defence of PhD thesis by Katrine Wallevik. Abstract In 1996, Danish Broadcast Corporation (DR) introduced music controlling software in order to index, plan and program music for their public service popular music radio channel P3. This dissertation is an ethnographic investigation of the work practices around this software asking questions about agency and networks, technologies, music and gender in the daily practices making up the music for P3. Mirroring an ANT (Actor Network Theory) heterogeneous world view the dissertation suggest that the practice of programming and presenting music for contemporary public service youth radio is to be seen as complex processes involving meshworks of humans, things, politics, corporations and technologies of all kinds. Inspired by different post-ANT and STS’s (Science and Technology Studies) theories of algorithms and politics of circulation of culture, the dissertation discuss questions about the use of digital technology in work practices of contemporary public service music radio production. The dissertation furthermore investigates questions of agency and processes of learning in the everyday life of the music radio professionals. It investigates the relation between music and the role of the individual actor in the social. It looks at the position of the subject, of gendering in work environments, of acting and of agency in the everyday work practices on P3 in times of global connections, of new digital technologies and of heterogeneity in cultural circulation. The dissertation can be seen as an ethnomusicological contribution to research on radio as well as a contribution to ethnographic research in contemporary institutions and production cultures. Resumé I 1996 begyndte DR at benytte musikstyringssoftware med det formål at indeksere, planlægge og programmere musik til kanalen. Denne etnografiske afhandling undersøger de daglige arbejdspraksisser omkring dette software og stiller spørgsmål om agens i produktionsnetværk, ”ny” teknologi i arbejdspraksisser, samt om musik og kønnethed i den daglige musikplanlægning. Afhandlingen tager udgangspunkt i et heterogent ANT (Actor Network Theory) verdenssyn, og foreslår at praksisser omkring musikplanlægning i produktionsmiljøer som DR’s P3 må anskues som komplekse processer der involverer rodede ansamlinger (”meshworks”) af mennesker, ting, politikker, institutionelle anordninger og teknologier af megen forskellig karakter. I lyset af forskellige teorier om algoritmer og de kulturelle cirkulationers politikker (inspireret af post-ANT og STS (Science and Technology Studies)) diskuterer afhandlingen spørgsmål om brugen af digitale hjælpemidler i den daglige kulturproduktion. Desuden undersøger afhandlingen spørgsmål om agens og læreprocesser i relation til musik i hverdagslige produktionspraksisser. Den undersøger relationer mellem musik og individuelle aktører i sociale (arbejds)rum. Den kigger på relationer mellem subjekter og på kønnede forventninger til arbejdsopgaver og på hvordan agens forhandles i arbejdspraksisser i en tid præget af globalisering, af ”nye” teknologier og af et stigende blik for heterogenitet i kulturelle cirkulationer. Afhandlingen kan ses som et etnografisk bidrag til radioforskning og som et bidrag til antropologisk forskning i institutioner og i produktionskulturer. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Annemette Kirkegaard, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Mads Krogh (Aarhus University) Dr Tom Western (University of Oslo) Moderator of the defence Professor Michael Fjeldsøe (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Karen Blixens Vej 1 " "Argentinadansk svanesang?";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2019-11-29";"14.00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, lokale 4A-0-69";"Anna Sofie Hartling forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Anna Sofie Hartling forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé Mellem 1840'erne og 1930 udvandrede omkring 13.000 danskere til Argentina. En lille del af deres efterkommere taler stadig dansk i dag, og det er denne varietet af dansk, kaldet argentinadansk, som udgør ph.d.-afhandlingens undersøgelsesfelt. Afhandlingen kontekstualiserer argentinadansk ved at opridse udvandringshistorien og give et omrids af varietetens nuværende fordeling blandt efterkommere og det brugsområde den har. Selve sprogformen analyseres særligt i forhold til leksikon, bl.a. med brug af en eksperimentel opstilling, og i forhold til ledstillingen i hovedsætninger som analyseres med brug af statistiske metoder. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Tanya Karoli Christensen, forperson (Københavns Universitet) Førsteamanuensis Toril Opsahl (Universitetet i Oslo) Lektor Henrik Jørgensen (Aarhus Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Jan Heegård Petersen (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Emil Holms Kanal 2." "The Kipling That Everybody Read: Narrative Strategies in the Early Short Stories of Rudyard Kipling";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-11-06";"13:00";"2019-11-06";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Inger Krarup Brøgger.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Inger Krarup Brøgger. Abstract During his own lifetime, Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) went from being one of the world’s most widely read and respected short story writers and poets to being ignored and even despised. The young Kipling was someone that everybody read, while the elderly Kipling was, as Edmund Wilson called his essay from 1941, ‘The Kipling That Nobody Read’. The Danish scholar C. A. Bodelsen stated that unlike the late Kipling, the young Kipling wrote ‘almost completely ‘straight’ stories’. This dissertation investigates the question: What narrative strategies did Kipling employ in his early stories? Were Kipling’s early stories really so ‘straight’? How different is ‘the Kipling that everybody read’ from ‘the Kipling that nobody read’? The dissertation presents close readings of some early short stories by Kipling and, in order of comparison, a few of Kipling’s late short stories are discussed. The approach is eclectic; the close readings are done with the care of a New Critic, but also employ some of the insights into voices and discourse provided by Mikhail Bakhtin. The dissertation finds that Kipling’s early stories are not so ‘straight’ as they may appear. Kipling employs narrative strategies that both participate in and undermine a colonialist discourse. The early stories are deliberately ‘artless’, and many of the narrative strategies found in Kipling’s late stories can also be found in the early stories. Kipling’s early stories contain many different voices, often 'double-voiced' discourse, and numerous literary allusions are crucial parts of Kipling’s narrative strategies. Resumé Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) gik fra at være regnet for et litterært geni af sine samtidige til glemt, ja foragtet. Den unge Kipling var en, som alle læste, mens den ældre Kipling var, som Edmund Wilson kaldte sit essay fra 1941, “The Kipling That Nobody Read”. C. A. Bodelsen hævdede, at den unge Kipling skrev næsten udelukkende ’enkle’ historier. Denne afhandling undersøger spørgsmålet: Hvilke narrative strategier brugte Kipling i sine tidlige noveller? Hvor stor forskel er der på ’den Kipling, alle læste’ og ’den Kipling, ingen læste’? Afhandlingen består af nærlæsninger af nogle af Kiplings tidlige noveller og endelig bliver fire af Kiplings sene noveller kort analyseret. Den anvendte metode er eklektisk; nærlæsninger følger den nykritiske tradition, men drager også nytte af Mikhail Bakhtins begreber om stemmer og diskurs. Afhandlingen konkluderer, at Kiplings tidlige noveller ikke er så enkle, som de umiddelbart kan synes. Kipling benytter narrative strategier, som både tager del i og underminerer en kolonialistisk diskurs. De tidlige noveller er bevidst ukunstlede, og mange af de narrative strategier, man finder i Kiplings sene noveller, er også til stede i de tidlige. Kiplings tidlige noveller indeholder mange forskellige stemmer, og ofte en flerstemmig diskurs, og utallige litterære allusioner er afgørende dele af Kiplings narrative strategier. Assessment Committee Professor Christian Benne, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Janet Montefiore (University of Kent) Professor Daniel Karlin (University of Bristol) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Robert Rix (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6, 2300 København S " "(It)-støttet børnestavning";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2019-11-01";"13:00";"";"";"Søndre campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"Stine Fuglsang Engmose forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Studier af børnestavnings rolle i den tidlige skriftsproglige udvikling Stine Fuglsang Engmose forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé Afhandlingen undersøger gennem to studier børnestavnings rolle i danske børns tidlige skriftsproglige udvikling. Det ene studie undersøger effekten på børnehaveklassebørns læse- og stavekompetencer af at børnestave med forskellige typer af støtte, herunder it-støtte. Det andet studie undersøger, om børnestavning og læsning i børnehaveklassen er selvstændige prædiktorer for læse- og stavekompetence i 1. klasse. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Jacob Thøgersen, forperson (Københavns Universitet) Professor Emeritus Bente Eriksen Hagtvet (Universitetet i Oslo) Lektor Anders Højen (Aarhus Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Professor Carsten Elbro (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Njalsgade 136." "Digital Museum Mediation in Denmark: A critical exploration of the development, practice, and perceived outcomes";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-11-01";"13:0";"";"";"South Campus, room 9A-1-01";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Eva Pina Myrczik.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Eva Pina Myrczik. Abstract After more than twenty years of digital museum practice, this research seeks to conclude on how technological affordances are understood by museum institutions and professionals and how that perception matches the paradigms and agenda-setting posed by the museum field and by cultural policy. Based on a nationwide survey, interviews, and a cultural political mapping, this project examines and presents the development, practice, and perceived outcomes of digital museum mediation in Denmark. The PhD project was triggered by the need for an exploration of the existing digital mediation practices in Danish museums to evaluate the outcomes and values of these practices as a contribution to museum mediation in general and the goals of knowledge sharing, visitor experience, and participation in particular. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Henriette Roued-Cunliffe, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Louise Ejgod Hansen (Aarhus University) Senior Lecturer Jenny Kidd (Cardiff University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Laura Skouvig (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Kløvninger - hvad er det det er?";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2019-11-01";"13.00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 23.0.50";"Marie Herget Christensen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Danske sætningskløvningers struktur, funktion og brug Marie Herget Christensen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Jan Heegård Petersen, formand (Københavns Universitet) Førsteamanuensis Anu Laanemets (Universitetet i Oslo) Audiological affairs specialist Laura Winther Balling (Widex) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Lian Malai Madsen (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Njalsgade 136." "Plurilingual students' English proficiency";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-10-28";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Rawand Samal Jalal.";"A study of Danish elementary school students' L3 proficiency Public Defence of PhD thesis by Rawand Samal Jalal. Abstract While many studies globally demonstrate the overall advantage of bilingualism - in particular in terms of third language acquisition – these findings are not repeated in Danish schools where bilingualism is often considered a disadvantage. However, third language acquisition has never been studied in the Danish context. Thus, this study investigated plurilingual students’ English proficiency skills (their L3) relative to their monolingual peers’ English proficiency skills in the context of Denmark. The participants were ninth graders from nine different schools in the greater Copenhagen area. The initial results revealed that the monolinguals outperformed the plurilinguals on their general English proficiency skills with huge differences within the plurilingual group. Subsequently, a qualitative investigation was carried out in order to understand these results; here the findings suggest that a multi-dimensional approach is called for, including the students’ response to language teaching practices. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Petra Daryai-Hansen, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Anne Dahl (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) Associate Professor Susana Silvia Fernandez (Aarhus University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Jan Juhl Lindschouw (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Erik Holms Kanal 6 " "In the Shadow of Illegality";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-09-25";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Bani Gill.";"The Everyday Life of African Migrants in Delhi Public Defence of PhD thesis by Bani Gill. Abstract The turn of the 21st century has seen a rising trend of migration from the African continent to India. Key to these trajectories are the opportunities for small scale trade and entrepreneurial ventures that India offers through which it emerges as a mobility destination for a wide range of people from Africa. While the actual numbers of migrants remain inconspicuous, relative to the population of India, Africans constitute a hyper-visible entry on India’s social landscape. Fractious exchanges and racial tensions have accompanied this migration and the figure of the ‘African migrant’ has largely come to be constructed as ‘illegal’ in the imagination of India. Nigerian migrants, in particular, stand vilified in public discourse as ‘visa overstayers’ and as allegedly involved in a plethora of nefarious activities. In a context where the shadow of illegality permeates everyday life in both subtle and explicit way, how do Nigerian migrants locate and position their work in India as traders and business people? What are the negotiations with illegality that their migrant status and livelihood practices so necessitate? What are the kinds of opportunities and frictions emerging from such entanglements? This thesis engages critically with the notion of illegality and explores the nebulous grounds upon which it rests, the imaginaries it concocts and the everyday negotiations it necessitates. Empirically, the study draws upon 12 months of ethnographic fieldwork and interviews with migrants from West Africa, particularly from Nigeria, as well as with Indian neighbours, landlords, property brokers, traders and vendors, police officers and lawyers located across Delhi. This work argues that illegality as a charge levelled against Nigerian migrants draws on more than and other than the law. Illegality, in this conceptualization, is more than a static charge related to legal transgression; rather, it carries with it a fluidity that casts a large net over a multitude of behaviours, practices and beings deemed deviant. At the same time, the study contends that illegality, as a discursive terrain and set of practices and relations, entails a dynamism that both precludes and generates opportunity in a multitude of ways. For the indeterminacy of illegality also allows for migrants’ creative self-fashioning as entrepreneurial subjects, through which livelihoods are materialized and negotiations with political and social authority rendered tangible. Situated at the intersection of Migration Studies, South Asia Studies and Anthropology, In The Shadow of Illegality is an interdisciplinary inquiry that explores the fault lines in ‘illegality’ that work to produce variegated hues of uncertainty in the everyday of migrants from Africa. Moving beyond a focus on illegality as a singular status of criminality or legal dispossession, this study highlights the frictions and contradictions through which entrepreneurial opportunities, notions of illegality and racialization processes intersect and mediate the everyday lives of migrants from the African continent in Delhi. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Birgitte Schepelern Johansen, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Nayanika Mathur (University of Oxford) Professor Pamila Gupta (University of the Witwatersrand) Moderator of the defence Deputy Head of Department Lars Højer (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Aldringsforsøg";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2019-08-26";"13:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, lokale 15A-0-13";"Marie Haulund Otto forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Kliniske interventioner, aldrende kroppe og hverdagslivets domesticeringer Marie Haulund Otto forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Bedømmelsesudvalget Lektor Frida Hastrup, formand (Københavns Universitet) Docent Karin Salomonsson (Lunds Universitet) Professor Morten Nielsen (Aarhus Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Mark Vacher (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn inden forsvaret på Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, Søndre Campus og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Saxo-Instituttet (Saxo), Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 København S." "The Resonant Museum: Sound, Art and the Politics of Curating";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-08-16";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 15A-0-13";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Rasmus Holmboe.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Rasmus Holmboe. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Deputy director Camilla Jalving (National Gallery of Denmark (SMK)) Associate Professor James Mansell (University of Nottingham) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Tore Tvarnø Lind (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Persistently Pre-Modern";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-08-05";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Lars-Emil Nybo Nissen.";"Dynamics of Change in the World of Late Pre-Modernity Public Defence of PhD thesis by Lars-Emil Nybo. Abstract In World History, the 17th and 18th centuries represent an ambivalent period, conceptually caught between the realms of tradition and modernity. Conventionally, European scholarship has interpreted major developments of this period through a framework of modernization, with the conceptualization of the period as an ‘early modernity’ gaining ground. In recent decades the notion of an early modernity has been extended to serve as a framework for global history as well. This thesis challenges these frameworks of modernization and early modernity on the grounds of their inherent teleological problems. Instead, it argues that the major developments of the 17th and 18th centuries can be largely accounted for in terms of the continuous workings of pre-modern dynamics of change and stability. The argument of the thesis is structured around a comparative analysis of processes of economic development, state formation, and the formation of social elites in China, France, and the Austrian Habsburg Empire, c. 1650-1800. By departing from the usual pattern of East-West comparison and using China as the model case for the analysis, the thesis provides a new perspective on the major developments in the period, stressing their deep continuities with pre-modernity. On this basis, the thesis argues for a reconceptualization of the period as ‘late pre-modernity’, a period characterized by the continuation and extension of the pre-modern, agrarian social formations. Resumé Det 17. og 18. århundrede udgør en ambivalent periode i historien, fanget mellem tradition og modernitet. I europæisk historieskrivning er tidens store forandringer almindeligvis blevet tolket som modernisering, og i stigende grad bliver der talt om perioden som ”tidlig modernitet”. I nyere globalhistorie er den tidlige modernitet endog blevet fortolket som et globalt fænomen. Denne afhandling udgør en kritik af disse forståelsesrammer, der må opfattes som udtryk for en teleologisk tilgang til verdenshistorien. De større udviklingstendenser, der gjorde sig gældende i det 17. og 18. århundrede, bliver her i stedet forklaret som udslag af førmoderne udviklingsdynamikker. Afhandlingens kerne udgøres af en komparativ analyse af økonomisk udvikling, statsdannelse og dannelsen af samfundseliter i Kina, Frankrig og det østrigske Habsburgerrige i perioden ca. 1650-1800. Modsat tidligere traditioner for komparation, hvor Europa tages som udgangspunkt, tager afhandlingens analyse udgangspunkt i Kinas udvikling. Dette bidrager med et nyt perspektiv på tidens udviklinger, der lægger vægt på deres grundlæggende kontinuitet med det førmoderne. På den baggrund argumenterer afhandlingen for en omdefinering af tidsperioden som ”sen førmodernitet”, en periode præget af en fortsat udvikling og udvidelse af førmoderne, agrare samfundsformer. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Jane Fejfer, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Kenneth Pomeranz (University of Chicago) Professor John A. Hall (McGill University) Moderator of the defence Head of Department Stuart James Ward (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Saxo Institute, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "On Civil Disobedience and Liberal Democracy";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-07-05";"14:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Tine Hindkjær Madsen.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Tine Hindkjær Madsen. Abstract The dissertation explores the complex relationship between civil disobedience and liberal democracy. Civil disobedience is an illegal mode of political protest that raises a moral problem in liberal democracy, because there is arguably a moral duty to obey democratically enacted laws and respect the decision of your fellow citizens, even when their decisions are wrong or unjust. At the same, acts of civil disobedience can serve as a valuable tool for relieving the great injustice and the democratic deficits that can occur in liberal democracies. The dissertation examines when it is morally warranted to engage in civil disobedience in a liberal democracy. Specifically, the dissertation considers whether 1) there is a belief-relative moral right to civil disobedience in a liberal democracy 2) whether superior political knowledge can defeat majority authority 3) whether dissenters are epistemically arrogant. Resumé Ph.d.-afhandlingen undersøger forholdet mellem civil ulydighed og det liberale demokrati. Civil ulydighed er en ulovlig form for politisk protest, hvilket rejser en moralsk problemstilling i et liberalt demokrati: på den ene sider er der antageligt en moralsk pligt til at følge demokratisk vedtagne love og at respektere flertallets beslutninger, også når beslutningerne er uretfærdige og fejlagtige. På den anden side kan civil ulydighed også bidrage positivt til det liberale demokrati, idet civil ulydighed kan anvendes til at gøre op med store uretfærdigheder og demokratiske underskud. I afhandlingen undersøges det hvornår det er moralsk begrundet at ty til civil ulydighed i et liberalt demokrati. Nærmere bestemt undersøges følgende underspørgsmål 1) er der en moralsk rettighed til at begå civil ulydighed i et liberalt demokrati? 2) Er det legitimt at tilsidesætte majoritetens vilje, hvis man ved, majoriteten tager fejl? 3) Udviser aktivister epistemisk arrogance over for deres medborgere? Assessment Committee Associate Professor Morten Ebbe Juul Nielsen, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Deputy Head of Department Sune Lægaard (Roskilde University) Professor Kimberley Brownlee (University of Warwick) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Leo Catana (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Entangled Citizens, Undesirable Migrants";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-06-26";"15:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Kalathmika Natarajan.";"The Imprint of Empire and Afterlives of Indenture in Indian Diplomacy (1947-1962) Public Defence of PhD thesis by Kalathmika Natarajan. Assessment Committee Dr Ravinder Kaur, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Antoinette Burton (University of Illinois) - online participation Professor Sarah Ansari (University of London) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Gunvor Simonsen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Ambiguous Interplays – Kurdish Diaspora Mobilisation in Denmark from Kobane to Afrin";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-06-25";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Anne Sofie Schøtt.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Anne Sofie Schøtt. Abstract The PhD thesis Ambiguous Interplays. Kurdish Diaspora Mobilisation in Denmark from Kobane to Afrin investigates how the Kurdish diaspora in Denmark mobilised in support of the Kurdish struggle in Syria during the civil war. Spanning in time from the battle of Kobane (2014) to the defeat in Afrin (2018), the study analyses the Kurdish activism in three arenas in the Danish societies encompassing political lobbyism, courtroom activism and humanitarian action. Drawing on social movement theory and ethnographic fieldwork among Kurdish activists and organisations, the study argues that the ambiguous recognition of various actors in the Danish society represents the main challenge for the Kurdish activists in terms of success. Moreover, it points to the significance of intra-Kurdish rivalry, notably between the Öcalan movement and the Kurdistan movement. Beside these two major groupings, the study also identifies a third and heterogeneous group of activists, who try to steer fee of the rivalry pursuing independent goals. The thesis contributes to the understanding of the mobilisation of the Kurdish diaspora during war in the homeland. In particular, the study analyses the strategic interaction between the Kurdish diaspora community and the Danish authorities, both engaged in the war against Islamic State but on different terms. The thesis also contributes to the understanding of the position of the Syrian Kurds within the diaspora, who like the Kurds in Syria have been ignored up until recently. The battle against Islamic State – and the unprecedented scale of Kurdish diaspora activism – generated new positions and formulations of Kurdish identity. These include alter-territorial identification, as the thesis argues, which represents identification with another part of Kurdistan than the place of origin. Resumé Ph.d.-afhandlingen Ambiguous Interplays. Kurdish Diaspora Mobilisation in Denmark from Kobane to Afrin undersøger, hvordan den kurdiske diaspora i Danmark blev mobiliseret til støtte for den kurdiske kamp i Syrien fra slaget om Kobane (2014) til nederlaget i Afrin (2018). Afhandlingen undersøger den kurdiske aktivisme som den udfolder sig i tre arenaer i det danske samfund, herunder den politisk lobbyisme, retssalsaktivismen og den humanitære nødhjælp. Analysen tager udgangspunkt i social movement theory og etnografisk feltarbejde blandt kurdiske aktivister og organisationer i Danmark og finder, at den største udfordring for de kurdiske aktivister i forhold til at opnå succes er den tvetydig anerkendelse af den kurdiske sag fra en række aktører i det danske samfund. Undersøgelsen peger i forbindelse hermed også på den interne rivalisering mellem to dominerende kurdiske grupperinger, Öcalan bevægelsen og Kurdistan bevægelsen. Derudover identificeres en tredje og heterogen gruppe af uafhængige aktivister, som forfølger individuelle mål. Afhandlingen bidrager til forståelsen af den kurdiske diasporas mobilisering som reaktion på krig i hjemlandet. Den fokuserer især på den strategiske interaktion mellem den kurdiske diaspora og danske myndigheder, der begge er involveret i krigen mod Islamisk Stat, men på vidt forskellige vilkår. Afhandlingen bidrager også til forståelsen af de syriske kurderes situation blandt andre kurdiske diasporagrupper i Danmark. De syriske kurdere i diasporaen er således indtil for nyligt blevet overset i forskningen, ligesom kurderne i Syrien er blevet det. Krigen mod Islamisk stat – og den omfattende aktivisme blandt kurdere i diasporaen – har ført til nye måder at identificerer sig på som kurder. Dette omfatter, som afhandlingen argumenterer for, alter-territorial identifikation, der betegner identifikation med en anden del af Kurdistan end dér, hvor man stammer fra. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Jørgen Bæk Simonsen, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor wso Sune Haugbølle (Roskilde University) Associate Professor Minoo Alinia (Södertörn University) Head of defense Associate Professor Claus Valling Pedersen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be submitted before the defense: For home loan at Copenhagen University Library, South Campus For review at the Royal Danish Library, Reading Room East (The Black Diamond) For review at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies (ToRS), Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "The Sociology of Morals. Catholic Faith and Generational Identities among Filipino Migrants in Copenhagen, Denmark";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-06-20";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 21.0.54 (Multisalen)";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Astrid Krabbe Trolle.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Astrid Krabbe Trolle. Abstract The dissertation ""The Sociology of Morals: Catholic Practices and Generational Identities among Filipino Migrants in Copenhagen, Denmark"" describes the religious practices and moral navigation among Filipino Catholics in Copenhagen. This Filipino diaspora consists of two overall categories; permanent settlers and temporary movers. The permanent settlers are Filipinos who have travelled to Denmark through work possibilities (1960-1973) or marriage and family reunion (1973-2000). The category of temporary movers covers the young Filipinos entering Denmark on two year contracts as au pairs. In 2000, the Danish state reinitiated the au pair scheme, and since then the influx of au pairs has radically changed the demographic profile of the Filipino community in Denmark. My thesis seeks to analyse how this demographic development has affected the internal dynamics of the Filipino Catholic milieu in terms of morality, temporality and generation. My main argument is that people's temporal orientation evokes different shades of morality that can be placed on a continuum spanning from restrictive/conservative attitudes to permissive/open attitudes. The different temporal trajectories of the settlers and the movers inform heterogenous religious practices. Whereas the settlers are engaged in moral maintenance work in the Catholic congregations as a main social structure of the Filipino diaspora in Denmark, the au pairs see their two year stay as a time-out, a space of either religious intensification or the possibility of opting out of religious practice. The analysis rests on participant observation in the Filipino environments in Copenhagen from 2015-2018, 24 interviews with Filipinos and their Danish husbands, interviews with Catholic priests and experts, one group interview with 10 au pairs, text material from Christian and non-religious organisations and survey data from the World Values Survey on the Philippines (2012) and the European Values Surveys on Denmark (2008). Resumé Afhandlingen ""The Sociology of Morals: Catholic Practices and Generational Identities among Filipino Migrants in Copenhagen, Denmark"" undersøger katolske filippineres religiøse praksisser og moralske orientering i København. Den filippinske diaspora i Danmark kan inddeles i to grupper: de fastboende og de gennemrejsende filippinere. De fastboende kom til landet via arbejdsmigration fra 1960-1973 og fra 1973-2000 gennem ægteskab og familiesammenføring. De gennemrejsende dækker de filippinske au pairs, der siden 2000 er kommet til Danmark via au pair ordningen, og derfor er i landet på toårige kontrakter. Den store tilstrømning af unge au pairs har skabt moralske konflikter internt i det filippinske katolske miljø, og min afhandling søger at forklare disse spændinger ud fra teorier om moral, tid og generation. Mit hovedargument er, at folks tidslige orientering bringer forskellige former for moral i spil, som kan placeres på et kontinuum mellem restriktive/konservative attituder og eftergivende/liberale attituder. De to gruppers forskellige tidshorisonter leder til, at deres religiøse praksis og engagement placeres forskellige steder. Hvor de fastboende har skabt en moralsk institutionel profil som filippinsk diasporasamfund, som de værner om, ser de gennemrejsende au pairs mere deres ophold i Danmark som et moralsk frirum til enten at intensivere eller at tage pause fra deres hverdagslige religiøse praksis. Analysen bygger på deltagerobservation i de filippinske miljøer i København fra 2015-2018, 24 interviews med filippinere og danske ægtemænd, interviews med præster i den katolske kirke og videnspersoner i det filippinske miljø, et gruppeinterview med 10 filippinske au pairs, tekstmateriale fra kristne og ikke-religiøse organisationer og surveydata fra Værdiundersøgelserne i Filippinerne (2012) og Danmark (2008). Assessment Committee Associate Professor, PhD Annika Hvithamar, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor MSO, PhD Lene Kühle (Aarhus University) Associate Professor, PhD Jayeel S. Cornelio (Manila University) Moderator of defence Professor Catharina Raudvere (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Den typologiske udvikling af østsjællandske huse fra førromersk til germansk jernalder";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2019-06-20";"13:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Linda Didia Boye forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"- et værktøj til udredning af bosættelses-mønstre, bebyggelsesudvikling og ressource-områder Linda Didia Boye forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé Afhandlingen præsenterer en typologi for treskibede langhuse fra førromersk til germansk jernalder baseret på ændringer i husenes målbare parametre gennem tid. Typologien gør det muligt at tolke bebyggelsens udvikling, bosættelsesmønstre og udnyttelsen af ressourceområder langt mere præcist end tidligere. Typologien er baseret på et stort og upubliceret materiale bestående af planer af mere end 800 treskibede langhuse fra 40 års arkæologiske undersøgelser i Københavnsområdet. Resultatet af den typologiske inddeling viser, at det især er forholdet omkring indgangsrummet kombineret med husenes længde der er vigtige for inddeling og udvikling af husene. Især i førromersk jernalder viser den standardiserede arkitektur, at døren altid skal ligge i midten af husets langside med lige meget areal til stald i østenden af huset og bolig i vestenden af huset. De største forandringer i hustyperne kan ses ved overgangen til yngre romersk jernalder, hvor der opstår tre samtidige hustyper. Perioden er præget af store variationer i byggeskikken og husene begynder at signalere de statusmæssige forskelle i samfundet, som tydeligt kan aflæses i jordfæstegravene fra samme tid. Hustypologien bliver afslutningsvis anvendt på udvalgte arkæologiske lokaliteter for at vise, hvordan den kan give en større sammenhæng i bebyggelsen, og hvordan bebyggelsens struktur og dynamik hænger sammen med bebyggelsens placering i landskabet. Abstract The dissertation presents a typology for the three-aisled longhouses dating from the Pre-Roman Iron Age to the Late Germanic Iron Age. The typology is based on changes in the measureable parameters through time. The typology makes it possible to interpret the development of the settlements sites, the settlement patterns and use of the local resources. The typology shows that the most significant measures for dividing the houses into groups and types are those around the entrance room central of the house combined with the entire length of the house. Especially for the house from Pre-Roman Iron Age is the defined architecture, which requires that the doors lie exactly in the middle of the length of the house, leaving the two sections, living room and stable, of equal size. The transition from Early Roman Iron Age to the Late Roman Iron Age is the period where the largest changes in the development of the houses can be seen and where three contemporary house types occur. It is obvious that the houses through there architecture express status differences which also are evident in inhumation graves from the same period. The house typology is tested on archaeological sites to see how the settlements can benefit from using it and examples are given to show how the typology can be used in a larger perspective to see how the settlement structure and dynamics are linked together. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Eva Birgitta Andersson Strand, formand (Københavns Universitet) Lektor Jes Martens (Kulturhistorisk Museum, Oslo Universitet) Museumsinspektør Niels Haue (Nordjyllands Historiske Museum) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Mikkel Sørensen (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån inden forsvaret på Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, Søndre Campus og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Saxo-Instituttet (Saxo), Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 København S." "Blind spots of internationalization";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-06-18";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Camilla Falk Rønne Nissen.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Camilla Falk Rønne Nissen. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Janus Mortensen, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Dr Ute Smit (Universität Wien) Professor Glenn Ole Hellekjær (Oslo University) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Bettina Perregaard (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Emil Holms Kanal 2, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "Politics of Work";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-06-11";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Maansi Parpiani.";"Locality, Migration and Precariousness in Mumbai Public Defence of PhD thesis by Maansi Parpiani. Abstract The labour market in India is currently undergoing a critical transition. The past two decades of industrial closures, agrarian stagnation and an increase in the proportion of the working-age population has surfaced the sphere of work as the prime domain of political contestations. This phenomenon can be particularly witnessed in urban centres like Mumbai, a megacity of over 21 million inhabitants, where work requiring low entry-level skills – like that of security guards, domestic workers and daily wage workers – has emerged as an everyday site of competition and antagonism. How do workers secure jobs in this intensely competitive labour market? What kind of strategies, networks and modes of self-making are deployed to access work opportunities? Drawing upon a 12-month-long fieldwork in Mumbai, Politics of Work shows how the labour market tends to be polarized around local–migrant politics wherein Marathi workers fashion themselves as sthaaniya (settled, rooted, local) to distinguish themselves from migrant workers and claim the first right to work in Mumbai. The study moves beyond two dominant theoretical views on the employment question in India, which frame the politics of work as that of either ‘waiting’ or ‘welfare’. Putting the focus squarely back on ‘work’, this study considers the narratives of workers who could neither wait for better jobs nor depend wholly on state welfare. Further, arguing against the exclusive focus on migration and mobility as a strategy to negotiate the insecurity of work, the study discusses how ‘languages of locality’ are evoked by workers, as they produce associations with the city – its spaces and its history – to access and keep jobs in a competitive market of urban work. The ethnography conducted in Mumbai shows that even as workers align themselves to the regional state’s history of linguistic nationalism (around the Marathi language), their claims are not pre-existent or drawn from any singular nativist political party or discourse; these need to be actively and repeatedly produced. In particular, their political self-fashioning as ‘local workers’, repurposes the identity of the 20th century industrial workers of Mumbai (the kamgaar), who were known for their collective action and have come to be celebrated in the public memory as both respectable and dangerous. Resumé Arbejdsmarkedet i Indien gennemgår i øjeblikket en kritisk udvikling. De sidste to årtier har været præget af afvikling af visse industrier, stagnation i landbruget og en stigning i andelen af befolkningen i den erhvervsaktive alder. Det har gjort arbejdsområdet til det primære domæne for politisk konflikt. Dette fænomen kan især ses i bycentre som Mumbai, en mega-by på over 21 millioner indbyggere, hvor lavuddannet arbejde som sikkerhedsvagt, hushjælp og daglejer er blevet til en skueplads for konkurrence og konflikt. Hvordan sikrer arbejdstagere job på dette stærkt konkurrenceprægede arbejdsmarked? Hvilke former for strategier, netværk og selvbilleder bliver brugt for at få adgang til arbejdsmuligheder? På baggrund af et 12 måneders langt feltarbejde i Mumbai viser Politics of Work, at arbejdsmarkedet har en tendens til at polariseres omkring politiske konflikter mellem lokale og indvandrere, hvor lokale arbejdere fra delstaten Maharashtra italesætter sig selv som sthaaniya (bosat, forankret, lokalt) for at skille sig ud fra migrantarbejdere og gøre krav på førsteretten til at arbejde i Mumbai. Phd-afhandlingen bevæger sig ud over to dominerende teoretiske synspunkter i forhold til beskæftigelsesspørgsmålet i Indien, der ser politiske konflikter omkring arbejde enten som centreret omkring ""venten"" eller ""velfærd"". Ved at bringe fokus tilbage på selve ”arbejdet” beskæftiger afhandlingen sig med arbejdstagernes egne narrativer. Disse arbejdere ville hverken kunne tillade sig at vente på bedre job og eller afhænge helt af offentlig velfærd. Afhandlingen argumenterer imod et ensporet fokus på migration og mobilitet som strategier til at ’’forhandle’’ usikkerhed på arbejdsmarkedet. I stedet viser den, hvordan ”lokalitetens sprog” bruges til at producere tilhørsforhold til byens rum og historie for at få adgang til og beholde job på et konkurrencepræget arbejdsmarked. Den etnografiske undersøgelse viser, at selvom arbejdere tilpasser sig delstatens tradition for sproglig nationalisme (omkring marathi-sproget), kan deres krav ikke siges at være baseret på allerede eksisterende forhold eller komme fra ét nativistisk politisk parti eller diskurs. De skal aktivt produceres og reproduceres. Identiteten som ”lokale arbejdere” bygger særligt på 1900-tallets industriarbejdere i Mumbai, kendt som kamgaar, der er gået over i den fælles hukommelse som både respektable og farlige på grund af deres kollektive handling. Assessment Committee Professor Jørgen Delman, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Nikita Sud (University of Oxford) Associate Professor Tarini Bedi (University of Illinois at Chicago) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Peter Birkelund Andersen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Hjemsøgt af betydningsfulde former: Rytme, konkretisme og abstraktion i Keld Helmer-Petersens fotografi 1940-1965";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2019-05-29";"13.00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Inger Ellekilde Bonde forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Inger Ellekilde Bonde forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Rune Gade, formand (Københavns Universitet) Overinspektør, seniorforsker Dorthe Aagesen (Statens Museum for Kunst) Forskningsleder, kurator Louise Wolthers (Hasselbladstiftelsen) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Professor Martin Zerlang (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån inden forsvaret på Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, Søndre Campus og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab (IKK), Karen Blixens Vej 1, 2300 København S." "Talking about depression";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-05-28";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 21.0.54 (Multisalen)";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Hanne Sæderup Pedersen.";"A corpus investigation of discourse presentation in interviews with general practitioners and psychiatrists Public Defence of PhD thesis by Hanne Sæderup Pedersen. Abstract In Denmark, as in other countries, there is a declared intention to establish shared care between general practice and psychiatry for the increasing number of patients with depression. It has been suggested that the lack of shared care in the Danish health care system may be due to different understandings of depression in the two sectors. By applying a literary-stylistic framework designed to capture discourse (i.e. speech, writing and thought) presentation from a continuum of realisation options, I investigate how general practitioners and psychiatrists use presentations of own and others’ speech, writing and thought. The thesis has two main objectives: 1) to investigate how discourse presentation is employed in a corpus of institutional, non-narrative, spoken Danish and how discourse presentation within this context compares to previous corpus studies of scalar discourse presentation; and 2) to investigate how the two groups of health care professionals employ discourse presentation as well as grammatical category features, and how these uses may be viewed as conceptualisations of depression. The quantitative results show several significant differences relative to previous corpus studies and between the two groups of health care professionals. In particular, the results for grammatical category features provide new evidence for uses of discourse presentation. Hence, I argue that these realisation patterns and associated uses indicate relatively sharp divisions in the health care system, in which the general practitioners conceptualise the doctor-patient relationship as symmetrical and themselves as critical towards and to some extent detached from the established system, but with minimal distance to ‘real life’. In contrast, the psychiatrists’ discourse presentation use indicates conceptualisations as specialists, with a larger degree of asymmetry in the doctor-patient relationship and a general tendency to express ownership of the treatment and the health care system. While most linguistic studies of health care communication focus on doctor-patient interactions, i.e. how medical professionals interact with patients, this study is a contribution to studying health care communication in a context of representation, i.e. how medical professionals talk about patients and illness. From an interdisciplinary perspective, the thesis offers a structural approach to uncovering conceptualisations in a context which, within the field of social medicine, is mostly examined from a thematic, phenomenological perspective. Resumé I såvel Danmark som i andre lande er der et ønske om øget samarbejde, ’shared care’, mellem almen praksis og psykiatrien i behandlingen af et stadigt stigende antal patienter med depression. Grunden til det manglende samarbejde i Danmark kan skyldes forskellige forståelser af depression i de to sektorer. Min afhandling undersøger ved hjælp af en stilistisk-litterær teori om gengivelse af tale, skrift og tanke som et kontinuum af realisationsmuligheder, hvordan praktiserende læger og psykiatere gengiver egen og andres tale, skrift og tanke. Afhandlingen har to hovedformål: 1) At undersøge, hvordan tale, skrift og tanke anvendes i et korpus bestående af institutionelt, non-narrativt, dansk talesprog ved at sammenligne mit korpus med tidligere korpusundersøgelser af tale-, skrift- og tankegengivelse. 2) At undersøge, hvordan henholdsvis praktiserende læger og psykiatere anvender gengivelse af tale, skrift og tanke – samt en række grammatiske fænomener knyttet hertil – som udtryk for konceptualiseringer af depression, læge-patient-relation og professionelle identiteter. Undersøgelsen viser en række signifikante resultater, både i sammenligningen med tidligere korpusundersøgelser og af de to lægegrupper. Særligt viser de grammatiske fænomener, der knytter sig til kategorierne, hidtil ubeskrevne realiseringsmønstre. I forlængelse heraf argumenterer jeg for, hvordan disse mønstre viser klare grupperinger i sundhedsvæsenet, hvor de praktiserende læger i høj grad konceptualiserer læge-patient-relationen som symmetrisk, og sig selv som systemkritiske behandlere med kort afstand til ’det virkelige liv’. Psykiaternes sprogbrug, derimod, peger i retning af forståelser, der knytter sig til deres specialistrolle, med en højere grad af asymmetri i læge-patient-relationen og en generel tendens til ejerskab over behandling og behandlingssystem. I et sundhedskommunikativt perspektiv udgør afhandlingen et bidrag til undersøgelse af sundhedskommunikation som strukturelt funderede repræsentationer, hvor størstedelen af sproglige undersøgelser i dag undersøger interaktioner ved brug af konversationsanalysen. I et bredere anvendt perspektiv kan afhandlingen betragtes som et strukturelt bidrag til studere forståelser, som i dag inden for socialmedicin primært foregår på baggrund af fænomelogiske, tematisk-baserede analyser. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Lian Malai Madsen, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Dan McIntyre (University of Huddersfield) Professor Anssi Peräkylä (University of Helsinki) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Søren Beck Nielsen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Emil Holms Kanal 2, 2300 Copenhagen S " "The Game of Knowledge";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-05-24";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 15A-0-13";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Jacob Schmidt-Madsen.";"Playing at Spiritual Liberation in 18th- and 19th-Century Western India Public Defence of PhD thesis by Jacob Schmidt-Madsen. Abstract It has long since been established that the modern children's game of snakes and ladders originated from the Indian game of gyān caupaṛ (game of knowledge), but it has rarely been asked how gyān caupaṛ itself originated, and what exactly constitutes it. The present thesis tells the story of gyān caupaṛ based on nearly 150 unique and mostly unpublished game charts and several little explored secondary sources. The majority of the game charts derive from Vaiṣṇava and Jaina communities in 19th-century western India, though a few reach back to the late 18th century. The thesis argues that the charts developed from tantric drawings of the subtle body used for purposes of meditation and visualization, and only later acquired the properties of a formal game system. Other influences can be traced back to the 12th-century Chinese game of xuanfo tu (table of Buddha selection) and the 15th-century Italian game of gioco dell’oca (game of the goose), but gyān caupaṛ itself does not appear to have been invented before the late 17th or early 18th century. The game charts consist of a sequentially numbered and inscribed grid diagram overlaid with snakes and ladders forming connections between individual squares. The representational value of the charts changes according to the world-views of the different religious communities in which they appear, but they all share a common concern with questions of cosmography, karma, and religious practice. The design is remarkable for its close integration of game mechanics and theme, and while it is possible to reconstruct the rules by which the game was played, little can be said about the uses to which it may have been put beyond that of mere play. Plausible suggestions include education, divination, and self-exploration, but, as evidenced by the later history of the game, such uses have long since fallen away, leaving only the innocent fun of a purely abstract game system. Resumé Det har længe været kendt at det moderne børnespil snakes and ladders stammer fra det indiske spil gyān caupaṛ (videnspillet), men spørgsmål om hvor gyān caupaṛ selv stammer fra, og hvori det rent faktisk består, har sjældent været rejst. Den nærværende afhandling fortæller historien om gyān caupaṛ gennem små 150 unikke og overvejende upublicerede spilleplader samt en række underbelyste sekundære kilder. Størstedelen af spillepladerne stammer fra Vaiṣṇava- og Jaina-miljøer i 1800-tallets vestlige Indien, mens enkelte rækker tilbage til slutningen af 1700-tallet. Afhandlingen argumenterer for at spillepladerne repræsenterer en videreudvikling af tantriske fremstillinger af det astrale legeme til meditations- og visualiseringsbrug der først senere antog karakter af et spil. Andre indflydelser kan spores tilbage til det kinesiske spil xuanfo tu (buddhaudvægelsestabellen) fra 1100-tallet og det italienske spil gioco dell’oca (gåsespillet) fra 1400-tallet, men gyān caupaṛ selv synes først at være blevet til i slutningen af 1600-tallet eller begyndelsen af 1700-tallet. Spillepladerne består af et serielt nummereret og beskrevet feltdiagram med slanger og stiger der forbinder individuelle felter. Spillets repræsentationer veksler afhængig af verdenssynet i de forskellige religiøse miljøer spillepladerne stammer fra, men deler et fælles fokus på kosmografi, karmalære og religiøs praksis. Spildesignet udmærker sig ved en tæt sammenhæng mellem spilmekanik og tematik, og mens det er muligt at rekonstruere de oprindelige regler, er det svært at sige hvilke formål spillet måtte være blevet brugt til ud over ren underholdning. Læring, spådom og selvudforskning regnes alle for plausible forslag, men, som spillets senere historie vidner om, er en sådan brug for længst blevet opgivet til fordel for den uskyldige glæde ved et rent abstrakt spilsystem. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Toke Lindegaard Knudsen, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Gudrun Bühnemann (University of Wisconsin at Madison) Professor Andreas Bock-Raming (Johannes Gutenberg University) Moderator of defence Head of Department Ingolf Thuesen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Cross Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Relocating Europe";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-05-24";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Marlene Paulin Kristensen.";"Border Officials and their everyday attempts to stabilise borders Public Defence of PhD thesis by Marlene Paulin Kristensen. Abstract The PhD thesis studies the bordering of Europe by attending to the everyday conceptualisations and practices of border officials who enforce state borders in the realm of the European Union, specifically in relation to Schengen regulations and legislation. Based on fieldwork, the dissertation studies how the border officials interpret, perform and transform ‘Europe’s borders’ in their everyday attempts to ensure safe and efficient borders. The end of the Cold War marked a point of acceleration for closer cooperation regarding the management of both territory and mobility between European countries. Such closer cooperation involved a range of ‘alterings’ (Green 2013) of border enforcement. Taking as the object of study the alterations that such closer cooperation initiated, I examine the training of border personnel, the allocation of resources, everyday compromises as well as understandings of how to ensure cooperation and transformation. The thesis is based on field research conducted amongst officials who work with borders within the Schengen Area and the European Union, primarily officers from the Danish police and the European Union Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM). The material consists of interviews with border officials and experts as well as participant observations of their diverse working situations, as well as analysis of internal documents, reports, promotional publications, archival material, and news articles. By exploring how the aspirations of transformation and cooperation come to matter amongst border officials, the analytical chapters study the borders of Europe, which emerge through the continual attempts to stabilise and pin down the borders’ location and purpose. The analyses show the contradictory, yet coexisting aspirations that together make up the ‘borders of Europe’. Based on these analyses, the dissertation suggest that future research develop the skill to analytically capture the contradictions and differences in the European project. Resumé Afhandlingen undersøger håndteringen af Europas grænser med udgangspunkt i grænsepersonale ved tre forskellige grænser i og omkring den Europæiske Union. På baggrund af etnologisk feltarbejde, undersøger afhandlingen hvordan dette grænsepersonale fortolker, praktiserer og transformerer “Europas grænser” i deres daglige forsøg på at levere sikre og effektive grænser. Afslutningen på den Kolde Krig accelererede et tæt samarbejde mellem en række europæiske lande vedrørende håndtering af fri bevægelse og opretholdelsen af kontrol med ind- og udrejse (blandt andet i form af Schengen-aftalen). Afhandlingen tager de forandringer som dette samarbejde medførte som sit undersøgelsesobjekt, og undersøger blandt andet uddannelse af mandskab, fordeling af mandskabsressourcer, dagligdagens kompromiser samt forståelser af, hvordan samarbejde og forandring fremmes. Afhandlingens analyser er baseret på et etnologisk feltarbejde, der blev udført blandt dansk politi og den Europæiske Unions grænsebistandsmission til Moldova og Ukraine (EUBAM). Feltarbejdet fandt sted blandt politi og grænsevagter på grænseovergange inden for tre steder i Europa: i Kastrup lufthavn, ved landgrænsen mellem Danmark og Tyskland, og i EUBAM’s hovedkvarter og feltkontorer i Ukraine og Moldova. Feltmaterialet består af interviews med grænsepoliti, deltagerobservation i arbejds- og undervisningssituationer, og en samling interne arbejdsdokumenter, rapporter, arkivmateriale, PR-materiale og materiale fra nyhedsmedier. I afhandlingens fire analysekapitler viser jeg, hvordan forandringer, forbindelser, kvalitet og professionalitet udspiller sig i den daglige håndtering af Europa, og analyserne giver således indsigt i de vedvarende forsøg på at stabilisere og udpege grænserne og deres formål. Med denne tilgang, betoner afhandlingen den tidslige og rumlige flerhed i det europæiske grænseprojekt, og opfordrer således også videre forskning til i højere grad at have analytisk øje for modsætninger og forskelle i det europæiske projekt. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Frida Hastrup, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Fredrik Nilsson (Lund University) Associate Professor Dorte Jagetic Andersen (University of Southern Denmark) Moderator of defence Professor WSR Tine Damsholt (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Saxo-Institute, Karen Blixens Vej 8, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "Thinking with Performance: Research-Based Aesthetics in Times of Conflict and Crisis";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-05-20";"15:30";"";"";"South Campus, Auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Sofie Volquartz Lebech.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Sofie Volquartz Lebech. Abstract Thinking with Performance: Research-Based Aesthetics in Times of Conflict and Crisis is an artistic research project, in which Sofie Volquartz Lebech examines how to critically think with performance. The main thesis is that research-based performance uses research to respond to conflict and crisis and to create spaces for thinking where artist and audience can reflect on the represented material. The project has two dimensions: on the one hand, Lebech develops two performances using different research strategies; on the other, she identifies a research-based working mode visible in a number of artistic practices that use, create, and perform research in order to imagine and represent other realities. The two performances are both personal and political reactions to conflicts in the body of society and in the individual body. The first performance, Precarious Life, is a performance lecture about terror and autoimmune diseases drawing on Jacques Derrida’s conception of “democratic autoimmunity”. The second performance, This is for her, is about torture and therapy reflecting on reenactment and testimony as a way of bearing witness. Both performances use facts, affects, and documentary strategies to represent the researched and reflected material. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Karen Vedel, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Adrian Heathfield (University of Roehampton) Rector Mads Thygesen (The Danish National School of Performing Arts (DDSKS)) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Stig Jarl (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Karen Blixens Vej 1 " "Politics of Patience";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-05-14";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Rose Løvgren.";"Lessons on sovereignty and subjectivity from failed fieldwork in Rwanda Public Defence of PhD thesis by Rose Løvgren. Abstract The thesis addresses practices of the state in Rwanda, and the experiences and reactions of those subjected to these practices. The Rwandan state has a long history of ordering and exercising intense control over its people. The most atrocious example played out from April to July in 1994 when the erstwhile government initiated a genocide attempting eradicate a whole part of the population. Since the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) overthrew this government the party has remained in power and RPF to a large extent continues the tradition of reaching into and practicing regulation over some of the most intimate aspects of life in Rwanda. The thesis pays special attention to the instability of the surfaces of the state and those subjected to its rule. It analyzes how the state’s many transgressions set in motion a multiplication of violence across social spheres, making it difficult to assess when, whether and how the state is present. The continuous changes in political agendas moreover work to effect routinized uncertainty about what the state actually wants from its subjects. Politics of Patience refers to the precarious political, social and economic situation in Rwanda that produce patient political subjectivities, and in turn to the politics effected by those subjectivities. The study is based on fieldwork as well as what I term failed fieldwork about the rehabilitation center for ‘delinquent’ male youth on Iwawa Island in Lake Kivu, amounting to 13 months. Based on fieldwork where I could do little to influence the process and which ended in deportation, I read my fragmented empirical material on different political practices together by emphasizing the examples in which state violence spills over beyond the state’s utility. Related to this form of violence, I draw on my autoethnographic experiences with sexually harassing state representatives and read them together with other forms of empirical material to highlight the ways in which local representatives of sovereignty influence the state’s agendas, even when they have little to no way to push back against directives from a centralized and omnipresent state. In a context marked by unpredictability, the thesis examines practices of patience, acceptance and compliance among those exposed to the state’s power. This focus is partly motivated by Saba Mahmood’s argument that these are understudied and undertheorized aspects of how people relate to power both in- and outside of Rwanda. The thesis analyzes acceptance in the context of understanding negative emotions as destructive and devastating to survival of extreme hardships. It moreover analyzes descriptions of a patient and compliant attitude as a response to a sense that the authorities were trying to trick my respondents into making themselves arrestable. Drawing on poststructuralist approaches to subjectivity, I characterize fragmented and shifting subjectivities whose agency does not rest in an undominated core, but in the exercise of control over the narrative they tell themselves or others. That is, even though practices of compliance may at times exhibit contradictions or a commitment to subordination, agency is retained in the continued capacity for narration. And with it, the capacity to change the story should circumstances change. Resumé Afhandlingen omhandler statens praksisser i Rwanda, samt oplevelserne og reaktionerne hos dem der bliver udsat for disse praksisser. Staten i Rwanda har en lang tradition for at udøve intens administration og kontrol over sit folk. Det grusomste eksempel fandt sted mellem april og juli i 1994, da den daværende regering igangsatte et folkedrab i et forsøg på at udrydde en del af befolkningen. Siden Rwandas Patriotiske Front (RPF) styrtede denne regering har partiet forblevet ved magten, og RPF fortsætter i høj grad statens praksis med at række ind i og regulere nogle af de mest intime aspekter af livet i Rwanda. Afhandlingen retter særlig opmærksomhed mod ustabiliteten i overfladerne på både staten og dem staten udøver sin magt på. Den undersøger hvordan statens mange overskridelser af grænser igangsætter en multiplikation af vold henover forskellige sociale sfærer, og gør det svært at afgøre hvornår, hvorvidt og hvordan staten er nærværende. De løbende skift i politiske agendaer skaber derudover gennemgående usikkerhed omkring hvad staten faktisk vil have fra sine undersåtter. Tålmodighedens politik refererer til den prekære politiske, sociale og økonomiske situation i Rwanda som producerer tålmodige politiske subjektiviteter, og omvendt til den politik der skabes af disse subjektiviteter. Studiet er baseret på feltarbejde, såvel som hvad jeg kalder mislykket feltarbejde, om rehabili-teringscenteret for ‘afvigende’ unge mænd placeret på øen Iwawa i Kivu-søen – i alt 13 måneder. Baseret på feltarbejde hvor jeg havde begrænset indflydelse på processen, og som endte i deportation, binder jeg mit fragmenterede empiriske materiale vedrørende forskellige politiske praksisser sammen ved at fokusere på de eksempler, hvori statens vold flyder over, udover hvad der er til brug for staten. Relateret til denne form for vold trækker jeg på mine autoetnografiske oplevelser med sexchikanerende repræsentanter for staten, og læser dem sammen med andre empiriske eksempler for at fremhæve de måder hvorpå lokale repræsentanter for suverænitet har indflydelse på statens agendaer, også når de stort set ingen mulighed har for at afslå direktiver fra en centraliseret og allestedsnærværende stat. I en kontekst præget af uforudsigelighed, undersøger afhandlingen praksisser præget af tålmodighed, accept og indvilligelse blandt de mennesker, staten udøver sin magt på. Motivationen for at lægge vægt på disse praksisser er delvist baseret på Saba Mahmood’s argument om, at de er lidet undersøgte og underteoretiserede aspekter af, hvordan mennesker forholder sig til magt både inden i og uden for Rwanda. Afhandlingen analyserer accept i en kontekst, hvor negative følelser opfattes som farlige og potentielt ødelæggende for overlevelse af ekstreme lidelser. Den analyserer ydermere beskrivelser af en tålmodig og indvilligende indstilling som en reaktion på en opfattelse af, at autoriteterne prøvede at narre mine respondenter til at gøre sig selv arresterbare. Ved at trække på poststrukturalistiske tilgange til subjektivitet, karakteriserer jeg fragmenterede og skiftende subjektiviteter, hvis agens ikke hviler i en udomineret kerne, men i udøvelsen af kontrol over det narrativ de fortæller sig selv eller andre. Det vil sige, at selvom praksisser præget af indvilligelse somme tider indeholder modsigelser eller en tilknytning til underordnelse, bevares agens i den fortsatte evne til at fortælle. Og dermed bevares evnen til at ændre historien, skulle vilkårene ændre sig. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Birgitte Schepelern Johansen, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Marsha henry (London School of Economics) Dr. Andrea Purdeková (University of Bath) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Marie Sandberg (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Saxo-Institute, Karen Blixens Vej 8, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "“…weil die Zukunft in Hochdeutsch liegt…” (“…because Hochdeutsch is the future…”)";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-03-15";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Christoph Hare Svenstrup.";"Language attitudes amongst adolescents from the Stuttgart area Public Defence of PhD thesis by Christoph Hare Svenstrup. Abstract The present standard-dialect situaon in the Stugart area is the object of differing opinions amongst German dialectologists. Some regard it to be a situation of vital dialects developing alongside but independently of the German spoken standard. Others consider it to be a situation of an advanced standardisation resulting in the disappearance of the dialects in favour of spoken standard German. This study is about ordinary adolescents’ lay perspective on this dialect-standard situation – about their attitudes to the local dialect (Swabian) and to spoken standard German (Hochdeutsch). The investigation of the adolescent’s conscious and subconscious language attitudes, as well as of their metalinguistic constructions of Swabian and Hochdeutsch, show how they position themselves in the social ideological processes underlying their own language use and the dialect-standard situation of the area. Resumé Den nuværende dialektstandard-situation i Stuttgartområdet er genstand for delte meninger blandt tyske dialektologer. Nogle mener, den består af vitale dialekter, der udvikler sig selvstændigt og uafhængigt, mens andre mener, at dialekterne viger for en fremskreden standardisering af tysk talesprog. Denne ændring drejer sig om unges læg-opfattelser af dialektstandard-situationen – om deres sprogholdninger l den lokale dialekt (Schwäbisch) og l den tyske talesprogsstandard (Hochdeutsch). Undersøgelsen af de unges bevidste og underbevidste sprogholdninger, samt deres metalingvistiske konstruktioner af Schwäbisch og Hochdeutsch, viser, hvordan de positionerer sig i de socialideologiske processer, der ligger l grund for deres egen sprogbrug og for dialektstandard-situationen i området. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Nicolai Pharao, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor David Britain (Universität Bern) Associate Professor Loreta Vaicekauskienė (Vilnius University) Moderator of the defence Professor emeritus Frans Gregersen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics (NorS), Emil Holms Kanal 2 " "The Becoming of Good Soldiers";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-03-15";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 21.0.54 (‘Multisalen’)";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Beate Sløk-Andersen.";"An Ethnographic Exploration of Gender and Other Obstacles in the Military Borderland Public Defence of PhD thesis by Beate Sløk-Andersen. Abstract How are good soldiers ‘made’ in the 21st century? Based on an extensive ethnographic fieldwork at the boundaries of the military profession, this dissertation explores the process through which young citizens are turned into soldiers. While a great deal of research has attended to the difficulties of making men want to fight for their country, this dissertation turns the matter upside down by inquiring into the challenge of becoming part of the military profession. This is done by unfolding how valuing – the assessment of who might be ‘good’ – takes place among conscripted soldiers in the Danish army. Making use of an everyday perspective attentive to the embodied routines and tacit knowledge of the soldiers, the dissertation analyses how boundaries for recognition of good soldiers are established affectively, materially, and discursively. Drawing on the work of scholars within e.g. critical military studies and post-feminism, the dissertation unpacks the power mechanisms and inequalities that intervene in young citizens’ attempts to become soldiers. Through the analyses of specific cases such as the use of uniforms and the joking relationship among soldiers, it is argued that the becoming as a good soldier is not merely a question of inherent or individual characteristics, such as a strong will or a strong body. Rather, access to the military profession is the result of bodily performances of recognizable versions of the good soldier; a process in which questions of e.g. gender and sexuality comes to matter. Overall, the dissertation hereby illustrates that becoming part of the military profession is a difficult process in which the possibility of being recognized as a good soldier is far from evenly distributed. Resumé Hvordan ’laver’ man gode soldater i det 21. århundrede? Baseret på et omfattende etnografisk feltarbejde besvarer denne afhandling netop dette spørgsmål med et fokus på det militære grænseland; dér hvor unge borgere træder ind i den militære sfære og begynder at tillære sig nye rutiner og normer i håbet om at blive rigtige soldater. Mens meget forskning har fokuseret på, hvordan man får modstræbende borgere til at kæmpe for deres land, vender denne afhandling emnet på hovedet ved udforske forhindringerne i at få lov til at blive del af den militære profession. Dette gøres ved at undersøge, hvordan værdisætning – vurdering af hvem der er ’gode’ – finder sted blandt værnepligtige soldater i den danske hær. Denne proces udforskes via et hverdagsperspektiv, hvor kropslige rutiner og usagte regler bruges som afsæt for at undersøge, hvordan der affektivt, materielt og diskursivt etableres grænser for, hvem der kan genkendes som gode soldater. Ved hjælp af især en postfeministisk og militærkritisk tilgang udfolder afhandlingen de magtmekanismer og uligheder, der intervenerer i unge menneskers forsøg på at blive soldater. Gennem analyser af konkrete fænomener så som brugen af humor og anvendelsen af uniformer argumenterer afhandlingen for, at tilblivelsen af gode soldater ikke blot er betinget af medfødte eller individuelle egenskab så som den enkeltes vilje eller fysiske evner. Adgang til den militære profession er snarere resultatet af kroplige praktiseringer af genkendelige versioner af den gode soldat; en proces, hvor faktorer så som køn og seksualitet viser sig at være af betydning. Samlet set viser afhandlingen dermed, at tilblivelsen som soldat er en svær proces, hvori muligheden for at blive del af den militære profession er langt fra ligeligt distribueret. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Marie Sandberg, chair (University of Copenhagen) Senior Lecturer Kevin McSorley (University of Portsmouth) Professor Fredrik Nilsson (Lund University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Sniff Andersen Nexø (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Saxo Institute, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Performing the Persona";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-03-08";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Steffen Damkjær Moestrup.";"A case study of contemporary persona-driven cultural journalism and cultural criticism Public Defence of PhD thesis by Steffen Damkjær Moestrup. Abstract The dissertation is a case study of a phenomenon that the author proposes to label persona-driven cultural journalism and criticism. This term points to journalism and criticism in which the performance of the journalist’s and critic’s personality becomes a foundational element in the piece. The case study focuses on three radio hosts at the Danish radio station Radio24syv but an important argument in the dissertation is the need to apply a cross-media approach to the study of journalistic personas. The dissertation offers a theoretical framework rooted in performance studies and embarks on an analysis of three cases. The analysis of wine critic and journalist Poul Pilgaard Johnsen points to a persona performance using confessions, creating an intimate space by the use of wine, and adopting a repetitive approach in topics and appearances. The persona performance is termed a confessional-sensual persona who creates journalism and criticism displaying a style of being. The analysis of gossip journalist and TV reviewer Ditte Okman demonstrates a persona performance rooted in bodily expressivity across media, the use of an outspoken and lucid attitude, and the creation of socializing spaces. The persona performances are labelled an un-ashamed persona, who creates journalism and criticism guided by affect and the performance of the authentic and sincere. Finally, the analysis of food critic and cultural journalist Martin Kongstad elucidates a performative approach to reviewing, the use of fictitious layers and a display of the persona being simultaneously present across fields. The performances are termed an overflow persona, who creates journalism and criticism that could be conceptualized as a cultural product on its own. In the concluding chapter, the findings from the analysis are discussed in relation to findings from other studies. Furthermore, it is proposed to conceptualize persona-driven approaches in a way that draw on Baumgarten’s understanding of aesthetics and the differentiation between aesthetic impressions and aesthetic experience. Resumé Afhandlingen er et casestudie af det fænomen, som forfatteren kalder persona-dreven kulturjournalistik og kulturkritik. Med persona-dreven menes journalistik og kritik, hvor iscenesættelsen og anvendelsen af journalistens eller kritikerens personlighed er et centralt omdrejningspunkt i værket. Casestudiet tager sit udgangspunkt i tre værter på den danske radiokanal Radio24syv, men et væsentligt argument i afhandlingen er nødvendigheden af at studere journalistiske personaer i et tværmedielt perspektiv. Afhandlingen fremsætter en teoretisk ramme med base i performancestudier, og der foretages en analyse af tre cases. Journalist og vinkritiker Poul Pilgaard Johnsens praksis bliver læst som funderet i anvendelsen af bekendelser, brugen af vin til at skabe et intimt rum samt en repetitiv tilgang til emner og fremtrædener. Denne persona-brug medfører en type journalistik og kritik, der fremviser en bestemt livstilgang. Persona-analysen af sladderjournalist Ditte Okman anskueliggør en praksis funderet i kropslig ekspressivitet, en frimodig og fandenivoldsk attitude samt brugen af et socialiserende rum. Okmans ikke-skamfulde persona anvendes til at skabe journalistik, der er drevet frem af en performance af autenticitet og oprigtighed. Endelig fremviser analysen af madanmelder og kulturjournalist Martin Kongstad en persona-performance, der fremfører en performativ tilgang til at anmelde, anvender fiktive lag samt iscenesætter en persona, der er simultant til stede i flere felter. Kongstads persona bliver tolket som en overløbspersona, der skaber journalistik og kritik, der kan afkodes som et kulturprodukt i sig selv. Til slut kædes afhandlingens resultater sammen med anden forskning på området og der fremsættes et bud på en konceptualisering af denne form for journalistik. En konceptualisering, der tager udgangspunkt i en sondring mellem æstetiske oplevelser og æstetisk erfaring. Assessment Committee Professor Anne Jerslev, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Steen Steensen (Oslo Metropolitan University) Associate Professor Henrik Bødker (Aarhus University) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Mette Mortensen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Co-produce or Perish";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-03-08";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 15A-2-11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Petar Mitric.";"An Interpretive Study of European Film Co-production Policies Public Defence of PhD thesis by Petar Mitric. Abstract Co-producing has been an essential production model among European film producers for many decades. European co-productions have been the most successful European films in economic terms, considering that they are normally marked by international distribution and high production value. While there can be obvious economic reasons for co-producing, co-producing is also linked to the realization of cultural and political ideals of unity among European nation states based on building commonalities and celebrating diversities. Due to such a complex role, European co-productions are regulated by specific national and transnational policies that over decades have evolved into a distinct transnational field of European co-productions. This dissertation delineates that field by exploring its internal logic, its major stakeholders, and its contribution to the idea of European cinema. Through an interpretive study of the European co-production policies based on document analysis, observation and qualitative interviews, this dissertation traces the historical development of the economic, cultural and political aspects of European co-productions and uncovers the present state of the field as seen by the policy implementers (the field’s gatekeepers) and policy end-users (film producers). Resumé Co-produktion har været en vigtig produktionsmodel blandt europæiske filmproducenter i flere årtier. Flere af de økonomisk mest succesfulde europæiske film har været dyre co-produktioner med festivalsucces og international distribution. Der er mange indlysende økonomiske årsager til at co-producere, men samtidig er europæisk co-produktion forbundet med kulturelle og politiske idealer, der forsøger at rumme både fællesnævnere og forskelligheder blandt de europæiske nationer. Europæisk co-produktion foregår i et komplekst spændingsfelt mellem national og transnational politik, der over årtier har udviklet sig til et distinkt transnationalt felt for europæisk co-produktion. Denne afhandling analyserer dette felt ved at udforske dets interne logik, dets centrale aktører samt dets bidrag til forskellige opfattelser af europæisk film. Gennem en fortolkende analyse af europæisk co-produktions politiske rammesætning, baseret på dokumentanalyse, observation og kvalitative interviews, undersøger denne afhandling den historiske udvikling af europæisk co-produktions økonomiske, politiske og kulturelle aspekter. Afhandlingen afdækker samtidig feltets aktuelle strukturer set fra perspektivet af dets ’policy implementers’ (feltets gatekeepere) dets ’policy end-users’ (filmproducenterne). Assessment Committee Associate Professor Johannes Riis, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Tim Bergfelder (University of Southampton) Professor Maaret Koskinen (Stockholm University) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Casper Tybjerg (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Not there and (not) yet";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-03-08";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 21.0.54 (‘Multisalen’)";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Valeria Guerrieri.";"The spatio-temporal politics of oil and gas development in the Canadian North Public Defence of PhD thesis by Valeria Guerrieri. Abstract Although the discussion on the social and environmental impacts of energy development in the Arctic is rapidly growing in many countries, the spatial and temporal significance of this development is not yet fully acknowledged. The PhD thesis Not there and (not) yet. The spatio-temporal politics of oil and gas development in the Canadian North aims at exploring the impacts of hydrocarbon exploration and extraction on the negotiation of geographies, rights and identities in the North of Canada over the last fifty years. By combining theoretical inputs from a variety of disciplines, the project investigates the spatial and temporal dynamics of Canadian energy development, i.e. how the different energy stakeholders, and particularly aboriginal people, both produce and inhabit continuously changing energy landscapes, and how they expect, envision and anticipate multiple and potentially contrasting energy futures. In this regard, the failed construction of a natural gas pipeline, the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline (1974-2017), is chosen as a main case study in order to show how -although not there, not yet, and probably, not anymore -this kind of megaprojects manages to trigger a series of long-lasting and long-distance transformations, affecting people’s behaviors, memories and narratives across time and space. Through the lens of the Dene testimonies presented in two separate and particularly extensive rounds of community hearings – the Berger Inquiry (1974-1977) and the Joint Review Panel hearings (2006-2007) – aboriginal perceptions, experiences and productions of space and time are explored, and, together with them, also the power relations underpinning space-time engagements. Ultimately, the aim of this research is to contribute to the study of energy development and extractivism, currently developing at great speed in many scholarly and non-scholarly environments. Differently from much of the existing literature, the project approaches places, people and events “relationally”, i.e. as if these were in a constant interaction and interrelation with each other, and in a process of becoming, rather than something to be taken for granted. Resumé På trods af at diskussionerne om de sociale og miljømæssige påvirkninger af energieftersøgning og –udvikling i Arktis er omsiggribende i mange lande, så er de rumlige og tidslige betydninger af en sådan udvikling endnu ikke helt anerkendt. Ph.d.-afhandlingen Not there and (not) yet. The spatio-temporal politics of oil and gas development in the Canadian North har til formål, at undersøge de påvirkninger efterforskning og udvikling af olie og gas har haft på forhandlinger af geografier, rettigheder og identiteter i det nordlige Canada igennem de sidste 50 år. Ved at inddrage en række teoretiske perspektiver fra forskellige fagdiscipliner undersøger projektet de rumlige og tidslige dynamikker, som er knyttet til den canadiske energiudvikling, herunder hvorledes forskellige energiinteressenter – specielt indfødte folk – både producerer og bebor forskellige og kontinuerligt foranderlige energilandskaber, samt hvorledes de forventer, forestiller sig og foregriber multible og potentielt modstridende energifremtider. Afhandlingens primære case er den mislykkede konstruktion af gasledningen Mackenzie Valley Pipeline (1974-2017). Denne case er valgt med det formål at undersøge, hvorledes et sådant megaprojekt på trods af ikke at være der – endnu – og måske aldrig nogensinde alligevel formår at igangsætte en serie af langtrækkende og langvarige transformationer, som påvirker folks praksisser, erindringer, og narrativer på tværs af tid og rum. Denefolkets vidnesbyrd i de omfattende Berger høringer (1974-1977) og senere i Joint Review Panel høringerne (2006-2007) vil blive analyseret med henblik på at undersøge Denefolkets forståelser af, erfaringer med og produktionen af rum og tid, og hvorledes disse er sammenkoblet med magtrelationer, der understøtter rum-tid engagementer. Projektets forskning ønsker at bidrage til det voksende videnskabelige felt, der fokuserer på energiudvikling og energiudnyttelse (extractivism), og som får større og større opmærksomhed både inden for og uden for videnskabelige kredse. Projektet adskiller sig fra andre undersøgelser inden for feltet, ved at forstå steder, folk og begivenheder som relationelt konstitueret, hvilket betyder at de ikke kan tages for givet, men altid er i en konstant interaktion og relation til hinanden i en løbende skabelsesproces. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Rasmus Christian Elling, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Mark Nuttall (University of Alberta) Associate Professor Berit Kristoffersen (The Arctic University of Norway) Moderator of the defence Head of Department Ingolf Thuesen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Co-produce or Perish. An Interpretive Study of European Film Co-production Policies";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-03-08";"13:00";"2019-03-08";"";"South Campus, room 15A-2-11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Petar Mitric.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Petar Mitric. Abstract Co-producing has been an essential production model among European film producers for many decades. European co-productions have been the most successful European films in economic terms, considering that they are normally marked by international distribution and high production value. While there can be obvious economic reasons for co-producing, co-producing is also linked to the realization of cultural and political ideals of unity among European nation states based on building commonalities and celebrating diversities. Due to such a complex role, European co-productions are regulated by specific national and transnational policies that over decades have evolved into a distinct transnational field of European co-productions. This dissertation delineates that field by exploring its internal logic, its major stakeholders, and its contribution to the idea of European cinema. Through an interpretive study of the European co-production policies based on document analysis, observation and qualitative interviews, this dissertation traces the historical development of the economic, cultural and political aspects of European co-productions and uncovers the present state of the field as seen by the policy implementers (the field’s gatekeepers) and policy end-users (film producers). Resumé Co-produktion har været en vigtig produktionsmodel blandt europæiske filmproducenter i flere årtier. Flere af de økonomisk mest succesfulde europæiske film har været dyre co-produktioner med festivalsucces og international distribution. Der er mange indlysende økonomiske årsager til at co-producere, men samtidig er europæisk co-produktion forbundet med kulturelle og politiske idealer, der forsøger at rumme både fællesnævnere og forskelligheder blandt de europæiske nationer. Europæisk co-produktion foregår i et komplekst spændingsfelt mellem national og transnational politik, der over årtier har udviklet sig til et distinkt transnationalt felt for europæisk co-produktion. Denne afhandling analyserer dette felt ved at udforske dets interne logik, dets centrale aktører samt dets bidrag til forskellige opfattelser af europæisk film. Gennem en fortolkende analyse af europæisk co-produktions politiske rammesætning, baseret på dokumentanalyse, observation og kvalitative interviews, undersøger denne afhandling den historiske udvikling af europæisk co-produktions økonomiske, politiske og kulturelle aspekter. Afhandlingen afdækker samtidig feltets aktuelle strukturer set fra perspektivet af dets ’policy implementers’ (feltets gatekeepere) dets ’policy end-users’ (filmproducenterne). Assessment Committee Associate Professor Johannes Riis, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Tim Bergfelder (University of Southampton) Professor Maaret Koskinen (Stockholm University) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Casper Tybjerg (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Nuclear-proof Communications?";"Faculty of Humanities & ENIGMA";"2019-03-07";"13:00";"";"";"ENIGMA - Museum for Post, Tele og Kommunikation, Øster Allé 1";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Sanne Aagaard Jensen.";"The Cold War and the Governance of Telecommunications Security in NATO and Denmark Public Defence of PhD thesis by Sanne Aagaard Jensen. Abstract The PhD dissertation Nuclear-proof communications? examines how the Cold War brought about a new security policy dimension in the area of telecommunications. Drawing on the concept of ’technopolitics’, the dissertation analyses how different efforts to connect and protect telecommunications in NATO and one of the member states, Denmark, from the late 1940s through to the 1980s were shaped by both technological and political factors and came into being in a civilianmilitary interaction. The author argues that national tele administrations in Western Europe became involved in a new kind of transnational ’system-building’, since NATO’s internal communications largely relied on national resources. As the dissertation shows, this raised a number of dilemmas in Denmark on how to balance civilian-military communication needs, national security, and commercial interests. However, it also provided opportunities for prioritising civilian aspects in the extensive defence build-up. Moreover, the dissertation shows how new perceptions of vulnerability were integrated into communications planning in response to the nuclear threat – and directly catalysed by the NATO membership – but also how the perception of vulnerability was broadened over time to include many peacetime scenarios. In this way, the governance of telecommunications security extended beyond the security challenges directly related to the Cold War. In documenting a hitherto unexplored aspect of Cold War preparedness planning, the dissertation offers historical perspectives to ongoing discussions on the governance of critical infrastructures. Resumé Ph.d.-afhandlingen Nuclear-proof communications? undersøger, hvordan Den Kolde Krig bibragte telekommunikationsområdet en ny sikkerhedspolitisk dimension. Ved hjælp af begrebet ‘technopolitics’ analyserer afhandlingen, hvordan forskellige tiltag til at forbinde og beskytte telekommunikationerne i NATO og et af medlemslandene, Danmark, fra slutningen af 1940erne og frem til 1980erne var formet af både teknologiske og politiske faktorer og blev til i et samspil mellem militære og civile myndigheder. Forfatteren argumenterer for, at teleadministrationerne i de vesteuropæiske NATO-lande blev involveret i en ny form for transnational ’system-building’, da NATO’s interne kommunikation i høj grad var baseret på nationale ressourcer. Afhandlingen viser, hvordan dette medførte en række dilemmaer i Danmark omhandlende balanceringen af civile-militære kommunikationsbehov, national sikkerhed og kommercielle interesser, men også muliggjorde prioritering af civile aspekter som en del af den omfattende forsvarsopbygning. Derudover viser afhandlingen, hvordan nye opfattelser af sårbarhed blev tænkt ind i kommunikationsplanlægningen som en konsekvens af atomtruslen – og direkte foranlediget af NATO-medlemsskabet – men også hvordan opfattelsen af sårbarhed over tid blev udvidet til at inkludere mange fredstidsscenarier. På denne måde rakte den sikkerhedspolitiske styring af teleområdet ud over de sikkerhedsmæssige udfordringer direkte relateret til Den Kolde Krig. Ved at dokumentere et hidtil uudforsket aspekt af beredskabsplanlægningen under Den Kolde Krig leverer afhandlingen historiske perspektiver til nuværende diskussioner om sikring af samfundskritisk infrastruktur. Once printed, the theis will be available for review at Copenhagen University Library. Assessment Committee Professor Poul Villaume (University of Copenhagen) Dr. Elizabeth Bruton (Science Museum, London) Dr. Magnus Linnarsson (Stockholm University) Head of defense Associate Professor Rasmus Mariager (University of Copenhagen) The event will take place at ENIGMA - Museum for Post, Tele og Kommunikation, Øster Allé 1 and be held in English. At the reception following the defense it will be possible to ask questions in Danish to the research project. Registration Admittance to the PhD defense is free of charge. However registration in advance is mandatory. See the ENIGMA web page (in Danish only) for further details." "Punk Art: An Exploration";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-02-22";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 21.0.54 (Multisalen)";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Marie Arleth Skov.";"Four case studies from London, West Berlin, Amsterdam, and Copenhagen, 1974-1984 Public Defence of PhD thesis by Marie Arleth Skov. Abstract Punk was visual as much as it was musical. Nonetheless, art history has been late to join other punk scholarship disciplines. The thesis Punk Art: An Exploration looks at the methods, viewpoints, and subject matter of punk art. This exploration is divided into an initial general outline of the history, conflicts, and key features in punk and, secondly, a case-based analysis of four artists groups, each considered within their local punk art scene, located in Western Europe in the time frame 1974 to 1984. The hybrid nature of the punk movement is emphasized: It is thus a crucial point that punk not only transgresses the boundaries between music, poetry, fashion, and visual art, but also between lifestyle, activism, and art. Furthermore, the dissertation shows how punk art is highly involved with the concept of history and how artists involved with punk engaged artistically with prior art movements – especially, but not exclusively, those of the interwar avant-gardes and their re-iterations in the 1960s. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Kristin Veel (University of Copenhagen) Professor Jacob Wamberg (Aarhus University) Dr Matt Lodder (Essex University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Devika Sharma (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Karen Blixens Vej 1 " "The Great and Little Tradition in the Roman World";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-02-14";"14:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Kristian Kanstrup Christensen.";"A Study of the Conditions and Limits of Cultural Integration Public Defence of PhD thesis by Kristian Kanstrup Christensen. Abstract This dissertation investigates the cultural interaction that took place within the Roman Empire as Roman traditions and the cultures of provincial communities encountered one another. In earlier scholarship these encounters were cast as ‘Romanization,’ but increasing criticism over the last decades has shown this concept to be problematic. In its stead, scholars have proposed a range of theoretical concepts. Some of these have emphasized the wide-ranging cultural interaction taking place within the empire, others the unequal status of these different cultures. The dissertation seeks to construct a middle position between these two poles, and produce the framework for a cultural history that may capture both aspects of Roman imperialism: the abundance of contacts between cultures and also the hierarchy in which they existed. For this purpose, the study employs the model of the great and little tradition, designed by the anthropologists Robert Redfield and McKim Marriott. This model envisages agrarian civilisation as always consisting of two traditions. The great tradition is the culture of the elite, and it is standardised and codified by literature. The little tradition is the culture of the local communities. It exists in the oral sphere, and is therefore prone to change over time or from place to place. The dissertation argues that the establishment of the Roman Empire produced a significant cultural interaction throughout the affected communities. This interaction affected local cultures deeply, at times even transforming them. However, full participation in the culture of the ruling elite was only possible for a small segment of the provincial populations. Therefore, encounter with the Roman elite traditions did not lead to the demise of the local cultural world. Resumé Denne afhandling undersøger den kulturelle interaktion, der foregik inden for Romerrigets grænser, hvor romerske traditioner og provinsernes lokale kulturer mødte hinanden. I tidligere forskning er disse møder blevet italesat som ‘romanisering.’ Imidlertid er dette begreb inden for de sidste årtier i stigende grad blevet opfattet som problematisk. Forskere har foreslået en række teoretiske begreber som alternativ. Det har skabt to forskellige strømninger: én der lægger vægt på den omfattende kulturudveksling, der foregik i Romerriget, og én, der lægger vægt på de ulige magtforhold imellem kulturer i imperiet. Denne afhandling forsøger at etablere en mellemposition, og skabe rammerne for en kulturhistorie, der kan omfavne begge disse aspekter ved romersk imperialisme: den omfattende kulturelle interaktion og det hierarki som de forskellige kulturer eksisterede i. Til dette formål gør afhandlingen brug af antropologerne Robert Redfield og McKim Marriotts model ‘den store og lille tradition’. Ifølge denne model består agrare civilisationer altid af to traditioner. Den store tradition er elitens kultur. Den er forankret i litteratur og er derfor udpræget statisk. Den lille tradition er til gengæld bøndernes kultur. Den overleveres mundtligt og den forandrer sig derfor over tid. Afhandlingen argumenterer for at Romerrigets opståen forårsagede en omfattende kulturel interaktion for de berørte samfund. Denne interaktion påvirkede lokale kulturer dybt og forandrede dem nogle gange radikalt. Fuldgyldig deltagelse i den romerske elites kultur forblev imidlertid et privilegium for de få. Derfor medførte den kulturelle interaktion aldrig de lokale kulturers forsvinden. Assessment Committee Professor Vincent Gabrielsen (Chairman) (University of Copenhagen) Professor Luuk de Ligt (University of Leiden) Professor Myles Lavan (University of St. Andrews) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Christian Ammitzbøll Thomsen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Saxo-Institute, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Foundations of Evaluative Criteria in Rhetorical Criticism";"Faculty of Humanities";"2019-02-01";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.50";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Sune Holm Pedersen.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Sune Holm Pedersen. Abstract The dissertation is a meta-critical inquiry into the theoretical foundations of evaluative criteria in rhetorical criticism. The dissertation proposes an answer to the questions of the origins of evaluative criteria in rhetorical criticism and how their appropriateness in relation to rhetorical objects can be justified. In order to answer these questions, the dissertation discusses historical, theoretical/methodological, and analytical issues. The historical part of the dissertation investigates a claim by several prominent rhetoricians about a decline in evaluative rhetorical criticism during the twentieth century. It is concluded that a conception of rhetorical criticism without evaluation at its center seems to arise around 1970, but also that rhetorical scholars since Wichelns may have emphasized evaluation more in their programmatic writings than in actual critical practice. It is also argued that a solid theoretical basis for evaluative rhetorical criticism is a necessary condition for its legitimacy in an academic context. The theoretical/methodological part of the dissertation proposes that ‘function’ and related notions may explain the origin and appropriateness of evaluative criteria in rhetorical criticism. It further proposes that ‘rational reconstruction’ is a suitable methodological approach for examining how the concept of function may be used to solve the problems of origin and appropriateness. The analytical part of the dissertation examines how four critics/theorists (Wichelns, Auer, Kock, Patterson) base their evaluative reasoning on four difference conceptions of function, which they use to derive evaluative criteria and justify the appropriateness of these criteria. The dissertation concludes that the concept of function constitutes one key notion in the pursuit of answers to some foundational questions in rhetorical criticism: Where evaluative criteria come from and how their appropriateness can be justified. Resumé Afhandlingen er en meta-kritisk undersøgelse af det teoretiske grundlag for vurderingskriterier i retorisk kritik. Afhandlingen giver et svar på, hvor vurderingskriterier i retorisk kritik kan komme fra, og hvordan deres hensigtsmæssighed i forhold til retoriske objekter kan underbygges. For at besvare disse spørgsmål diskuterer afhandlingen historiske, teoretiske/metodiske og analytiske problemstillinger. I den historiske del af afhandlingen undersøges en påstand fremført af flere fremtrædende retorikere om en tilbagegang i vurderende retorisk kritik i løbet af det tyvende århundrede. Det konkluderes bl.a., at der omkring 1970 tilsyneladende opstod en forståelse af retorisk kritik uden vurdering i centrum. Samtidig påpeges at retorikere siden Wichelns måske har lagt mere vægt på evaluering i programmatiske skrifter frem for i egentlig kritisk praksis. Der argumenteres også for, at et solidt teoretisk grundlag for vurderende retorisk kritik er en nødvendig betingelse for dens berettigelse i akademisk sammenhæng. I den teoretiske/metodiske del af afhandlingen foreslås, at ’funktion’ og relaterede begreber kan forklare oprindelsen og hensigtsmæssigheden af vurderingskriterier i retorisk kritik. Det foreslås også, at ’rationel rekonstruktion’ er et egnet metodisk redskab til at belyse, hvordan forskellige varianter af funktionsbegrebet kan anvendes i vurderende kritik til at opstille kriterier og underbygge kriteriernes hensigtsmæssighed. I den analytiske del af afhandlingen belyses nærmere, hvordan fire kritikere/teoretikere (Wichelns, Kock, Auer, Patterson) baserer deres vurderingstænkning på fire forskellige funktionsbegreber, som de anvender til at opstille vurderingskriterier og underbygge hensigtsmæssigheden af kriterierne. Afhandlingen konkluderer, at funktionsbegrebet udgør én nøgle til at besvare grundlæggende teoretiske spørgsmål om retorisk kritik: hvor vurderingskriterier i retorisk kritik kan komme fra, og hvordan deres hensigtsmæssighed i forhold til retoriske objekter kan underbygges. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Hanne Roer, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Jean Goodwin (North Carolina State University) Professor Jens E. Kjeldsen (University of Bergen) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Lisa Villadsen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Karen Blixens Vej 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "The contrast between states-of-affairs and propositions in clausal complementation";"Faculty of Humanities";"2018-12-18";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Marie-Louise Lind Sørensen.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Marie-Louise Lind Sørensen. Abstract This thesis is a crosslinguistic study of the semantic contrast between states-of-affairs and propositions in clausal complementation. The aim of the thesis is to provide a cognitive-functional analysis of grammatical contrasts between clausal complements expressing states-of-affairs and propositions. The following questions are addressed: 1) To what extent does the distinction between states-of-affairs and propositions motivate grammatical contrasts in clausal complementation? 2) What is the status of reported speech in a typology of complementation based on the contrast between states-of-affairs and propositions? and 3) How can the contrast between states-of-affairs and propositions be used as a point of departure for describing the system of complementation in a specific language? The thesis presents a crosslinguistic study of a sample of 173 languages and a descriptive study of clausal complementation in the Bantu language Ruuli. Resumé Afhandlingen er et tværsprogligt studie af den semantiske kontrast mellem sagforhold og propositioner. Formålet med afhandlingen er at fremsætte en kognitiv-funktionel analyse af grammatiske kontraster mellem komplementsætninger, der gengiver henholdsvis sagforhold og propositioner. De følgende spørgsmål søges besvaret: 1) I hvilket omfang motiverer den semantiske kontrast mellem sagforhold og propositioner grammatiske kontraster i komplementsætninger? 2) Hvilken rolle spiller gengivet tale i en komplementeringstypologi baseret på sagforhold og propositioner? og 3) Hvordan kan kontrasten mellem sagforhold og propositioner bruges i beskrivelsen af komplementering i et specifikt sprog? For at besvare disse spørgsmål anvender afhandlingen et tværsprogligt studie af et sample på 173 sprog og et deskriptivt studie af bantusproget ruuli. Assessment Committee Professor Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Senior Researcher Natalia Serdobolskaya (Russian State University for the Humanities) Dr Petar Kehayov (Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Jan Heegaard Petersen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Emil Holms Kanal 2, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "Facebook og stile";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2018-12-18";"13.00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Lene Rotne forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"En undersøgelse af hvordan en gruppe danske og italienske unge skriver på Facebook og i stile og derigennem udtrykker identitet Lene Rotne forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé Unges sprog og unges skriftlige kompetencer er emner der ofte diskuteres både i Danmark og Italien. I denne afhandling undersøger jeg hvordan en gruppe danske og italienske unge i alderen 14-18 år skriver på Facebook og i stile, hvorfor de skriver som de gør i de to medier, samt hvordan de håndterer skiftet fra det ene medium til det andet. Afhandlingen kan på den måde bl.a. vise om der er grund til at være bekymret for en indflydelse fra sproget de unge anvender på Facebook, den kan vise hvordan det står til med de unges sprog når de skriver stile, og den kan pege på interessante forskelle landene imellem og vise om man fx i skolesystemerne i de to lande kan lære noget af hinanden. Bedømmelsesudvalget Lektor Janus Mortensen, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor Iørn Korzen (Copenhagen Business School) Lektor Tina Thode Hougaard (Aarhus Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Robert Rix (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Engelske, Germanske og Romanske Studier, Emil Holms Kanal 6." "Intellectual self-knowledge in Latin commentaries on Aristotle’s De anima from 1250 to 1320";"Faculty of Humanities";"2018-12-17";"15:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Michael Stenskjær Christensen.";"Qualitative and quantitative analyses Public Defence of PhD thesis by Michael Stenskjær Christensen. Abstract The dissertation analyses the question “how can reason reflect on itself?” in the medieval interpretations of Aristotle’s De anima. It provides an overview over the included Latin commentator’s philosophical arguments concerning intellectual self-reflection and the development of the problem from antiquity until the Middle Ages. It also presents methods for qualitative and quantitative interpretation of text networks that have not previously been applied within the subject. Resumé Afhandlingen præsenterer en filosofihistorisk analyse af spørgsmålet “hvordan kan fornuften reflektere over sig selv?” i den middelalderlige fortolkning af Aristoteles' Om sjælen. Analysen giver et overblik over de latinske kommentatoreres filosofiske argumenter vedrørende intellektuel selvrefleksion, samt problemets udvikling frem til middelalderen. Desuden præsenteres metoder til kvantitativ og kvalitativ fortolkning af komplekse tekster som ikke før er anvendt inden for emneområdet. Download dissertation (pdf) Assessment Committee Associate Professor Heine Hansen, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Susan Brower-Toland (Saint Louis University) Professor Jack Zupko (University of Alberta) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Thomas Heine Nielsen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Saxo Institute, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Studies in the transmission history of Hrómundar saga Greipssonar";"Faculty of Humanities";"2018-12-14";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.50";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Katarzyna Kapitan.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Katarzyna Kapitan. Abstract The present study examines the transmission history of the story of Hrómundur Gr(e)ipssoninIcelandic. It investigates four works dealing with the story of Hrómundur: two in metrical from, Griplur and Hrómundar rímur Greipssonar (RHG), and two in prose, the seventeenth-century saga (17HsG) and the nineteenth-century saga (19HsG). The focus of the study is the existing tradition of the story of Hrómundur and not a quest for the lost medieval saga, which has been the subject of most previous research. Various manifestations of the story are examined from the perspective of material-philological transmission studies: an approach developed at the crossroads of material philology and transmission history. One of the most significant findings to result from this study is the discovery of a new Hrómundarsaga Greipssonar (19HsG), previously unknown to scholarship. While 17HsG appears to be a summary of the rímur, presumablymadein response to seventeenth-century antiquarian interest in the history of Scandinavia, 19HsG seems to be an attempt to write an entertaining saga with a strong narrative thread, but with little regard for faithfulness to the sources. The saga-writer of 19HsG freely utilized both Griplur and the older saga in order to create a coherent narrative about Hrómundur. At the same time, the saga-writer also added material, the origins of which certainly lie outside the HsG-tradition as we know it today. The results of the present research are not limited to 19HsG, however. Through an analysis of textual and material features of the saga, 19HsG has been placed in the broader context of other works that tell the story of Hrómundur and the manuscripts that preserve them. While the relationship between Griplur and 17HsG was already well established in previous scholarship, this study expands the knowledge of Hrómundur related material by revealing the relationships among all four manifestations of the story, as well as establishing the first complete stemmas of 17HsG and Griplur. Resumé Den foreliggende afhandling undersøger transmissionshistorien af fortællingerne om Hrómundur Gr(e)ipsson på islandsk. Den undersøger fire værker om Hrómundur: to i metrisk form (rímur), Griplur og Hrómundar rímur Greipssonar (RHG), og to i prosa, 1600-talssagaen (17HsG) og 1800-talssagaen (19HsG). Afhandlingens fokus er de overleverede historier om Hrómundur og ikke et forsøg på at studere den tabte middelalderlige saga, som var målet for tidligere forskning. Undersøgelsen af historiens forskellige manifestationer tager udgangspunkt i materialfilologiske transmissionsstudier, en tilgang udviklet i krydsfeltet mellem materialfilologi og transmissionshistorie. Et af undersøgelses væsentligste forskningsresultater er opdagelsen af en ny saga, Hrómundarsaga Greipssonar (19HsG), der tidligere var ukendt. Mens 17HsG viser sig at være et resumé af rímur, som formodentligt blev udført som svar på 1600-tallets antikvariske interesse i Skandinaviens ældre historie, synes 19HsG at være et forsøg på at skrive en underholdende saga med en stærk fortællende tråd, der er mindre tro mod kilderne. Sagaskriveren af 19HsG benyttede både Griplur og den ældre saga for at skabe en sammenhængende fortælling om Hrómundur. Samtidig tilføjede han materiale, hvis oprindelse ligger uden for HsG-traditionen, som vi kender den i dag. Resultaterneafdenneundersøgelseerimidlertidikkebegrænsettil19HsG.Gennem analysen af sagaens tekstuelle og materielle egenskaber placeres 19HsG i en bredere sammenhæng af andre værker, der fortæller historien om Hrómundur, og håndskrifterne der indeholder dem. Mens forholdet mellem Griplur og 17HsG allerede var eletableret i tidligerestudier, udvider dette studiekendskabet til Hrómundur-relateret materiale ved at påvise forholdet mellem alle fire manifestationer af historien, ligesom studietetablererdeførstekomplettestemmaerfor17HsGogGriplur. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Anne Mette Hansen, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Shaun F. D. Hughes (Purdue University) Senior Researcher Svanhildur Óskarsdóttir (Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies) Moderator of defence Head of Department John. E. Andersen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S ." "Situated practices in global projects";"Faculty of Humanities";"2018-12-12";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Liv Otto Hassert.";"Interactionally managing uncertainty and ambiguity Public Defence of PhD thesis by Liv Otto Hassert. Abstract Projects are complex work contexts. This dissertation explores the practices of projects by examining how project members through situated interactions create meaning in their complex work context and how they handle different types of uncertainties and ambiguities in practice. The empirical material was collected within Maersk Line IT, who is the industrial partner of this PhD study. The dissertation applies an ethnomethodological framework and is centred on three analyses that illustrate how project actors handle different types of uncertainties and ambiguities. Through micro-analysis of meeting interaction, in particular, the analytical chapters show how project teams create order in their daily, complex work context, how project members handle different types of unexpected problems in their work and the uncertainties created by these problems, as well as how project actors handle relational ambiguity in complex project contexts. By studying the situated practices in projects, this study contributes with a deeper understanding of how project practices as such are performed in practice. Across the analyses, membership knowledge and competencies are shown to be central for being able to produce these management mechanisms and thus essential for managing and making sense of the complex work setting. Theoretically, the dissertation contributes to project research, especially to the project-as-practice field, by showing the situated, interactional practices that the project actors perform, how meaning and order are created through these practices, and how the practices are performed as 'ordinary' in the overall project practice. Resumé Projekter er komplekse arbejdskontekster. Denne afhandling går tæt på praksis og undersøger hvordan projektmedlemmer situationelt i deres interaktionen skaber mening i deres komplekse arbejdskontekst, og hvordan de håndterer forskellige former for usikkerheder og ambiguiteter i praksis. Det empiriske materiale er indsamlet i Maersk Line IT, som udgør den industrielle partner i dette ph.d.-projekt. Afhandlingen anlægger et etnometodologisk perspektiv og er centreret om tre analyser, der fra forskellige vinkler søger at besvare, hvordan projektaktører håndterer usikkerheder og ambiguiteter. Gennem særligt mikroanalyser af mødeinteraktion, afdækker analysekapitlerne, hvordan projektteams skaber orden i deres daglige, komplekse arbejdskontekst, hvordan projektmedlemmer håndterer forskellige former for uventede problemer i deres arbejde og de usikkerheder disse problemer skaber, samt hvordan projektaktører forholder sig til og håndterer relationel ambiguitet i komplekse projektkontekster. Ved at studere de situerede praksisser i projekter bidrager dette studie til en forbedret forståelse af, hvordan projektpraksis reelt udføres. På tværs af analyserne illustreres det, hvordan medlemskompetencer og -viden er nødvendige for at kunne producere disse håndteringsmekanismer og dermed er essentielle for kunne håndtere og skabe mening i det komplekse. Teoretisk bidrager afhandlingen til projekt-forskningsfeltet, og særligt til praksisorienterede grene af dette forskningsfelt, ved at vise de situerede, interaktionelle praksisser som projektaktørerne udfører, hvordan mening og orden skabes gennem disse, samt hvordan de situerede praksisser udføres som en ’normal’ del af den overordnede projektpraksis. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Brian Lystgaard Due, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Birte Asmuß (Aarhus University) Professor Markus Hällgren (Umeå University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Gitte Gravengaard (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Emil Holms Kanal 2 " "The Cocoa Complex";"Faculty of Humanities";"2018-12-06";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Martin Arvad Nicolaisen.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Martin Arvad Nicolaisen. Abstract For more than a Century cocoa has constituted the primary export crop of both Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, yet the consumption of chocolate products has remained very low across both nations. Focusing on Ghana in particular this thesis attempts to answer the question of how then cocoa attains value and significance to people if not as a consumable good? The theoretical frame for this work is primarily a critical discussion of a number of academic approaches to ‘value’, on the basis of which the thesis’ author proposes to engage the analytical term ‘spatialized value’. This term implies the identification of numerous boundary enactments that serve in different ways to delimit or enable the spaces of significance and value affordable to the natural good which both the anthropologist and his informants recognize as ‘cocoa’. The thesis thus discusses a number of situations in which cocoa is valuated in terms of shifting spatial capacities. In terms of ethnographic material, this thesis is based on engagements with farmers on cocoa plantations and communities in the direct vicinity of the southern Ghana-Côte d’Ivoire border, talks with rural cocoa depot workers and border officials, journeys with cross-country cocoa truckers, and interviews with portside government officials. The thesis seeks to investigate the contemporary Ghanaian cocoa production practices through notions of spatiality and time borne out of both colonial legacies and pre-colonial traditions, an inquiry that entails land disputes, religious devotion, practices of corruption, and more. What emerges through the analysis is a nuanced insight into cocoa as a complex locus for generating meaning and value among people of southwestern Ghana of the early Twenty-first Century – a picture that takes the reader much beyond any simple ideas of a neat global commodity chain. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Mark Vacher, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Brenda Chalfin (University of Florida) Professor Paul Nugent (University of Edinburgh) Moderator of the defence Professor Tine Damsholt (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Saxo Institute, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Reading the Signs";"The Faculty of Humanities";"2018-11-26";"14:15";"2018-11-26";"";"South Campus, Buildling 23, Auditorium 23.0.49 ";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Karsten Johanning.";"Hierarchy, Ambiguity, and Cosmopolitanism in the Roman Empire and Early India Public Defence of PhD thesis by Karsten Johanning. Abstract This thesis confronts the issue of cultural elite integration in the early and high Roman empire (c. first three centuries AD) in a new way. Attempting to bypass earlier and present discussions about Romanization, identity, and globalization, the approach chosen here – inspired by the Indologist Sheldon Pollock – uses the literary properties of three ancient prestige languages (Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin) as a model for elite interaction. This is because the fixity of writing, combined with the stable grammatical and aesthetic properties of prestige languages, made them learnable and movable media, connecting imperial elites across long distances in cosmopolitan, or translocal, communities. In my comparative analyses of literature from ancient Rome and India, I argue that a central ability of these respective elites was to read signs in courtly, civic, and religious settings – and in ways that integrated both hierarchy and ambiguity. Resumé Denne afhandling angriber spgsmålet om Romerrigets kulturelle integration af eliter i tidlig kejsertid (ca. 1.‐3. årh. e.Kr.) på en ny måde. I et forsg på at omgå tidligere og nuværende forklaringsrammer som fx romanisering, identitet og globalisering, har min tilgang her – inspireret af indologen Sheldon Pollock – brugt de litterære egenskaber af tre antikke ’prestigesprog’ (sanskrit, oldgræsk og latin) som model for social interaktion. Fastlåsningen vha. skrift, kombineret med prestigesprogenes stabile grammatiske og æstetiske egenskaber, gjorde dem nemlig flytbare i tid og sted, så sprogene kunne læres af – og forbinde – imperiale eliter i kosmopolitiske, translokale fællesskaber. Centralt i mine komparative analyser af litteratur fra det antikke Rom og Indien står disse respektive eliters evne til at læse tegn i sociale sammenhænge; især hof, by og religion. Her var hierarki og tvetydighed helt integrerede strelser. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Jane Fejfer, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Greg Woolf (University of London) Professor Daud Ali (University of Pennsylvania) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Mogens Pelt (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the SAXO Institute, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Dansk akademisk ordforråd";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet ";"2018-11-23";"13.00";"2018-11-23";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Anne Sofie Jakobsen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Fire undersøgelser af ordene i dansk akademisk skriftsprog Anne Sofie Jakobsen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé Akademiske ordlister udviklet for engelsk, svensk og norsk har bidraget betydeligt til forståelsen af akademisk ordforråd i disse sprog. Denne ph.d.-afhandling præsenterer fire undersøgelser hvis overordnede mål det har været at identificere og beskrive dansk akademisk ordforråd samt at udvikle en dansk akademisk ordliste. Til dette formål blev der indsamlet og dannet et skriftligt akademisk korpus på 3 millioner ord, AkaDan-korpusset, samt to mindre korpusser indeholdende akademisk og alment skriftligt dansk. Resultaterne af de fire undersøgelser bidrager til vores forståelse af akademisk ordforråd generelt og af dansk akademisk ordforåd i særdeleshed og har betydning for undervisningen og tilegnelsen af akademisk dansk for både L1 og L2 studerende og lærende idet resultaterne kan anvendes til udvikling af pædagogiske redskaber og undervisningsmaterialer med et eksplicit fokus på ordforråd. Abstract Academic vocabulary lists developed for English, Norwegian and Swedish have advanced our understanding of the lexical inventories in these languages. This PhD thesis presents four studies aimed at identifying and describing Danish academic vocabulary and includes the development of a Danish academic word list. To accomplish this aim, a corpus of 3 million words of written academic Danish, the AcaDan Corpus, was compiled together with two smaller corpora of written academic and general Danish. The findings of these four studies advance our understanding of academic vocabulary, in general, and of Danish academic vocabulary, in particular. Moreover, this research has pedagogical implications for the teaching of academic Danish to both L1 and L2 students and learners as it offers a basis for the development of pedagogical tools and teaching material with an explicit focus on vocabulary. Bedømmelsesudvalget Professor Frans Gregersen, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor Anne Golden (Universitetet i Oslo) Professor Tess Fitzpatrick (Swansea University) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Institutleder Jørn Boisen (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån inden forsvaret på Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, Søndre Campus og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk." "Adaptive Agency and Arab American Womanhood 1893-1967";"Faculty of Humanities";"2018-11-02";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-69";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Martina Koegeler-Abdi.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Martina Koegeler-Abdi. Abstract In her dissertation “Adaptive Agency and Arab American Womanhood, 1893–1967” Martina Koegeler-Abdi develops new perspectives on the cultural history of early Syrian American communities. Her analysis focuses on women’s cultural agency in managing both community formation and the ambivalences of US racial formations. Assessment Committee Deputy Head Robert William Jensen-Rix, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Carol Fadda-Conrey (Syracuse University) Professor Heike Paul (Friedrich-Alexander University) Moderator of the defence Head of Department Jørn Boisen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, German and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6 " "De værdige gamle";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2018-10-29";"13:00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Anders Møller forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Om alderdomskonfigurerende praksisser i Danmark omkring år 1900 Anders Møller forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé I 1891 blev Lov om Alderdomsunderstøttelse for værdige trængende udenfor Fattigvæsenet vedtaget. Loven var rettet mod mennesker der opfyldte en række krav: De skulle bl.a. være over 60 år, have levet et værdigt liv og måtte ikke modtage fattighjælp. Loven gjorde det for første gang muligt at modtage hjælp som gammel uden fattighjælpens tab af rettigheder. I afhandlingen udfolder jeg, at der med dette tiltag blev skabt en ny befolkningsgruppe. Det var ikke en lov, der refererede til en naturlig og given alderdom. Derimod undersøger jeg, hvordan loven medførte en række tiltag, der frembragte alderdom som et offentligt anliggende og en særlig befolkning. Jeg udfolder i afhandlingen, hvordan det konkret foregik i form af lovgivning, sagsbehandling, vidensarbejde og byggeri af hjem for gamle. Analyserne viser overordnet set, at alderdom blev gjort på en række måder, der skabte en ny gammel befolkning, hvor de berørte borgere nu blev kategoriseret som værdige, trængende alderdomsunderstøttede. Afhandlingens analyser udfolder i detaljer, at det ikke foregik på én måde eller udelukkende i modsætning til fattighjælpen, men i en sammenvævning af forskellige praksisser, der hver især frembragte en beslægtet, men dog forskellig, alderdom. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Signe Mellemgaard, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor Lars-Eric Jönsson (Lunds Universitet) Lektor Mikkel Thelle (Aarhus Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Professor David Bloch (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån inden forsvaret på Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, Søndre Campus og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Saxo-Instituttet (SAXO), Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 København S." "Car Wash, Crisis, and Political Cataclysm: Corruption Narratives in the Brazilian Mediascape";"Faculty of Humanities";"2018-10-24";"10:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Mads Bjelke Damgaard.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Mads Bjelke Damgaard. Abstract A wave of corruption disclosure, leaks, and media exposés engulfed the Brazilian democracy in the period 2014–2018. Below the surface of an uncommonly successful investigation into high-level corruption, undercurrents of political crisis swept President Dilma Rousseff from office through impeachment proceedings. Rousseff was ousted in 2016 by members of the political elite - themselves embroiled in the scandal going by the name of Operação Lava-Jato or “Operation Car Wash” – long before she even became indicted in the corruption case. Thus, the scandal featured a curious temporality and a displacement of crisis that dragged Rousseff, her popular presidential predecessor Lula and their party with it in the undertow. The media built up a crisis of increasing complexity as the investigations became ever more widespread in an avalanche of evidence and plea bargains. This thesis analyzes the Lava-Jato scandal as a textual system, unfolding in the Brazilian mediascape and governed by a set of narrative structures. Countering the existing hesitance of media studies to draw in narrative theory, the thesis constructs a theoretical and methodological foundation to analyze intertextual narrative structures emerging in a distributed manner across a system of news texts dealing with scandal. With this, the thesis attempts to answer why the Lava-Jato scandal ended with such surprising and self-contradictory results, and how, theoretically, narrative theory can contribute to the field of scandal studies. Inspired by Frederick Jameson’s reading of Greimas, it is argued that the intertextual narratives that underpin the production of news texts on scandal constrain and co-constitute the field of political action. Thus, to understand the outcomes of the Lava-Jato scandal, it is necessary to analyze how the disequilibrium of Brazilian democracy was symbolically solved in the narratives interpreting the scandals and the impeachment. Resumé En bølge af korruptionsafsløringer ramte Brasilien i 2014-2018. I kølvandet på en usædvanligt effektiv politiundersøgelse af politisk korruption blev landets præsident, Dilma Rousseff, suget med af bølgen og afsat gennem en rigsretssag i 2016. Bag rigsretssagen stod medlemmer af den politiske elite som selv var under efterforskning i sagskomplekset kendt som Operation Bil-Vask (Operação Lava-Jato), men afsættelsen fandt sted før Rousseff blev sigtet for korruption. Både Rousseff, hendes folkekære forgænger Lula og deres parti blev trukket med af skandalens bemærkelsesværdige temporalitet og transponering af krisestemning. Mens politiundersøgelsernes net blev bredere og bredere, byggede medierne en stadigt større og mere kompleks fortælling op om korruptionen på det højeste politiske niveau. I denne afhandling afdækkes måden hvorpå Lava-Jato skandalens tekst-system udfoldede sig igennem narrative strukturer i Brasiliens medielandskab. Trods modviljen mod narrativ teori i gængse medie-teoretiske tilgange opbygges der i afhandlingen et teoretisk og metodisk grundlag til at analysere den slags intertekstuelle narrative strukturer som opstår i et distribueret tekstunivers på tværs af nyheder om skandaler. På dette fundament forsøger afhandlingen at besvare hvorfor Lava-Jato skandalen højst overraskende betød at en korrupt vicepræsident kunne overtage magten i Brasilien. Teoretisk består bidraget i at afdække hvordan skandalestudier kan integrere narrativ teori. Med afsæt i Frederick Jamesons læsning af Greimas hævdes det her at intertekstuelle narrativer i nyhederne former og begrænser de politiske handlerum. Derfor må man forstå hvordan Brasiliens demokratiske systems uligevægt forsøges løst i disse narrativer for at forstå hvordan rigsretssagen og skandalerne udviklede sig, som de gjorde. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Jan Gustafsson, chairman (Universitet of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Mauro Porto (Tulane University) Associate Professor Ester Pollack (Stockholm University) Moderator of defence Head of Department Jørn Boisen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Improving natural language processing with human data: Eye tracking and other data sources reflecting cognitive text processing";"Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics";"2018-10-04";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Maria Barrett.";"Public Defence of PhD thesis by Maria Barrett. Abstract When humans perform everyday tasks like reading, speaking, and writing, they cognitively also complete many of the tasks that natural language processing strives for computers to replicate. The traces of human cognitive processing can be collected in various data sources such as eye tracking during reading, keystroke logs from typing and acoustic cues, where milliseconds matter. This thesis shows that there is an unused potential for utilizing eye tracking and other data sources reflecting human cognitive processing of text for natural language processing. This thesis presents several studies where traces of human text processing can be used to improve a broad range of established natural language processing tasks. The tasks span part-of-speech induction, syntactic parsing, sentiment classification, grammatical error detection and detection of abusive language. The thesis furthermore demonstrates some transfer across related languages by using English eye-tracking recordings to improve French part-of-speech induction. Technology for recording keystroke logs and prosody features is already common. And the recent advancements of low-cost eye tracking technology promise eye-tracking data to be available in larger quantities, also for low-resource languages. Real-world eye-tracking data poses new challenges compared to laboratory data. One study in this thesis presents first evidence that despite the noise and idiosyncrasies, real-world reading data recorded with a consumer-grade eye tracker can be modelled in machine learning models. Assessment Committee Senior Researcher Patrizia Paggio, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Jonas Kuhn (Universität Stuttgart) Lecturer Aline Villavicencio (University of Essex) Moderator of the defence Deputy Head of Department Bolette Sandford Pedersen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Njalsgade 136 " "Leadership Development as Organisational Rehabilitation: Shaping Middle-Managers as Double Agents";"Copenhagen Business School";"2018-09-21";"14";"";"16";"Copenhagen Business School, Solbjerg Plads 3, room SPs14";"PhD defence by Roderick Peter Walker.";"In order to obtain the PhD degree, Roderick Peter Walker has submitted his thesis entitled: Leadership Development as Organisational Rehabilitation: Shaping Middle-Managers as Double Agents Abstract (pdf) Primary Supervisor:- Associate Professor Morten Knudsen (Copenhagen Business School) Secondary Supervisor:- Professor Karen Borgnakke (University of Copenhagen) Assessment Committee:- Associate Professor Lise Justesen, chair (Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School )- Professor Bente Elkjær (Danish School of Education, Aarhus University)- Associate Professor Gareth Edwards (Bristol Business School, University of the West of England) The thesis will be available from http://openarchive.cbs.dk" """Listen, why should I care?""";"Faculty of Humanities";"2018-09-18";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Brittany Delmoro Damm Wray defends her PhD thesis.";"Emotion, Affect, and Expert Participation in Public Engagement about Synthetic Biology Brittany Delmoro Damm Wray defends her PhD thesis. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Adam Bencard, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Bruce Lewenstein (via Skype) (Cornell University) Professor Mike Michael (University of Exeter) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Stine Lomborg (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Urban Assemblages and Embodied Memory in Post-Socialist Tashkent";"Faculty of Humanities";"2018-06-27";"10:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Nikolaos Olma defends his PhD thesis.";"Nikolaos Olma defends his PhD thesis. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Vera Skvirskaja, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Catherine Alexander (Durham University) Professor Ger Duijzings (Universität Regensburg) Moderator of the defence Professor Catharina Raudvere (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Plads 8 " "Parent-implemented focused stimulation in toddlers with cleft palate";"Faculty of Humanities";"2018-03-20";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Line Dahl Jørgensen defends her PhD thesis.";"Line Dahl Jørgensen defends her PhD thesis. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Rikke Vang Christensen, formand (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Anders Højen (Aarhus University) Professor Kathy Chapman (University of Utah) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Jenny Iwarsson (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) Athe Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics (NorS), Emil Holms Kanal 2, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Genresignatur. Ukonventionelle genremærkater som retorisk og æstetisk virkemiddel i skønlitteraturen";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2018-01-12";"13:00";"";"16:00";"KU, Søndre Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Jacob Ølgaard Nyboe forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Jacob Ølgaard Nyboe forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Se nærmere på Det Humanistiske Fakultets hjemmeside" "Renegotiating Responsibility";"Faculty of Humanities";"2018-01-04";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Jakob Skovgaard defends his PhD thesis.";"British Anti-Apartheid Consumer Boycott Campaigns, Late 1960s to Early 1990s Jakob Skovgaard defends his PhD thesis. Assessment Committee Professor Stuart Ward, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Håkan Thörn (University of Gothenburg) Professor Louise Bethlehem (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Moderator of defense Head of Department Jørn Boisen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Old Gutnish in a Danish Hand: Studies in the B manuscript of Guta lag";"Faculty of Humanities";"2017-12-04";"14.30";"";"17:30";"UCPH, South Campus, room 4A.0.69";"Seán Douglas Vrieland defends his PhD thesis.";"Seán Douglas Vrieland defends his PhD thesis. More info on the Faculty of Humanities website" "Contestation of citizenship ’from below’: People's notions of justice about migration in the EU";"Faculty of Humanities";"2017-11-22";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 15A-0-13";"Verena K. Brändle defends her PhD thesis.";"Verena K. Brändle defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) Assessment Committee Professor Stig Hjarvard, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Monika Eigmüller (Europa-Universität Flensburg) Research Director Kari Steen-Johnsen (Institute for Social Research, Oslo) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Miklós Áron Sükösd (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Karen Blixens Plads 8. " "Professionsstuderende i det interprofessionelle læringslandskab";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2017-11-22";"13.00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, 27.0.17";"Cathrine Sand Nielsen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Cathrine Sand Nielsen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé (DK) & Abstract (UK) - pdf Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Trine Øland, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor Marit Kirkevold (Oslo Universitet) Professor emeritus Birger Steen Nielsen (Roskilde Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Gerd Christensen (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån inden forsvaret på Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, Søndre Campus og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling (MEF), Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 København S." "The Byzantine Chant Heritage in Sicily";"Faculty of Humanities";"2017-11-16";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Giuseppe Sanfratello defends his PhD thesis.";"Dynamics of oral transmission, musical heterogeneity, techniques of safeguarding Giuseppe Sanfratello defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Tore Tvarnø Lind, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Eustathios Makris (Ionian University) Associate Professor Eleni Kallimopoulou (University of Macedonia) Moderator of the defence Head of Department Anders Holm Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Saxo Institute, Karen Blixens Plads 8. " "Empowering the elderly?";"Faculty of Humanities";"2017-11-08";"14:00";"";"";"South Campus, room 27.0.09";"Amy Clotworthy defends her PhD thesis.";"Amy Clotworthy defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Anne Folke Henningsen, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Paul Higgs (University College London) Professor Tine Tjørnhøj-Thomsen (University of Southern Denmark) Moderator of defence Head of Department Anders Holm Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Saxo-Institute, Karen Blixens Vej 4, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "Inside a contested profession: a comparative study of journalism in Singapore and Vietnam";"Faculty of Humanities";"2017-11-02";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.50 ";"Emilie Tinne Lehmann-Jacobsen defends her PhD thesis.";"Emilie Tinne Lehmann-Jacobsen defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) Assessment Committee Associate Professor Mette Mortensen, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Folker Hanusch (University of Vienna) Associate Professor Poul Erik Nielsen (Aarhus University) Moderator of the defence Professor Hans-Jörg Trenz (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), At the Royal School of Library and Information Science, Njalsgade 76. " "Making it work";"Faculty of Humanities";"2017-10-27";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"South Campus, lecture hall 4A-0-69";"Jonas Cisse Winther defends his PhD thesis.";"Trial Work between Scientific Elegance and Everyday Life Workability Jonas Cisse Winther defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Marie Sandberg, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Tiago Moreira (Durham University) Senior Consultant, PhD, Morten Krogh Petersen (Gemeinschaft A/S) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Bo Fritzbøger (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Saxo-Institute, Karen Blixens Plads 8, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "How to Think Music with Data";"Faculty of Humanities";"2017-10-27";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 4A-0-68";"Jesper Steen Andersen defends his PhD thesis.";"Translating from Audio Content Analysis to Music Analysis Jesper Steen Andersen defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) Assessment Committee Associate Professor Jeppe Nicolaisen, chair (University of Copenhagen) Senior Lecturer Alan Marsden (Lancaster University) Associate Professor Iben Have (Aarhus University) Moderator of the defence PhD coordinator Laura Skouvig (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond), At the Royal School of Library and Information Science, Njalsgade 76. " "Disincarnation: Jack Smith and the character as assemblage";"Faculty of Humanities";"2017-10-10";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11 (KUA1)";"Mette Risgård Tranholm defends her PhD thesis.";"Mette Risgård Tranholm defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Professor Mette Sandbye, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Knut Ove Arntzen (University of Bergen) Dr Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca (University of Surrey) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Karen Vedel (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 1, DK-2300 Copenhagen S. " "PhD-præforsvar ved Nils Voisin Schultz";"Engerom";"2017-09-13";"13:15";"2017-09-13";"15:00";"27.1.49";"Fransk forfaldstænkning i det tidlige 21. Århundrede.";"Fransk forfaldstænkning i det tidlige 21. Århundrede. Opponent: Professor emeritus Svend Erik Larsen (Århus Universitet) 13. september, kl. 13.15-15, lokale: 27.1.49" "PhD-præforsvar ved Troels Hughes Hansen";"Engerom";"2017-09-11";"15.15";"2017-09-11";"17.00";"27.1.49";"’Broum!...’ De vidnende funktioner hos den sene Louis-Ferdinand Céline.";"’Broum!...’ De vidnende funktioner hos den sene Louis-Ferdinand Céline. PhD-præforsvar ved Troels Hughes Hansen Opponent: prof. Frederik Tygstrup (Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, KUA) 11. september, kl. 15.15-17, lokale 27.1.49" "An investigation on the cognitive effects of emoji usage in text";"Faculty of Humanities";"2017-09-07";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, lecture hall 4A-0-69";"Thomas Kenneth Ousterhout defends his PhD thesis.";"Thomas Kenneth Ousterhout defends his PhD thesis. Further info on the Faculty of Humanities website" "Grammar-Lexicon Distinction in a Neurocognitive Context";"Faculty of Humanities";"2017-08-31";"10:00";"";"";"South Campus, lecture hall 4A-0-69";"Buyrakn Ishkhanyan defends her PhD thesis.";"Integrating two theories Buyrakn Ishkhanyan defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Lise Randrup Jensen, formand (Københavns Universitet) Associate Professor Roel Jonkers (University of Groningen) Professor Xavier Alario (CNRS & Aix-Marseille Université) ) Moderator of defence Professor Elisabeth Willadsen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Karen Blixens Vej 4, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "Beyond ""Good Governance""";"The Faculty of Humanities";"2017-08-21";"13:00";"2017-08-21";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Nana Cecilie Halmsted Kongsholm defends her PhD thesis.";"Trust, Consent, Exploitation and Vulnerability in Cross-Cultural Biobanking Nana Cecilie Halmsted Kongsholm defends her PhD thesis. Abstract in English and Danish (pdf) Assessment Committee Associate Professor Sune Holm, chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Jesper Ryberg (Roskilde University) Professor Yvonne Denier (University of Leuven) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6 " "Stednavne og storgårde i Sydskandinavien i 1. årtusind";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2017-06-30";"13.00";"";"";"Søndre Campus, lokale 23.0.49";"Sofie Laurine Albris forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Sofie Laurine Albris forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé (DK) - pdf Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Johnny Grandjean Gøgsig Jakobsen, formand (Københavns Universitet) Fuldmægtig, ph.d. Lisbeth Eilersgaard Christensen (Styrelsen for Forskning og Uddannelse) Lektor Ola Svensson (Högskolan i Halmstad) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Michael Lerche Nielsen (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Nordisk Forskningsinstitut, Njalsgade 136." "Contemporary Urban Media Art – Images of Urgency";"Faculty of Humanities";"2017-06-28";"10:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 22.0.11";"Tanya Søndergaard Toft defends her PhD thesis.";"A Curatorial Inquiry Tanya Søndergaard Toft defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Professor Frederik Tygstrup, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Nanna Verhoeff (Utrecht University) Associate Professor Ava Fatah gen. Schieck (University College London) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Henrik Reeh (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Karen Blixens Vej 1 " "African decolonisation and the fate of Britishness 1959-1965";"Faculty of Humanities";"2017-06-01";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.49";"Christian Damm Pedersen defends his PhD thesis.";"Christian Damm Pedersen defends his PhD thesis. Astract (UK) - pdf Assessment Committee Professor Morten Heiberg, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Casper Andersen (Aarhus University) Professor Wendy Webster (University of Huddersfield) Moderator of the defence Head of Department Jørn Boisen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6. " "PhD defence - Christian Damm Pedersen";"Faculty of Humanities ";"2017-06-01";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.49 ";"Room 23.0.49. Christian Damm Pedersen defends his PhD thesis: African decolonisation and the fate of Britishness 1959-1965";"African decolonisation and the fate of Britishness 1959-1965 Christian Damm Pedersen defends his PhD thesis. Astract (UK) - pdf Assessment Committee Professor Morten Heiberg, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Casper Andersen (Aarhus University) Professor Wendy Webster (University of Huddersfield) Moderator of the defence Head of Department Jørn Boisen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Emil Holms Kanal 6. " "Becoming a Smart Student";"Faculty of Humanities";"2017-05-10";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, 27.0.17";"Ulla Lundqvist defends her PhD thesis.";"The construction and contestation of smartness in a Danish primary school Ulla Lundqvist defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Lian Malai Madsen, chair (University of Copenhagen) Senior Lecturer Miguel Perez-Milans (University College London) Associate Professor Jürgen Jaspers (Université Libre de Bruxelles) Moderator of the defence Head of Department, Associate Professor John E. Andersen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places At the Information Desk of the Copenhagen University Library, South Campus In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Emil Holms Kanal 2. " "“Gangster” or “wannabe”";"Faculty of Humanities";"2017-04-07";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, 4A-0-69";"Liva Hyttel-Sørensen defends her PhD thesis.";"Experimental and ethnographic approaches to a contemporary urban vernacular in Copenhagen Liva Hyttel-Sørensen defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Marie Maegaard, chair (University of Copenhagen) Senior Lecturer Rickard Jonsson (Stockholm University) Reader Erez M. Levon (University of London) Moderator of the defence: Associate Professor Martha Sif Karrebæk (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Emil Holms Kanal 2. " "Going nowhere, slow";"Faculty of Humanities";"2017-04-06";"15:00";"";"";"South Campus, 22.0.11";"Mikkel Krause Frantzen defends his PhD thesis.";"Scenes of depression in contemporary literature and culture Mikkel Krause Frantzen defends his PhD thesis. Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Lilian Munk Rösing, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Steven Shaviro (Wayne State University) Associate Professor Carl Cederström (Stockholm University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Erik Steinskog (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Karen Blixens Vej 1. " "Empathy, Embodiment, and the Person";"Faculty of Humanities";"2017-01-27";"13:00";"";"";"KUA1, 23.0.49";"James Jardine defends his PhD thesis.";"James Jardine defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Søren Overgaard, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Nicolas de Warren (KU Leuven) Reader Tanja Staehler (University of Sussex) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Søren Gosvig Olesen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Karen Blixens Vej 4. " "Autobiography After Empire: Individual and collective Memory in Dialogue";"Faculty of Humanities";"2017-01-13";"13:00";"";"";"KUA1, 23.0.49";"Astrid Rasch defends her PhD thesis.";"Astrid Rasch defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Eva Rask Knudsen, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Elleke Boehmer (University of Oxford) Professor Bill Schwarz (Queen Mary University of London) Moderator of defence Head of Department Jørn Boisen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation prior to the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Njalsgade 128, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "Transcendental Philosophy and its Transformations";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-12-19";"";"";"13:00";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Yuko Ishihara defends her PhD thesis.";"Heidegger and Nishida's critical engagements with transcendental philosophy in the late 1920s Yuko Ishihara defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (K) & Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Professor Dan Zahavi, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Bret W. Davis (Loyola University Maryland) Associate Professor Charlotta Weigelt (Södertörn University) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Leo Catana (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Karen Blixens Vej 4, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "Papyri from Danish Collections";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-12-16";"13:00";"";"";"KUA1, 21.0.54 (""Multisalen"")";"Thomas Christiansen defends his PhD thesis.";"Philological and Archaeometric Studies Thomas Christiansen defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Frederik Hagen, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Emeritus John Tait (University College London) Professor Robert Fuchs (Technology Arts Sciences, TH Köln) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Susanne Kerner (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Karen Blixens Vej 4, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "Bålets betydning";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2016-12-15";"13.00 præcis";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Mogens Bo Henriksen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Ligbrænding i Danmarks oldtid belyst ved arkæologiske fund og ligbrændingseksperimenter Mogens Bo Henriksen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé (DK) & Abstract (UK) - pdf Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Mikkel Sørensen, formand (Københavns Universitet) Senior Lecturer Liv Nilsson Stutz (Emory College of Arts and Sciences) Professor Frands Herschend (Uppsala Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Institutleder Anders Holm Rasmussen (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån inden forsvaret i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Saxo-Instituttet (Saxo), Karen Blixens Vej 4, 2300 København S." "The Ethics of Synthetic Biology";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-12-08";"13:00";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Andreas Therkelsen Christiansen defends his PhD thesis.";"Respecting Life and Managing Risk Andreas Therkelsen Christiansen defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Professor Nils Holtug, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Catriona McKinnon (University of Reading) Associate Professor Per Sandin (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Morten Ebbe Juul Nielsen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Karen Blixens Vej 4, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "Shared experiences and other minds";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-11-30";"13:00";"";"";"KUA1, 21.0.54 (""Multisalen"")";"Felipe León Torres defends his PhD thesis.";"Felipe León Torres defends his PhD thesis. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Søren Overgaard, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Naomi Eilan (University of Warwick) Professor Ingar Brinck (Lund University) Moderator of the defence Deputy head of department Thor Grünbaum (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Karen Blixens Vej 4. " "Distinktionens tilsyneladende modsætning";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2016-11-04";"13.00 præcis";"";"";"KUA1, 21.0.19";"Helene R. Kirstein forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"En etnologisk undersøgelse af religionsbegrebets flertydighed som mulighedsbetingelse for europæiske kirkers position i EU’s demokrati Helene R. Kirstein forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé (DK) - pdf Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Anne Folke Henningsen, formand (Københavns Universitet) Lektor Søren Christensen (Aarhus Universitet) Professor emerita, Torunn Selberg (Universitetet i Bergen) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Institutleder Anders Holm Rasmussen (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Saxo-Instituttet, Karen Blixens Vej 4." "Vilkår, virkeligheder & vanskeligheder i dansk landbrug";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2016-11-02";"13.00 præcis";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Rasmus Blædel Larsen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"En etnologisk undersøgelse Rasmus Blædel Larsen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé (DK) & Abstract (UK) - pdf Bedømmelsesudvalget Lektor Niels Jul Nielsen, formand (Københavns Universitet) Lektor Egon Noe (Aarhus Universitet) Seniorforsker Jostein Vik (Universitetssentret Dragvoll, Norge) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Signe Mellemgaard (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Saxo-Instituttet, Karen Blixens Vej 4." "GLIMPSED";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-10-17";"13:00";"";"";"KUA1, 21.0.54 (""Multisalen"")";"Sigrid Klerke defends her PhD thesis.";"Improving natural language processing with gaze data Sigrid Klerke defends her PhD thesis. Summary (UK) & Resumé (DK) – pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Jürgen Wedekind, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Director of Research Joel Tetreault (Grammarly) Professor A.P.J. van der Bosch (Radboud University) Moderator of defence Professor Bolette Sandford Pedersen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Nordic Research, Njalsgade 136, 2300 Copenhagen S " "More Danish, More English";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-10-14";"13:00";"";"";"KUA1, 21.0.54 (""Multisalen"")";"Kimberly Chopin defends her PhD thesis.";"Language Policy, Language Use, and Medium of Instruction at a Danish University Kimberly Chopin defends her PhD thesis. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Janus Mortensen, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Glenn-Ole Hellekjær (University of Oslo) Professor Emeritus Terrence G. Wiley (Arizona State University) Moderator of the defence Professor Anne Holmen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Njalsgade 128. " "PhD defence - Kimberly Chopin";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-10-14";"13:00";"";"";"KUA1, 21.0.54 (""Multisalen"")";"Room 21.0.54 (""Multisalen""). Kimberly Chopin defends her PhD thesis: More Danish, More English - Language Policy, Language Use, and Medium of Instruction at a Danish University";"More Danish, More English - Language Policy, Language Use, and Medium of Instruction at a Danish University Kimberly Chopin defends her PhD thesis. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Janus Mortensen, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Glenn-Ole Hellekjær (University of Oslo) Professor Emeritus Terrence G. Wiley (Arizona State University) Moderator of the defence Professor Anne Holmen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Njalsgade 128. " "”At være på livsstilsændringer er bare meget lettere”";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2016-10-14";"13.00 præcis";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Maja Schøler forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Et antropologisk studie af en gruppe overvægtige mænds erfaringer med at ændre livsstil Maja Schøler forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé (DK) - pdf Bedømmelsesudvalg Professor Tine Damsholt, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor Fredrik Nilsson (Lunds Universitet) Professor Lotte Meinert (Aarhus Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Viceinstitutleder Bo Fritzbøger (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Saxo-Instituttet, Karen Blixens Vej 4." "En handskrifts tillkomst- och brukshistoria";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2016-09-02";"13:00";"2016-09-02";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Maria Arvidsson forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"En närstudie av Cod. Holm. A 49 (Nådendals klosterbok) Maria Arvidsson forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé (DK) og Abstract (UK) Bedømmelsesudvalget Lektor Anne Mette Hansen, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor Jonas Carlquist (Umeå universitet) Docent Jonathan Adams (Uppsala universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Michael Lerche Nielsen (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån inden forsvaret i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Nordisk Forskningsinstitut (NFI), Njalsgade 136, 2300 København S." "Living with others. Subjectivity, relatedness and health among urban poor in Delhi";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-06-29";"13:00";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Emilija Zabiliute defends her PhD thesis.";" Emilija Zabiliute defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Thomas Brudholm, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Veena Das (Johns Hopkins University) Professor Nandini Gooptu (Oxford University) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Lars Højer University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Vej 4, 2300 Copenhagen S " "Early Philosophical Ṣūfism. The Neoplatonic Thought of Ibn M. al-Ḥallāğ";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-06-21";"";"";"";"KUA1, 23.0.49";"Saer El-Jaichi defends his PhD thesis.";"Saer El-Jaichi defends his PhD thesis. Assessment Committee Professor Jørgen Bæk Simonsen, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Christian Høgel (University of Southern Denmark) Førsteamanuensis Safet Bektovic (University of Oslo) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Tine Roesen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Vej 4. " "Johan Jacobsen. Mod strømmen i dansk film- og produktionskultur 1938-66";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2016-06-10";"13.00";"";"";"Gothersgade 140, auditorium 1 (Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultetsbibliotek)";"Brian Petersen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Brian Petersen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé (DK) - pdf Bedømmelsesudvalget Lektor Birger Langkjær, formand (Københavns Universitet) Lektor Mariah Larsson (Linnéuniversitetet, Sverige) Afdelingsleder Eirik Frisvold Hanssen (Nasjonalbiblioteket, Norge) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Johannes Riis (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling, Karen Blixens Vej 4." "Selvfremstillingens kunst i 1500-tallets Italien";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2016-06-03";"13:00 præcis (dørene lukkes herefter)";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Jeppe Priess Gersbøll forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Jeppe Priess Gersbøll forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Bedømmelsesudvalget Lektor Maria Fabricius Hansen, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor Görel Cavalli-Björkman (Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien) Professor Jacob Wamberg (Aarhus Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlinge Lektor Ragni Linnet (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån inden forsvaret i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab (IKK), Karen Blixens Vej 1, 2300 København S." "Working the Dark Side. On the United States Torture Regime after 9/11";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-05-27";"13:00";"";"";"KUA1, 21.0.54 (""Multisalen"")";"Jens Christian Borrebye Bjering defends his PhD thesis.";"Jens Christian Borrebye Bjering defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Tue Andersen Nexø, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Darius Rejali (Reed College) Professor Lena Halldenius (Lund University) Moderator of defence Professor Frederik Tygstrup (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Karen Blixens Vej 1, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "Against Mimesis. On Allegory and Hidden Meanings in Early Greek Poetics";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-05-19";"16:00";"";"";"KUA2, 15A-1-13";"Rasmus Sevelsted defends his PhD thesis.";"Rasmus Sevelsted defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Thomas Heine Nielsen, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Malcolm Heath (University of Leeds) Professor G.R.F. Ferrari - on Skype (University of California, Berkeley) Moderator of defence Head of Department Anders Holm Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: The Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) The Saxo Institute, Karen Blixens Vej 4, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "Når linjer trækkes op, skabes der afstand";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2016-04-29";"13:00 præcis (dørene lukkes herefter)";"";"";"KUA1, 23.0.50";"Jens Tang Kristensen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"En ny socialkunsthistorisk analyse af Linien IIs placering og status i den danske kunsthistorie, belyst ud fra en undersøgelse af gruppens forhold til avantgarderne som kunstnerisk strategi og politisk intervention Jens Tang Kristensen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé (DK) - pdf Bedømmelsesudvalg Professor Michael Fjeldsøe (Københavns Universitet) Seniorforsker Vibeke Petersen Gether (Det Kongelige Bibliotek) Direktør Mikkel Bogh (Statens Museum for Kunst) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Tania Ørum (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, Karen Blixens Vej 1." "The Urge to Detect, the Need to Clarify. Gricean Perspectives on Information, Misinformation and Disinformation";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-04-29";"13:00";"";"";"Royal School of Library and Information Science, Birketinget 6, The Lecture Hall";"Sille Obelitz Søe defends her PhD thesis.";"Sille Obelitz Søe defends her PhD thesis. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Jack Andersen, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor David Bawden (City University of London) Professor Patrick Blackburn (Roskilde University) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Trine Schreiber (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS), Birketinget 6, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "Forestillinger om vanskeligheder";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2016-04-29";"13.00";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Martin Blok Johansen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"En poststrukturalistisk inspireret afsøgning af æstetikkens mulighed for at udgøre efterstræbelsesværdige vanskeligheder i en uddannelsesteoretisk kontekst Martin Blok Johansen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé (DK) - pdf Bedømmelsesudvalg Professor Karen Borgnakke, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor Elin Nesje Vestli (Høgskolen i Østfold) Professor Jan Kampmann (Roskilde Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Gerd Christensen (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån inden forsvaret i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling (MEF), Karen Blixens Vej 4, 2300 København S." "Et Danmark af parallelsamfund";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2016-04-07";"13.00 præcis (dørene lukkes herefter)";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Mikaela von Freiesleben forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Segregering, ghettoisering og social sammenhængskraft: Parallelsamfundet i dansk diskurs 1968-2013 – fra utopi til dystopi Mikaela von Freiesleben forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé (DK) & Abstract (UK) - pdf Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Simon Turner, formand (Københavns Universitet) Lektor Kirsten Hvenegaard-Lassen (Roskilde Universitet) Universitetslektor Christina Johansson (Malmö Högskola) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Søren Overgaard (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån inden forsvaret i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling (MEF), Karen Blixens Vej 4, 2300 København S." "In der Heimwehkolonie: On the Cosmography of Nelly Sachs";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-04-01";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 23.0.50";"Joseph N. Ballan defends his PhD thesis.";"Joseph N. Ballan defends his PhD thesis. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Anna Sandberg, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Mattias Pirholt (Uppsala University) Professor Rochelle Tobias (Johns Hopkins University) Moderator of defence Professor Charles Lock (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places: The Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies (ENGEROM), Njalsgade 128, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "God, bædre, best";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2016-03-18";"13.00 (dørene lukkes herefter)";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Anne-Mette Veber Nielsen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Om ortografisk viden og ortografisk indlæring hos danske børn på skolens begynder- og mellemtrin Anne-Mette Veber Nielsen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé (DK) & Abstract (UK) - pdf Bedømmelsesudvalget Lektor Nicolai Pharao, formand (Københavns Universitet) Lektor Dorthe Klint Petersen (Aarhus Universitet) Professor Åke Olofsson (Umeå Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Institutleder John E. Andersen (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån inden forsvaret i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab (INSS), Njalsgade 120, 2300 København S." "Lærerens relationskompetence";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2016-03-11";"13.00 præcis (dørene lukkes herefter)";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Louise Klinge Nielsen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"En Empirisk undersøgelse af, hvordan lærerens relationskompetence viser sig i interaktioner med elever og klasse i almenundervisningen i folkeskolen Louise Klinge Nielsen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé - kort (DK), Resumé - langt (DK) & Abstract (UK) - pdf Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Christina Fogtmann, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor Jonas Aspelin (Högskolan Kristianstad) Professor Per Fibæk Laursen (Aarhus Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Svend Skriver (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Njalsgade 120." "Portraits and Colour-codes in ancient Rome: The Polychromy of white marble Portraits";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-02-26";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter) ";"";"";"KUA2, 14-1-67";"Amalie Skovmøller defends her PhD thesis.";"Amalie Skovmøller defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Lone Wriedt Sørensen, chair (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Mark Bradley (University of Nottingham) Professor Rolf Michael Schneider (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität) Moderator of the defence Head of Department Anders Holm Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) The Saxo Institute, Karen Blixens Vej 4 " "Urbane stednavne. Storbyens sproglige dimension";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2016-02-26";"13.00 præcis (dørene lukkes herefter)";"";"";"KUA1, 21.0.54 (""Multisalen"")";"Line Sandst forsvarer sin ph.d.-handling.";"Line Sandst forsvarer sin ph.d.-handling. Bedømmelsesudvalg Lektor Bent Jørgensen, formand (Københavns Universitet) Lektor Terhi Ainiala (Helsingfors Universitet) Professor Staffan Nyström (Uppsala University) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Anne Mette Hansen (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån inden forsvaret i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Nordisk Forskningsinstitut (NFI), Njalsgade 136, 2300 København S. " "L2 listening at work";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-02-23";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Charlotte Øhrstrøm defends her PhD thesis.";"A qualitative study of international employees’ experiences with understanding Danish as a second language Charlotte Øhrstrøm defends her PhD thesis. Resumé (DK - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Slobodanka Dimova, Chair (University of Copenhagen) Principal Karin Sandwall (Stockholm University) Professor Hartmut Haberland (Roskilde University) Moderator of the defence Deputy Head of Department Dorthe Duncker (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Karen Blixens Vej 4 " "A Public Conversation in Private Settings. Engaging with News across Media";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-02-01";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Jacob Ørmen defends his PhD thesis.";"Jacob Ørmen defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Nete Nørgaard Kristensen, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Nick Couldry (London School of Economics and Political Science) Professor James G. Webster (via Skype) (Northwestern University, USA) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Miklós Áron Sükösd (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Karen Blixens Vej 4. " "Rediscovering the scientific ethos";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-02-01";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 23.0.49";"Stine Djørup defends her PhD thesis.";"Stine Djørup defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Morten Ebbe Juul Nielsen, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Søren Harnow Klausen (University of Southern Denmark) Researcher Kristina Rolin (University of Helsinki) Moderator of the defence Professor Nils Holtug (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Karen Blixens Vej 4. " "An archaeology of digital knowledge - Imaginaries of the digital cultural heritage archive";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-01-22";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Torsten Arni Caleb Andreasen defends his PhD thesis.";"Torsten Arni Caleb Andreasen defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Mikkel Bolt, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Wendy Hui Kyong Chun (Brown University) Professor Knut Ove Eliassen (NTNU, Norway) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Kristin Veel (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis are available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Karen Blixens Vej 4. " "Empire Redux. The Falklands and the End of Greater Britain";"Faculty of Humanities";"2016-01-15";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11 ";"Ezequiel Mercau defends his PhD thesis.";"Ezequiel Mercau defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) - pdf Assessment Committee Professor Morten Heiberg, chair (University of Copenhagen) Professor Sarah Stockwell (King’s College London) Professor Richard Toye (University of Exeter) Moderator of the defence Professor Peter Harder (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis are available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Njalsgade 128. " "Imaging Globalisation. Globalisation as a Textual Characteristic in the Literary Works of Rana Dasgupta and Caryl Phillips";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-12-15";"13.00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Helle Schulz Bildsøe defends her PhD thesis.";"Helle Schulz Bildsøe defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Tina Lupton (University of Copenhagen) Dr. Liam Connell (University of Brighton) Professor Bénédicte Ledent (University of Liège) Moderator of the defence Professor Stuart Ward (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: The Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Njalsgade 128. " "Personal Effects and Vital Matters";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-12-14";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 22.1.49";"Ann-Sophie Klemp McLeod defends her PhD thesis.";"Property and Personhood in Eighteenth-Century Satiric Fiction Ann-Sophie Klemp McLeod defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Commitee Associate Professor Tina Lupton, Chairperson (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Lynn Festa (Rutgers University) Professor Knut Ove Eliassen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) Moderator of the defence Professor Christian Benne (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis are available for consultation a week prior to the defence at these locations: The Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the ""Black Diamond"") The Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Njalsgade 128. " "A Phenomenology of Expert Musicianship";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-12-14";"10:00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Simon Høffding defends his PhD thesis.";"Simon Høffding defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Professor Finn Collin, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Nanette Nielsen (University of Oslo) Professor Shaun Gallagher (University of Memphis) Moderator of defence Associate Professor Klemens Kappel (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: The Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Karen Blixens Vej 4, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "Measure Up! The extent author-level bibliometric indicators are appropriate measures of individual researcher performance";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-11-27";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"Birketinget 6";"Lorna Wildgaard defends her PhD thesis.";"Lorna Wildgaard defends her PhD thesis. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Jeppe Nicolaisen (University of Copenhagen) Visiting professor Henk F. Moed (Sapienza University of Rome) Researcher Rodrigo Costas (Leiden University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Trine Louise Schreiber (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be made available for consultation at the following three places: at the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities; in Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond); and at the Royal School of Library and Information Science, Birketinget 6." "Natures of Conduct. Governmentality and the Danish West Indies";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-11-27";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Rasmus Sielemann defends his PhD thesis.";"Rasmus Sielemann defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Frida Hastrup (University of Copenhagen) Reader Diana Paton (Newcastle University) Associate Professor Stephen Legg (University of Nottingham) Moderator of the defence Head of institute Anders Holm Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis are available for consultation at the following three places: The Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond); The Saxo Institute, Karen Blixens Vej 4. " "Appearance and reality. Socrates’ aims and strategies in Plato’s Cratylus";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-11-25";"10:00";"";"";"KUA2. 15A.1.11";"Steffen Lund Jørgensen defends his PhD thesis.";"Steffen Lund Jørgensen defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Leo Catana (University of Copenhagen) Professor David Sedley (University of Cambridge) Professor Lesley Brown (University of Oxford) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Thomas Heine Nielsen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis are available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Saxo Institute, Karen Blixens Vej 4 " "PhD defence: ""Appearance and reality. Socrates' aims and strategies in Plato's Cratylus""";"Saxo Institute";"2015-11-25";"10.00";"";"";"Room 15A.1.11, KUA 2, Karen Blixens Vej 4, Copenhagen.";"Steffen Lund Jørgensen (Department of Greek and Latin, Saxo Institute) defends his PhD dissertation on Socrates’ aims and strategies in the famous ancient Greek philosopher Plato’s dialogue on language, the Cratylus.";"PhD defence by Steffen Lund Jørgensen, Department of Greek and Latin, Saxo Institute. Steffen Lund Jørgensen The nature of languageThe Cratylus is Plato’s (427-347 BCE) only dialogue dedicated to the nature of language. The central issue of the dialogue concerns linguistic correctness and boils down to the question: is there some natural standard of linguistic correctness which goes beyond mere human agreement? The dialogue is the foundational text in the Western tradition of philosophical reflections on the nature of language, but it also covers many other topics including the nature of reality and the Greek cultural tradition. Socrates’ aims and strategiesThe main speaker in the dialogue is Socrates (469-399 BCE), who engages first Hermogenes and then Cratylus in philosophical conversation. The historical Socrates wrote nothing, but his life and his way of doing philosophy inspired his young admirer Plato to produce a large number of literary and philosophical masterpieces featuring Socrates as the main speaker.New interpretation What are Socrates' aims and strategies in the Cratylus? Does Socrates seek to convince his interlocutors that there is a source of linguistic correctness, which goes beyond human agreement, and which really determines whether the name of something is the correct name? Or does Socrates seek to achieve the opposite? These questions are central to this dissertation, which offers a new interpretation of Plato's Cratylus. In the thesis Steffen Lund Jørgensen argues that Socrates really does seek to convince his interlocutors that there is a ""natural correctness of names"", but that he does so in a very special way, which is closely linked to the specific characters and views of his interlocutors. Assessment committee Associate Professor Leo Catana (University of Copenhagen) Professor David Sedley (University of Cambridge) Professor Lesley Brown (University of Oxford) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Thomas Heine Nielsen (University of Copenhagen) The defence will take place at 10 am, November 25th, 2015, in room 15A.1.11, KUA 2, Karen Blixens Vej 4, Copenhagen. All interested are welcome." "Forfatterpoetik. En genres opståen og udvikling i dansk litteratur 1948-2013";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2015-11-18";"13.00";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Michael Kallesøe Schmidt forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling.";"Michael Kallesøe Schmidt forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling. Resumé (DK) & Abstract (UK) Bedømmelsesudvalget Lektor Marianne Søgaard Stidsen, formand (Københavns Universitet) Professor Klaus Müller-Wille (Universität Zürich) Professor Peter Stein Larsen (Aalborg Universitet) Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Dorthe Duncker (Københavns Universitet) Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen vil blive fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån inden forsvaret i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab (INSS), Njalsgade 120, 2300 København S." "Science and Religion in Liberal Democracy: Legitimacy Challenges";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-09-28";"14.00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 23.0.49";"Karin Jønch-Clausen defends her PhD thesis.";"Karin Jønch-Clausen defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) Assessment Committee Professor Nils Holtug, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Fabienne Peter (via Skype) (University of Warwick) Professor John Horton (Keele University) Moderator of the defence TBA (University of Copenhagen) A week before the defence take place copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: at the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities; in Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond); and at Department of Media, Communication and, Karen Blixens Vej 4, 2300 Copenhagen S." "Mobile museology. An exploration of fashionable museums, mobilisation, and trans-museal mediation";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-09-18";"13.00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"Birketinget 6, the Auditorium";"Rikke Haller Baggesen defends her PhD thesis.";"Rikke Haller Baggesen defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Professor Beth Juncker (University of Copenhagen) Senior Lecturer Ross Parry (University of Leicester) Associate Professor Michael Haldrup (Roskilde University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Trine Louise Schreiber (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis are available for consultation at the following three places: at the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities; in Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond); and at the Royal School of Library and Information Science, Birketinget 6." "Language and Sexuality in an Online-Mediated World";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-04-30";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Kristine Køhler Mortensen defends her PhD thesis.";"Interactional Workings of Desire in Heterosexual Online Dating Kristine Køhler Mortensen defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) and Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Lian Malai Madsen (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Stina Ericsson (Linnæus University) Associate Professor Tommaso Milani (University of Witswatersrand) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Janus Spindler Møller (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis are available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Nordic Research, Njalsgade 136. " "The Wonders of Conversion";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-03-27";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 21.0.54 (""Multisalen"")";"Daniel Midena defends his PhD thesis.";"Objectivity and Disenchantment in the Neuendettelsau Mission Encounter in New Guinea, 1886-1930 Daniel Midena defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) - pdf Assessment Committee Professor Stuart Ward, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Pamela Klassen (University of Toronto) Professor Antonella Romano (Centre Alexandre Koyré) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Robert Rix (University of Copenhagen) A week before the defence take place copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Njalsgade 128, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "Bibi goes travelling";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-03-20";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 21.0.54 (""Multisalen"")";"Anna Wegener defends her PhD thesis.";"Producing, rewriting, reading and continuing Karin Michaëlis' Bibi books, 1927-1953. United States, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Italy Anna Wegener defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Anna Lena Sandberg (University of Copenhagen) Professor Susan Bassnett (University of Warwick) Associate Professor Anna Karlskov Skyggebjerg (Aarhus University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Erling Strudsholm (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis are available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Njalsgade 128. " "Ethnic Identity and Culture in Foreign Language Motivation";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-03-18";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 27.0.17";"Taha Hammad Ameen Khudhir Agha defends his PhD thesis.";"EFL for Kurdish and Arabic Students in Iraqi Higher Education Taha Hammad Ameen Khudhir Agha defends his PhD thesis. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Juni Søderberg Arnfast (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Rita Cancino (Aalborg University) Associate Professor Rima Bahous (Lebanese American University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Dorte Albrechtsen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis will be made available for consultation prior to the defense at these three places: At the Information Desk in the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Njalsgade 128 " "Handling of Small-Scale Protests in China. Process Dynamics and Outcomes";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-03-18";"10:00 (doors will be closed hereafter) ";"";"13:00";"KUA1, 23.0.50";"Xiaowei Gui defends his PhD thesis.";"Xiaowei Gui defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) / Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Alexander Horstmann, chairperson (University of Copenhagen) Professor Lianjiang Li (Chinese University of Hong Kong) Professor Christian Goebel (University of Vienna) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Denise Gimpel (University of Copenhagen) A week before the defence take place copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Cross Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Vej 4, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "The European Journey of Niels Klim";"";"2015-03-13";"13.00 (the doors will be closed at exactly 13.00)";"";"";"University of Copenhagen, Karen Blixen vej, building 21, room 21.0.54";"- An investigation of translations of Nicolai Klimii iter subterraneum 1741-2012. Cecilie Flugt defends her PhD dissertation.";"- An investigation of translations of Nicolai Klimii iter subterraneum 1741-2012. Cecilie Flugt defends her PhD dissertation. Further information at the Faculty's Danish homepage. Read abstract in english." "Species identification of skins and development of sheep wool";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-03-13";"13.00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Luise Ørsted Brandt defends her PhD thesis.";"An interdisciplinary study combining textile research, archaeology, and biomolecular methods Luise Ørsted Brandt defends her PhD thesis. Abstract UK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Mikkel Sørensen (University of Copenhagen) Professor Matthew Collins (University of York) Dr Margarita Gleba (University of Cambridge) Moderator of the defence Head of Deparment Anders Holm Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis are available for consultation at the following three places: The Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Saxo Institute, Karen Blixens Vej 4. " "Migración indocumentada centroamericana como amenaza a la seguridad nacional en México";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-02-23";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Raúl Marroquín Rosales defends his PhD thesis.";"Raúl Marroquín Rosales defends his PhD thesis. Assessment Committee Associate Professor Jan Gustafsson, Chairperson (University of Copenhagen) Professor Jorge Bustamante (University of Notre Dame) Associate Professor Ken Henriksen (University of Aarhus) Moderator of the defence Professor Morten Heiberg (University of Copenhagen) How to obtain the thesis A week prior to the defense copies of the thesis will be made available for consultation at these three places: The Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Njalsgade 128, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "An Ethics of Excarnation. Body, Soul, and Horror in the Enneads";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-02-20";"13.00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Maria Pontoppidan defends her PhD thesis.";"Maria Pontoppidan defends her PhD thesis. Assessment Committee Professor Gitte Buch-Hansen, Chairperson (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Aksel Haaning (Roskilde University) Professor Roman Svetlov (University of St. Petersburg) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Klemens Kappel (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the dissertation will be available for consultation for the public before the defence at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Karen Blixens Vej 4, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "Gods and Garments. Textiles in Greek Sanctuaries in the 7th-1st Centuries BC";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-02-13";"13.00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 23.0.50";"Cecilie Brøns defends her PhD thesis.";"Cecilie Brøns defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Jane Fejfer (University of Copenhagen) Senior Lecturer Mary Harlow (University of Leicester) Associate Professor Tyler Jo Smith (University of Virginia) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Kristina Winther-Jacobsen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis are available for consultation at the following three places: at the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities; in Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond); and at the Saxo Institute, Karen Blixens Vej 4." "From hunter to farmer in Northern Europe";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-01-30";"13.00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"The National Museum of Denmark, Ny Vestergade 10";"Lasse Sørensen defends his PhD thesis.";"Lasse Sørensen defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) and resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Mikkel Sørensen, Chairman (University of Copenhagen) Professor Peter Rowley-Conwy (Durham University) Professor Mats Larsson (Linné University) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Kristina Winther-Jacobsen (University of Copenhagen) A week before the defence take place copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: at the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities in Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) at the Saxo Institute, Karen Blixens Vej 4, 2300 Copenhagen S. " "The Flavian Isea in Beneventum and Rome";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-01-23";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Kristine Bülow Clausen defends her PhD thesis.";"The appropriation of Egyptian and Egyptianising Art in imperial Beneventum and Rome Kristine Bülow Clausen defends her PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) & Resumé (DK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Lone Wriedt Sørensen, Chairperson (University of Copenhagen) Associate Professor Penelope Davies (The University of Texas at Austin) Associate Professor Miguel John Versluys (University of Leiden) Moderator of the defence Head of Department Anders Holm Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen) A week before the defence take place copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places: at the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities; in Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond); and at the Saxo Institute, Karen Blixens Vej 4, 2300 Copenhagen S." "Un-real Estate. The Social Life of Temporary Wealth in China";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-01-12";"13.00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA, 22.0.11";"Michael Alexander Ulfstjerne defends his PhD thesis.";"Michael Alexander Ulfstjerne defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Ildikó Beller-Hann (University of Copenhagen) Professor AbdouMaliq Simone (Goldsmiths, University of London) Associate Professor John Osburg (University of Rochester) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Morten Warmind (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis are available for consultation at the following three places: at the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities; in Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond); and at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Karen Blixens Vej 4. " "Whatever Happened to Illuga saga";"Faculty of Humanities";"2015-01-09";"13:00 (doors will be closed hereafter)";"";"";"KUA1, 22.0.11";"Philip Thomas Lavender defends his PhD thesis.";"Gríðarfóstra?: Origin, Transmission and Reception of a Fornaldarsaga Philip Thomas Lavender defends his PhD thesis. Abstract (UK) - pdf Assessment Committee Associate Professor Erik Skyum-Nielsen (University of Copenhagen) Docent Aðalheiður Guðmundsdóttir (University of Iceland) Professor Ralph O‘Connor (University of Aberdeen) Moderator of the defence Associate Professor Anne Mette Hansen (University of Copenhagen) Copies of the thesis are available for consultation at the following three places: At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) At the Department of Nordic Research, Njalsgade 136 " "PhD Defence: ""Situating Hunger and Fullness through the Lived Body - An Anthropological Analysis of Eating""";"Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO)";"2014-10-24";"13:00";"2014-10-24";"";"Lecture hall A2-70.04, Thorvaldsensvej 40, Frederiksberg";"Line Hillersdal, CoRe and Saxo Institute, defends her PhD dissertation on social and normative practices of the eater. The defence is open to the public.";"PhD defence by Line Hillersdal, CoRe and Saxo Institute, enrolled at the PhD school at the Faculty of SCIENCE, University of Copenhagen, October 24th 2014, 1 pm in Lecture hall A2-70.04, Thorvaldsensvej 40, Frederiksberg. All interested are welcome.Eating is an everyday practice for everyone but why some people stop eating whilst others continue is an unresolved research issue. Exploring phenomena such as hunger and fullness, as this study has done, requires us to look beyond the idea that these are merely natural events.Studying sense-making practices of the eaterIn Western societies with a social reality characterised by an abundance of food, feelings of hunger or fullness may relate to several social and normative arenas. Line Hillersdal’s thesis investigates eating by venturing into an ethnographic exploration of the eater, and the range of sense-making practices with which eating connects. It poses the question: How might we understand the multidimensionality of eating when eating is considered to be an inherently embodied and embedded practice situated in various social and normative arenas of everyday life? Fieldwork among very different groupsBased on an anthropological fieldwork conducted in Denmark over a period of two years, the thesis offers insights into both the obvious differences and the perhaps less-obvious similarities between the norms and values related to eating practices, as observed among three very different groups of Danes: namely, gastric-bypass patients; young military recruits; and the performers and guests at a food performance theatre.A combined methodMethodological and theoretically the thesis proposes a combination of a phenomenological account of eating, hunger and fullness with basic tenets from Actor-Network Theory to analyse the specific social and material circumstances that construct or enact those experiences. Line Hillersdal Eater-in-the-worldBy proposing the concept ‘eater-in-the-world’, the thesis intends to capture the complexity of an eater, thereby contributing to a more nuanced understanding of how eating can be analysed. This comprises the experiencing body of an eater, his/her visceral and sensuous engagement with the world, and the material properties of food that affect all of us humans. Assessment Committee Associate professor Karsten Klint Jensen, Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen Dr. Simon Cohn, Department of Public Health & Primary Care, University of Cambridge Associate professor Susanne Højlund, Department of Culture and Society, Aarhus University " "PhD defence: ""Active ageing and the unmaking of old age: the knowledge productions, everyday practices and policies of the good late life""";"Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences";"2014-09-26";"14:00";"";"";"Room 21.0.54, KUA1, Njalsgade 120, DK-2300 Copenhagen S";"Aske Juul Lassen, Center for Healthy Aging and Saxo Institute, defends his PhD dissertation on active ageing policies and their constructions, effects and negotiations with everyday life. The defence is open to the public.";"PhD defence by Aske Juul Lassen, Center for Healthy Aging, Saxo Institute, September 26th 2014 at 2 pm, in room 21.0.54, KUA1, Njalsgade 120, DK-2300 Copenhagen S. The defence is open for public attendance. Active ageing at an activity centre in Copenhagen. Photo: Aske Juul Lassen © Construction and effect of active ageing policiesSince the end of the 1990s, the European Union and the World Health Organization have proposed active ageing as the best possible solution to the problem of ageing populations. Aske Juul Lassen researches how active ageing policies are constructed, what effects they have in the world, and how they are negotiated with everyday practices of the elderly.Ethnographic fieldwork and document studiesAske Juul Lassen explores these topics via ethnographic fieldwork at two activity centres in the Copenhagen area, via document studies of policy papers and gerontological literature about the concept of activity, and via participation in a public-private innovation partnership that developed technologies catering to the active late life. Aske Juul Lassen New forms of the good lifeActive ageing promotes a specific ideal of the good late life that unmakes old age, but when this ideal becomes entangled with the everyday practices of the elderly, it is transformed in various ways. While active ageing may constitute an unmaking of old age, this is a generative unmaking that creates new forms of the good late life.The need for a cultural analytical and ethnological approachAt the defence Aske Juul Lassen will show how local and culturally specific practices suggest alternative ways of ageing actively, which must be accounted for in the construction of active ageing policies. He proposes a model to think about ageing that calls for cultural analytical and ethnological ways of engaging in the design of the ageing society.Assessment committee Sarah Lamb, Professor of Anthropology, Brandeis University Lotte Huniche, Associate Professor at the Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark Klaus Lindgaard Højer, Professor at the Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen (chair) " "Trust and Ethical Selfhood";"Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen ";"2012-03-30";"13:15";"";"";"Faculty of Theology, Aud. 7, Købmagergade 44-46, 1150 Copenhagen K.";"Public Defence of Gry Ardal Printzlau's PhD Thesis.";"Public Defence of Gry Ardal Printzlau's PhD Thesis ""Trust and Ethical Selfhood"". Assessment Committee: Associated Professor Carsten Pallesen (Chairman) Faculty of Theology University of Copenhagen Professor Emeritus Lars Hertzberg Åbo Akademi Professor Ingolf U. Dalferth Universität Zürich Supervisor: Arne Grøn Out of respect for the candidate the doors will close at exactly 1:15 PM. Interview with Gry Ardal Printzlau at website for University of Copenhagen (in Danish)" "Understanding Schizophrenia. Investigations in Phenomenological Psychopathology";"University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health Sciences and Center for Subjectivity Research";"2012-02-13";"10:00";"";"13:00";"University of Copenhagen, Njalsgade 136, Building 27, Aud. 27.0.09, 2300 Copenhagen S";"Public Defence of Mads Gram Henriksen's PhD Thesis ""Understanding Schizophrenia. Investigations in Phenomenological Psychopathology"". ";" Public Defence of Mads Gram Henriksen's PhD Thesis ""Understanding Schizophrenia. Investigations in Phenomenological Psychopathology"". Click to see abstract Assessment Committee: (Chairman) Clinical Associate Professor, MD Lennart Bertil Jansson Dept. of Neurology, Psychiatry and Sensory Sciences University of Copenhagen Denmark Professor, dr.med. Christoph Mundt Klinik für Allgemeine Psychiatrie Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg Germany Professor, PhD Shaun Gallagher Department of Philosophy University of Memphis USA Faculty supervisor: Clinical Professor, Josef Parnas Dept. of Neurology, Psychiatry and Sensory Sciences University of Copenhagen Denmark Project supervisor: Professor, PhD, Dan Zahavi Dept. of Media, Cognition and Communication Center for Subjectivity Research University of Copenhagen Denmark " "Self-disorders as Schizophrenia Spectrum Vulnerability Phenotypes";"Center for Subjectivity Research ";"2011-05-04";"14:00. (The doors will be closed at exactly 14:00)";"";"";"Hannover Auditoriet, Panum Instituttet, Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 Copenhagen N";"Public Defence of Andrea Raballo's PhD Thesis ""Self-desorders as Schizophrenia Spectrum Vulnerability Phenotypes"". ";"Public Defence of Andrea Raballo's PhD Thesis ""Self-desorders as Schizophrenia Spectrum Vulnerability Phenotypes"". Assessment Committee: Professor Bent Rosenbaum (Chairman) University of Copenhagen Denmark Professor Thomas Fuchs Klinik für Allgemeine Psychiatrie Zentrum für Psychosoziale Medizin Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg Germany Professor Matthew Ratcliffe Department of Philosophy, Durham University United Kingdom " "Dissertation Defence: Rasmus Thybo Jensen: ""Perception and Action - an Analogical Approach""";"";"2008-12-08";"13:00";"";"";"South Campus, auditorium 23.0.50";"Rasmus Thybo Jensen, Dept. of Philosophy and Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, will defend his dissertation ""Perception and Action - an Analogical Approach"".";"Rasmus Thybo Jensen, Dept. of Philosophy and Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, will defend his dissertation ""Perception and Action - an Analogical Approach"". Assessment Committee Associate Professor Klemens Kappel (chairman), University of Copenhagen Professor Shaun Gallagher, University of Central Florida Associate Professor Thomas Schwarz Wentzer, University of Aarhus Director of the Defence Associate Professor Leo Catana. " "Koko's Daughters";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2008-07-21";"Kl. 13.00 præcis";"";"";"Lokale 22.0.11 ";"Mandag den 21. juli forsvarer Pernille Ipsen sin ph.d.-afhandling 'Koko’s Daughters. Danish men marrying Ga women in an Atlantic slave trading port in the eighteenth century.' ";" Mandag den 21. juli forsvarer Pernille Ipsen sin ph.d.-afhandling 'Koko’s Daughters. Danish men marrying Ga women in an Atlantic slave trading port in the eighteenth century.' Bedømmelsesudvalget Lektor Peter Fibiger Bang (formand), Saxo-instituttet, Københavns Universitet Professor Per Hernæs, Department of History and Classical Studies, NTNU, Trondheim Professor Jennifer Morgan, Departments of Social and Cultural Analysis and of History, New York University Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Anne Løkke, Saxo-instituttet Københavns Universitet Af hensyn til kandidaten lukkes dørene præcis. Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Saxo-Instituttet, Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Njalsgade 102, 2300 København S. " "Rockens Rulletekster: En undersøgelse af dansk tvs formidling af rock 1951-1988 ";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2008-06-18";"Kl. 13.00 præcis";"";"";"Musikvidenskab, Klerkegade 2, lokale 112";" Ph.d.-forsvar ved Anja Mølle Lindelof. ";" Ph.d.-forsvar ved Anja Mølle Lindelof. Bedømmelsesudvalget Lektor Michael Fjeldsøe (formand), Københavns Universitet Professor Alf Björnberg, Göteborgs Universitet Anne Danielsen, Universitetet i Oslo Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Annemette Kirkegaard, Københavns Universitet Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Kunst og Kulturvidenskab, afdeling for Musikvidenskab, Klerkegade 2, DK-1308 København K. " "I begyndelsen var mønstret: Genetisk-bibliografiske læsninger i James Joyces Finnegans Wake (1939)";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2008-06-06";"Kl. 13.00 præcis";"";"";"Lokale 23.0.49, Njalsgade 128, 2300 København S";" Ph.d.-forsvar ved Jakob Greve. ";" Ph.d.-forsvar ved Jakob Greve. Bedømmelsesudvalget Lektor ph.d.Lilian Munk Rösing (formand), Københavns Universitet Lektor mag. art. Steen Klitgård Povlsen, Aarhus Universitet Lektor ph.d. Mikkel Bruun Zangenberg, Syddansk Universitet Leder af forsvarshandlingen Institutleder Marianne Ping Huang, Københavns Universitet Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Kunst og Kulturvidenskab, Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Karen Blixens Vej 1, 2300 København S. " "Dissertation Defense: René Korsholm Rosfort: ""Subjectivity and Ethics. Ricoeur and the Question of Naturalizing Personhood""";"Faculty of Theology";"2008-06-04";"13:00-16:00";"";"";"Faculty of Theology, Auditorium 7, Købmagergade 46, 1. floor, KU";" René Korsholm Rosfort, Faculty of Theology and Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen. ";" René Korsholm Rosfort, Faculty of Theology and Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, will defend his dissertation ""Subjectivity and Ethics. Ricoeur and the Question of Naturalizing Personhood"". Assessment Committee Professor Dr. Ingolf U. Dalferth, School of Religion, Claremont Graduate University, USA. Docent Dr. Hans Fink, Institute of Philosophy and History of Ideas , Aarhus University. Associate Professor Carsten Pallesen, Department of Systematic Theology, University of Copenhagen (Head of Committee) The dissertation is available at the reception desk for 50 DKK. After the defense the Faculty of Theology will be the host of a reception. " "En grænsegænger mellem oplysning og romantik";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2008-05-30";"Kl. 14.00 præcis";"";"";"Lokale 22.0.11";"Ph.d.-forsvar ved Anna Sandberg ";" Ph.d.-forsvar ved Anna Sandberg Bedømmelsesudvalget Docent dr. phil. Hans Peter Lund (formand) Københavns Universitet Professor dr. phil. Per Øhrgaard Copenhagen Business School Professor Dr. Karin Hoff Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor, ph.d. Birthe Hoffmann Københavns Universitet Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Njalsgade 128, 2300 København S. " "De virkelige halvfjerdsere: krop, køn og performativitet hos Suzanne Brøgger og Kirsten Thorup";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2008-05-30";"Kl. 13.00 præcis";"";"";"Lokale 27.0.09";" Ph.d.-forsvar ved Louise Zeuthen. ";" Ph.d.-forsvar ved Louise Zeuthen. Bedømmelsesudvalget Lektor Erik Skyum-Nielsen (formand), Københavns Universitet Lektor Rune Gade, Københavns Universitet Professor Anne-Marie Mai, Syddansk Universitet Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Bente Rosenbeck, Københavns Universitet Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Njalsgade 120, 2300 København S. " "Demokratisering af Vesttyskland – belyst gennem CDU i Slesvig-Holstens integration af demokrati-skeptiske vælgere ";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2008-05-30";"Kl. 13.00 præcis";"";"";"Lokale 15.1.30A, Njalsgade 80, 2300 København S";" Ph.d.-forsvar ved Allan Borup. ";" Ph.d.-forsvar ved Allan Borup. Bedømmelsesudvalget Lektor Mogens Pelt (formand), Københavns Universitet Lektor Johnny Laursen, Aarhus Universitet Professor Robert Bohn, Universität Flensburg Leder af forsvarshandlingen Professor Poul Villaume, Københavns Universitet Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Saxo Instituttet, Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Njalsgade 80, 2300 København S. " "Ikke-provokation, beroligelse og afspænding - karakteren af dansk imødekommende politik over for Sovjetunionen 1949-1969";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2008-05-28";"Kl. 13.00 præcis";"";"";"Lokale 22.0.11";" Ph.d.-forsvar ved Jonathan Søborg Agger. ";" Ph.d.-forsvar ved Jonathan Søborg Agger. Bedømmelsesudvalget Lektor Palle Roslyng Jensen (formand), Saxo-instituttet, Københavns Universitet Professor Thorsten Borring Olesen, Institut for Historie og Områdestudier, Aarhus Universitet Lektor Marianne Rostgaard, Institut for Historie, Internationale Studier og Samfundsforhold, Aalborg Universitet Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Karl Christian Lammers, Saxo-instituttet Københavns Universitet Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Saxo-Instituttet, Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Njalsgade 102, 2300 København S. " "Blik og begivenhed - En diskussion af fotografiets historiske potentialer med nedslag i krig, koloni og kommercialisme 1860-1920";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2008-05-09";"Kl. 13.00 præcis";"";"";"Lokale 23.0.50";" Ph.d.-forsvar ved Louise Wolthers ";" Blik og begivenhed - en diskussion af fotografiets historiske potentialer med nedslag i krig, koloni og kommercialisme 1860-1920 Ph.d.-forsvar ved Louise Wolthers. Bedømmelsesudvalget Lektor Mette Sandbye (formand) Københavns Universitet Lektor Dorthe Gert Simonsen Københavns Universitet Lektor Lars Kiel Bertelsen Århus Universitet Leder af forsvarshandlingen Lektor Ragni Linnet Københavns Universitet Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Kunst og Kulturvidenskab, Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Njalsgade 120, 2300 København S. " "Myth and Memory - Satan and the Other in Islamic Tradition";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2008-05-05";"Kl. 13.00 præcis";"";"";"Lokale 22.0.11";" Ph.d.-forsvar ved Jean Butler ";" Ph.d.-forsvar ved Jean Butler. Af hensyn til kandidaten lukkes dørene præcis. Bedømmelsesudvalget: Professor dr. phil. Jørgen Bæk Simonsen (formand) Københavns Universitet Professor dr. phil. Angelika Neuwirth Freie Universität Berlin Professor dr. phil. Andrew Rippin University of Victoria, Canada Leder af forsvarshandlingen: Lektor Joel Nordborg Nielsen Københavns Universitet Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier, Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Snorresgade 17-19, 2300 København S. " "Studier i overgangen fra nedertysk til højtysk skriftsprog i Tønder i 1500- og 1600-tallet";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2008-05-02";"Kl. 13.00 præcis";"";"";"Lokale 22.0.11";" Ph.d.-forsvar ved Birgit Christensen ";" Af hensyn til kandidaten lukkes dørene præcis. Bedømmelsesudvalget: Lektor dr. phil. Niels Erik Larsen (formand) Københavns Universitet Professor dr. phil. Kurt Braunmüller Universität Hamburg Førsteamanuensis dr. phil. Steinar Nybøle Østfold University College Leder af forsvarshandlingen: Docent Lisbeth Falster Jakobsen Københavns Universitet Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Njalsgade 128, 2300 København S. " "Hør dog hvad de siger - at undersøge danskernes holdninger til engelsk";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2008-05-02";"Kl. 13.00 præcis";"";"";"Lokale 23.0.49";" Ph.d.-forsvar ved Jacob Thøgersen ";" Bedømmelsesudvalget: Professor Professor Jens Normann Jørgensen (formand) Københavns Universitet Professor Bent Preisler Roskilde Universitetscenter Lektor Jakob Steensig Århus Universitet Efter forsvaret vil der være reception i Dansk Sprognævns lokaler i Njalsgade 136, byg. 27. 3. sal. Tilmelding skal ske senest mandag den 28. april på adm@dsn.dk Leder af forsvarshandlingen: Lektor Bente Holmberg Københavns Universitet Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Nordisk Forskningsinstitut, Det Humanist iske Fakultet, Njalsgade 136, 2300 København S. " "L2 Vowel Perception and Production Accuracy: is naturalistic learning always more effective than instructed learning";"Det Humanistiske Fakultet";"2008-04-08";"Kl. 14.00-17.00";"";"";"Lokale 22.0.11";" Ph.d.-forsvar ved Hanne Pernille Andersen ";" Ph.d.-forsvar ved Hanne Pernille Andersen Af hensyn til kandidaten lukkes dørene præcis kl. 14. Bedømmelsesudvalget Lektor Dorte Albrechtsen (formand), Københavns Universitet Professor Ocke-Schwen Bohn, Aarhus Universitet Førsteamanuensis Dawn Behne, Norges Tekniske Universitet, Trondheim Leder af forsvarshandlingen: Lektor dr. phil. Viggo Hjørnager Pedersen, Københavns Universitet Et antal eksemplarer af afhandlingen er fremlagt til gennemsyn og hjemlån i Det Kgl. Biblioteks information på Københavns Universitet Amager og til gennemsyn på Det Kgl. Biblioteks læsesal Øst, Diamanten samt på Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Det Humanist iske Fakultet, Njalsgade 128, 2300 København S. "